a certain scientific harry potter

Page 102

After all, everyone who knew him knew that what Harry was really good at was not those messy spells, but the physical versions of silence, stun, penetration, and so on.

But these things obviously cannot be taught in the classroom~

"Since Miss Weasley has already given the answer, then I won't delay any longer. What we are going to learn today is the firing spell... Next, I will focus on the key points."

While talking, Harry took out a specially made colored ball, and at the same time prepared his wand.

"The incantation of the launch spell is 'Wadi Vasi', and to cast it successfully, one needs to wave the wand while saying the spell and point it at both the projectile and the target...like this! Wadi Vasi!"

Quickly waving his wand, under the astonished eyes of all the first graders, the colored ball in Harry's hand quickly flew across the entire classroom, and precisely hit a target plate pattern that appeared on the wall at the back of the classroom at an unknown time!

After the display of the red heart in the hand, there was thunderous applause in the classroom.

"The demonstration is over." There was a playful smile on Harry's face, "To sum up: launching the spell...mainly depends on hard work. Alright, let's learn by ourselves~"

The classroom fell into silence again. The whole class, including Luna, how much they applauded just now, and the expressions on their faces are now so confused.

Say a mantra, do a demonstration, and then... self-study?

As a teaching assistant, Hermione placed a large basket of colored balls in the middle of the classroom, but none of the students started to move, and almost all lay on their seats at a loss.

"Don't you understand me when I say self-study?" Harry's voice came faintly from the podium, "The target is drawn on the wall behind the classroom, if you don't hurry up and get out of your seats to practice, you will all be staring there. What are you doing with small eyes?"

"it is good."

As soon as the words fell, Luna was the first to react, grabbed a few colored balls and ran to practice.

"I am coming too!"

Colin and Ginny were a bit slow, but they started quickly, and then the whole class left their seats in a swarm and began to work hard on what Harry called 'self-study'.

All of a sudden, various colorful balls fell to the ground and shouts of waving wands were heard endlessly. Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts class, which has always been dull, became extremely active for the first time~

Chapter 190 No Colored Ball Is Innocent During Cleaning

"Harry, is it really okay for them to practice like this?"

Seeing a group of first-year students waving their wands at the colored balls, Hermione inevitably felt a little suspicious.

Don't look at how slick Harry is at playing marbles, but the Casting Charm itself is a very difficult spell, even many third and fourth graders may not be able to use it perfectly.

Harry actually asked these students to start studying now, as if all the first grades were like him?

"Although the launching spell is a spell that only the middle and upper grades will come into contact with, in fact, as long as there is a little foundation of the levitation spell and the repelling spell, it is very easy to successfully cast it."

Harry pointed to the students who were working hard, and Hermione found that many people had successfully launched the colored balls, but they couldn't control the landing point at all.

"The real difficulty of this spell is not how to cast it successfully, but how to hit the target accurately." Harry explained softly, "To achieve accurate shooting, they need a lot of supporting equipment besides constant repeated practice. Knowledge does."

When Harry was preparing lessons, he had actually been thinking about what the first-year Defense Against the Dark Arts should learn.

Like last year's Professor Quirrell, talk about the introduction to black magic, and then introduce some classifications of trolls and the history of vampires?

To be honest, for first-year students, that kind of knowledge can only be used to cope with the written test.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts that Harry understands should be a comprehensive practical subject involving a wide range of subjects. From the first grade, young wizards should lay the foundation for subsequent wizard duels in advance.

They need to have a solid grasp of some basic offensive and defensive spells, exercise excellent physical fitness and reflexes, and at the same time need to dabble in a lot of other knowledge.

As for the concepts that were originally taught in class, as well as the introduction of various weird creatures, those are the most important things, and they are basically useless except for coping with exams.

After all, apart from Harry, there shouldn't be any first graders in this world who are so unlucky enough to face the troll... And it happened to be in the girls' room~

"Hehe, as expected, this is your so-called supporting knowledge~" After flipping through Harry's test paper briefly, Hermione couldn't help but curl her lips in disgust, "I bet your test paper is as unpopular as Loha's." That's what you have to fight for."

"If I remember correctly, someone got a perfect score on Lockhart's paper?"

"Hate it, don't say it..."

"Just kidding~" Before Hermione got angry, Harry grabbed her hand first, "Help me pass the test papers to them later, the more scattered the better."

What responded to Harry was the girl's angry white eyes...

"Harry..." Ginny, who had deserted halfway, turned around secretly, only to find that the substitute teacher and the teaching assistant were whispering intimately in front of the podium, and she couldn't help but feel sour for a while.

"Ah, it's off the mark~" Luna, who was practicing, seemed to make a mistake suddenly, and the ball she shot was off by several meters for some reason, and almost hit another student's face.


"Okay, we're almost done practicing, come back." After about half of the class, Harry called back all the students who were practicing.

At this moment, the back wall of the entire classroom has been graffitied so that the original color cannot be seen at all.

"Next, we will conduct a quiz."

Harry entrusted Hermione to scatter the test papers over everyone's heads, and dozens of parchment papers fell down like snowflakes. The students stretched out their hands suspiciously to grab them, but found that they were densely packed with various questions.

"Answer seriously, and you will be given sub-questions." The old god Harry announced the start of the test, and at the end he suddenly added with a smirk, "The bottom ones are left to clean the classroom, and the paint on the entire wall needs to be cleaned up. ~"


For a moment, the entire classroom suddenly complained.

Only then did the innocent first graders realize that Harry had actually dug a hole for them to jump into!

How much fun they had just now, and how miserable the people who will stay and clean up will be... Sure enough, during the general cleaning, not a single colored ball is innocent~

"Senior Granger, how strange!" Suddenly, a boy from the Lion Academy raised his hand and shouted, "I seem to have written the answer on my paper..."

"Torn apart!" Before he could finish his sentence, Harry cast a spell and burst out, smashing his test paper into shreds of paper in an instant.

"Student, you can record zero points now, and you will be detained after class."

"No... isn't it?!"

Harry's smile looked like a devil's smile to this boy at the moment, and it made people tremble and scream in fright every minute.

"Before the test, I'd like to tell you one more thing." Harry glanced at everyone lightly, "What do you think Defense Against the Dark Arts actually protects against? Whether it's black magic or dark wizards, they all Known for its treachery and cunning, once it involves darkness, no one will tell you the rules of the school. So even if you think you have won, you'd better remember to keep calm and cautious, otherwise... it will be very difficult. It is easy to be reversed by others and lose completely!"

"I will work hard~" For some people, although Harry's words are realistic, they can still serve as encouragement...

Like Ginny.

But when she picked up the test paper, she suddenly felt like committing suicide.

'Suppose two students, A and B, are standing on the playground 100 meters apart. A uses a spell to drive the ball to attack B. It is known that the flying speed of the ball is 50 m/s. Without considering the air resistance, Where will the ball finally hit B? '


This is not a sub-question, it is simply a proposition, okay?

"It's really unlucky for these students to have such a black-hearted teacher like you~" Looking at the first graders below who were full of bitterness and hatred, Hermione couldn't help giving Harry a disgusted look.

Sure enough, after the eagle-headed bronze door knocker, Harry finally extended his claws to the future of this group of Hogwarts.

"Hey, I've already set aside a back door for them, who dared not use it themselves." Harry shrugged nonchalantly, his face full of tricky smiles, "Besides... if the Launch Curse doesn't have any math And the basics of physics, how could it be possible to shoot accurately~”

Not all the test papers prepared by Harry were blank, at least three of them were filled with answers, so as long as the group of first graders dared to change the papers in private, it would be very easy for everyone to pass the test.

But it's a pity that so far, almost no one has noticed the back door for cheating in this random quiz...even if they have discovered a standard answer.

The black defense class must not be explained according to the script like other courses, so in addition to giving them spells and knowledge, Harry hopes that they can show some extra things in class.

For example, the courage of unity, and the quickness of adapting to the situation...

"Hiss, it's kind of weird~" After thinking about it, Harry suddenly frowned inexplicably.

It's obvious that he's just taking care of things to substitute for the class, so do I have to worry about it so much?

Chapter 190 Six Science and Magic Have Their Vulnerabilities

"Okay, the quiz is over!"

After another grueling hour, the quiz finally stopped before the morning class was about to end.

"Miss Weasley, who scored at the bottom, and the gentleman who just lost his test paper, remember to clean up the entire classroom~"

When the results were announced, some people were happy and some were sad, but among the people who were most worried was definitely Ginny.

In other words, Harry really didn't mean to target her, but as a pure-blooded little wizard with nine leaks, Ginny's knowledge of mathematics and science is so lacking that it is unbearable to look directly at.

Regarding the question that A and B are 100 meters apart, Ginny wrote and scratched and rewritten the injured part of B from the chest to the ankle, and finally even didn't let go of the crotch, but she just didn't expect... that The ball can't hit B at all~

In contrast, Luna, who is also not very good at counting, is much smarter.

Her eyesight was the best among all the students, so when Hermione dropped the test paper, Luna had already aimed at a test paper full of answers in advance.

She should be the only student who saw through the true meaning of the test, but unfortunately she didn't bother to meddle in other people's business, so she just signed her name and passed the whole process.

"Anyway, from now until the end of the school year, there are about three months left. My Defense Against the Dark Arts class... just enjoy it slowly~"

Before leaving the classroom, Harry suddenly showed a sinister smile like a poisonous snake to the whole class, which frightened a group of young wizards to their hearts.

But it was strange that Harry himself didn't notice it, and after leaving the classroom, his expression immediately returned to normal.

"Harry, please wait...can I take another picture of you?"

In the corridor, Harry was stopped by Colin who came from behind. After hesitating for a while, the little fan made a new round of photo taking requests.

His previous photos were either messed up by Lockhart, or destroyed together with the camera. Now that he got a new camera, and Harry became his substitute teacher, Colin naturally wanted to take pictures of his idol again. a commemoration.

Coincidentally, Harry happened to be looking for him too.

"Of course it's okay to take pictures, but I hope you can do me a favor." Harry begged Colin. "After lunch, can you stop by the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office with your camera? Oh... Lou If Na is free, it's best to join us."

In the latter sentence, Harry spoke to the blond girl passing by.

"Okay." Luna's answer was as crisp as ever.

"I'm fine! If there's anything I need...I'll do my best!" Seeing this, Colin hurriedly agreed, as if he was afraid that if he was a second late, Harry would cancel the mission.

"Then it's settled, see you after lunch~"

After watching Colin leave, Harry nodded secretly.

"In this way, the records and authentication personnel are all done."


After lunch, a pair of Grangers plus Luna and Colin, two first-year students, met in the vacated Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

Ever since Gilderoy Lockhart was stared mad by Harry, and the scandals of his various heroic deeds were exposed through official channels one after another, this guy was sent directly to Azkaban, and handed over to the Prison doctors and dementors heal together.

Naturally, the office was vacated, and all those suitcases and narcissistic photos were collected by Filch and thrown directly into the incinerator.

But what Filch didn't know was that before he woke up, Harry had already searched Lockhart's belongings.

The novel manuscripts he kept in the suitcase, many magical items and materials that could be realized, and the most important key to the Gringotts vault were all stuffed into Harry's space ring at the moment.

Raising a large number of magical animals is a lot of money, and Harry can't all point to Scamander to help, not to mention Hermione also has a desire to be a housekeeper, so of course he has to try his best to find money to help her Achieved.

And when it comes to making money, taking advantage of legal loopholes to search for and loot ill-gotten wealth is naturally the only way to get rich, otherwise why there were so many chivalrous men who robbed the rich and helped the poor in ancient times~

However, Harry also found strangely that Lockhart's belongings seemed to have been touched by others, and some items that Harry was very interested in were missing... For example, the bird snake egg yolk shampoo invented by this guy.

Of course, Lockhart's matter is not the point. The reason why Harry called two first years here is because he needs their help to identify evidence together.

Voldemort's young diary, Lucius Malfoy's wand, these two things have been kept in Harry's hands for a long time, and it's time to deal with them.

"All of you put on your masks and stand a little farther away. Colin, when I call you, take pictures and keep your ID as I ask you."

After instructing the three of them, Harry quickly put on his gloves, took out a brown reagent bottle with a nozzle, and began to carefully spray an unknown liquid on the diary.

What he is spraying is silver nitrate solution, which is a fairly common fingerprint collection method in criminal investigation and forensics. Through the chemical reaction between the solution and sweat latent fingerprints, fingerprints that have been around for several months or even longer can be clearly extracted.

Of course, Harry wasn't sure if he could succeed, but since Lucius stuffed the diary into Ginny's cauldron, it meant that he had at least been exposed to the diary during the summer vacation.

Harry couldn't believe it, he could still wear gloves at home?

If he could get the fingerprints on the diary, plus the fingerprints left on Lucius' wand when he was forced to duel with him before, Harry might have a chance to completely bind him to the diary!

"There it is! Colin, come and take a picture!"


After carefully spraying the inside and outside of the diary, and at the same time the wand continued to provide lighting, Harry finally saw brown and black marks of various sizes on the diary!

"Fortunately, it worked..." Looking at Colin taking fingerprint photos one by one, Harry felt very grateful.

In fact, as soon as Harry left the Chamber of Secrets, he had already made up his mind to use the fingerprints as a plan B to convict Lucius.

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