A certain Hogwarts magical cat

Chapter 2 The Owl Delivering the Messenger

Chapter 2 The Owl Delivering the Messenger
However, Wu Hai has only a half-knowledge of what this virtual frame does in the past year.
First of all, the name Charlie marked at the beginning of the property panel, this is adopted by him, the kind little girl Alice, named him, it is easy to understand, (hereafter collectively referred to as Charlie)
Then race and age:
He can understand that the race is a cat, but he can't figure out what a phantom cat means, and a normal cat should be an adult in one year, but his attributes show a juvenile stage.

There is also the level and experience on the attribute panel, which he does not understand even more.

In his previous life, he was not that kind of old man who had never played games in an Internet cafe, but in normal games, he should be able to gain experience and level up by defeating or killing enemies.

But in fact, this year, he also defeated and killed many animals, such as other cats and dogs in the town, fish in the lake, and birds that landed on the ground.

He even used his current cat body to kill a human being robbed with a gun in a sneak attack when he was wandering on the roof of Green Town at night.

But the result was that the level and experience in his virtual frame did not increase at all.

Then there is the bloodline talent and magic power, which are the two things that confuse him the most, because he is completely confused about what that magic power is, and what is the meaning of the bloodline talent that can be used after maturity,
Is it like using skills in a game?

Whether that is the case or not will not be known until his cat body reaches maturity.

It is precisely because of the two items of magic power and blood talent on the attribute panel that Charlie faintly feels that maybe he has not returned to the past, but has come to another parallel world.

The last is the level of Xingyiquan, which is relatively speaking, and the only one that makes him feel the most clear.

In his previous life, he followed his master and practiced Xingyiquan for nearly 20 years. Later, in order to raise medical expenses, he went abroad to fight underground life and death boxing for several years. He can be regarded as a true combat Xingyiquan master.

So when his virtual attribute box first appeared, the item of Xingyiquan was written:

Level 4, experience 0/100,

After a year of training, maybe because of experiencing a death, maybe because of practicing with a cat body, he has a new understanding and breakthrough in Xingyiquan,
So every time he practiced, the experience bar at the back of Xingyiquan would automatically increase a little, and within a year, it would grow from level 4 to level 5.

It is precisely because of this that although he is only a one-year-old cat, he is much stronger than normal cats. It is proof that he can kill a human being robbed with a gun with the body of a mere cat.

Of course, there is also a reason that, under normal circumstances, human beings have no defense against a cat. As a master of Xingyi Quan who has killed no less than a hundred people, Charlie knows too well how many vital points an ordinary human being has, and how fragile he is.

So to sum up, the emergence of this virtual frame has not brought any substantial help to Charlie until now. The only thing that can be called,

Probably so that he can check his current progress in Xingyiquan after each practice!

Temporarily closing the virtual frame in his eyes with his thoughts, Charlie took off a few lightly and jumped directly into the creek in front of him, or more precisely, it should be in the creek.

Most cats can swim, but they are reluctant to enter the water because they are afraid of water and the feeling of losing their body temperature after encountering water.

But Charlie has no such worries, because his human soul and strong will can directly overcome this instinct from the body, just like he will not catch mice and eat them like ordinary cats,
After entering the water, he raised his cat's head, quickly pulled his limbs, and came to a raised stone in the middle of the creek, and then began to stare at the flowing water, waiting quietly.

After about 10 minutes,
Charlie, who had been standing still, suddenly stretched out his right arm, opened five sharp claws, and fished into the water like lightning. A trout weighing two or three catties burst out of the water immediately.

It opened its mouth and bit the fish tightly, with a bite force several times stronger than that of ordinary cats, making it impossible for the trout, who was struggling to twist its body, to break free.

Jumping into the water again, he quickly swam to the shore, shaking off the water droplets on his body, Charlie bit the trout, and ran towards the Strong Orphanage in the small town of Green.

As a cat with an adult human soul, it is certainly impossible for Charlie to let Alice save his few rations for himself every time.

So when he had some basic mobility, he started sneaking out to find food while Alice was going to the welfare primary school near the orphanage.

It is not difficult for a cat with human intelligence to find enough food to fill its stomach in a small town.
Later, when his cat body became stronger and stronger, he would catch a fish or a hare if he was lucky in the stream outside the town like today, and send him to the orphanage to improve the lives of the children in the orphanage.

The Strong Orphanage is a private orphanage established by a 65-year-old woman named Sasha Strong.

Ms. Sasha Strong's husband died in World War II, and her son also died of illness later. With no relatives, she transformed the big house left by her husband into the Strong Orphanage, and began to adopt those orphans who were abandoned or had no family in the small town.

Now the entire orphanage, including Alice, has five children in total. The oldest is 11 years old, which is Alice, and the youngest is only four years old.

In the courtyard of the Strong Orphanage, Alice, who was already on vacation, was playing with her younger siblings in the orphanage.
"Sister Alice, Charlie is back from catching fish again!"

The youngest girl, Sophia, seemed to have discovered something suddenly, and quickly grabbed Alice's clothes, pointing in the direction behind her and shouting loudly.

Alice turned her head, just in time to see Charlie walking in front of her with vigorous catwalks, and put the trout weighing two or three catties in his mouth on the ground.
"Charlie is awesome!"

Alice hugged Charlie, touched his head tenderly, and then, like an adult, smiled at the four little carrot heads in front of her and said:
"You are playing in the yard, I will send the fish to grandma in the yard, and today I have fish soup again!"

"Okay, sister Alice!"

The four little radish heads responded in unison.

But at this moment, Charlie's ears moved suddenly, and he jumped out of Alice's arms subconsciously. With a force on his shoulder, a tiger came out of the cage, and slapped hard on the top of Alice's head.


A strange scream sounded,
It was only when Charlie landed lightly that he could see clearly what it was that hit the ground with his powerful cat paw.
It turned out that it was an owl, a gray owl with a letter in its claw!
(End of this chapter)

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