10,000 yuan into the stock market will blow up the financial circle!

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: The Water Army Breaks Out! Wall Street institutional cooperation is completely broken! Successive casts! 【Subscription】

【Old version】

“Chen Xiao, immediately ask the gang of trolls to post on Twitter, and by the way, let them screenshot the stock market line chart of Delhi Agriculture and post it together, and they will sing to me!”

Along with Chen Yang’s words, Chen Xiao immediately went to make arrangements.

She came to her computer.

Typing into the chat box that had been prepared in front of him: “Now go to Twitter immediately, preferably an overseas IP, by the way, take a screenshot with Delhi Agriculture’s stock market line chart, vigorously sing down!” No less than a million after the fact! ”

The other side immediately replied: “Okay, boss.” ”

Then the water army on the opposite side began to operate.

In the current era, the water army has long formed a set of sophisticated operating patterns.

From the head to the minions below. Precise orders, precise implementation!

And the leader of the water army that Chen Xiao is looking for is an elite water army group entrenched behind major platforms such as the neck when the Chuyang Company was first established, these water army organizations would come to post a visit to the dock.

After all, companies and water armies generally need each other.

At this time, after the leader of the water army on the opposite side received Chen Xiao’s order, he directly sent the task request to the group.

The group suddenly boiled!

The key is that they are all talking about Chen Xiao’s last sentence at that time! No less than a million after the fact!

Big customers are coming!

These online trolls usually post on the Internet, and they don’t make any money at all.

This million is really a top order!

“Overseas IP? I’ll just make one! Direct charge Twitter! ”

“This order, I am bound to take it!”

“Delhi agriculture? This is a company stock in cow dung country? Good, good, good! I will die directly to death! ”

“Black cow dung country, my generation is duty-bound!”

“This can’t be which big guy in China is shorting this stock so that we are going to sing the decline, right?”

“Whatever you do, the charge will be over!” This wave can not only make money, but also engage in a cow dung country, and it belongs to thirteen birds with one stone! ”

These elite trolls usually help these stars and so on to play cover. Its own business ability is extremely strong.

Just Twitter, it’s really a little meaning to them! So, in less than a few minutes.

Twitter began to have a lot of negative comments about Delhi’s agriculture! By the way, it is also accompanied by the crazy plunge chart of Delhi’s agriculture now.

If this is just a commentary, perhaps many people will not believe it. But this chart goes with it.

It directly ignited the attention of a large number of netizens. Those netizens who were trapped inside were wailing.

There are also many speculators who are also thinking about picking up leaks.

Under the vigorous promotion of this social platform, Delhi agriculture has seen a great negative market sentiment.

For a time, the trend of Delhi’s agriculture directly changed greatly! The two agencies that were arguing noticed this scene at this time. Delhi Agriculture, which was originally shorted by those five institutions for securities lending, now its share price has fallen sharply again!

These are the original shareholders who are selling fire because of panic!

And there are also some speculators who carry out the same short selling and messing operations inside, and these chips are picked up by Chen Yang.

As for these two institutions, they were stunned.

“Watt! What the hell is going on here?! Why are there so many retail sell orders all of a sudden?! ”

“GOD! If this continues, the Delhi Agriculture stock is really going to explode! Too many sell orders will cause market panic! ”

“Fark! You three agencies hurry up! Why are you still stunned?! ”

“Nope! According to the current situation, the decline of Delhi’s agriculture is inevitable, and if we go to pick up the funds again, it will only cause a lot of losses for ourselves, and I will not participate in this cooperation. ”

“Nope! Don’t be so resolute, if you withdraw, what should we do? ”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to continue to cooperate with you in response to what you said beforehand.”


“No, this is Twitter deliberately singing empty in someone! FarkefakeFark! Who the hell?! ”

“These people’s IPs are all beautiful and local!? Watt! Is there another agency coming in and planning to pick up the leak?! ”

“Shet! These damn greedy sharks! They said they would never get involved! ”

“What now? The original plan has been completely disrupted! ”

At this moment, these two institutions have been completely confused by Chen Yang’s hand fishing boat operation….

The three sitting institutions in the Delhi agriculture stock itself also announced the termination of cooperation with those five institutions.

And they are not to blame.

It was originally agreed that they would accept the short chips of the five institutions.

In this way, the left-handed to right-handed operation of the chip is realized. So that when the time comes, it will come to harvest Chen Yang.

But the first step of the plan, the chip collection alone, did not materialize.

In the case of Chen Yanggao’s single shot, they missed the opportunity to grab chips!

And now, social platforms are instigated because they don’t know which organization is behind it.

All singing about Delhi agriculture!

Now in this situation, Delhi agriculture has seen an escape market panic.

If they continue to acquire chips as originally planned…

That could run the risk of being trapped in Delhi Agriculture’s stock. This is a scene that no institution wants to see.

Wall Street, after all, is still a strip of money. Here, of course, there is a momentary trust.

But in the face of tangible self-interest.

This little bit of trust is as insignificant as the air! Therefore, it is for their own interests not to suffer too much loss.

The three institutions that were originally in Delhi’s agriculture also began to follow the meat and dump the warehouse, which was a helpless move. 3.1 Under the premise that the mood of this market flight has exploded, that is to go to the east! The tide has come!

What about even institutions? They don’t dare to go against the trend!

Under such circumstances, Chen Yang is still vigorously acquiring chips. Before long, he had gathered half of the chips in Delhi’s agriculture. At this point, it can be stopped.

By the way, he also sold the put option on the order on which his funds were pending. One wave down, directly blood to earn tens of billions of dollars.

Now there are still half of the chips in Delhi’s agricultural market that are scattered and flowing, and that’s enough!

Next…. It’s a real show!


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