10,000 yuan into the stock market will blow up the financial circle!

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Pick the Cow Dung Country Stock as a Battlefield Again! Delhi Agriculture! Beat! 【Subscription】【Old】Wall Street’s side.

Five agencies are already quietly discussing what to do.

And beyond that, there are a large number of other eyes looking at them. Inside this gaze, either anticipation or jokes.

Thousands of colors, all of them.

“How many institutions behind the stocks have you been contacted?”

“There are almost 300 institutions behind the stock that are willing to work with us right now.”

“Okay, we’ll keep an eye on the opposite fund later, as long as the other party comes in, we will eat it together with the dealer!”

“What if he doesn’t get into our stocks…”

“It’s okay, the opportunity is always waiting to come, if he doesn’t come today, then wait until tomorrow, tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow, and one day he can wait for it!”

“That’s right! Just be patient, and eat it this time! What has the other party become arrogant in this N share! Unexpectedly, no one dared to stand up and confront each other! ”

“Indeed, I really can’t figure out what other people think, is it because of a victory and then I am afraid of the other party? This is also too embarrassing to the face of the beautiful country! ”

These five machine 317 structures have contacted the market makers behind nearly three hundred stocks.

There is nothing certain about the stock market.

They weren’t sure which stock Chen Yang would enter.

So you can only try to win over some of the institutions behind the stocks.

These take a “wide net” approach, and they think that they will always meet Chen Yang.

In their expectations.

As long as they meet Chen Yang, then they will join forces with the market maker behind this stock to make a wave of Chen Yang together!

In fact, this behavior is already a bit suspicious of market manipulation.

But whether it’s the official NASDAQ or other Wall Street institutions.

It’s all silent disregard for this… There is no other reason.

Chen Yang has really provoked too much hatred in N shares so many times! Whether it is an institution or an N-share official, they hate each other very much!

Now someone has finally come forward to confront Chen Yanglai head-on. Never mind whether the means behind this are black or not.

They don’t care anymore.

Now they just want to see Chen Yang fall into trouble! I just want to see Chen Yang’s big loss!

Illegal operation?

Turn a blind eye. And this is the other side.

Chen Yang also looked at the N-share market in front of him with a smile.

He has just actually seen a lot of stocks that will move abnormally in the future. The reason for their abnormal trend is the injection of Chen Yang’s funds. Judge by past experience.

It doesn’t matter if someone wants to target him behind his back.

He wasn’t the slightest bit annoyed or angry. Instead, he was enthusiastic and excited.

He had long felt that this ordinary time of making money was a little too boring. Now it’s hard to find something…

You have to say hello!

So after this observation, Chen Yang chose the next battlefield ‘Deli Agriculture’.

This stock, as soon as you hear the name, you know. A tri-country.

It was chosen as the next place to collide with the institutions because the other party was the stock of the three countries.

For the three countries.

Chen Yang’s favor for him is no worse than that of the dog country! These monkeys come to find something when they have nothing to do.

It’s long overdue!

Last time, Chen Yang picked [Sinha Software], after the reopening of N shares, Sinha Software suffered an epic crash.

This is the end of being “tossed”.

When two big money is dry in one stock. There are only two endings.

First, the stock took off later.

Second, the stock then crashed completely.

Sinha Software presents the second situation.

It is a small cap stock in itself, in fact, it can’t bear the toss.

Chen Yang’s option operation on it twice at one time directly nullified the potential of this stock!

When the rest of the speculators are also withdrawn. Sinha software, direct G.

Although Chen Yang doesn’t know what happened to the boss behind this Xinha software. But it’s bound to be bad to think about.

To be honest, Chen Yang’s messing around like this is really not good from a humanitarian point of view.

After all, behind every stock represents a company that actually exists. But…. If this act is placed on the body of the three countries….

Chen Yang not only did not feel guilty. On the contrary, I feel that it is not enough to get to where to go…. If only there was a chance in the future.

Chen Yang dares to directly manipulate the foreign exchange of the beaten girl! Back then, Soros could come to a baht sniper…. Then he Chen Yang can also come to a sniper with a hand!

Now he picks Deri Agriculture, which is a mid-cap stock. The market capitalization is around $23 billion.

But it doesn’t matter.

Now the market value of Chen Yang’s fund is simply converted into US dollars above $55 billion.

If he really went all in, he alone would be able to change the owner of this farm! And, the most critical thing is….

This stock is one of the official stocks of the three countries….

This identity will play a vital role in the confrontation between the meeting and the institution!

Look through this ability to foresee.

Later, if Chen Yang goes in and the institution

“Toss” a wave of words….

When N shares open again tomorrow, Delhi Agriculture is also about to usher in an epic crash.

Conservative is also up to 50 points. That’s all you want!

This wave is not only to harvest Wall Street, but also to hit the economies of the three countries! Killing two birds with one stone belongs to yes.

“Ten minutes later, give me a billion into Delhi agriculture first, and then catch it for me as long as there is a big sell order, and there may be a dealer to grab the chip later, and the pending orders are all hung up for me, so as not to let the dealer eat chips, understand?”

“Okay, Mr. Chen!”

“In addition, Chen Xiao, go and arrange a group of high-quality water army, let them prepare, I said that at the beginning, go to Twitter to promote a lot of negative news about Delhi’s agriculture, the kind that must break out instantly, it is best to find the overseas water army, understand?”

“Okay, Mr. Chen.”

After two instructions, Chen Xiao left in a hurry, and the traders also began to wait for a strict formation!

Ten minutes later…

Wall Street is about to roll up another whirlwind about Chen Yang….


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