a certain scientific harry potter

Page 107

The Wizengamot will not refer to the opinions of any Muggles, because their ignorance and ignorance will inevitably affect the legal authority of the wizarding world and the justice of the judgment!

"Oh, that's true~" Under Dumbledore's concerned eyes, Harry sneered and put the letter into his pocket.

The Wizengamot would make this kind of reply, and Harry was actually prepared for it, so he didn't find it particularly difficult to accept.

The self-proclaimed arrogant wizard only knows how to stay in the same place, and never takes the rapid development and vicissitudes of the world of ordinary people seriously... For such a group of clowns, Harry has no need to be angry because of them, but feels deep sorrow for them~

Even the most authoritative trial organization like the Wizengamot has such performances, which shows the crude form of evidence in the judicial system of the entire magic world.

So, I have nothing to worry about in the future.

As I said before, the main reason why Harry must submit fingerprint evidence is to explain his previous career.

But now that the whole magic world is like this, he doesn't need to blindly abide by the professional ethics of forensic medicine.

Lucius Malfoy, the treacherous villain who fanned the flames behind his back and caused the entire Hogwarts to fall into crisis, just being disqualified as a school manager is not enough punishment, and Harry will never let him go !

"Harry, I hope you don't pay too much attention to this matter. The Wizengamot is only dealing with it according to the usual practice... I can only say that your method is too avant-garde for them."

Dumbledore tried his best to persuade him, and he saw all the efforts Harry made to collect evidence.

In fact, as the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore also tried to persuade other members to seek help from the British government's police agency, but ultimately failed to pass the resolution.

"I'm fine..." Harry shook his head silently, as if he didn't care about the Wizengamot's decision.

But then, he suddenly made another request to Dumbledore: "Mr. Principal, can you take me to Azkaban? I want to meet the whistleblower 12 years ago, Sirius Blake."

"It's... well, I can arrange it for you, but it will probably be after Easter."

Dumbledore considered it for a while, and finally agreed.

He knew that Harry was playing tricks on him. The reason why the kid didn't get angry because of the Wizengamot's verdict was because he wanted to arouse his own guilt, and then asked to go to Azkaban to visit the prison in order to retreat.

I actually want to see Sirius...

Dumbledore guessed that Harry might have grasped some other clues about what happened back then.

After making an agreement with Dumbledore, Harry bid farewell and left the principal's office. To be honest, their conversation today was not pleasant.

Harry was involuntarily hiding the Horcrux from Dumbledore, and Dumbledore was obviously aware of it.

It can't go on like this.

He was cursed by the spirit of Salazar in the Chamber of Secrets before, and now he accidentally found Voldemort's most powerful Horcrux in the Room of Requirement. Harry was affected by this double effect, and his problems were already quite serious. serious!

Although he behaved fairly normally when he was around Hermione, but once he faced Snape and Dumbledore, and things involving Horcruxes, his behavior style would involuntarily favor Voldemort. Treacherous, trying every means to hide information about the Horcrux from others!

It's just that although he knows what the problem is, it's difficult to say now, because limited by the influence of the spirit of Salazar, Harry has no way to discuss these problems with others.

"Hmm... Ravenclaw's diadem?" Harry's hand inadvertently touched the diadem in his pocket while he was thinking hard about a countermeasure.

The crown of Ravenclaw is said to have the effect of increasing the wisdom of the wearer. When Harry was cornered in that illusion, he should have relied on the guidance of the crown to finally escape.

Thinking about it now, the reason why Voldemort has been carrying this thing with him should be because it can increase wisdom.

Whether it was the previous diary or the ring, after Voldemort made them into Horcruxes, he quickly sealed them up and hid them and no longer carried them with him.

But this crown was the only one that he kept by his side until the second time he went to Hogwarts to apply for coaching, and then hid it in the Room of Requirement.

Harry felt that perhaps the crown was polluted by Voldemort's soul fragments and could no longer provide wisdom for Voldemort ten years later, so it was hidden by it like the first two Horcruxes.

And I have attracted Voldemort's soul from the crown, which is equivalent to purifying the crown invisibly, so it has the effect of helping people increase their wisdom again!

Let's give it a try~

Running back to the caretaker's hut in a hurry, Harry didn't even have time to say hello to Filch, and hid directly in his suitcase.

After that, he calmed down, and gently put the Ravenclaw's crown on his head.

Harry now only hopes that the relics left by Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the four founders with Salazar, can help him point the way.


This was the second time he wore the crown, and compared to the previous abnormal frenzy, Harry was obviously much more rational this time.

The crown on his forehead slowly released a trace of coolness, like a wisp of pulsating wind, constantly helping him straighten out his chaotic thoughts.

Unlike the Felicia he drank before, Harry did not become blindly confident because of wearing the crown, and there was no only way to the correct answer before him.

The diadem just blew all the thoughts into the wind, and then prioritized the most likely clues to Harry as they blew through Harry's mind.

Now, Harry knew why a crown can help people increase their wisdom.

Ravenclaw's crown cannot directly provide the correct answer, but it allows people to analyze all possibilities with absolute rationality in a short period of time, and finally make a more accurate judgment.

In other words, the wearer of the crown will never stop thinking, and can continuously generate new ideas and grab more knowledge.

At this time, Harry had gradually sorted out the messy clues in his mind, and had the most crucial flash of inspiration!

'Since things can't be told to the living, let's talk to the dead who won't have any impact! ! '

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As expected of the Ravenclaw known for his wisdom, the crown actually helped Harry find out the loopholes in the entire plan of the Spirit of Salazar!

All the tricks that the thousand-year-old immortal did to Harry were in the final analysis to let Harry get all the Horcruxes and let Voldemort take his body after the soul was assembled.

Therefore, Harry only needs to make sure that even if he leaks the information, the Horcrux will not be damaged in any way, and he can naturally say these words casually~

He can't tell these words to Snape and Dumbledore, or even Hermione and any other 'living people' who care about him, because they will reveal the secret and rush to find and destroy the Horcrux, which obviously violates the law. The restrictions placed on Harry by the Spirit of Salazar.

So... Are there any "dead people" around Harry who know a lot but can't pass any information on?

The answer is yes!


"You actually met the spirit of Salazar Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets, tsk tsk, I don't know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky~"

The outline of a human face appeared on the pages of the book, and Harry would get very angry every time he saw that shaking his head.

That's right, the person Harry came to seek advice from was the Book Spirit.

Although this guy has a bad taste of mocking Harry, but I have to say that he is indeed a very knowledgeable guy.

"But you actually thought of coming to ask me. It's really clever to take advantage of this loophole."

"Stop talking~" Harry threatened, holding up his wand, "If you talk nonsense, I'll set you on fire!"

The advice given by the crown to Harry is correct, and the book spirit can indeed help him bypass the blockade of the spirit of Salazar.

The guy was trapped in a book, and Harry was carrying it with him, and had no intention of returning it to the Restricted Area, so there was absolutely no chance of it being leaked.

In addition, as Harry said just now, if he wants to destroy the corpse, he can just set it on fire~

Magic is a kind of ideal power, and this matter has been perfectly verified again.

As long as Harry kept strengthening the fact that 'book spirits don't leak secrets' in his heart, even the spirit of Salazar would have to obediently believe in evil in the end.

"Let's talk about your situation first. You don't need to learn Occlumency anymore, and you probably won't learn it at all, because another soul in your body will actively seal your brain for you. So the prying eyes you will face in the future , not from the outside world, but from yourself.”


The words of the book spirit reminded Harry of himself in the illusion before. His consciousness was imprisoned in Voldemort's body, and he acted with him, but he couldn't control anything.

So Voldemort should be in a similar state now, maybe he is silently observing the outside world through his own eyes at this moment...

"That's not enough~" Shu Ling dispelled Harry's doubts aloud, "In my opinion, your soul power should be stronger than his now, if he can really spy on the outside world through your five senses, I'm afraid you will soon I have already noticed it. The reason why you were so embarrassed before was mainly because your magic power was weaker than his as a whole, so you had no power and could not use it."

"It makes sense, so casting spells without a staff is the key!"

Harry nodded approvingly, the question raised by Shu Ling was just one of his current sticking points.

Without a wand in hand, Harry was no match for Voldemort anyway.

So in the next time, he must pay close attention to mastering spellcasting without a staff!

"In addition, you should be prepared to absorb all the Horcruxes in advance. With your current state, it should be difficult for people around you to bypass you and destroy the Horcruxes. And once you know the location of the Horcruxes, it will be very difficult for them to destroy the Horcruxes. Maybe you will do something to the people around you in order to protect the Horcrux!"

Shu Ling's words made Harry fall silent, which was definitely the last question he wanted to face.

It was precisely because things might come to this point that he suggested to Dumbledore that he want to imprison Voldemort first, and then slowly plan for all Horcruxes.

To be honest, after confronting Voldemort several times in a row, Harry really didn't think how powerful this guy was.

He may be stronger than himself, but with the help of magical animals and some powerful wizards, Harry may not lose to him in a life-and-death fight.

But after the matter was intervened by the Spirit of Salazar, Harry could only fight alone to snatch the body from Voldemort... Regarding this matter, he is really not completely sure now.

Voldemort's soul has only gathered three copies, and he already feels that he has no way to start. When he has gathered all of them, how difficult will it be to defeat him?

And as Voldemort's soul fragments continue to be absorbed, he must be more profoundly affected by him. Even if his body has not been completely occupied by him by then, I am afraid that I will no longer be like myself...

"Boy, are you willing to redeem those... souls who are in pain or remorse?" Suddenly, Shu Ling asked a strange question.

"Save...soul?" Harry was puzzled.

"This is the only way I can think of so far that can give you the upper hand in the final battle of souls." Shu Ling said softly, "Have you ever wondered why the person who appeared when you urgently needed help? Is that the female ghost in the bathroom?"

"You mean Myrtle?" Harry woke up when he heard the words, this was indeed a question he hadn't been able to figure out all this time.

Not Hermione, not anyone else, but Myrtle...

"That is a special form of life debt." Shu Ling explained earnestly, "The female ghost was killed by the basilisk, and if you kill the basilisk, it is equivalent to avenging her, and you will also be relieved." Opened her knot of life and death back then. She is grateful for your redemption, so she has forged a special life debt with you, and it is this life debt that finally helped you escape from danger .”

"It's a life debt?"

Harry had heard it said that if a wizard saved another wizard's life, the saved person owed the saver a life debt, which would be repaid at some later date.

But he really didn't expect that just helping the ghost of Myrtle unintentionally would produce such a special connection.

So it really is a lot of help?

"Harry, you don't need to doubt... because this is the highest and most impenetrable realm of magic."

For a moment, Shu Ling's tone suddenly became very vicissitudes, and it sounded like it was full of memories.

"Shu Ling... You told me this because you also want to be redeemed, right?" Suddenly, Harry felt as if he had guessed what Shu Ling was thinking.

The reason why it analyzes all these for itself is to draw out the final debt, and since it is a spirit, it means that he has passed away as a wizard.

Therefore, his soul may also be suffering somewhere, longing for redemption.

"Oh, you guessed it... I did think about asking you to help redeem my soul, but, it's too dangerous after all..."

Harry could hear the contradiction in the other party's words, it had been helping Harry unconditionally before, in fact, it was just such an opportunity.

But when they were really open and honest, Shu Ling would inevitably hesitate.

Worried that Harry would not help it, and even more worried that Harry would fail...

"Shu Ling, who are you?" At this moment, Harry was extremely curious about the identity of Shu Ling.

"I'm from Greece, you can call me Andros..."

"Invincible Andros? The one on the chocolate frog card?!"

Hearing this name, Harry's jaw dropped in surprise.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Andros is a famous wizard who was born in ancient Greece. He mastered superb wandless spellcasting skills and could directly summon a patron saint as big as a giant without using a wand. Therefore, he was honored as "Invincible Andros" .

The reason why Harry knew this was that this card happened to be included in the bag of chocolate frogs that he passed by when he left the headmaster's office last time.

Playing with the only chocolate frog picture on his body with great interest, Harry couldn't help feeling secretly, sometimes it's just a coincidence~

It's just... As an ancient Greek wizard, how could Andros speak ancient English so fluently?

When Shuling spoke to Harry earlier, it was Old English, that is, Anglo-Saxon, which is a language used by the Anglo-Saxon countries that occupied Britain between 450 and 1150...By the way, Saxon That's what Racha Slytherin said too.

The reason why Harry can understand is all thanks to the only ghost professor at Hogwarts, Binns Cuthbert.

This teacher who has been hired to teach the history of magic since the establishment of Hogwarts school always uses a lot of old English vocabulary and grammar unconsciously in his lectures, so in order to get full marks in his class, He Min put a lot of effort into learning a few introductory textbooks on Old English, and even Harry had a general idea of ​​it.

So to make a digression, Professor Binns will hardly call students by wrong names, and he does not confuse the historical figures and events in the book, he just uses the wrong pronunciation.

Back to the question of Andros, he lived in ancient Greece from about 800 BC to 140 BC, at least 600 years earlier than the Anglo-Saxons in England. How could he speak Old English? ?

"The information on your card is wrong. I am the same as the four founders of Hogwarts, but a little later than them." The book spirit saw Harry's doubts and explained aloud , "I am not a wizard in ancient Greece. The reason why I say I was born in Greece is just for your convenience. In fact, my hometown is Andros Island in the Aegean Sea."

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