A certain Hogwarts magical cat

Chapter 6 Professor McGonagall's visit

Chapter 6 Professor McGonagall's visit

Letting go of the dead middle-aged man, Charlie jumped down from above the door frame, rolled up the money bag on the ground with nearly [-] pounds in it with his tail, walked out of the warehouse gracefully, and gradually disappeared into the night.

Charlie didn't care about the four corpses in the warehouse, nor did he deal with them.
He was not afraid of the body being found,
Because in the eyes of ordinary people, it is impossible for a cat to kill four humans with pistols, and then steal their money,
So whether it is the police or the organization behind these four people, they will only put their suspicions on the six punks who bought the goods.

As for the life and death of those six little bastards, it has nothing to do with him, Charlie, a bunch of scum, whether they are killed by revenge or sent to prison, they are all contributing to society.

As for the Ministry of Magic in this world, he was not worried either. He did not use magic to kill people, and the Ministry of Magic could not track him down.

Strong Orphanage, Master's Room,
Charlie carefully placed a bag of pounds on the table, pulled out a piece of white paper from the edge of the table with his claws, then bit out a pen from the pen holder, wrote a few words on the white paper, and quickly left the dean's room.
"This money should be enough for a while!"

Charlie returned to his den in the utility room, lay on his back in the den, and gradually fell asleep.

Cats are nocturnal animals and like to come out at night, and Charlie is no exception.

However, because he spends a lot of time practicing martial arts and hunting during the day, he cannot stay up all night like other cats. In the second half of the night, he will also take a good rest to replenish his energy.

The next day, at five in the morning,

Ms. Strong, who is in her 60s, woke up as usual,
At her age, the sleep time becomes shorter and shorter, and sometimes only five or six hours of sleep a night is enough.

Get up, get dressed, get out of bed,
Ms. Strong was about to go downstairs to prepare some simple breakfast for her five children, when she suddenly found a strange bag and a note on her desk,
Some doubts stepped forward to pick up the note, only to see a few words written crookedly on the note:

"Donated to Strong Orphanage - Wu!"

Putting down the note, Ms. Strong opened the bag, and stacks of pounds appeared in her eyes.
"Oh, Virgin Mary! Did you appear!"

At eight fifty in the morning, on the roof of the Strong Orphanage,
Charlie rarely went out to stand by the river outside the town to exercise his strength, but lay quietly on the roof, staring at the direction of the orphanage's gate seriously,

Because today is the day when Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, came to visit,
He must personally confirm that this is the world of "Harry Potter", not knowing that it is a prank.

At exactly nine o'clock, Charlie, who was staring at the gate, saw a tabby cat walking along the wall towards the gate of the Strong Orphanage with very graceful steps.

Living in the small town for the past year has made him quite familiar with most of the cats and dogs in the town.
After all, in order to verify the character experience acquisition method in the attribute panel, he abused all the pets in the whole town.
But this tabby cat, he had never seen before,
According to its walking posture, the humanized eyes it showed at the street signs from time to time, and the current time, Charlie can already judge that this tabby cat has a high probability of being Minerva McGonagall, the deputy head of Hogwarts.

Sure enough, when the tabby cat saw the house number at the entrance of the Strong Orphanage, it jumped off the wall and turned into a lady in her fifties or sixties wearing an emerald green robe and a wizard hat.

It was the first time I saw a cat for real, and it turned into a person in an instant. It had a great impact on Charlie.
Although he had 90.00% confirmed that this is the wizarding world of "Harry Potter" before, he was still shocked when magic, a power far beyond normal people's cognition, really appeared in front of his eyes.

At the same time, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind,
That is, since Professor McGonagall can change from a human to a cat, and then from a cat to a human, is it possible for him to use the same method to restore his human body again in the future?
Having been a cat for a year, he has gradually adapted to the cat's body,
But this doesn't mean that he doesn't want to regain his human body,

As long as he is a normal human being, it is impossible for him to wish to become a cat forever. Maybe he can experience it for a while. Being a cat for a lifetime is a punishment in itself.
Therefore, if there is a chance to become a human body, then he will definitely not let it go.

Closing his eyes, temporarily ignoring Professor McGonagall who was knocking on the door, Charlie began to recall every word that the senior sister in the previous life said about the magic of Transfiguration,

The Transfiguration Spell, an extremely dangerous and complicated magic spell, was separately distinguished at Hogwarts and studied as a major subject.
A wizard who is proficient in the Transfiguration spell can completely change one thing into another through the spell, such as turning a table into a teacup, turning a teacup into a fork,
Of course, the larger and more complex things are, the more difficult it will be to deform, and the shorter the maintenance time will be.
Just like it is easy for you to turn a match into a needle, but it is extremely difficult for you to turn a match into a tank.

And not only dead things can be turned into dead things, but dead things can be turned into living things, living things into dead things, and living things into another living thing,
For example, turn a cup into a pig, turn a pig into a cup, turn a pig into a dog, or even turn a person into a pig, etc.
However, the Transfiguration Spell cannot turn a cup or a piglet into a human or a magical creature, because the Transfiguration Spell not only changes its shape, but also changes its thinking.

If you turn a cup into a pig, the pig will have a normal pig’s thinking. If you turn a person into a pig, his way of thinking will become a pig’s way of thinking,

But the way of thinking of pigs is simple, but the way of thinking of people is extremely complicated. No wizard can turn something into a living person with self-awareness, not even Dumbledore!

Similarly, because magical creatures are much smarter than normal animals, and some are even close to humans in intelligence, and have powerful magical blood, it is impossible to transform them with the Transfiguration Curse.

In other words, if the normal transformation spell was used, it would be impossible for Charlie to change from a cat body to a human body, because the transformation spell did not include the function of changing people.


(End of this chapter)

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