A certain Hogwarts magical cat

Chapter 189 On the Importance of the Environment to the Growth of Little Wizards

Chapter 189 On the Importance of the Environment to the Growth of Little Wizards

When the Transfiguration class was about to end, Professor McGonagall asked the little wizards to turn beetles into buttons in class in order to review the content taught last semester. The more exquisite and beautiful the better,

When class was over, Hermione made the most exquisite and beautiful buttons. Although Alice's transformation was not so delicate, it was not bad.

But the beetles of Harry, Ron and most of the little wizards were still crawling around on the table, not to mention making exquisite buttons, not even the most common buttons.

It can be seen that the little wizards are playing crazy at home during the summer vacation. Not to mention previewing new content, even the knowledge learned in the last semester has become a lot rusty.

But this is also normal. Transfiguration is a very large and complicated system. When casting a spell, you must pay attention to many details. Once there is a problem with any detail, the spell cannot be successfully activated.

They are different from Charlie's attribute panel. Once the skills in Charlie's attribute panel are learned, they will never be forgotten, nor will they regress, and will only become stronger.

Professor McGonagall was not too angry when she saw this. This kind of situation happens every year after the holidays. She is used to it. As long as she increases the amount of daily homework later, the little wizards will soon be able to remember what they learned last year and return to their normal level.

"What class in the afternoon?"

After the Transfiguration class, in the corridor leading to the Great Hall, Harry asked Hermione feebly,

"Professor Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

Hermione took out the class schedule from her small bag and said a little excitedly.

Because Harry and the others missed Lockhart's new book signing when they went shopping in Diagon Alley,

So so far, Harry and the others have not had any additional contact with him other than seeing Lockhart at the school-opening banquet.
"Hey, why did you circle Lockhart's classes with hearts?"

Ron glanced at the timetable in Hermione's hand, and suddenly reached out to take it, with a puzzled face.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Hermione snatched back her timetable, flushing angrily.

Seeing this, Alice just covered her mouth and laughed, while Harry and Ron looked puzzled. So, they couldn't figure out why Hermione was still holding the button she made just now, looking proud, but now she suddenly got angry.

"Sure enough, girls mature earlier than boys!"

Charlie turned into a cat and stayed in the girls' dormitory for a long time, and gradually found that girls matured much earlier than boys in terms of psychology and emotions.

Although the little witches like Alice and Hermione are only eleven or twelve years old, they are probably the first and second graders in the Muggle world, but there is no shortage of romantic things in the usual messy topics.

Including having some basic understanding of the concept of love and values, Charlie heard Hermione chatting with Alice, she will definitely find a wise and knowledgeable wizard as her other half in the future,
This may be the reason why Hermione has an extraordinary affection for Lockhart, a great writer known for his erudition and wisdom with all kinds of honors!
Of course, in reality, the other half of many people is not their ideal type, because many ideal types are people you want to be, or people who are difficult for you to become. He has the same personality and hobbies as you.
And often in real life, the other half we really need is not a better self, but a person who can complement ourselves,
So the other half that Hermione found in the end was not a wizard scholar who was as rigorous as her, but Ron, a humorous but brave student.

Compared to the precocity of little witches like Alice and Hermione, little wizards like Harry and Ron are still completely ignorant about what is love and love.
In this regard, they may not be as good as the Magic Melon in their age group.

After all, Charlie remembered that he knew better than Harry and Ron when he was at this age in his previous life.

Of course, this is mainly due to those brothers who are five or six years older than him, because every time they secretly watch some movies like x is empty, in order to prevent being high-profile, they often forcefully pull him who is practicing martial arts to watch together.

He, who was addicted to martial arts, gained some enlightenment at the age of eleven or twelve.

In fact, Charlie's former junior high school classmates were more precocious than the young wizards of the same age at Hogwarts today.

It may be because children in the Muggle world can access a lot of information through the TV network, and they will naturally understand more after watching more, while the wizarding world has no relevant information in this regard at all.

In addition to concentrating on the study of magic, wizards will not shoot some love stories between wizards.

Most wizards in the wizarding world have a disdainful attitude towards Muggles and Muggle supplies, and of course they will not use and study Muggle supplies.

Therefore, in normal wizarding families, Muggle TVs, VCDs and the like do not appear.
Under such a living environment, the awakening of the little wizards can only germinate slowly as they grow up, and at this time, the little witches will understand faster than the little wizards.

after lunch,

Four people and one cat came to the lawn in the castle yard.

Harry and Ron sat on the ground and chatted about Quidditch, Hermione immersed himself in Lockhart's "Traveling with Vampires", Charlie lay on the grass and entered the state of Tiger Leopard Thunder,
Alice, on the other hand, flipped through a magic book related to potions.

For Alice, life in the orphanage is no longer a problem now that she has the director's father, Roman, and there is also the Golden Galleon provided by Charlie, so that she doesn't have to worry about money in the wizarding world.
However, Alice is also a person with self-respect. She doesn't want to be kept by Charlie forever. No matter in the Muggle world or the wizard world, people have always raised cats. How can cats be raised by humans?
Besides, with the study of Potions, she found that she did have a strong interest in the advanced knowledge of Potions, and it was not entirely for future development.
Therefore, she should study Potions well, and after becoming a master of Potions in the future, she will earn a lot of Galleons, and then she will take care of Charlie, so that things can return to normal.

Of course, Charlie didn't know what Alice was thinking.

Now he is in the form of a phantom cat, not in the form of a cat or leopard. He can't read the wizard's mind. He can only transmit sound to his ears, and of course he can't hear Alice's heartfelt voice.

But even in cat and leopard form, Charlie would not easily use the ability to read minds on Alice.
Everyone wants to have their own secrets and privacy. Even if it is the closest person, Charlie doesn't want the other person to be able to read his inner thoughts at any time.

Of course, enemies and those who are not important to him are exceptions,

Because Charlie doesn't care about the life and death of those people, will he still care about their thoughts?
Only those who are more important to Charlie, Charlie will care about the feelings of the other party, restrain his ability,

And he is not Dumbledore's old fox, who always likes to peep at other people's memories when he has nothing to do. Charlie even thinks it is a "sickness".
Get cure!

(End of this chapter)

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