100% Love from the Boss

Chapter 64 - A Notice of Critical Illness

Chapter 64 A Notice of Critical Illness

Ling Tianyi held the recording pen which Xia Xiaoluo borrowed from Luo Xixi to record the evidence and listened to it repeatedly. He heard clearly that Xia Jingru deliberately framed her by posting a group of photos on BBS and Xia Jingru’s hypocritical invitation. The saying that scared Ling Tianyi the most was that when Xia Jingru said maliciously, “Go to Hell!” and then Xia Xiaoluo cried “Ah”.

“Hey! You’ve listened to it several times. How shall we deal with the chief culprit on earth? Give the evidence to the police? Or shall we deal with her by ourselves?” Yao Sheng stood about a meter away from Ling Tianyi, leaning against the wall lazily.

“Giving her up to the police is not enough.” Said Ling Tianyi, gnashing his teeth.

“Yes, it is not enough for her to be in prison for several years. If she is lucky, she will be released on medical parole with the help of her father. However, your sweetheart will have had the rough time in vain. I wonder how she is now.” Yao Sheng said. Looking at the emergency room, he could not help shaking his head.

“Xia Xiaoluo is certain to be all right!” Ling Tianyi’s tone was very firm, but his heart was so agitated. But he could be sure of one thing, that was, whether her condition was good or bad in the end, he must avenge her.

Xia Youfeng knew what Ling Tianyi was thinking. Since Xia Xiaoluo was rescued from the well by the police, he knew that a storm was inevitable. Although he was also worried about Xia Xiaoluo, he did not dare to follow them to the hospital and he quickly went home.

“What’s going on?” Zhu Yufen asked him anxiously.

“It’s big trouble. The police have rescued Xiaoluo from the well who is still alive. Ling Tianyi now, regardless of picking on me, has gone with the ambulance. How could Jingru at this age do such a thing? It will be big trouble.” Xia Youfeng walked around the room anxiously, without knowing what to do.

“What shall I do, mom?” Xia Jingru’s tears came out because of anxiety.

“What? How do I know what to do? I’m afraid that Ling Tianyi will not only revenge on you, but also revenge on our whole family. If Xia Xiaoluo is dead, you will be OK. Because dead man tells no tales. Then it will have nothing to do with you.” Zhu Yufen said insidiously.

“Nonsense. After all, Jingru is Xiaoluo’s sister, and we are Xiaoluo’s family members. If Xiaoluo is alive, let’s ask Xiaoluo for help, because she has been a softhearted person from childhood. Perhaps we’ll be OK. But if Xiaoluo is dead, Ling Tianyi will surely revenge on us, and we will die right soon.” Xia Youfeng sat on the sofa helplessly.

“We can beg Xiaoluo to keep secret first before she can tell Ling Tianyi. Then we let her say that she fell down carelessly by herself, it is none of our business.” Zhu Yufen said.

“Don’t treat Ling Tianyi as a fool.” Xia Youfeng thought and said to Zhu Yufen, “I’ll go to the hospital now. You prepare the soup at home and take it to the hospital tomorrow. As for Jingru, you just stay at home quietly, in case Ling Tianyi sees you and wants to kill you.”

“Ling Tianyi may not know what I did!” Xia Jingru said timidly. At this moment, she regretted. She shouldn’t have made so much trouble out of a moment’s anger.

“Even if he doesn’t know what you did now, he’ll know that later. Do you think Ling Tianyi is a child? If he can’t figure out such things, how can he be the richest man in A City and the President of Huasheng Group?” Xia Youfeng said. He changed the clothes that were burnt outside and hurried to the hospital.

“Manager Ling, how is Xiaoluo now?” Xia Youfeng concerned about Ling Tianyi as soon as he saw him.

Ling Tianyi sat alone with a pair of gloomy eyes. He completely turned a deaf ear to Xia Youfeng’s words.

“Your second daughter is still in the emergency room, because of your eldest daughter. This is the notice of critical illness!” Yao Sheng threw a notice of critical illness onto Xia Youfeng’s face.

Xia Youfeng was frightened suddenly. He knew the power of Ling Tianyi, but he did not expect that Ling Tianyi knew it was Xia Jingru who had done it in such a short time.

Xia Youfeng looked at the notice of critical illness with mixed feelings. If Xia Xiaoluo could not live, Ling Tianyi’s revenge action would definitely be inevitable and continuous. He and his family would be completely ruined. In the meantime, he was also worried about Xia Xiaoluo because she was his daughter after all. Although he always neglected her, she was still his daughter.

Ling Tianyi sat quietly alone. What he hated most now was not Xia Jingru, but himself.

If he did not force her to find evidence, Xia Xiaoluo would have been in the villa, not in the emergency room of the hospital.

What made Ling Tianyi more self-blamed was that if he didn’t accuse her, roar to her, wrong her… After all, he didn’t say a good word to her.

If Xia Xiaoluo really could not survive this, she must pass away with the hatred toward him. She hated him until the last minute of her life.

Ling Tianyi bowed his head decadently. He was thinking that why didn’t he love and kiss his little girl after returning home and why did he make her leave home with injuries. If he was not so impatient today, he could talk to the little girl and believe her, he would have a great weekend.

Why did he let a little girl find evidence and eliminate the negative influences? It would be easy for him to call Chu Wei or Yao Sheng and ask them to solve it.

Unfortunately, it was no use regretting. Money could not buy the past time. He was regretful and self-blamed…

Moreover, he was afraid that he would never see the little girl’s smile, nor eat delicious food she cooked, or even that he would never have a chance to help her handle the trouble she caused…

For the whole night, Ling Tianyi felt that he was going to collapse. He prayed silently continuously. Although he never believed in God and Worshiped Buddha, he prayed to all the eastern and western gods he knew. If his little girl could survive, he would take her to worship all the gods.

The light of the emergency room was on all the time, which indicated that the rescue was still going on and that his little girl might be alive.

Finally, after 16 hours of continuous rescue, the lights of the emergency room finally went out.

Ling Tianyi immediately stood up and rushed to the door of the emergency room. Xia Youfeng, Yao Sheng and other people followed him.

“How is she, doctor?” Ling Tianyi asked the doctor excitedly, with hope and fear.

“Manager Ling, don’t worry. But she has not been out of danger yet. The patient suffered from a lot of bumps when she fell into the well and was soaked in the well for about five or six hours, thus resulting in severe wound infection. Now she is very weak. We need to observe her condition in ICU and we will treat her with the best medicine.” The doctor has been working for sixteen hours continuously, and he was so tired while speaking, so he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his handkerchief.

“When will she be out of danger?” Ling Tianyi was still worried.

“We need to observe her condition for 48 hours before we make a decision. Trauma is not serious. We want to make sure if the wound will continuously be inflamed.” The doctor said.

“Yi, don’t worry. The girl who fell into the well was so lucky that you could find her. Certainly, she will be OK.” Yao Sheng comforted Ling Tianyi, and then signaled to the doctor secretly. The doctor immediately took the nurses out.

Then, some nurses pushed Xia Xiaoluo out of the emergency room. Ling Tianyi looked at the pale face of Xia Xiaoluo with a distressed heart. He held Xia Xiaoluo’s hand and kept on calling, “Girl, wake up. Open your eyes and look at me…”

Not everyone could enter into ICU, and Ling Tianyi was kept out. However, he didn’t want to leave the hospital. He had been staring at Xia Xiaoluo through the window. There wasn’t any trace showing she was still alive. Even if he had been standing for more than an hour, he didn’t want to move a step.

Chu Wei had been in the hospital with Ling Tianyi. He saw the situation and he knew that Ling Tianyi could not go on a business trip. He could only say to Ling Tianyi, “Manager Ling, you’re busy now. I’ll talk to Manager Qian about the project you talked about earlier. You just stay in A City!”

Ling Tianyi nodded, ignoring to explain anything. At the moment, he was only worried about his little girl.

Xia Youfeng looked at his watch. It was almost noon time. Yesterday he told Zhu Yufen to bring some soup for her, but his wife did not come. Even if she came, Xia Xiaoluo could not drink that. If she brought the soup to Ling Tianyi who had eaten nothing since then, she could also show her kindness to Ling Tianyi.

Xia Youfeng went to a quiet place and called Zhu Yufen and Xia Jingru respectively, but did not get through. He could not help sighing and dialed the telephone in the house. Xia Youfeng was told by the servant that Zhu Yufen and Xia Jingru went away with luggage by taking the latest flight. Even the servant did not know where they were.

Xia Youfeng clenched his fists. That was really a prime example of the old saying, “Husband and wife are birds from the same forest. But when a disaster comes, they will fly separately”.

At this time Yao Sheng, who came back from buying something, saw Xia Youfeng and he could not help going forward to ridicule him, “Mr. Xia, your second daughter is lying in ICU; your eldest daughter is a suspect and she will be punished sooner or later. I wonder which daughter you care more about.”

Xia Youfeng said nothing. He felt very uncomfortable at this time.

“Hey, here you are.” Yao Sheng threw Xia Youfeng a packed lunch and then ignored him.

Yao Sheng just went out to buy something to eat, and he called the Ling’s villa on his way. He thought that it was necessary to let Ling Tianyi’s parents know what had happened. Ling Tianyi was out of control, so someone had to run the overall situation and the most suitable person was Sir Ling.

Yao Sheng looked at the packed lunch in his hand. The most difficult task for him was to persuade Ling Tianyi to eat the meal. If he did not eat anything, he was going to break down.

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