A Bio-Weapon’s Rhapsody

Chapter 31: Alexa gets her first normal outfit! ….sort of normal.

That had been interesting. She had found what was probably one of her brethren there, in the middle of a [Human] organization. Alexa had thought about revealing her true identity and asking for refuge.

[Target referred itself and host as Human.]”

That had made her stop, either [Entity: Vulcanus] was pretending to be [Human], or he truly believed it. And as far as her observations of him…there wasn’t anything [Human] in him, so he probably was a puppet to the [Human] machinations. That, or he was truly deranged and faulty [BioWepon]. And nothing was worse than a damaged uncontrolled test subject.

She had, after all, known that from experience with some of the P-series subjects that the [Humans] sent her way.

“Sorry about that Rhapsody.” The [Human] known as Billy said to her, “But the big boss is the only one that can vouch for the absence of Nanites. He can sort of speak with the buggers.”


It was good that [Main Core] turned itself off and destroyed the Nanite Swarm, if not she would have been found out.

“Why are the [Nanite Swarms] that hated?” Alexa asked in a slow voice, uncertainty in her tone.

“Haaaaah.” The [Elder] sighed, “This isn’t the kind of thing we want you kids to worry about…but then again you already met Frank. Do you know why he only lurks around and stays away from everyone else?”

Well, that was easy, because he was a top [Predator], he didn’t need to mind the weaker [Prey] around.

“Is it because of his [Insect Core]?” But still, she got the feeling that the [Elder] wasn’t referring to his power as a predator, so she hinted at it from another angle.

“Yes, Insect Core users are feared because they have the instincts of an insect, and as such they don’t have as many qualms as the rest of us. They can feed on any type of food, be it human or not. And while they will apologize, they don’t really feel bad about it.” The [Elder] spoke, she…wasn’t quite sure why that was a problem.

“The problem, Rhapsody. Is that we don’t take kindly to human-eating monsters. And while Frank is an example of an Insect Core User who can retain his [Humanity], he is only that. An example, not the rule.” The [Elder] remarked at her, right. It seemed that this face also showed her questions in the face too. “And now, why do you think a Nanite is such a problem, if I brought the Insect Core users as an example.”

Why? Oh, her [Nanite Swarm] acted in the same ways that a hive swarm did right…

“Because a [Nanite Swarm] acts with the same rules? They can eat anything and are only beholden to the programmed rules or slaved to the whims of their [Main Directive]?” Her Nanites at least acted like that. And if it caused this type of problem, then it was a good thing that her [Nanite Swarm] couldn’t live long away from her area of influence. Even if it was problematic for her.

“Exactly, the only wrong thing is that most examples of Nanites we have found aren’t bound under the rules you explained.” The [Elder] said, what? They weren’t? But her Nanites…” I know, in normal science a Nanite or a Nanite Swarm would indeed act as you stated. But most of the time a Nanite will be created using an application of a Tinker Type Core, and as you found out a few hours ago. Our Cores are created using what we ask for, our understanding or our wish/prayers whatever you interpret as what happened while during a Core Creation.”

The [Elder] started explaining, “You see, a Tinker Type Core user will think itself smart and create a Nanite, his Core Powers will guide his hand. But since the Nanite is a second or third connection to his Core Powers, it will be independent. And most Nanites have the same order at the base.”

“Eat, grow, reproduce?” Alexa said, it was the same type of rules she acted. The only difference was that instead of [Reproduce] she had [Evolve].

“Exactly, and a Nanite without someone minding it can turn into a Swarm quite fast. Some type to deal with this by making their Nanites only eat a certain type of thing. Others bypass it by making sure they can’t reproduce…” The [Elder] continued explaining.

“That….isn’t possible.” Alexa pointed out, “By definition, a Nanite will always make a new one to continue its work. They aren’t long-lived if they don’t replace those that are working…”

The [Elder] nodded at her words, “Exactly, they will make sure that what they got ordered is done. If they need to expand to do that, they will do that. They are Machines, they don’t think nor have qualms for anything.”

And at this, the [Elder] sighed and turned to look back at the way he had come, “It is part of the reason why so many people fear our boss, they fear Vulcanus because he has a Machine Core, because they fear that he will lose his Humanity.” So the robot had a Core after all, but wasn’t that redundant? What did a Machine need a [Machine Core] for?

“That is why you need to be careful, whatever you wanted when your Core formed, whatever form your wish, prayer, or whatever form you interpret. Don’t overextend it, nor share the exact details.” The [Elder] said turning to her, “It should be fine, as far as I can tell even if they overcharge your Core like they did with Vulcanus you should still be able to return to a Human form. But if yours is tied to a broad concept…Then you may lose yourself.”

There was emotion in the words the [Elder] said to her, also some form of [Regret].

“Was… [Vulcanus] human before?” Alexa asked, she wasn’t quite sure why, it was, after all, a weird thing to think. A Bioweapon that was [Human] before? Why would a [Human] reduce itself from its lofty spot at the top? It was utter madness.

“Yes,” And yet the [Elder] answered with what should have been impossible, “He had a normal Tinker Core, his was an Exosuit Tinker Core. His specialty, as the name implies, was the creation of Exosuit for all kinds of situations.”

“Then what happened?” Alexa asked, intrigued, what could make a [Human] throw away his superiority?

“He got scouted, all his friend group too. They got a contract….And under it, they got experimented on.” The [Elder] refused to elaborate further after that.

“By who?” So Alexa asked, she needed to know. What kind of organization could do such madness, what did they want?

“We aren’t sure. They never revealed themselves, and Vulcanus got rescued by the main suspects….They claimed that all of the damage had been done by a rogue entity that wanted to smear their good name.” The [Elder] spat the words,”No proof of their collaboration was found, but then again. If you can find dirt on the Saintsworths, chances are they wanted you to find it.”

“The Saintsworths?” Alexa asked, the name sounded…familiar, hadn’t the other weird blue screen stated that her name was Alexandra Saintsworths? “Like my last name?”

“Hah!” The [Elder] laughed, rude! “Yes, but its okay. Vulcanus knows that you aren’t related to them. Many people hold that name, but that doesn’t mean you have to shoulder that blame. The important one, the Saintsworths Conglomerate has been in power for ages, and their roots are everywhere.”

Actually, wasn’t the facility that made her also one that had that name at the top?

She had recorded it, and after learning to read she had gone back to reading it, she was indeed a [Bioweapon] made by [The Saintsworths Conglomerate].

“The only Saintsworths that are dangerous are those that hold the emblem of the Main House in their clothes. So if you ever see anyone with that name and an eagle in their clothes. You need to be very careful…If they have jewelry with the emblem, then you need to walk away….And if they have a tattoo…A drawing on their skin, then you run away.” The [Elder] said slowly and with great enthusiasm. “Sorry… There have been rumors for the last few years that the Saintsworths have been hunting Core Users with exotic powers, nothing confirmed of course. But your Core Power may be exotic enough that they could want it.”

Her Power? Her skill to change form? It made sense that [The Saintsworths] would want it, they have given her the skill themselves….

“So run away from anyone with that name, got it.” Alexa said nodding at that, “....I will try to make sure to remember that in my [Child Stage] form too, but….”

Yeah, that may be difficult, [Main Core]!

“[Lodging reminder….Current amount of privileges aren’t enough to command host in any form, do you wish to increase my administrative power?]”

Hah! Good try [Main Core], not yet.

“[....Host doesn’t fulfill the requirements to change administrative powers, for that you need to be of age either way.]”


“Enough of sad stories, I didn’t bring you here for that!” The [Elder] said pulling her to the side, they had been walking in a long hallway and across several [Rooms] (She had saved all the relevant information in her growing map of the base). “Behold! My cave of treasures!”

And sure enough…this…wasn’t a cave, but a bigger room with some mechanical instruments similar enough to those the [Humans] had used to give maintenance to her [Crab] form, at least till they stopped doing it and she had needed to make and destroy her parts herself.

“And here…?” Was she about to be [Dismantled]?

“Here you will try your uniform, we need a special one that can follow into your changes of form. From what I saw your clothes seem to change with you. So we need to test if they change properties or not.” The [Elder] said pointing to a smaller [Room], “But first we need your measures, so walk in there and strip.”

….Beg your pardon?

“ORA!!” And soon enough a third voice came running down, Alexa immediately took a combat stance with her legs bent and her hands near the floor. Ready to spring in any direction.

But the danger wasn’t towards her, instead, the new entity that came into the room came flying towards the [Elder], it was a [Female - Unknown Stage], and it was probably the next Stage she was missing, the same one that [Sylph] was at.

This Entity came flying and hit the [Elder] aside, “I have told you thousands of times that you are too direct!” The [Human] said sending the [Elder] away.

That….looked somewhat similar to what [SuperForce] did to her before? Was this [Human] on the same series as [SuperForce]?

“Stella, I need her measures for her suit.” The [Elder] said groaning, he had been thrown all the way to the wall, and yet….no obvious injuries. The might of the [Human] models obvious even while at risk. “She is Rhapsody, by the way, one of our newest Minions.”

“This is Rhapsody? Why did Vulcanus send me to her? He said that she needed help with the work. But…I wasn’t allowed Minion work till I was eighteen and yet she will be allowed? This is bullshit.” The new [Human] said while grumbling. So this was the other [Human] that had been allowed to work before?

She…couldn’t quite see her form with her body armor and mask on. But the one she had modeled herself was less….curveous. So there was hope for her?

“Vulcanus sent you? Did he tell you anything?” The [Elder] asked while pointing Alexa towards the small [Room].

“No? Just that Rhapsody would know what to do, since it was her who had asked for it.” So while the [Elder] distracted this entity Alexa walked in, and she found a couple of containers labeled for clothes and personal belongings. She didn’t have the second, but she did have the first.

So she took her clothes and stood there while some weird [Lens] shot light at her, it seemed to be some kind of laser system used to measure distances, it was quite interesting to see in action.

[Lodging use of laser-type measuring system for future use.]”

And [Main Core] seemed to be of the same opinion as her, if she could use this system, she may have an easier time collecting [Blueprints], she would, however, not use light that was within the visible spectrum. She wanted to be stealthier.

“[Measures collected, please dress yourself and exit the booth.]”

A [Square-shaped entity] spoke to her, so she did as told, first she put on her clothes (It was so hard to make them work), she may have cheated a little by reabsorbing the materials and making them anew, since she had (Maybe) put some backward. Not that it matters of course.

“See? Rhapsody understands the importance of exact measurement. She took all her clothes!” The [Elder] was still speaking in high tones of voice with the new [Human], “You could learn manners from her! If you did the same you wouldn’t have so much trouble with your chest piece!!”

“HAH! You want me to say to Papa that you wanted to get me naked!?!? Want to see how that goes?!?!?” The other [Human] said back at the [Elder].

“Don’t you use your Father only when it’s convenient! What are you? A little kid?!?!” The [Elder] fought back, who was this Father entity?

[Definition of Father: A Human whose job is to take care of the daughters or sons in a marriage relationship. Usually, they provide security and money to the household.]”

That…didn’t explain why the fear the [Elder] showed, nor the [Smug] expression the other [Human].

[Addendum; A parent entity is also known to show some biased opinions towards their offspring and are expected to defend or fight for them.]”

Well, she wanted a Father, if the [Parent] entity would fight for her, then it could be very useful to have.

"[Notice: Construction of BodySuit finished, please take results from receptacle.]"

A [Square-shaped] entity spoke, she of course had found the [Human] name for it, [Speakers]. But she still wasn't quite sure if it would be correct to refer to them as such, it was...too impersonal. Just how the [Humans] referred to [BioWeapons] like her as mere objects.

"Might as well test it, when Stella and Billy get like that, they will continue for hours." Another [Minion] wearing goggles like [Elder] said at her side offering the [BodySuit]. "You can use the same booth or the changing room in the back."

And said so giving her the [BodySuit], afterward the [Minion] went on his way, farther away from the confrontation between this [Human Designation: Stella] and the [Elder]. Smart [Human].

So Alexa did as instructed, walking back into the same booth she had used before, this time the booth didn't ask for her to undress, but the container with the [BodySuit] did come with a piece of paper with instructions.

[Recommended: No underwear or clothes under the bodysuit.]

[From a breathable material you Nagy brats.]

[Fire resistant, shock resistant, acid resistant, waterproof, padded.]

[Bulletproof only in chest area.]

Well, that seemed like easy enough, also it provided resistance to some elements her current form didn't have defenses yet, so this was designed for weaker [Humans] who hadn't achieved their peak of power?

But the [Elder] was dressed in those too, and he was at least resistant to kinetic shocks. As he had withstood being thrown across the room by [Entity Designation: Stella]. Either way, Alexa re-absorbed her current clothes back into her body, she wasn't sure if she would be able to keep them after dressing in these new clothes after all.

And if she was able to keep them, how was she supposed to carry them? She didn't have any way of keeping them around, and as far as she had been able to see, no one carried extra clothes with them. They did, however, carry some kind of pouches or [Bags] around. Perhaps they saved spares there?

Not probable.

"[Current theory for extra carrying capacity. Spare biomass.]"

See? Even [Main Core] thought like her, she would too save spare [Biomass] in those things if she had one...Maybe she should make one? No, better wait till she knew the [Rules] about owing them.

"Hah! See! She knows how to dress, she is following instructions!" The [Elder] roared a laugh as she walked out of the [Booth], making [Entity Designation: Stella] frown.

"Yeah sure, I bet she just has her underwear and left her clothes inside." The [Woman] said as she walked past her into the booth. Then after the sound of someone rummaging way more hard than needed, the [Woman] exited the booth and turned to her, "Rhapsody? Where are your clothes? No way you have them on. Even underwear would be noticeable without the armor add-ons..."

"Huh? She didn't leave them inside?" The [Elder] said confused, "But I am not getting static on her vitals...?"

So these [Clothes] registered her [Vitals]? Alexa turned to a monitor the [Elder] was pointing to, and sure enough some information was displayed, just to make sure. Alexa altered the rhythm of her heart and one of those numbers shifted, she did the same with most of the organs that had been listed as [Importants] in the [Blueprint], and sure enough, she could move them around. It was, however, mildly uncomfortable at different values. Even if she could see use in a high [Blood pressure] to move things faster across her body.

"I reintegrated my former [Clothes]." But for now, Alexa said as such, "I don't think I can do that with these, they are somehow too [Complex]."

And that had been annoying to find, she could of course decompose these clothes and take them in, but she didn't have the confidence to make them again. The design was...

"[Beautifully complex.]"

Too intricate, too complex, and there were things in some spots that she couldn't fathom why they were like that.

"You ...what? Your clothes...they were part of your power?" Stella looked aghast at her.


What was the problem with making her own [Clothes]? She didn't have the advantage of having a [Parent] figure that could pamper her and give her [Pretty Clothes]!

...where did that come from?


Rhapsody's Patreon is 9 chapter ahead~~~


*Coolz ad about it*


Join now so Alexa can learn about the wonders of sugar and mango!


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