A certain Hogwarts magical cat

Chapter 29 The First Day at Hogwarts

Chapter 29 The first day at Hogwarts

If a normal little wizard is learning a certain magic,
After he acquires knowledge and experience about a certain magic through reading books, taking classes, and practicing, he may still not be able to learn this magic.

After Charlie has acquired the knowledge and experience of this magic through reading books, taking classes, and practicing, as long as the experience reaches the standard that can be cast by the attribute panel,

The attribute panel will force him to have an epiphany, integrate all the knowledge, and reach the level where he can successfully cast this magic.
The advantage of this is that after the upgrade, he can not only cast this magic, but also know why he can cast this magic, including where is the skill of casting this magic, and where is the point.
Even if the attribute panel suddenly disappeared, he could still cast this magic, because he had indeed mastered this magic.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight entered the room through the windows of the tower, Charlie, who was lying beside Alice's bed, turned over like a civet cat and stood up,

After trying to practice the tiger leopard yesterday, he went back to his room to rest.

Today he still has to go to class with Alice, so it is necessary to sleep for a while to refresh himself.


At the same time, the magic clock on the big clock tower of Hogwarts Castle also began to call the service every morning.
The melodious and loud bells sounded miraculously in the dormitories of all the little wizards in Hogwarts at the same time. The sound hit the ears, refreshing the mind, and instantly woke up all the little wizards from their sleep.
"Morning, Hermione, how did you sleep last night?"

Alice stretched her waist, and greeted Hermione energetically,
Yesterday, I traveled all day, took the train, and took the boat. I saw a lot of amazing scenes that I couldn’t imagine before. For Alice, it can be said that it is the most fulfilling day in the past 11 years.
But it was also the most exhausting day, so after she fell asleep last night, she didn't even have a dream, and the quality of sleep was quite good.

"Oh, it doesn't seem so good!"

Hermione covered her forehead, wrinkled her nose and replied,
Not only Hermione, except for Alice, all the little Gryffindor wizards who were awakened by the magic clock at this time subconsciously covered their foreheads the moment they got up.

Seeing this, Charlie shrunk slightly by the bed, thinking to himself:

"My little friends, I'm really sorry, I will make up for you when I have a chance in the future!"

The generation of boxing champions who once dominated the underground boxing arena, the authentic successor of Xingyi boxing, now rely on patting the foreheads of young friends to become stronger,
Although there was a reason for the incident, it still made Charlie feel blush,
Fortunately, his face is covered with hair now, and nothing can be seen.


For the little wizards of Gryffindor, today is the first day of school. Although they were a little surprised by the faint pain in their foreheads in the morning, it was not worth the excitement of the first day of school.

So it was quickly left behind by them.

(Mainly the little wizards of Gryffindor, they are all reckless, and they are used to bumping and bumping, so this little pain is really nothing!)

After a brief wash, all the little wizards walked out of the dormitory with their morning textbooks,
And Charlie followed Alice out of the Gryffindor dormitory,
Now the most popular pets in Hogwarts are owls, because they can not only send letters, but also send luggage, which is much more useful than other magical pets.
So except for a few exceptions, basically all little wizards choose owls when choosing magic pets in recent years.
Under normal circumstances, the little wizard's owls are relatively free,

Because they can fly, little wizards usually keep them in the dormitory. They can choose to stay in the dormitory or go outside through the window.
Of course, most of them will go to Hogwarts' owl hut to eat and drink, make friends by the way, and sleep in rows together.
And if the little wizard's pet is not an owl, most of them will choose to take it with him, such as Ron's Scabbers and Neville's golden-backed toad,
Because Hogwarts allows students to bring pets to class,

Sometimes pets can also be used as objects for practicing transfiguration. For example, in the transfiguration class, Ron performed transfiguration on Banban, turning it into a cup.


Following Alice and Hermione, Charlie pushed open the magic door of the Gryffindor dormitory, waved to the fat lady on the door, and walked along the constantly changing escalators towards the auditorium.
There are a total of 140 stairs in Hogwarts, and they are not always static, with their own unique changing laws,
When he followed Alice and the others down the stairs, he was also carefully observing and summarizing the changing rules of the stairs, because he knew that he would often go in and out of this area alone in the future.

And on the wall of the stairs, there are moving portrait oil paintings. The characters in these oil paintings are different from those magical photos that are animated by the developing potion.

They have their own thoughts, can talk to living people, and even visit other oil paintings,
A senior Kazakh fan, Mrs. Gu’s previous life, explained,

The characters in these oil paintings were actually wizards during their lifetime. They painted their own oil paintings in advance before they died, and then left part of their soul imprints in the oil paintings.

The more powerful the wizard, the stronger the soul imprint left behind,
When the wizard dies, the soul imprint in the oil painting will be activated. In fact, they are not the wizard himself, but because they have the soul imprint of the wizard before his death, they will retain some habits and wisdom of the wizard before his death.

And all the oil paintings in Hogwarts can be said to be Dumbledore's eyeliner,
So in future actions, wherever there are oil paintings, Charlie feels that he should pay attention to them, otherwise the secret may be exposed to Dumbledore's eyes unconsciously.

He didn't want to appear so early in the eyes of the powerful Dumbledore.

In addition to the constantly changing stairs and intelligent oil paintings, on the way to the auditorium, Charlie also saw the legendary ghost,
They can appear from any place, almost like real people, except that they are not physical,
These ghosts were also wizards, and they were all Hogwarts wizards, some were Hogwarts professors, some were Hogwarts students,
The emergence of ghosts is mainly related to two aspects. One is that when a wizard dies, he must hold a strong obsession in his heart and is unwilling to leave the world. On the other hand, it also depends on luck.
Of course, most wizards don't want to be ghosts when they die.

Ghosts have no entity, no feelings, and can only slightly interfere with reality, such as picking up a small object that is not too heavy, which is a state that is worse than death.


 The new book seedling needs the support of fellow wizards! (Ticket, here you go!)
(End of this chapter)

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