a certain scientific harry potter

Page 67

However, public defiance in school is only a small way after all, and it is easy to cause Hermione's displeasure like today.

Find all the evidence and make a final decision, let him be pierced through the mask under completely irrefutable circumstances, this is an excellent legal worker, the right path to take~

As for this series of plans, Harry had roughly prepared the draft in his mind.

Dumbledore's voice-recording magic similar to the roaring letter had given Harry a lot of inspiration. If some testimonies were recorded in this way and accompanied by photos that could be moved by using the developing potion, it would be a great surprise. That's solid video evidence!

Anyway, Lockhart was teaching at the school now, and Harry had plenty of time to play with him.

However, Harry doesn't plan to take this guy's course anymore, after all, he can't afford to be rubbed off on his popularity by the other party... Although it's a pity that those extra points are just for nothing.

But when he thought of Hermione's class schedule in his pocket, Harry couldn't help getting angry!

This stinky girl has a clue but doesn't know why, where is she drawing something blind~

In herbal medicine class on Friday, Professor Sprout brought students from the Gripen and Lion Houses to the third greenhouse.

Last year, the students had only been in the first greenhouse. They had heard that the plants in the third greenhouse were more interesting and dangerous, so everyone was eager to try it.

"We're going to repot the Mandrake today, so someone can tell me what the characteristics of this plant are."

Professor Sprout, who has always been gentle, seems to be in a cloudy mood today, but most of the students know the reason... When the class was assembled just now, Lockhart caught Professor Sprout showing off Her knowledge of herbal medicine made this honest witch very angry.

"Mandrake is a powerful recovery agent that can restore people who have been deformed or have been enchanted by related spells." Hermione raised her hand first and gave the answer, "In addition, the mandrake's single A leaf is a necessary material to configure the Animagus transformation potion."

"Miss Granger's answer is perfect, especially she actually knows about Animagus, Ravenclaw deserves twenty points!"

Hermione's answer beyond the standard made Professor Sprout's complexion a lot better. Sure enough, anyone who is a good student will like it~

As for the sophomore lions who were in class together, they were in a state of mourning at the moment.

Two days into school, the Granger siblings almost won nearly [-] points for the Eagle Academy. This gap is like a gap, and it is simply unmatched.

This year's Academy Cup, they should not be at the bottom again...

At this moment, all the lions are sadly worrying about this problem.

But no matter how worried they were, it was useless, the course had to continue, and Hermione's journey to grab points would never stop there.

To tell you the truth, Professor Flitwick only exchanged [-] points for a student like Hermione, which is definitely the most cost-effective deal~

"Next, we will start to repot these Mandrakes in groups of four. Before that, you must wear earmuffs and make sure to cover your ears tightly!"

Hearing the cry of a mandrake can kill, so Professor Sprout's instructions are serious.

But she herself said that the current mandrakes are just seedlings, and their cries will not be fatal, but will only make people unconscious for a few hours.

And this just gave Harry a chance to study them.

"Mr. Granger...well, you must pay attention to safety~"

Seeing that Harry didn't put on the earmuffs as required, Professor Sprout wanted to remind him, but he gave up after thinking about it.

Harry is a special student, and this matter is the consensus of the entire Hogwarts faculty.

Therefore, even if he sometimes does some things that are quite deadly in the eyes of outsiders, most of the teachers at Hogwarts will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, and Professor Sprout is certainly no exception.

Anyway, as long as no one can die, let him act like a demon~

squeak! !

After confirming that Harry really didn't wear earmuffs, Ron in the same group pulled out a very ugly 'baby' from the soil. Suddenly, a strange and sharp sound swept through the third greenhouse.

However, only Harry in the greenhouse actually heard the sound.


There were shrill screams in his eardrums, and Harry glanced at the mandrake root that was baring its teeth and claws, and hastily squeezed the ring on his hand.

This was really a neighing sound like a death talisman, as if several knives were stabbed into his head at the same time, so much so that Harry's consciousness was scattered.

However, relying on his own strong mental power and the protection of the magic spell of the mirror to stop water, he finally survived the terrifying howls and did not faint as Professor Sprout said.

"Are you stupid to tell you to wear earmuffs and you don't?" After reburying the struggling Mandrake in the soil, Hermione scolded Harry, who was obviously in a daze, anxiously and distressed.

"Just something curious to verify, don't worry, I'm fine~"

Harry gave Hermione a relieved smile, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt like he was trying to support his weakness.

Through the attempt just now, he has come to the conclusion he needs.

The cries of the mandrake, like the mermaid songs he had heard before, could all be regarded as spells with special powers!

(PS It's time for the protagonist to study some special topics~)

Chapter 120 [-] Magic Doesn't Matter Black and White

After the herbal medicine class, Harry and Professor Sprout applied for permission to come to the third greenhouse to study mandrakes at any time.

In this regard, Professor Sprout happily gave it convenience, just reminding him not to accidentally kill the Mandrake he finally got, and...don't accidentally get killed by the Mandrake.

Harry Granger, the biggest relational accountant in the whole school, he didn't come to Hogwarts just to do a good job in class... Of this matter, Lockhart is probably the only one who doesn't know about it~

The cry of the mandrake, in Harry's opinion, was also part of the sound magic project he was studying.

Combining the letter that Old Deng gave to the mermaid, and some information that Harry found in the library yesterday, Harry easily mastered the method of making audio letters like roaring letters.

It is nothing more than using the magic called phonogram to record the vibration of the sound with a magic wand in advance, and then transcribe it on the letter paper in the form of words, and finally use an envelope to keep it still.

When the envelope is opened, the fixed stationery will start to vibrate again, and the sound will be played again.

However, in Harry's opinion, if the voice mail is simply used as a recording pen, this technology is a bit too monotonous.

Lao Deng's letter to the mermaid only sealed a voice, but the song sung by the mermaid in battle contains a trace of charm, which shows that... the voice can be infused with magic power.

Harry's experiment with the cry of the Mandrake now proves the same.

The cry of the mandrake is very sharp and piercing, but after Harry experienced it himself, he found that its actual decibels were far from the level that would burst the eardrums and make people bleed to death from the seven orifices.

And generally speaking, the sound that can cause people to faint by resonance is often a high-decibel heavy bass, and the obvious high-pitched sound like the mandrake cannot achieve a similar effect, unless the person who hears the sound is himself Have an auditory system disorder.

"Sure enough...it's not as simple as just causing dizziness~"

After a period of personal experience and research, Harry finally determined that the reason why the cry of the mandrake caused people to faint or even die should be brain shock caused by mental injury.

In its cry, there is a very strong magic power targeting the mental system, which can instantly cause the listener to have brain shock symptoms, and it can definitely cause death in severe cases!

Harry was able to barely resist the sound of the mandrake seedlings because of his strong mental power, and because he had the interspatial ring and the magic spell protection. If it were an ordinary person, he might lose consciousness on the spot.

The curse of the sound... Sure enough, you still have to ask a professional person about this kind of thing~


In the cold and damp Hogwarts dungeon, the head of Slytherin was flipping through the homework submitted by the students with disdain, but unexpectedly an envelope slipped into the room through the crack of the door.

"Sijiao, are you free now? I have some questions and I want to talk to you~"

"..." Hearing the voice of a debt collector on the letter, Snape silently recited 'he was born by Lily' twice in his heart, and then tore the letter into pieces with a blank expression.

"Just come in if you have something to say, don't play such silly tricks." Snape shouted displeasedly towards the door.

"Hey, don't I just want to practice the phonogram more~" Harry flashed into the office with a grin on his face when he heard Sijia's permission.

"What do you want to say to me?" Snape said indifferently with a trace of disgust.

"Regarding sound magic, such as injecting magic power into sound, I would like you to explain it to me."

"Granger, what I want to remind you is that injecting magical power into voices to achieve some ulterior purposes already belongs to the category of black magic." Snape refused with a stinking face, "This kind of It’s not something that you, a student, should over-explore.”

"Sijiao, isn't the closed-ear listening that you developed by yourself also a kind of low-end black magic?" Harry retorted indifferently, "In my opinion, there is no difference between black and white magic. Torturing a person to death with a curse, and dissecting a person with a sharp weapon through transfiguration, these two acts are essentially the same, the key depends on the mind of the person using the curse.”

"It is true that black wizards are indeed called out for beating them because of their treacherous and evil actions, but this is only because they cannot control the power of black magic well, so that they become slaves of magic power! After all, this is a An act of weakness!"

A truly powerful wizard should be able to get out of the mud without being stained. Even in the dark, he must abide by his heart and perfectly control his own power!

Snape was silent again about Harry's point of view.

He even started to complain a bit why this kid didn't show up sooner.

If someone had awakened him and her with these words at the same time as Harry did, then they might not be strangers, and the final ending might be completely different...

"Professors in schools won't teach these things. If you really want to know, you can go to the restricted area and check it yourself."

Snape calmed down, and gave Harry a permit to borrow all kinds of books at will in the restricted section of the library.

After that, he swiped a pen and directly signed Gilderoy Lockhart's name on the signature.

"Sijiao, you are..." Harry couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this.

"When Hogwarts students want to enter the restricted area, the professor's approval slip must indicate the specific name of the book to be borrowed. Like this type of approval slip that allows low-grade students to borrow in the restricted area at will, there is only one who does not learn and has no knowledge." It will only be signed if it is a straw bag of art."

Snape took it for granted, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he did.

"Gao, it's really clever to teach you." Harry couldn't help giving Snape a thumbs up, "That's right, if it wasn't for a brain twitch, I wouldn't be able to open this kind of approval note~"

Harry said that Sijiao is indeed a wonderful person, and there is no trace of PS in this blame.


"Okay~" Before Snape was about to explode, Harry left with a playful smile.

It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. After successfully getting the approval slip from 'Lockhart', Harry went straight to the library as soon as possible.

"Hi, Mrs. Pince, I want to go to the Restricted Section! This is Lockhart..."


Harry wanted to show Mrs. Pince the formalities he had obtained with great difficulty, but Mrs. Pince didn't even look at it, and pushed him in like a fly.

"No... Mrs. Pince, we are familiar with each other. Shouldn't you go through a process?"

Harry grumbled under his breath, the feeling of being ignored was really sad.

"Stop messing with me here, kid, I don't know about you?" Mrs. Pince gave Harry an angry look, "You've never followed the rules!"

"Well, you really know me well enough." Harry shrugged helplessly.

Hmm, I really am an evil privileged class~

"By the way, if you want to receive a love letter on Valentine's Day, you can consider giving someone a gentleman's top hat on Christmas first~"

"You kid..."

"Hey, let's go~"

Mrs. Pince was about to fight, but Harry had already slipped into the restricted area.

"A hat... Maybe it would be a good choice."

Mrs. Pince, who was worrying about the gift, suddenly felt better when she got the gossip from someone.

Chapter 120 Four

"The restricted area...it's eerie, and it really feels scary~"

The Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library, a place Harry hadn't visited much last year, because he was busy fighting wits with Old Deng.

Now that he officially visited the restricted book area, he found that this place was more than one level more exciting than the general book area outside.

Compared with the tepid general-purpose books, most of the collections in the restricted section have old covers and various weird-shaped illustrations, showing the twisted and weird side of magic between the lines.

For example, in one of the old books that introduced curses, Harry saw a curse called the Curse of Intestines, which was said to be able to tear a person's intestines out of the body.

For this kind of content that is strongly related to his work in his previous life, Harry is very willing to have a deeper understanding, but unfortunately it only describes in detail how miserable the cursed will be, except that it does not describe the specific curse. What.

It seems that this thing is really not something that school students can touch. After putting the book back, Harry couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Uh... this is?" While looking for the books he needed in the restricted area, Harry inexplicably put his hand on the spine of an old book.

He tentatively pulled the book out of the bookshelf, but as soon as he opened the book, there was an extremely shrill howl that made goosebumps unbearable!

It was a scream coming from this book. There seemed to be a strange human face on the page, howling and struggling to escape from the book's blockade.

"Hey... you try howling again?!"

Harry pointed his wand at the page with a cold face, and the firelight at the tip of the wand flickered away.

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