a certain scientific harry potter

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Chapter 130 IX It's Impossible for Hermione to Be Fainted

"Let me take a look... Yes, this thing is very important!"

After taking the hair from Luna and carefully identifying it, a hint of joy finally appeared on Harry's face.

The overall toughness of this hair is very good, and the length is much longer than that of ordinary chicken feathers. It should have been completely contaminated with chicken blood before, so it was not discovered.

After completely wiping off the blood on it, Harry found that it was a bluish-green spiky feather, which definitely did not fall from Hagrid's chicken!

"Luna, where did you find it?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Here, it's near here." Luna made a circle around her side with her hands.

"Where... are yesterday's footprints?"

Suddenly, a set of images appeared in Harry's mind.

When the suspect who caused the chicken coop tragedy was destroying his body, something fell off his body. Since the sky was too dark and the ground was full of chicken feathers, he could only rummage around in that area, so he left That series of footprints.

But he didn't expect that it was precisely because of the previous rummaging that he accidentally broke something he had dropped, so he had this sharp hair soaked in chicken blood!

"Um...is this?"

When the two left the chicken coop and were about to rush back to the castle, Harry also found out.

He found a tiny fragment of a chicken bone on the ground, in a clearing not far from the coop.

It was clearly a broken bone that had been inadvertently scooped up with the sole of a shoe, and Harry was sure it wasn't Hagrid's.

When the incident happened yesterday, Hagrid didn't enter the chicken coop, and he didn't come to the castle this morning. Even if he had chicken bones on his feet, it was impossible for him to be thrown to this place.

And it is unlikely that this was left by Harry himself. The grooves on the soles of the flat shoes he wears are very shallow, and basically nothing can be caught. What's more, when he searched the scene yesterday, he was very careful with his feet, so he should not step on them. Bones don't know.

Therefore, if we use the method of elimination, we can be sure that this thing must have been left by the suspect!

The suspect is in the Hogwarts castle, combined with the size of the leather shoe prints from yesterday, it is certain that he is a male senior student...or a certain teacher!


"Hmph, you two, what are you doing together?" After returning to the castle, before Harry could fully digest the joy of finding important clues, he was hit by the oncoming reality.

The bully girl leaned on the side of the hall with her arms folded, her pretty face was as cold as a stone sculpture, and her scrutinizing eyes were like blades slicing across his skin, causing his little heart to twitch one after another. .

"Let's talk, I'm leaving first." Luna looked at the domineering Hermione and at the weak and helpless Harry, and decided to rub the soles of her feet with oil.

What made Harry feel even more annoyed was that the girl's expression was so calm that there was no disturbance at all, as if she hadn't acted with Harry just now, and the two had just met at the door.

This teammate's sales are really smoother than Dove's, but you stayed to help me prove a few words!

"Um...Hermione, can you give me a chance to explain?" Witnessing Luna's screams with his own eyes, Harry rubbed his hands carefully, giving Hermione a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Say." Seeing Harry like this, Hermione's tone was still cold, but her face softened a lot.

When Harry heard the words, he felt as if he had been pardoned, and hurriedly explained the ins and outs of the matter to Hermione honestly, and emphasized with particular emphasis that he and Luna really just met by chance.

"So, the reason why you acted together with that crazy girl Lovegood is indeed to continue to look for clues at the chicken coop?" Hermione raised her eyebrows and asked, her tone still mixed with a touch of displeasure.

"Of course!" Harry hurriedly explained, "Luna really helped me a lot this time, she..."

"What about the clue, did you find it?"

But Hermione didn't seem to want to pay attention to Luna's topic at all, and even interrupted Harry directly with a bit of arrogance.

She held out her hand to Harry with a frosty face, and the dissatisfaction in her eyes became evident again.

"I found it, it's...here~" Harry carefully handed out the pointed hair that he found before, his face was as tangled as he wanted.

He also realized now that he absolutely pissed off Hermione just now.

Having been together for such a long time, Harry himself is not a piece of wood, he has actually guessed roughly why Hermione cares a bit too much about certain things.

It's just that, for his own speculation, Harry has not dared to make a final decision.

Hermione would be jealous for her own sake, and of course Harry didn't reject this feeling, but he still found it a bit unbelievable.

"So you mean, this thing is related to the murderer of the chicken coop case, and the chicken coop case is related to the Chamber of Secrets. If you find this murderer, maybe you can find the heir of Slytherin?"

After listening to Harry's analysis, Hermione understood the inextricable connection between the two cases.

"Let me investigate the owner of this thing, and I will definitely help you find the real culprit!"

Hermione seemed to be determined this time, she didn't even wait for Harry to respond, she put the hair in her pocket and turned to leave.


"Harry, you really did a good job this time. At least when the attack started, you didn't make me go home." Harry wanted to say something, but Hermione turned her head back All of a sudden interrupted.

"But just like last year, this is not enough, what I want is more! I want to be by your side, to face all difficulties with you, and to solve all problems together! I really don't want , when you urgently need help, the first thing you think of is not me, but someone else! Harry...do you understand what I said?!"

"Of course I understand..." Harry stepped forward and took Hermione's hand from behind, "Because I understand, I am always grateful. I am very grateful that you are willing to believe in me, willing to be by my side, to be with me In the face of these terrible things..."

"I don't need you to be grateful to me, and you don't need to always worry about me so much, whether it's safety or anything else." Hermione turned around, folded her hands and held Harry's hand in her arms, incomparably Seriously said to Harry, "Harry, what I need now is for you to believe me, I am definitely not in a daze, and I know what I should do now!"

In fact, Hermione already knew what she should do, but she never made up her mind to act.

To this day, when she saw Harry and Luna come back talking and laughing, and when she listened to Harry's joyful story about how Luna helped him find important clues, she was really very happy. feel bad.

And this completely strengthened her determination, and she was ready to take action immediately!

She is Hermione Jane Granger, Harry's sister, and she is the one who can be by Harry's side and give Harry the greatest help!

So, she decided to personally verify the truth that Harry had been looking forward to.

Chapter 140 Magic Power and Psychopathy Are Directly Proportional

"Phew... So, all wizards gradually become psychopaths like this, right?"

At night, when Harry finally broke free from the extremely dark mood, he was already dripping with sweat.

Ever since he accepted the guidance of the book spirit and began to learn to control his emotional fluctuations through self-suggestion, Harry realized how difficult this road is.

Human emotion is an extremely subjective psychological activity. To control it by means of self-suggestion, Harry must constantly persuade or even hypnotize himself, immerse himself in various extreme emotions repeatedly, and then Try harder to break free.

This process made him miserable, and he couldn't sleep almost all night long.

And he finally understood why many powerful wizards are often very weird, and they can always find abnormalities in their bodies.

Because their emotions are affected by magic power, they will always behave extremely extreme in one or even multiple situations.

Shuling calls this situation a 'spiritual loophole', and it believes that this is a completely irreversible process, so wizards will gradually become more emotional as their magic power gradually grows, and their acting style will also change. Gradually began to be irrational.

Hmm, after Hermione came out of the Chamber of Secrets last year, she also complained about the puzzles taught by Sri Lanka, saying that powerful wizards should not be very good at logical reasoning, and now it seems that this is really the case.

The wizards only need to let their emotions explode, and then use magic power to change reality, they don't need any logic at all~

All in all, magic and emotions influence and reinforce each other, and eventually magic will become stronger and stronger, and emotions will gradually become neurotic in the process.

Take the black wizard as an example. If you don’t have a perverted idea, it’s impossible to make a lot of achievements in the black magic map; Day by day more and more perverted.

According to Shu Ling, Harry has now successfully opened the door of perversion, and the distance from complete perversion is just around the corner~

After a short period of training, Harry was able to make the little birds, snakes, bowtruckles and other little guys in the box howl with him just by crying.

For these performances, Shuling couldn't help but lamented that children can be taught, but Harry was not satisfied.

"Please, this doesn't count as a success at all, okay?" Harry hurriedly wiped away the tears that kept falling, "Why does this sound affect others, but it also affects me?"

"Isn't that the case~" Shu Ling's tone was taken for granted, "Don't forget the essence of magic, if you want others to believe it, you must first believe it yourself!"

"But if that's the case... what's the use of me practicing it?" Harry's words made Harry bitter.

Think about it, suppose Harry wanted to hypnotize his opponent with his voice, but he fell asleep first when he just made a cry, so why hypnotize him?

"There is no other solution to this kind of thing, you can only rely on your own willpower to persevere." Shu Ling seemed helpless about this, "Hone your own spiritual will to withstand the magic power you released, and you will naturally No longer affected, you have that strange spell that can stabilize the spirit, I believe you will make great progress soon."

"Hehe, what you said was easy~" Harry rolled his eyes resentfully.

Indeed, according to Shu Ling, he can indeed rely on willpower to survive the influence of magic power in the future, but does this guy know how painful that process is?

"Or, you can also consider practicing Occlumency." After a long silence, Shu Ling proposed another method, "The advent of Occlumency was originally to help wizards alleviate the negative effects of emotions. As a result, you guys The so-called modern wizards will only use it to deal with Legilimency."

"Occlumency...can you teach me?" Harry's eyes lit up. As the only force capable of resisting Legilimency, Harry had been known for a long time.

It's just that Scamander isn't good at it, so Harry hasn't dabbled in it yet.

"I can't teach you this. Occlumency requires strong external stimulation to learn. I'm just a wisp of spirit left in the book. It's the limit of what I can do to subtly influence your emotions." Shu Ling said helplessly, "What's more, in the final analysis, Occlumency is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Complete isolation of emotions may make you a powerful wizard, but it also blocks your way to the top!"

"Okay...but, what do you mean by the spirit you've been talking about?"

Knowing that he couldn't take a shortcut, Harry temporarily gave up the idea of ​​Occlumency.

But after he was free, he became very interested in the book spirit itself.

"Don't you have many moving and talking portraits in Hogwarts? The so-called spirit is actually this kind of thing." Mentioning his own origin, the voice of the book spirit seemed a little ethereal, "If a wizard with powerful magic power If you always communicate with your own paintings, you will gradually pour some of your own power into the paintings. After the wizard dies, these forces will drive the wizard image on the painting to move again, and begin to repeat the words or words of the wizard before his death. Action. At this time, the wizard's painting also has the spirit (Aura)"

"So the spirit is actually something like an aura?" After hearing the book spirit's explanation, Harry finally understood the reason for its spirit.

The so-called spirit is actually because wizards stayed in a certain place during their lifetime, and the powerful aura they radiated would affect the paintings of wizards or other objects that can be photographed, so that after the death of wizards, they can be restored to a certain extent. Backtracking on the behavior of the wizard during his lifetime.

In the headmaster's office of Hogwarts, there are portraits of the former headmasters. They sometimes give Dumbledore some advice on managing the school, and sometimes they even quarrel because of disagreements.

"But spirits may not only exist in paintings. A powerful wizard only needs the outline of a face in the object to be infused as a spirit. The magic power of the wizard before his death also determines the activity of the spirit."

"So... you were a very powerful wizard when you were alive?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows.

"You'd better not study my affairs now, because it won't help you at all." Shu Ling easily bypassed Harry's temptation, "And I can only affect your emotions, which is also considered a No powerful spirits. The four founders of Hogwarts, if they have spirits left behind, they may even possess jaw-dropping power!"

"Four founders..." Harry's tone gradually became more hesitant, and he felt that Shu Ling seemed to have something to say.

"Boy, have you ever thought that, as one of the most powerful wizards of that era, Salazar Slytherin, the reason why he left the Chamber of Secrets... is really just to clear the campus of Mabo?"

(Ps Let me tell you, Shuling's name for ordinary-born wizards is 'Mabo', I did not make a mistake here~)

Chapter 140 The Dueling Club's Events Are Held in Advance

Sound magic needs to hurt oneself first and then the enemy, and the possible spirits of the four founders of Hogwarts... Harry would rather he hadn't talked to the book spirit now.

Because every time you communicate with it, there will be more and more mysteries around you.

Shuling said that a wizard like Salazar Slytherin would not set up a secret room just to eliminate students from ordinary people, but Harry couldn't even find the secret room now, what Shuling told him It's basically nonsense.

Including the identity of the book spirit, Harry couldn't figure out the origin of the other party at all, but he knew roughly that it was definitely an old guy who had existed for a long time.

Because the "Mabo" in its mouth is a kind of respectful title given to wizards born by ordinary people in the magic world a long time ago.

And after the witch hunt led to a complete break between wizards and ordinary people, and most wizards began to look above their heads, this title was lost in the long river of history.

There is also Hermione. After taking away the blue-green pointed hair last time, Hermione has become more abnormal recently.

Harry knew that the girl must be holding back her strength and wanted to do something, but she refused to tell Harry Ming, nor did she allow Harry to ask.

In this regard, Harry undoubtedly chose to be tolerant.

Of course, Hermione was acting emotionally, but she had such a privilege with Harry, because their feelings were absolutely incomparable.

One of the few happy events so far is probably Harry's entry into the sound magic journey.

After a series of self-suggestion practices that were so extreme that they doubted life, Harry's spiritual will finally made great progress as Shu Ling said. At least he was able to easily influence Bowtruckles and Moon Crazy Beasts without his own help. Fall asleep or cry together.

But for powerful magical animals such as adult birds and snakes and horned camels, Harry can only fight to the death with all his strength.

However, in Shu Ling's view, Harry's current strength is enough to influence some ordinary wizards without anyone noticing, which somewhat comforts him.

Another fortunate thing is that Professor Sprout agreed with Harry's suggestion and decided to focus on cultivating a small portion of Mandrakes by using auxiliary methods such as weather spells, holding greenhouses, and composting.

According to Professor Sprout's estimation, if she tried her best to cultivate a few mandrakes, she might be able to get mature plants before March instead of having to wait until summer.

This is also good news for Mrs. Pince, the librarian. Harry met her when he went to visit Filch. She was clutching a brand new top hat. After seeing Harry, she just nodded slightly. , and then left in a hurry.

It is now mid-December, and this undelivered Christmas gift is doomed to be postponed, and it is not known whether Mrs. Pince can successfully receive the Valentine's Day reply.


"Duel Club...Is this what Hermione was talking about yesterday?" One day before Christmas, Harry looked at the notice posted on the school bulletin board, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

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