a certain scientific harry potter

Page 110

However, if the crown prince does not allow William to learn magic, then the crown prince's family will have to be under the supervision of the Ministry of Magic until this magical talent completely disappears.

It is imperative to be defensive, the status of the Crown Prince's family is too special, no one can guarantee whether the people of the Ministry of Magic will make progress!

Harry still remembers Dawlish's previous signing~

After figuring out the difficulty of Prince Charlie, Harry could only sigh silently in his heart.

It is said that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, but the scriptures of the crown prince's family are much more difficult to recite than ordinary families.

Not only is the relationship between husband and wife messed up, but the most sensible child also has problems~

"Harry, can I...can I trust you?" Harry was thinking about it, but he was suddenly stunned by the crown prince's words.

"His Royal Highness...you?" Looking up, Harry found that the other party was looking at him with extremely serious eyes.

The sincerity and anticipation contained in that gaze made Harry even afraid to look directly at him.

"Suppose... If I agree to William going to Hogwarts to study, can you help me take care of him at school?" Prince Charlie asked in a trembling voice, "I don't know anything about it, and I'm worried about what might happen to him..."

"His Royal Highness, you don't have to worry too much about this...Hogwarts is the safest place in the British wizarding world~"

It was inevitable that Harry felt a little guilty when he said this, but it was impossible for him to tell Prince Charlie the 'truth' right now.

Besides, as long as you don't go to the Forbidden Forest, don't play Quidditch, don't mess with Snape, don't get Lao Deng's attention, don't explore the secrets of the castle, and most importantly, don't get involved with yourself, Hogwarts should be fine. Can be considered a safe place.

"As for Prince William, if he really enters Hogwarts, I will certainly take care of him." Harry solemnly promised the crown prince, "You have given me a lot of help before, and I have never been able to repay you, and Prince William is also my friend, so I can't just ignore his affairs!"

"Harry, I'm glad to hear you say that, but I hope William can get all-round care, do you understand?" At this moment, Crown Prince Charlie was full of eagerness, and even held Harry's shoulder tightly, "You not only To help take care of his campus life, and help him hide his identity... By the way, there are also contact issues! You know, our family must not have anything to do with wizards, so whether it is Highgrove Manor or Kensington It is absolutely impossible for even a single owl to fly in and out of the palace!"

"This... I promise you." After a moment of silence, Harry nodded silently, "After returning to school this time, I will communicate with Professor McGonagall who is in charge of recruiting new students in advance, and ask her to change Prince William's contact address to my home, Then my parents will communicate with you on the phone."

"Oh, that can't be better~" Prince Charlie looked at Harry gratefully, with a little apology on his face at the same time, "Son, I hope you don't take offense... I know my request will be very difficult to you It's difficult, but apart from being a commission from the royal family, it's also a request from the father."

"I can only admire your decision, and at the same time, I am happy for Prince William from the bottom of my heart, because...he really has a good father."

Harry complimented in a calm tone, and after hearing his words, the Crown Prince also regained a happy smile on his face.

After that, Prince Charlie's mood seemed to improve a lot because the problem was solved, and he continued to chat with Harry about Prince William's admission, just like an ordinary person, talking sideways with Harry about the magic world information.

While Harry was dealing with it carefully, he had already started to think about the loophole he had just discovered.

He didn't have time to visit the crown prince's family because of too many things, so he didn't find out about the specific business dealings between the royal family and the Malfoy family. But the crown prince just said...their family has never had anything to do with wizards!

Is it because you don't trust yourself, so you want to hide it from yourself?

Harry thought not.

If Prince Charles really trusts Lucius Malfoy and other wizarding 'nobles' who have business dealings with him enough, then there is no need for him to struggle with William's awakening of his magical talent, and there is no need for him to find a child like himself helped.

As long as Prince William is asked to worship a master casually, the Ministry of Magic can only stare from the sidelines, and there is no way to reach out to control it.

But he happened to find him, which meant that in the crown prince's mind, it was Lucius' business partners who were even more unbelievable.

What Crown Prince Charlie has shown in front of him has always been a state of ignorance of the wizarding world. He knows the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, and even knows that he is the savior who defeated Voldemort, but there is no detailed information. do not understand.

But now it seems that he is obviously trying to cover up, and wants to try his best to separate his relationship with the magic world in front of himself.

"Harry, I want to thank you again, you really helped me a lot." At the end of the conversation, Prince Charlie thanked Harry again, "If you are fine, you don't have to rush to leave, William It's in the courtyard behind the house...I think it would be better for you to tell him the good news yourself."

"Okay~" Harry nodded kindly, "I can just tell him some precautions in advance."

"That really couldn't be better." Prince Charlie praised approvingly, "Harry, you are really a very good kid. At least when I was your age, I absolutely couldn't arrange so many things properly. "

"Your Royal Highness, you are really overrated." Harry smiled modestly, but his words seemed to mean something, "Besides, I was forced by circumstances... After all, you also know that from the time I was adopted until I entered the Hogwarts, all my life is arranged by others. I have been so influenced by my ears and eyes, no matter how stupid I am, I should learn to look good~"

"This..." Hearing Harry's words, Prince Charlie's smile froze unexpectedly.

Harry, who was about to leave, saw this scene and shook his head slightly in his heart.

Well, it looks like a stone hammer here~

Just to put it bluntly, how could it be such a coincidence that Prince William sent himself into Hogwarts as soon as he made a phone call?

So it is still necessary to ask later, to see who was fooled by Prince William at that time~

Chapter 210 Three

In the courtyard of Highgrove Manor, England's second in line heir, Prince William, was pacing aimlessly among the vegetation full of earthy fragrance.

He seemed to be a little distracted, and his eyes always unconsciously glanced at the closed door of the villa not far away, obviously looking forward to something.

Finally, after a period of torturous waiting, Prince William saw the young man walking out of the villa, so he hurried up to meet him.

"Harry, you're finally out! Uh..." He seemed very excited, but he quickly realized that he needed to maintain etiquette, so he hurriedly readjusted his emotions.

"Did you and your father have a pleasant chat?" Prince William asked Harry tentatively, barely holding back the anxiety in his heart.

"We had a good chat, Your Royal Highness," Harry nodded with a smile, "but I think you will be even happier after hearing the news...because His Royal Highness has agreed."

"Really...really? Father, he really agreed to let me go to that... Hogwarts school? This is simply great!"

Hearing the news from Harry's mouth, Prince William immediately waved his fist happily. If it wasn't for his own good upbringing that reminded him not to lose his manners in front of Harry, he might be so excited that he would jump up on the spot right now~

"You know, Harry... when my father told me that you were studying in a magical school of magic, I was really envious. And when I found out that the weird power in me was magic, I was really special at first." happy!"

After being excited for a while, Prince William's tone gradually became a little low: "But I soon discovered that magic seems to be a very dangerous force, especially when I can't control it, it is easy to hurt people around me." people…"

"Every little wizard will have a similar experience, Your Royal Highness, especially if you have an ordinary background like you... Uh, I mean the situation where there are no other wizards in the family, because they don't know how to deal with the magic riots, there will be some minor accidents. That's normal."

Harry was trying to persuade William with his words, and he could hear the remorse in the other's tone.

Prince Charlie just told Harry that William suddenly had a magical riot while playing with his younger brother Harry, and accidentally lifted Harry two or three meters from the ground... Fortunately, it was only a minor injury in the end.

After the accident, Prince William felt very sorry for his younger brother, and he didn't even dare to contact him anymore. That's why little Prince Harry was sent to Kensington Palace to live with the princess.

And Crown Prince Charlie finally fully realized the reality, knowing that William's magical talent could not be hidden at all, but he didn't quite trust the Ministry of Magic and his "business partners", so he finally found Harry.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about it now." Patting William on the shoulder lightly, Harry comforted gently, "Hogwarts has many powerful teachers, and they will teach you how to use your magic power properly. Then there will be no more problems.”

"And there is you~" William looked at Harry with wide eyes, "I can really become an alumnus with you, I will be so excited that I can't sleep for several nights!"

For a moment, Harry even thought he saw a Colin.

But there is one thing to say, being worshiped as an idol by Prince William can indeed satisfy Harry's vanity to a great extent~

The two chatted for a few more words, and Harry told William some basic matters before entering school, which could be regarded as helping him to preview the campus life in a few months in advance.

However, when William learned that he could not receive the admission letter sent by the owl like other students, he couldn't help but look quite depressed, and even puffed up a bitter face.

"Your situation is quite special," Harry persuaded with a smile, "The admission notice is usually sent a few days before the 11th birthday, and I will ask my father to send it over then."

"Thank you!" Prince William smiled in surprise, and then scratched the back of his head a little honestly, "Uh...Actually, I can also pick it up. I've always wanted to visit your house."

William really regarded Harry as a friend in his heart, but when he said this expectation of 'going to visit in the future', Harry's expression suddenly became quite serious.

"Your Highness, you must remember from now on...Since you have chosen to enter Hogwarts, you should try to minimize your exposure to the outside world. This will be good for you and your family, understand?"

"That's... well, I get it."

William's small face was a bit sad, but he nodded seriously in response.

Although he was only ten years old, he was a member of the No. [-] aristocrat in England, and his family background made him know more than ordinary children since he was a child.

Once he becomes a wizard, when he goes out like before, what he needs to beware of is not just paparazzi and reporters who want to poach royal news.

"However, it's not impossible if you really want to go to my house, I'll just take you with me when the time comes~"

Who knew, seeing William like this, Harry suddenly chuckled and changed his tune.

"Really? That's great!" William couldn't hold back his joy when he heard that, and laughed happily.

Harry was very happy to see William's current appearance. Although this child who was two years younger than him came from the royal family, he could not see even a little bit of aristocratic stink in him, so no matter what differences existed between himself and the crown prince He is willing to regard William as his friend despite the intrigue.

"By the way, Prince William, I actually have something to ask you..." Before leaving the manor, Harry suddenly pretended to be curious, "About the year before last, when His Royal Highness and the Princess had a bad relationship, you were Why did you suddenly think of coming to me?"

"It was an elder brother who was a guest at the manor who reminded me." Prince William told Harry the truth without thinking too much, "At that time, some of my father's political friends were gathering at the manor, and that elder brother was with me. I came here with my uncle. It happened that I was in a bad mood that day, so he quietly found me and said, when you are feeling down like this, you can talk to your friends, and then I thought of you~"

"Oh, then this 'brother' is really caring." Harry smiled casually, "He shouldn't be very old, right?"

"It must have been about seventeen or eighteen years old," William recalled a little. "His surname seems to be Shaker, and his uncle should be working in the prime minister's office now. It's a pity that after that time, I never I haven't seen him either."

"That's right, that's really a pity~"

With a soft sigh, Harry took his leave and left Highgrove Manor.

So, the 'brother' who urged Prince William to call him behind his back, and the 'messenger' who came to fool Hermione after he left, should be the same person.

When I first entered the school the year before last, this person was in the seventh grade at Hogwarts, and there was another person who probably held important positions in the British government and the Ministry of Magic, and was also appreciated by both Prince Charles and Dumbledore. uncle!

Thanks to the existence of such a pair of good-looking uncles and nephews, Prince Charlie conspired with Lao Deng to force him to go to Hogwarts~

I have to say that it is indeed a big game.

Only, speaking of Shacklebolt...

This surname, Harry felt as if he had seen it somewhere.

Chapter 210 A Certain Person Is Lack of Resistance to Uniforms

"You said that Prince William has awakened his magical talent?"

"And going to Hogwarts to go to school like you?!"*2

Sure enough, when Harry explained to his family why the crown prince had invited him, all three people in the living room were shocked.

"It's unbelievable...we can become classmates with Prince William?" The schoolgirl paced in the living room in disbelief, her mouth opened wide in surprise, as if she had an egg in her mouth.

Seeing her like that, Harry felt a little regretful.

Now that his parents are present, he can't block it in a way he likes to hear~

But he could sound the alarm to Hermione in advance: "Don't get too excited, when Prince William enters Hogwarts, there will definitely be troublesome things."

After all, Hogwarts is not an 'ordinary' prestigious school like Eton. Once Prince William enters, it means that Harry and Hermione will definitely devote a lot of energy to take care of this special ' People of ordinary birth'.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, even if we don't take care of him, can we relax?" Who knows, Hermione raised her chin indifferently, "Besides, he is the prince of a country. If he can follow Colin every day Behind us, I still feel quite face~"

Well, Emotional Hermione wasn't afraid at all.

But yes, after all, there are too many debts to worry about, and too many lice to bite. These two Grangers are already a lot of trouble at school, so it doesn't matter if there is another William.

And seeing her extremely vain satisfaction, Harry could tell that she was thinking exactly the same thing as himself.

Sure enough, they are a couple~

In short, the Granger family has made plans for their two children to study with the prince in the future, and just a few days after Harry visited Highgrove Manor, a return gift from the British royal family was also accepted. Precious and precious sent over.

In a simple but elegant gift box, there is an exquisitely crafted and luxurious uniform stacked neatly. The overall style is very similar to that of the adjutants around the crown prince, except that the size is the size of children's clothes, and there is no uniform on the shoulders. Without ribbons and medals.

In addition, there is a scroll lying quietly at the bottom of the gift box.

"Could this be... a letter of appointment?!"

After the whole family read the contents of the book with suspicion, Hermione couldn't help but froze in place again, and the Grangers were also in shock.

In this volume, the contemporary Queen of England promised Harry to be Prince William's attendant in her own name, and entrusted Harry to take good care of Prince William at school.

"No, this should be regarded as a 'pseudo' appointment." Harry corrected with a smile.

The reason for saying this is that the mandate written in the scroll is now impossible to fulfill.

Neither Prince William nor Harry is currently of age, so the former cannot have his own attendant, nor can the latter serve the royal family as child labor.

So, what the Queen has commissioned in the books is the future Harry...not even eighteen, as long as Harry turns 16, he can officially serve the royal family.

"But this is amazing~" Hermione exclaimed in amazement, "Who else can be appointed by the royal family in advance at the age of 13 like you?"

"It can only be said that Her Majesty the Queen really loves her eldest grandson very much, but... an attendant or something, it will be inexplicably interesting to think about it~"

Playing with the scroll in his hand, a funny look gradually appeared on Harry's face.

Because he wanted to accompany Prince William to study, he got a promise from an attendant. As a result, William always behaved like his younger brother in private... This kind of relationship between characters will remind Harry of the senior companions and Hua. The stupid son of the grand master's family.

In the end, William also had a younger brother. You think it's a bad luck~

Of course, William and his brother were definitely not stupid kids, and it was impossible for Harry to change his name to Hua An.

But to be honest, Harry doesn't think the royal family really intends to keep him by William's side, and he certainly doesn't have the idea of ​​serving the royal family wholeheartedly.

This kind of false appointment should be more of a disguised show of favor.

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