a certain scientific harry potter

Page 112

"Harry, it's getting late, let Mr. Crouch lead us in quickly." Dumbledore put his hand on Harry's shoulder, and raised him in a low voice.

"Okay." Harry nodded, his expression quickly returned to normal.

The most important thing tonight is to meet Sirius. As for those muddled accounts back then, we can talk about them after meeting people.

"Come with me."

Mr. Crouch didn't notice the change in Harry's mood, so he turned around and led the two of them into the prison gate that seemed to be closed like a ghost gate.

What surprised Harry and made sense was that the entire Azkaban Prison really didn't have any wizards stationed at all, and all the dementors in black robes wandering back and forth in the narrow corridors.

They seemed to be completely blind, and Mr. Crouch made it clear with a voice letter that one of the dementors sniffed and sniffed the three of them in a way that was almost attached to the body, and then reluctantly growled and left.

"The prison in Azkaban does not need wizard guards. With this group of dementors, no matter how powerful the criminals are, they will never escape..." At this point, Mr. Crouch, who was briefly introducing the situation in the prison, seemed to be He hesitated for a while, "That's right, since Azkaban has been used as a wizard prison for more than three centuries, no criminal has ever been able to escape from prison!"

It can be seen that Mr. Crouch is very confident in the defensive strength of the dementors.

"We've arrived," Mr. Crouch stopped in front of a single-room cage that was located quite far back, and pointed to the prisoner in the cage. "That's the Sirius Black you want to see."

"Is that him..."

Harry stared fixedly at the man in front of him, he sat slumped against the corner, his black hair was disheveled, his face was so pale that there was not even a trace of blood.

Harry never really met Sirius, but in his memory, his father James always said that Sirius was a handsome and handsome man who was very popular with girls in school.

But the person in front of him, who looked like a skeleton, was quite different from the godfather Harry had imagined.

"Sirius Black...your godson Harry Granger, came to see you with Albus Dumbledore."


Hearing Mr. Crouch's words, the man sitting paralyzed in the corner seemed to be stunned at first, but after seeing Harry's appearance, he suddenly burst out with the last bit of strength in his body, and rushed towards the prison door. !

He whimpered indistinctly, waving his arms wildly like a madman, and finally even bumped his head against the tough railing.

"What do you want to do?!"


The sudden change made Mr. Crouch and Dumbledore draw out their wands directly, and several dementors who had been on guard around for a long time also rushed over after hearing the news. The body was pressed to the ground forcibly, and there was a long, slow, gurgling breathing sound from his mouth, lying on his face and sucking greedily.

"Uh...uhhhhh!" Sirius let out a shrill and hoarse scream, but the voice soon completely weakened.

"Mr. Crouch, get rid of them!" Seeing this, Harry hurriedly turned to Crouch, asking him to get rid of these nosy ghosts immediately.


"I said drive them away!!"

Shouting angrily, Harry mixed powerful magic power in his voice, which made the whole prison buzz for a while.

And the dementors, who were lying on Sirius' body to suck their emotions, also stopped their disgusting movements and turned to Harry.

At this moment, these horrible creatures who only know how to feel emotions suddenly realize that they smell the best delicacy in the world!

Chapter 210 Seventh Harry's Godfather Is Absolutely Innocent

Greedy gasps came out from under the dark cloak, and part of the dementors in the prison began to float towards Harry depressedly, while the other part seemed reluctant to part with the food of Sirius, still lying on the spot reluctantly.

But even so, their faces still turned towards Harry from time to time.

At that moment just now, they felt extremely high emotions in Harry, which attracted every taste bud in their bodies to be completely opened, eager to swallow the delicious food in front of them.

The emotion in Harry that can combine anger, protection, and expectation at the same time is far stronger than the happy emotion in the prisoners of Azkaban. The sum of the annual output is more!

"Are you sure you want to find fault?"

Seeing that these ugly monsters not only didn't leave immediately, but seemed to have their own ideas, Harry's complexion suddenly became more gloomy, and black mist had already formed around him!

It's true that Harry hasn't mastered the Patronus Charm yet, but that doesn't mean he's afraid of dementors!

"Barty, it's time for your Ministry of Magic to take care of the guards here in Azkaban." The tip of Dumbledore's wand had already lit up with a cloud of silver light, and the phoenix patron saint on his shoulders also spread its wings at the same time, and his figure instantly It swelled more than ten times.

And this move also made the dementors who were about to make a move dumbfounded, and shrank to the corner of the cell to avoid the light of the patron saint, but they still refused to give up and leave.

"This child has not violated any rules, so put away your greedy thoughts!"

Barty Crouch similarly pointed his wand at the Dementors, and only then did the greedy gang finally back off.

But before flying away, they circled in Harry's direction for a while, seeming extremely unwilling.

It's just that Harry doesn't bother to pay attention to their threats now. He first took out his wand and cast several recovery spells on Sirius, and then even took out a piece of chocolate that Hermione gave him before leaving, and sent it to Sirius with the Levitation Charm. In front of Sirius.

"It should be better if you eat it."


It was just a soft sentence, but Sirius, who was paralyzed on the ground, lost control of his emotions again. He trembled and looked at Harry several times, and finally even chewed the chocolate with the wrapping paper in his mouth carelessly, even the saliva flowed out embarrassingly. I didn't even notice it.

"Eat it slowly, if it's not enough, I have some more here." Seeing that the other party swallowed the whole piece of chocolate in three bites, Harry hurriedly took out another piece from his pocket.

This time, though, Sirius was no longer gobbling.

He squeezed the outer packaging of the chocolate tightly with trembling hands, and looked at Harry carefully over and over again, as if he wanted to see every detail of Harry's face clearly.

"It's been 13 years, I didn't expect you to grow so big. You look exactly like James, but your eyes look like Lily, which is great..." When he looked at Harry, Sirius seemed to be full of blood in his cloudy eyes. It is the color of memory.

He tremblingly stretched out his hand to Harry, but after a moment of froze, he withdrew it embarrassingly: "Harry Potter... you didn't even fully open your eyes when he recognized you as his godson Woolen cloth…"

"I've changed my name to Granger now," Harry said softly. "It's the name of my adoptive parents who have always been very kind to me."

"Have you changed it... Ha, it's good to change it~" Sirius smiled self-deprecatingly, "Maybe this will make you relax, otherwise your past will be very painful. And these...damn, these are all because of me !"

As he spoke, he began to fall into endless self-blame and regret again: "It's all my fault! If it wasn't for me...you bastard! I killed your parents, James and Lily...I killed them! !"

Excitedly, he tore his dirty and knotted hair with his hands, and even hit his head on the ground frantically, with bangs and bangs.

"Hmph! Does a person like you know how to repent?" Barty Crouch snorted disdainfully when he saw this, "And you think that even if you really repent, you can get the lives of the Potters back And those twelve innocent Muggles, and Peter Pettigrew, whom you brutally murdered, who..."

"Enough! Don't mention that name to me again!!"

Hearing Crouch's words, Sirius seemed very excited, and kept barking his teeth and claws at him.

"Mr. Crouch, I have something to say to him, can you please stop interjecting later?"

Harry looked at Crouch seriously and asked, and after the latter snorted displeasedly, he chose to turn his head aside.

He could hear Harry's complaints. In today's prison visit, Harry, the godson, should be the protagonist. Didn't Dumbledore say anything?

In contrast, Barty Crouch, who just came to help, was indeed a bit of a distraction.

"Sirius, since you are my godfather, you must be very curious about my affairs." After Crouch stopped talking, Harry looked at the manic Sirius again, and began to tell him his own story. experience.

"After my parents died, I was sent to the Dursleys because I was required to live with the only family I had, so I endured almost nine years of abuse. Being beaten and scolded by uncles and aunts, picking up my cousin's old clothes Clothes, imprisoned and starved, sometimes Dudley stuffed his head in the toilet..."

"What did you say? That family... how dare they? Dumbledore, why did you send Harry to that kind of place?!"

Sirius was once again aroused by Harry's words. He slapped on the prison railing like crazy, and even tried to stretch out his hands and feet to tear it apart, but this time his target was Dumbledore.

"It was because I trusted you that I allowed that half-blood giant to take Harry away! But you never told me... he actually lived that kind of life!!"

"Sirius... For this matter, I also feel very sorry for Harry now." Recalling the old matter, Dumbledore also looked a little ashamed.

On Harry's side, however, he continued to speak indifferently.

"Then, I went to Hogwarts, and in my first year, I had to face Voldemort who had returned."

"Followed by the second year, one of Voldemort's diaries opened the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets, and I had to face the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets..."

"Stop talking...Harry, don't talk anymore! Dumbledore, is this how you protect James and Lily's children?" Sirius roared crazily, and even kept biting the fence in front of him with his teeth, "Let me out...you guys let me out quickly! No, what Hogwarts, Harry...we're not going!! Dumbledore, Crouch...get me out quickly...you hear that? !!"

"So...Mr. Principal, and Mr. Crouch, if I say now that my godfather, Sirius Black, is absolutely innocent, will you believe me?"

Harry's words made the three inside and outside the prison stunned at the same time.

Chapter 210 The eighth chapter is the real culprit is at large

If you want to determine whether Sirius is good or bad, in fact, you only need to test his attitude towards Harry to get a general idea.

When Harry suddenly revealed those tragic experiences, Sirius was caught off guard, but his first reaction was to point the signs at Dumbledore instead of pretending to care about Harry... From this, it can be seen that he is very concerned about what happened to Harry. How angry it is.

In this case, what reason does he have to frame Harry's parents?

"Harry, what... what did you say?" Sirius, who was in prison, suddenly became extremely choked up, "You really know that I am innocent? But, how is this possible..."

"I'm just skeptical, that's why I must come to see you." Harry shook his head at Sirius first, and then looked at the other two, "Mr. Principal, Mr. Crouch, what do you think?"

"I respect your decision, Harry, you will be able to handle this matter properly." Dumbledore took a step back with a smile on his face, expressing his attitude with actions.

"Granger, this guy is an insidious and cunning murderer. How can you be sure that he wasn't acting to lie to you just now?"

Crouch is not as easy-talking as Dumbledore. He imprisoned Sirius. If he agrees with Harry today, it means that he will overturn his past decision. Without conclusive evidence, he will not To trust a child's nonsense.

"He didn't know that I would come to visit the prison before... Even if he knew, he would only think that I hate him to the bone, and there is no need to act in front of me to fight for sympathy." Harry shook his head noncommittally, but his tone has become extremely firm , "What's more, the case back then was full of doubts, and there must be some clues pointing to the truth, which have been missed until now!"

While speaking, Harry had already taken out the letter paper from his pocket, and at the same time cast a phonogram with his wand.

"Harry Granger, you..."

"Barty, please watch Harry perform like I did." Crouch seemed to want to stop him, but Dumbledore stopped him in advance, "Think about the fingerprint evidence before, my friend... the child Harry , but it often brings surprises to people~”

"Fingerprints... Could it be?!" For a while, Crouch couldn't make up his mind.

Now he even began to wonder if he was really wrong... Is there really something else hidden about what happened back then?

On Harry's side, he has calmly started to question Sirius: "Godfather, now I need you to calmly recall what happened back then, and then tell me as many details as possible, is that okay?"

"Okay... the person who leaked the secret was not me, but the abominable Pettigrew Peter! I went to find James and Lily, and I was clever enough to change the secret keeper of the Fidelity Curse from me to Peter, thinking that this would make Voldemort Let me and the Death Eaters focus on me, the mist, so as to better protect the safety of your family..."

Harry's words seemed to carry a special magic power. After feeling the other party's indifference, Sirius' originally chaotic mood gradually began to calm down.

He began to reorganize the whole story of that year to Harry, and also to Dumbledore and Crouch who were present.

"The person who leaked the secret was Peter. When I knew what happened to James and Lily, I knew he must have shamelessly betrayed our friendship!"

"I started looking for him that night, and finally cornered him in a crowded Muggle neighborhood...but just when I thought I'd managed to catch him, he suddenly detonated his wand, not only I blew up all the bones and implicated a dozen Muggles on the block..."

"There are no bones left...Mr. Crouch, I remember Peter Pettigrew left a finger at the end?" After listening to Sirius finish the details of the year, Harry turned to look at Barty Crouch.

"There is a finger, but it has been sent back to his mother as a body."

"So... did you do any forensics on that finger and the scene of the crime?"

"Forensic...forensic?" Crouch was taken aback by Harry's question, "You mean the fingerprint evidence you submitted before?"

"Forensics is the analysis and identification of all the evidence in a case, and fingerprint identification is only a part of forensics." Harry explained meticulously, "For example, if I can see that finger, I can pass the burning of the phalanx." The degree of burning and traces of the cross-section can roughly determine whether it was blown up, broken off, or cut off... And once these clues are determined, we can further restore what the pettigret did when the explosion occurred. "

"Harry, do you want to say that Pettigrew is not dead?" Dumbledore understood Harry's meaning immediately.

"Mr. Principal, I am almost sure that he is not dead!" Harry explained with a serious face, "It is illogical to leave a finger at the scene of the explosion that destroyed everything; Assuming that the godfather is telling the truth, then Pettigrew’s move is undoubtedly to frame the blame, and his purpose of leaving a finger must be to tell other people... the one who was killed in the bombing was him Pettigrew Peter!"

"But let's imagine, if he really wanted to die, would he care whether his identity would be discovered after death? He emphasized his identity so much, which means that he was feigning death to escape, leaving himself a The way to escape from the explosion!!"

"Even if what you said is correct, the explosion completely destroyed the entire block, how did Pettigrew disappear strangely?" Crouch has been a little shaken now, but he still has no idea about some details. Can think clearly.

"It's time to ask my godfather again." Harry looked at Sirius again, "Can you tell us about Pettigrew, for example, what's special about him?"

"Oh...Peter's character is a little timid, but he is honest and obedient. He always likes to follow James and me, and he has become our friend over time. By the way, he has also learned Animagus transformation. , we were at school…”

"Ahem~" Harry coughed twice and interrupted Sirius, "Godfather, can you introduce Pettigrew's Animagus in detail?"

The reason why Harry wanted to use the Voice Charm in front of Barty Crouch was to make a statement that could be recognized by the Ministry of Magic, so he couldn't just let Sirius say something like that.

As a legally registered Animagus, Harry knew that throughout the 20th century, the Ministry of Magic had registered a total of eight Animagus including himself, and the only one Harry knew was McGonagall. professor.

Therefore, if Pettigrew also mastered the transformation of Animagus, then he must be completely illegal.

And according to Sirius, they couldn't be sure that they were the Animagus who secretly practiced together at school at that time, so the godfather himself was also an illegal element... Maybe even the father who passed away with him was the same.

Now that Harry has confirmed that his godfather is innocent, he must find a way to get him out of Azkaban in the next step. If it is revealed that Sirius is an illegal Animagus at this time, He was afraid that he would have to be locked up again in prison for another crime.

So you see, why don't you register after you've learned it, it's a big trouble now~

"The mouse...Peter's Animagus, is a mouse!"

"That's right~"

A clear smile appeared on Harry's face, he finally heard the information he needed most!

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