Project Divinity

Vol.2 Ch.12 – Power Leveling

Chapter 12: Power Leveling

The next morning Elaine woke up still holding Evelyn in her arms. It was an oddly domestic moment she hadn't had since breaking up with her last long-term girlfriend. Waking up in a tangle with Alexis and Ophelia had been fun but not quite as intimate as this felt. Maybe she should be giving them each more alone time? Or maybe this was just a side effect of dating three girls at once and that she still had to get used to.

Speaking of Ophelia, the moment she properly woke up Elaine saw the notification for a new message. The fact that there was only a notification rather than the message simply flashing in front of her meant that the message must have come in while she'd still been asleep. She remembered Ophelia saying something about needing less sleep than a normal human before, so that explained how Ophelia would be awake before someone used to a military rhythm.

Things had ironically gotten much more laid-back ever since the Invasion and Elaine could now sleep in if she wanted to but her body was still used to the shorter sleep patterns and early wake-up calls that came with being a soldier. As such, she had of course been awake long before Evelyn and so she got to listen to her girl making some adorable squeaking sounds as she slept.

How did a girl this cute have a Soul Shard of Indra inside her? Oh right, the penchant for doing stupid things and then enjoying the punishment that came of it, probably. Elaine made a mental note never to let Evelyn drink too much, too. Indra had a reputation for being unable to hold his liquor.

She shook it off and focused on Ophelia's message.

Just warning you that you owe Cassie a date now.

So Cassie had talked to Abigail then? Elaine smiled. Maybe she would be able to find some common ground between Abigail and herself after all. It also helped that she really didn't mind the idea of going on a date with Cassie. The mere fact that Cassie copied Astolfo's hairstyle told her that they might have at least a little in common. She also remembered that Cassie had gotten her Witcher 3 reference back in Albion, so chances were pretty good that he was actually a nerd and not just wearing his hair like Astolfo for the attention.

And then she had to swallow as her mind wandered. Cassie had said he was bisexual. But what would that mean if their relationship went anywhere? Would he accept her the way she was? Would he want her to take him? Would he want to top her? She shook it off. She found him attractive. Given the way he'd been looking at her and the fact that Ophelia had managed to bribe him with the promise of Elaine taking him out on a date she was pretty sure he found her attractive as well. But that didn't mean anything had to happen between them.

She shook the thought off and texted Ophelia:

I'll be sure to invite him on a date during breakfast.
So, what did he find?
You take him out on a date and then you get the scoop.

Elaine rolled her eyes.

Oh no, I have to take a cutie out on a date, what a sacrifice.
Very mature.
You coming to breakfast later?
I thought after asking Cassie out you girls could do your leveling together.
Sounds good

As she sent the last message Elaine wiped away the AR displays as she noticed Evelyn stirring in her arms.

Morning, baby”, she told the redhead.

Evelyn felt so small in her arms it was bizarre to think the willowy little woman could crush concrete with her bare fists.

Your voice is way too sexy when it's rough from sleep”, Evelyn muttered, only half awake.

Same to you”, Elaine told her. “Now get up or we won't be getting out of bed.”

I could think of worse ways to spend the day”, Evelyn mused.

In response Elaine started tickling her.

Stop, stop!”, Evelyn giggled out.

Get up you evil temptress”, Elaine told her, keeping the tickling up. “We can't spend the entire day in bed.”

Evelyn squirmed out of bed, just to get away from Elaine's tickling fingers. “There”, she gasped out, “I'm up, you evil woman.”

By the time she finished speaking Elaine had gotten out of bed as well and pulled her into a kiss. It wasn't a hot and steamy kiss but it wasn't just a peck on the lips, either. It was the kind of kiss one gave a lover and it made their hearts soar.


When Cassie entered the cafeteria all of his other teammates were already present. Evelyn was giving Elaine the most adorable puppy-dog eyes he'd ever seen while Ophelia and Alexis were happily chatting with each other and Elaine. Abigail, once again, sat apart, just far enough to demonstrate her awkwardness without making anyone think she wanted to leave the group.

He frowned at that. Had Ophelia not told Elaine yet what he'd told her? Oh well, there was one thing he could do. First, though, he made sure to catch Ophelia's eye before he got himself a big pibble jibble.

She rolled her eyes at him but she was smiling when she did.

When he had the food of the gods on his plate alongside a bottle of caffeinated soda he sat down at his team's table, right next to Abigail. He gave her his best social media influencer smile and then he none-too-subtly bumped her hip to push her closer to the rest of the group until they sat together like a proper team.

Abigail looked at him, a hint of panic on her face, but he just kept smiling and finally she gave up without even letting out the dramatic sigh he'd been expecting.

Good morning”, he said, slightly too cheerfully.

A chorus of “Morning”s came back before Alexis asked: “What are you eating?”

Pibble jibble”, Ophelia answered before Cassie could open his mouth.

Pibble jibble?”, Alexis asked and Cassie was more than happy to let Ophelia explain as he dug into his ambrosia.

He was extremely particular about his pibble jibble. It had to be white bread. None of that sourdough bullshit and no fancy whole wheat bread, either. Basic, buttery, nutritionally deficient white bread, toasted until golden brown. One side slathered with sweet strawberry jam, none of that artisanal barely sweetened stuff, the other slathered with a good and most importantly smooth peanut butter. Then, after marrying both sides together, he started by eating the outer crust, squeezing the middle of the sandwich to get out just enough jam and peanut butter to make the crust bites not totally bland. Only when no crust was left did he dig in to the best bites, the center bites, full of way too much peanut butter and jam. As he did he squirmed in his seat, letting out sounds that he otherwise reserved for the bedroom.

When he finally finished with his sandwich he looked up into five lightly blushing faces.

Was it good?”, Abigail asked.

I feel like I need a shower after that”, Ophelia said.

Seems more like he needs a shower”, Alexis muttered.

Had he made a mess again? It was a messy sandwich but he was usually pretty good about not letting any of it fall. But before he could find himself a mirror or something Elaine leaned forward, looming over him, and wiped a thumb over his cheek. There was jam on it. Instead of pulling her hand away and making a comment about his eating habits she held the finger in front of his mouth, almost expectantly.

He swallowed. Yes, he was interested in her but this was a bit forward, wasn't it? Ah fuck it, he was interested in her and apparently she was interested in him as well so he just leaned forward and licked the jam from her thumb, then suckled on it just a little bit. After overhearing her talk with Nurse Rachel he knew there was another part of her he'd be willing to suck on but before anything like that could happen he still had to admit to her that he knew about it. It would be awkward, yes, but he refused to let his life become a fucking anime cliche where he didn't tell her and then she found out about it later.

He realized he was still suckling on Elaine's thumb and drew away, his own cheeks as red as hers now.

Wow”, Elaine finally said. “I was gonna ask you out on a date anyway but now I'm even more sure.”

He looked away in embarrassment. Way to come across as way too eager. “Y-you want to take me out on a date?”, he finally stammered out. Honestly he found it was a valid question. Did she want to take him out on a date or was she doing it purely because Ophelia had promised him that date? Then again, would Ophelia be able to make a promise like that if Elaine wasn't interested in him? From the appreciative looks the brunette was giving him every now and then he thought she might be interested but he couldn't be sure. The woman had three girlfriends, would she even be interested in him, who was decidedly not a woman? He decided not to think about it.

Sure”, she said. “How about tomorrow?”

Y-yeah”, he said. “I'd like that.”


When everyone was done eating Elaine once again suggested they all allocate their EXP, well, minus Cassie since it would make more sense to do so after their date, in case that increased his Bond Level.

Alexis decided to start and pulled up her level up menu.

Soul Shard: Lugh Lámfada
Bond Level: 8
Available EXP: 401
Level:  7 (0/140)
Bond Level 1:
Charged Attack (Physical) – Purchased.
Rudimentary Light Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Enhanced Regeneration (Recovery) – Purchased.
Memory of Areadbhar (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 2:
Glory Hound (Physical) – Purchased.
Magic Channeling (Magical) – 20 EXP: Shortens the time required to summon the Winds of Magic by 20%.
Highlander (Recovery) – Purchased.
Memory of Aenbharr (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 3:
Charged Attack II (Physical) – 30 EXP: You can charge attacks for 1.5 seconds to increase damage inflicted by 50%. Charge for 3 seconds to double damage instead. Works on both melee and ranged attacks, but not on spells. Requires Charged Attack.
Advanced Light Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Beacon of Hope (Recovery) – Purchased.
Apparition of Areadbhar (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 4:
Glory Seeker (Physical) – Purchased.
Wise King (Magical) – Purchased.
Pulse of Life (Recovery) – 40 EXP: Increases passive regeneration by 500%. Requires Enhanced Regeneration.
Apparition of Aenbharr (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 5:
Ildánach (Physical) – Purchased.
Sunlight Channeling (Magical) – 50 EXP: Shortens the time required to summon the Winds of Magic by 30%. During daylight, shortens by a further 30%.
Soothing Sunlight (Recovery) – 50 EXP: Using light magic increases passive regeneration by 300% for as long as magic is being used.
Manifestation of Areadbhar (M) – 50 EXP: Allows user to summon a high level simulacrum of Areadbhar, which can penetrate all conventional armor and most supernatural armor on both thrusting and slashing attacks. Allows Awakener to summon an average level simulacrum of Areadbhar. Requires Apparition of Areadbhar.
Bond Level 6:
Charged Attack III (Physical) – 60 EXP: You can charge physical attack for 1 second to increase damage inflicted by 50%. Charge for 2 seconds to double damage instead. Charge for 3 seconds to increase damage inflicted by 150%. Works on both melee and ranged attacks, but not on spells. Requires Charged Attack II.
Masterful Light Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Beacon of Salvation (Recovery) – 60 EXP: 75% of all bonuses to regeneration that apply to user also radiate outward to apply to allies within 20 yards. Requires Beacon of Hope.
Manifestation of Aenbharr (M) – 60 EXP: Allows user to summon a high level simulacrum of Aenbharr. When mounted, all stats are increased by 50%. Allows Awakener to summon an average level simulacrum of Aenbharr. Requires Apparition of Aenbharr.
Bond Level 7:
Single Stroke Finish (Physical) – 70 EXP: You can charge attacks for up to five seconds. Each second increases the damage inflicted by 100%. Works on both melee and ranged attacks, but not on spells. Requires Charged Attack III.
Perfect Coordination (Physical) – 70 EXP: Significantly enhances all senses, most of all motion tracking. Allows you to land statistically improbable shots.
Unbreakable (Recovery) – 70 EXP: You gain the ability to ignore any non-fatal wounds.
Perfect Manifestation of Areadbhar (M) – 70 EXP: Allows you to summon a simulacrum of Areadbhar as powerful as it was at the height of Lugh's power. Penetrates all armor and inflicts searing wounds on impact. Allows Awakener to summon a high level simulacrum of Areadbhar. Requires Manifestation of Areadbhar.
Bond Level 8:
Samildánach (Physical) – 80 EXP: Increases all stats by 20%. Increases all of Awakener's stats by 10%. Requires Ildánach.
Wise King II (Magical) – 80 EXP: Intelligence is increased by 33%. Awakener's Intelligence is increased by 25%. Drastically enhances capacity for parallel thought. Requires Wise King.
Dominion of Eternal Summer (Support) – 80 EXP: You gain the ability to summon a field of distorted reality, saturated by sunshine no matter where you are. Enhances light and fire magic, drastically weakens Darklight and other Outsider witchcraft, and triggers any abilities that activate in sunlight in an area 100 feet around you.
Manifestation of Fragarach (M) – 80 EXP: Allows you to summon the legendary blade Fragarach, capable of sundering any armor and any fortification, able to control the winds equivalent to advanced air-elemental magic and blessed with the ability to force those with the sword at their throats to speak the truth.

Holy shit”, Evelyn breathed as she looked over Alexis' new abilities.

Yeah”, Elaine agreed. She'd already had a peak at them but they truly were insanely powerful.

If I'd known that this was what those Charged Attack skills were building up to I would have started buying them much sooner”, Alexis said as she stared at the new offerings. “500% bonus damage would let me take down a Demi-Lich in a single hit.”

Honestly that sounds like one of the least useful abilities”, Abigail said, making everyone look up at her. She blushed a little at the attention but then said: “Think about it. This entire skill set is meant to make you into a front line fighter who takes hits and then strikes back. You have a lot of abilities to let you heal damage taken by fighting on. So I think the best skill of the bunch is Unbreakable. It lets you keep going, which in turn allows you to use one of the abilities you have for healing damage.”

She's not wrong”, Ophelia said. “With Highlander all you need to do is kill something to gain a massive boost to regeneration and Unbreakable makes it so that pain won't stop you from doing it.”

But does it actually matter?”, Cassie asked. “If your armor is compromised does healing even help?”

The armor regenerates”, Ophelia said, causing Alexis, Evelyn, Abigail and Cassie to stare at her. “Seriously? None of you noticed? Elaine, what about you?”

Elaine pressed her lips together. “I had suspected. Now I'm sure.”

The others kept looking between Ophelia and Elaine.

The armor isn't just normal armor”, Elaine explained. “It was developed in Heaven. Angels wear this stuff. It's as much magical as it is technological. A couple times I got nicked with it on and thought I would have to go have it repaired and then the next morning the hole I thought I'd seen wasn't there anymore. I think the armor heals itself. It might even have other properties.”

Freaky”, Cassie said. “Cool, but freaky. Never mind then, I guess healing abilities aren't useless.”

They talked things out a bit longer but eventually Alexis just went for it.

Magic Channeling purchased (-20 EXP).
Charged Attack II purchased (-30 EXP).
Pulse of Life purchased (-40 EXP).
Manifestation of Areadbhar purchased (-50 EXP).
You gained a level!
Unbreakable purchased (-70 EXP).
Wise King II purchased (-80 EXP).
Dominion of Eternal Summer purchased (-80 EXP).
You gained a level!
Remaining EXP: 31
Name: Alexis Bigsby
Gender: Female
Species: Human (homo sapiens)
Sub-type: Shard Bearer (Lugh Lámfada)
Level: 7 9
Vigor: 24 41
Endurance: 24 41
Strength: 31 38 (+8)
Toughness: 31 38 (+8)
Agility: 41 65 (+13)
Intelligence: 33 56 (+18)
Fortitude: 33 48
Luck: 25 41
Abilities: Summon Areadbhar, Summon Aenbharr, Charged Attack II, Dominion of Eternal Summer, Magic (Light)

Sweet merciful Christ”, Evelyn said. “Look at those stats.”

Yeah”, Ophelia said, then turned to Elaine. “How are you doing?”

Amazing”, Elaine said, then shared her own notifications.

One of your followers has gained a level! Stats awarded.
Level: 8 10
Vigor: 61 71
Endurance: 61 71
Strength: 54 59 (+18)
Toughness: 54 59 (+6)
Agility: 79 93 (+28)
Intelligence: 77 90 (+31)
Fortitude: 73 82
Luck: 57 67
Abilities: Awakening, Summon Areadbhar, Summon Aenbharr, Oracular Visions, Magic (Earth, Wind, Lightning, Fire, Ice, Light, Shadow)

Alright, my turn”, Ophelia said and pulled up her level up menu.

Soul Shard: Hecate
Bond Level: 8
Available EXP:  397
Level: 7 (40/140)
Bond Level 1:
Rudimentary Shadow Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Paradox Flame (Magical) – Purchased.
Shadow Palace (Recovery) – Purchased.
Hounds of Hades (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 2:
Shadow Flames (Magical) – Purchased.
Shadow's Embrace (Recovery) – Purchased.
Advanced Herb Lore (Recovery) – 20 EXP: Grants advanced knowledge of herb use. Can create ointments, salves and potions with effects that baffle mortal pharmaceutics.
Memory of Lampade Wand (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 3:
Advanced Shadow Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Shadow Channeling (Magical) – Purchased.
Shadow Cowl (Physical) – Purchased.
Aspect of Liminality (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 4:
Lurker In The Dark (Magical) – 40 EXP: Can cast magic from any shadow within line of sight.
Shadow Sanctuary (Recovery) – Purchased.
Consuming Shadow (Physical) – Purchased.
Apparition of Lampade Wand (M) – 40 EXP: Allows user to summon a average manifestation of Hecate's role as a goddess of witchcraft. Wand amplifies all magic cast through it by 50%, except for constructs involving Shadow Magic, which it amplifies by 75%. Allows Awakener to summon a lesser manifestation of this Wand. Requires Memory of Lampade Wand.
Bond Level 5:
Masterful Shadow Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Light in the Dark (Support) – Purchased.
Darklight Vanquisher (Magical) – 50 EXP: Using skills and spells to disperse Darklight constructs deals damage to the caster.
Call of the Hunt (M) – 50 EXP: User can summon six spectral hound constructs that act as homing rebounding missile weapons. Inflicts catastrophic damage against undead targets. Requires Hounds of Hades.
Bond Level 6:
Advanced Shadow Channeling (Magical) – 60 EXP: Shortens the time required to summon the Winds of Magic by 30%. When at least 50% covered in shadows, shortens by a further 30%. Requires Shadow Channeling.
Guide Through the Dark (Support) – 60 EXP: All allies within 15 yards of user have perfect night vision and gain a precognitive ability that warns of incoming harm.
Umbral Embrace (Recovery) – Purchased.
Avatar of Liminality (M) – 60 EXP: Allows user to phase-shift themselves and their allies. Can transport to any other shadow within line of sight or within memory. Movement is instantaneous. Awakener may use the Aspect of Liminality version of this skill. Requires Aspect of Liminality.
Bond Level 7:
Shadow Stitching (Physical) – 70 EXP: You gain the ability to pin an enemy's shadow to the ground. Entities with pinned shadows cannot move until they have torn themselves loose. Highly effective on anything that casts shadows, including Outsiders. Keep in mind that not all beings cast shadows...
Umbral Palace (Recovery) – 70 EXP: Passive regeneration of allies within 10 yards is increased by 200%. When at least 50% of body is covered in shadows, passive regeneration of allies within 20 yards is increased by 500% and Darklight attacks have no effect on allies affected within this range. Requires Shadow Sanctuary.
Light in the Dark II (Support) – 70 EXP: Allies within 30 yards of the user need 30% less time to summon the Winds of Magic and take significantly reduced damage from magical attacks, particularly Darklight attacks. Requires Light in the Dark.
Sacred Herb Garden (M) – 70 EXP: Grants access to a small pocket dimension housing all manner of medicinal plants, some magical and some mundane. Plants grow back when taken. Requires Advanced Herb Lore.
Bond Level 8:
Masterful Blood Magic (Magical) – 80 EXP: Grants access to masterful Shadow, Water and Metal magic. Grants your Awakener access to masterful shadow-elemental magic as well as to advanced water and metal-elemental magic. Requires Masterful Shadow Magic.
Umbral Dominion (Support) – 80 EXP: You gain the ability to summon a field of distorted reality, saturated by shadows. Shadow and Blood magic within this area is significantly enhanced, Darklight and other Outsider witchcraft is severely weakened, and spells cast by allies inflict double damage against Outsider shields.
Sorcerous Domination (Magical) – 80 EXP: Your spells penetrate anti-magic barriers and you gain intricate knowledge on how to unravel magical constructs.
Manifestation of Blood Daggers (M) – 80 EXP: Allows you to summon a higher level manifestation of Hecate's role as a goddess of blood sacrifices. These daggers are supernaturally sharp and can cut through armor. When coated with blood their blades extend until they reach the size of proper swords. Additionally they enhance the effects of Blood Magic. Stacks with the effects of the Lampade Wand.

I can't put into words how glad I am that I didn't waste Credits on buying one of those Thorns Jeanne is selling”, Ophelia said as she stared at the dagger M skill.

And that weird herb lore skill finally makes sense now”, Elaine said. “Though 70 EXP is a bit steep for the ability to pluck healing herbs out of thin air.”

I think I would need to have bought the herb lore skill to refute that”, Ophelia said. “But I don't think I'm going to bother with those skills for now. Okay, I think I know what I want.”

Apparition of Lampade Wand purchased (-40 EXP).
Guide Through the Dark purchased (-60 EXP).
You gained a level!
Masterful Blood Magic purchased (-80 EXP).
Light in the Dark II purchased (-70 EXP).
Manifestation of Blood Daggers purchased (-80 EXP).
You gained a level!
Remaining EXP: 67
Name: Ophelia Devereux
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire (Homo sapiens haemophagis)
Sub-type: Shard Bearer (Hecate)
Level: 7 9
Vigor: 36 41
Endurance: 36 38
Strength: 24 29
Toughness: 24 29
Agility: 49 75
Intelligence: 40 67
Fortitude: 35 49
Luck: 26 55
Abilities: Preternatural Strength, Preternatural Speed, Preternatural Regeneration, Summon Lampade Wand, Summon Hounds of Hades, Summon Blood Daggers, Umbral Embrace, Magic (Shadow/Water/Metal/Paradox Flame)

Weird, I could have sworn your Vigor was 35 when you were done leveling last time”, Elaine said as she stared at Ophelia's stats.

Good thing it's not just me then”, Ophelia said. “I thought it looked off. A glitch, maybe?”

I doubt it”, Elaine said. “You haven't been bullying Cassie for his apples, have you?”

Hey!”, Ophelia protested. “I don't bully people.”

Elaine raised an eyebrow at her.

Ophelia fumed.

She's messing with you”, Alexis told the vampire. “Cassie's apples increase Vigor and Endurance but only your Vigor stat is off.”

Speaking of”, Elaine said, looking at Cassie, “have you been eating those apples?”

I have”, he said. “They're showing effect. And, just to be clear”, he turned to Ophelia, “you wouldn't have to bully me. I'd just give some to you if you asked.”

I'm not a bully”, Ophelia protested.

What you did the other night doesn't count?”, Alexis teased.

You're all mean”, Ophelia whined as she crossed her arms and Elaine leaned over to kiss her cheek, causing her to blush despite her pout.

One of your followers has gained a level! Stats awarded.
Level: 10 10
Vigor: 71 73
Endurance: 71 73
Strength: 59 61 (+18)
Toughness: 59 61 (+6)
Agility: 93 106 (+32)
Intelligence: 90 103 (+36)
Fortitude: 82 89
Luck: 67 81
Abilities: Awakening, Summon Areadbhar, Summon Aenbharr, Summon Lampade Wand, Oracular Visions, Magic (Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning, Fire, Ice, Metal, Light, Shadow)

Should I go next or do you want to?”, Evelyn asked Abigail.

Go ahead”, Abigail told her. “I'm fine going last.”

Evelyn nodded and pulled up her menus.

Soul Shard: Indra
Bond Level: 8
Available EXP: 366
Level:  7 (40/140)
Bond Level 1:
Strength of Thunder (Physical) – Purchased.
Thunderstorm Invigoration (Recovery) – 10 EXP: During stormy weather, passive regeneration is increased by 200% and stamina is limitless.
Rudimentary Lightning Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Memory of Vajra (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 2:
Lightning Reflexes (Physical) – Purchased.
Lightning Body (Recovery) – 20 EXP: When subjected to strong current, instead of suffering damage, regeneration is increased depending on strength of current. Provides immunity to lightning damage.
Rudimentary Air Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Memory of Deva Arms (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 3:
Greater Strength of Thunder (Physical) – Purchased.
Resuscitation (Recovery) – 30 EXP: Grants ability and knowledge of how to resuscitate allies with controlled bursts of electricity. Allies resuscitated this way have their natural regeneration increased by 500% for the next 20 minutes.
Advanced Lightning Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Memory of Thousand Eyes (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 4:
Greater Lightning Reflexes (Physical) – Purchased.
Font of Soma (Recovery) – Purchased.
Power of the Storm (Magical) – Purchased.
Apparition of Vajra (M) – 40 EXP: Allows user to summon an average level simulacrum of Indra's Vajra, which amplifies lightning magic by 50%. Allows Awakener to summon a low level simulacrum of Indra's Vajra. Requires Memory of Vajra.
Bond Level 5:
King of the Gods (Physical) – Purchased.
Greater Font of Soma (Recovery) – Purchased.
Advanced Air Magic (Magical) – 50 EXP: Grants access to advanced air-elemental magic. Grants Awakener access to rudimentary air-elemental magic. As Awakener already has access to Air Magic, will amplify Awakener's air-elemental magic by 25% instead. Requires Rudimentary Air Magic.
Apparition of Deva Arms (M) – 50 EXP: User can summon a set of spectral arms that function the same as normal arms, except any damage suffered by them can be reversed by dismissing and re-summoning them. Spectral arms are significantly stronger than real arms. Allows Awakener to summon a single spectral arm. Requires Memory of Deva Arms.
Bond Level 6:
Lightning Charge (Physical) – 60 EXP: Gather energy while in motion. Upon attacking opponent in melee, all gathered energy is expelled, increasing damage depending on the energy gathered, up to 200%.
Immunization (Recovery) – 60 EXP: Grants immunity to any hostile effect that weakens perceptions or inhibitions.
Masterful Lightning Magic (Magical) – 60 EXP: Grants access to masterful lightning-elemental magic. Grants Awakener access to advanced lightning-elemental magic. Requires Advanced Lightning Magic.
Akashic Knowledge (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 7:
King of the Gods II (Physical) – 70 EXP: Strength, Agility and Toughness are increased by 30%. Awakener's Strength, Agility and Toughness are increased by 25%. Requires King of the Gods.
Exalted Font of Soma (Recovery) – 70 EXP: Regeneration is increased by 900%. Three times a day, user can grant an ally +1500% regeneration for 10 minutes. If used once, bonus regeneration is decreased to 600% until the end of the day. If used twice, bonus regeneration is decreased to 300%. If used three times, you no longer benefit from the increased regeneration until the end of the day. Requires Greater Font of Soma.
Manifestation of Deva Arms (M) – 70 EXP: You can summon a set of spectral arms that function the same as normal arms, except any damage suffered by them can be reversed by dismissing and re-summoning them. When summoned, your Strength is increased by 20% and spectral arms are just as strong as your own. Allows Awakener to summon a set of spectral arms as strong as their own. Requires Apparition of Deva Arms.
Manifestation of Vajra (M) – 70 EXP: Allows you to summon a high level simulacrum of Indra's Vajra, which amplifies lightning magic by 75% and can break through all but the toughest armor when swung with force. Allows Awakener to summon an average level simulacrum of Indra's Vajra. Requires Apparition of Vajra.
Bond Level 8:
Lightning Charge II (Physical) – 80 EXP: Gather energy while in motion. Upon attacking opponent in melee, all gathered energy is expelled, increasing damage depending on the energy gathered, up to 500%. Requires Lightning Charge.
Masterful Storm Magic (Magical) – 80 EXP: Grants access to masterful lightning, air and water-elemental magic. Grants Awakener access to masterful lightning magic as well as advanced air and water-elemental magic. As Awakener already has access to air and water magic, will amplify Awakener's air and water magic by 50% instead. Requires Masterful Lightning Magic and Advanced Air Magic.
Apparition of Thousand Eyes (M) – 80 EXP: Grants you a 360° field of vision, allows you to see 1.5 second into your own immediate future, and grants the processing power to make full use of this information. Requires Memory of Thousand Eyes.
Memory of Vasavi Shakti (M) – 80 EXP: You may summon a low level simulacrum of the magical darts known as Vasavi Shakti. This is an anti-army tier offensive ability and will exhaust you to the point of passing out upon use. Impact is similar to a low-yield hydrogen bomb but without the radioactive fallout. WARNING: DO NOT POINT THIS WEAPON AT ANYTHING YOU DO NOT WISH TO SEE OBLITERATED.

Jesus, that scared me”, Evelyn said as she looked at the red text. “Apparently it does work exactly as you described it.”

Didn't think you'd be getting access to anything that can be compared to a goddamn nuke though”, Elaine said.

The real question is, should she buy it?”, Alexis said.

What kind of question is that?”, Ophelia asked. “It's a pocket nuke. That's stronger than anything else we've got access to.”

Exactly”, Alexis said. “It's overkill. I can't think of a single situation where this could possibly be useful.”

Well, it would have made the fight against that Shoggoth a freaking joke, for one thing”, Ophelia argued.

Sure, we could have blown that Shoggoth up, but if it's half as strong as the description suggests we would have blown up the entire town to do it”, Alexis countered.

You're both right”, Elaine finally said and everyone looked at her. “I can see very few situations where an ability this powerful could possibly help. However, in what few situation I can see it helping it's damn near the only solution I can think of. I think this is very much a case of 'better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it'. But on the other hand it's 80 points that might be better spent on something more practical. So this has to be your own decision.”

I agree with you, Elaine”, Evelyn said. “If we ever need this we really really need it. This gives us an option where we might otherwise be fucked. I would have liked to buy the magic abilities or the next upgrade for Font of Soma but contingency planning is more important.”

Apparition of Vajra purchased (-40 EXP).
Masterful Lightning Magic purchased (-60 EXP).
You gained a level!
Resuscitation purchased (-30 EXP).
King of the Gods II purchased (-70 EXP).
Lightning Body purchased (-20 EXP).
Vasavi Shakti purchased (-80 EXP).
You gained a level!
Remaining EXP: 66
Name: Evelyn Dupree
Gender: Female
Species: Human (homo sapiens)
Sub-type: Shard Bearer (Indra)
Level: 7 9
Vigor: 26 38
Endurance: 26 38
Strength: 36 49 (+15)
Toughness: 36 49 (+15)
Agility: 41 59 (+18)
Intelligence: 30 42 (+8)
Fortitude: 30 42
Luck: 25 39
Abilities: Summon Vajra, Summon Deva Arms, Summon Vasavi Shakti, Akashic Knowledge, Thousand Eyes, Font of Soma, Resuscitation, Magic (Air/Lightning)

Ah crap, you actually bought it”, Ophelia said.

Didn't you just say that she should?”, Alexis asked.

Yeah”, Ophelia said. “But think about it. She has a pocket nuke now. Now the universe is going to conspire to create a situation where she'll actually need to use it.”

This isn't a novel”, Alexis said. “It's real life. If anything, if she hadn't bought it the universe would have conspired to create a situation where she would have needed it. Now that she has it she'll never need to use it.”

You're both being silly”, Evelyn said and then looked at Elaine. “How do your stats look?”

Slightly insane”, Elaine said and showed off her notifications.

One of your followers has gained a level! Stats awarded.
Level: 10 11
Vigor: 73 80
Endurance: 73 80
Strength: 61 68 (+24)
Toughness: 61 68 (+24)
Agility: 106 116 (+41)
Intelligence: 103 110 (+38)
Fortitude: 89 96
Luck: 81 89
Abilities: Awakening, Summon Areadbhar, Summon Aenbharr, Summon Lampade Wand, Summon Vajra, Oracular Visions, Magic (Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning, Fire, Ice, Metal, Light, Shadow)

Alright, we're all done”, Evelyn said.

Abigail still has to do her leveling”, Cassie said, nudging the singer none too subtly.

Right”, Abigail said, her voice a little subdued.

What's wrong?”, Alexis asked.

Abigail turned away under the scrutiny, embarrassed.

Her Bond Level's way lower than ours”, Ophelia said. “She's embarrassed about it.”

Abigail flinched as it was laid out so bluntly.

Hey, it's okay”, Cassie told her. “It's not a competition. Come on, just buy what you think is useful.”

Alright”, Abigail said quietly.

Soul Shard: Apollo
Bond Level: 5
EXP: 637
Level: 6 (50/120)
Bond Level 1:
Rudimentary Light Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Song of Courage (Support) – Purchased.
Supporter's Reward (Support) – Purchased.
Memory of Sunlight Bow (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 2:
Rudimentary Fire Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Song of Fortitude (Support) – 20 EXP: You can produce a song that increases the Fortitude of all allies that can hear it by 25% and weakens any hostile magics targeting them.
Song of Healing (Recovery) – Purchased.
Memory of Apollo's Lyre (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 3:
Advanced Light Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Sunlight Channeling (Magical) – Purchased.
Skill Copy (Support) – Purchased.
Apparition of Sunlight Bow (M) – 30 EXP: Allows you to summon an average level simulacrum of Apollo's Bow, which can be used to fire sunlight arrows that illuminate targets, making it easier for allies to target them in turn. Allows Awakener to summon a low level simulacrum of Apollo's Bow. Requires Memory of Sunlight Bow.
Bond Level 4:
Advanced Fire Magic (Magical) – Purchased.
Musical Barrier (Recovery) – Purchased.
Song of Chance (Support) – Purchased.
Oracular Visions (M) – Purchased.
Bond Level 5:
Masterful Light Magic (Magical) – 50 EXP: Grants access to masterful light-elemental magic. Grants Awakener access to advanced light-elemental magic As Awakener already has access to advanced light magic, will strengthen Awakener's light magic by 25%. Requires Advanced Light Magic.
Skill Copy II (Support) – 50 EXP: At any point you may have any two effects from the following list active: 1) Copy 1 skill from 1 ally for your own use. 2) Grant 1 ally access to 1 of your skills. 3) Grant 1 ally access to 1 skill from 1 other ally. Cannot be used to copy skills of a higher level than this skill. Requires Skill Copy.
Unblemished Beauty (Recovery) – 50 EXP: Passive regeneration is increased by 200%, Vigor and Endurance are increased by 20% and your body will never scar.
Apparition of Apollo's Lyre (M) – 50 EXP: Allows you to summon an average level simulacrum of Apollo's Lyre. Its heavenly sound will triple the effectiveness of any 'Song' abilities you use if performed while accompanied by this lyre. Requires Memory of Apollo's Lyre.

Well, there's not much to discuss”, Abigail said. “I can buy everything and so I will buy everything. At least it all sounds useful. Well, minus that tier five recovery skill.”

I think it's worth the investment”, Elaine told her. “You're too pretty for scars.”

Abigail looked away in shame. If only Elaine knew...

Song of Fortitude purchased (-20 EXP).
Apparition of Sunlight Bow purchased (-30 EXP).
Masterful Light Magic purchased (-50 EXP).
You gained a level!
Skill Copy II purchased (-50 EXP).
Unblemished Beauty purchased (-50 EXP).
Apparition of Apollo's Lyre purchased (-50 EXP).
You gained a level!
Remaining EXP: 387
Name: Abigail Peterson
Gender: Female
Species: Human (homo sapiens)
Sub-type: Shard Bearer (Apollo)
Level: 6 8
Vigor: 20 31 (+6)
Endurance: 20 31 (+6)
Strength: 12 17
Toughness: 12 17
Agility: 34 51
Intelligence: 37 55
Fortitude: 30 41
Luck: 26 49
Abilities: Summon Sunlight Bow, Summon Apollo's Lyre, Oracular Visions, Song of Courage, Song of Luck, Song of Healing, Song of Fortitude, Skill Copy II, Magic (Light, Fire)

Yeah, she's really starting to look like a support class”, Alexis said.

More like a mage”, Cassie said. “Okay health, terrible physical stats, fast and with high magic. Letting her work as nothing but support is a waste.”

True”, Elaine said. “She's a level behind Ophelia and yet her Intelligence isn't that much lower. We're going to have to make sure to use her more as a mage. Making everyone 25% tougher is a waste when she could be blasting a quarter of our enemies away instead.”

Abigail looked up in surprise. They weren't making fun of her for being an outsider, they were impressed by her abilities. Well, maybe she could be part of this group after all. She decided to try and make the effort.

So what did you get out of it?”, she asked Elaine.

Let's see”, Elaine said and shared her notifications.

One of your followers has gained a level! Stats awarded. Ability obtained.
Level: 11 11
Vigor: 80 85
Endurance: 80 85
Strength: 68 70 (+24)
Toughness: 68 70 (+24)
Agility: 116 124 (+43)
Intelligence: 110 119 (+42)
Fortitude: 96 101
Luck: 89 100
Abilities: Awakening, Summon Areadbhar, Summon Aenbharr, Summon Lampade Wand, Summon Vajra, Summon Sunlight Bow, Oracular Visions, Magic (Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning, Fire, Ice, Metal, Light, Shadow)

Alright, so I've got that bow of yours and another massive heaping of stats”, Elaine said.

I'm kind of curious just how strong you are right now”, Abigail said.

Truthfully so am I”, Elaine said.

So what do you want to do about it?”, Ophelia asked.

The same thing we do every time you girls are done leveling, baby”, Elaine said. “Going down to the training hall to test our abilities out.”

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