a certain scientific harry potter

Page 82

The blocking barrier in front of him was actually the same method Dobby used to block nine and three-quarters, but it was undoubtedly much better.

Obviously, if the correct password cannot be answered, then the only way is to forcefully break it...

'what! ! ! '

However, when Harry subconsciously poked the blocking barrier with his wand, wanting to study it a little bit, an extremely sharp scream suddenly came from the light curtain in front of him!

The ear-piercing sound waves kept sweeping across, even the ghost Myrtle covered her ears in discomfort, the volume was so loud that it almost spread throughout the entire castle.


And Harry frowned deeply after closing the Chamber of Secrets in Parseltongue.

There are other traps at the entrance of the secret room, this time the trouble is big!

Chapter 150 Five If You Dare to Say Forbidden Words, You Will Be Slapped

In the abandoned girls' bathroom, as the entrance to the secret room was blocked by the pool again, the terrifying screams just now finally stopped.

However, Harry's expression remained serious.

The blocking barrier just now is obviously a mechanism that will trigger a scream as long as it is touched or the wrong password is spoken.

But in this way, it would be difficult for Harry to enter quietly.


The heir of Slytherin must know the password, but Harry doesn't know who he is... Wait!

Suddenly, Harry thought of someone.

Gilderoy Lockhart, he's already established as an accomplice to the Heir of Slytherin, so he might know the password to get past the blocking barrier!

Even if he doesn't know, he must know the identity of the heir!

This time, it seems to be simple and rude~

After sorting out the current situation, Harry found helplessly that if he wanted to break the situation this time, it seemed that he could only use a method that a serious legal worker would never adopt...

That is forced confession!

"Oops...someone is coming!" Suddenly, Harry heard Myrtle's warning.

When Harry was busy closing the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets just now, Myrtle took the initiative to go out of the bathroom to help him keep an eye on him, and just happened to see someone rushing over aggressively.

"Remember, you haven't seen anything here!"

Harry, who had no time to escape, gave Myrtle some advice, and then quickly shook off the Invisibility Cloak to cover himself.

And just after he disappeared, Greengrass, who wanted to search him yesterday, broke into the bathroom and started searching around vigilantly.

"Who was here just now? Come out!"

Greengrass waved his wand around, but under Harry's careful dodging, this guy who was like a dog's skin plaster failed to discover his concealment for the time being.

"I'm the only one here~" Myrtle blinked her eyes pretending to be panicked, "Why did you just barge in here, don't you know this is a women's toilet?"

"Of course I know!" Greenglass roared impatiently, "Damn Mudblood ghost Myrtle, if you don't notice anything unusual, get out of here and leave me alone!"

"What did you say?" Myrtle screamed angrily when she heard the words, "I'm staying here well, but you suddenly barged in to scare people and torture me by saying such things?! You bastard thinks this is very annoying Interesting, but I can't see it!!"

She kept scolding Greengrass, and finally developed into a mournful howl. The pool in the bathroom burst along with her tears, continuously splashing on Greengrass, and finally spilled directly to the outside of the corridor .

"Damn! You damn..."

"Passed out!"

Greenglass, who was avoiding the water stains, wanted to curse, but suddenly felt dizzy in his head, and soon couldn't open his eyes.


However, just when he was already on the verge of falling, the sudden heavy blow on the back of his head made his eyes go black, and he simply fainted and fell to the street.

"Bah, I hate it when someone says that word in front of me. It's a light concussion to slap him~"

Harry spat at Greenglass who was lying on the ground in disdain, and casually took back the blood-stained brick.

"Hee hee, I fainted from the shooting, you are really ruthless, but I like it~"

Myrtle didn't seem to have expected that Harry would do such a trick. She tentatively tiptoed over Greenglass' head, only to find that the unlucky school manager was still motionless, and she couldn't help giggling happily.

The other party was still belittling her own background just now, seeing him deflated now, Myrtle is naturally very happy~

"Myrtle, thank you very much this time." Harry sincerely thanked Myrtle.

This female ghost not only helped Harry watch out, but also cried out on purpose to attract Greengrass' attention, creating an opportunity for Harry to shoot bricks behind his back, which was really a good help.

Of course, Harry also knew that Myrtle's original intention was to let him run away immediately, but who made the bastard Greenglass say the forbidden words in front of him.

"Oh, you don't have to thank me all the time, it's a gift to a friend." Myrtle smiled dignifiedly this time, and she didn't lean over to take advantage of Harry again, "You just knocked this guy out, and it's for me I'm out of anger; and last time Peeves spoke out to torture me, you were the one who scolded him, so I'm willing to help you like a friend."

"That's really my honor~" Harry also returned a friendly smile, "If this is the case, you can help me keep an eye on it recently, and see who sneaks into this bathroom."

"No problem at all!" Myrtle nodded with a smirk. "I can basically move freely in the castle. Even if you are in the men's room, I can tell you the news myself~"

"Please don't!"

Harry expressed 1 rejections to this. He didn't want to see Myrtle suddenly when he was going to the toilet. He was easily scared and so on~


After leaving the bathroom on the third floor, Harry went to the dining room, stuffed a few mouthfuls of bread indiscriminately, and then rushed to the classroom, preparing to discuss countermeasures with Hermione and another person he had chosen.

However, when he was passing through a certain corridor, he suddenly ran into a few Badger Academy students who were talking about it.

"I knew that the reason why that hateful heir attacked Professor Sprout was not a temporary idea at all, he just wanted to destroy the Mandrake!"

The speaker was the Cedric whom Harry had seen last time, but because of the righteous indignation, his original sharp-edged face was a little distorted.

From their words, Harry probably heard the cause and effect.

Things were basically as I had guessed. The third greenhouse was destroyed last night, and all the mandrakes were dead. The remaining three deans and the school directors of the pure-blood family searched the crime scene for a long time. , but found no useful clues.

Of course Harry knew that Lockhart was the culprit, but he didn't need to pay attention to it now.

Because the few mandrakes that are growing the best are being placed in his suitcase at the moment.

But Harry really wanted to complain, because it seemed that everyone except himself and Hermione felt that the so-called 'Heir of Slytherin' was just one person, and definitely a student.

It is also because of this that no one has paid attention to Gilderoy Lockhart's various abnormal behaviors.

People who claim to be rational regard him as a simple idiot, while ignorant fans will worship him blindly... Not to mention, the establishment of Lockhart is really quite confusing.

In addition, Harry couldn't help being a little more interested in Cedric Diggory who had discovered the same facts as himself.

Although the last meeting was a hasty farewell, Cedric left a good impression on Harry, and in the final analysis, Hufflepuff students are the best at cultivating herbs in the whole school.

Taking care of the Mandrake is definitely a top priority right now, and it would be great if one more Cedric could help.

Thinking of this, Harry decided to give it a try.

Chapter 150 Six Harry Has More Than One Helper

"The same goes for the school managers of those pure-blood families. They not only drove away Principal Dumbledore, but also locked us up like prisoners. This is simply a thief shouting "Stop the thief!"

"My father works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and I absolutely want him to make a complaint to the Ministry of Magic... eh, Harry?"

In the corridor of the castle, Cedric was talking with students from the same school, but he was suddenly bumped into by someone passing by.

He looked back puzzled, and found that the person who bumped into him turned out to be Harry whom he had met last time.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't notice anyone in front of me." Harry turned his head, put his hands on his chest and gave Cedric a slight nod, then walked away quickly as if nothing had happened.

Not far from them, a middle-aged man who looked like Vincent Crabbe saw this scene and rushed over quickly. The expression on his face changed when he saw Harry walking away. No more tension.

"Hey, what did he just tell you?" The middle-aged man with a swollen face turned to Cedric and asked fiercely.

"I didn't say anything, I just accidentally bumped into it, so I turned around and apologized." Cedric's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and he had no intention of flattering this fat guy with big ears at all.

"Hmph, it's best like this." The middle-aged man threatened with staring eyes, "Harry Granger, that guy is a cancer in the school, you'd better keep your contact with him less!"

After leaving these words, he left arrogantly, but Cedric subconsciously covered his chest.

At the collision just now, he felt that Harry seemed to stuff something into his arms, but because that annoying guy kept questioning him, Cedric was careful not to say anything.

"During lunch break, why don't you go to the eighth floor..."

When there was no one around, Cedric took out the ball of paper that Harry stuffed in his arms, only to find that it said that he was asked to go to the eighth floor quietly during the lunch break, saying that he had something important to talk to. He discusses.


"Harry, are you okay?" After arriving in the classroom, Hermione approached immediately.

She didn't see Harry all day yesterday, and this morning when she heard the news that Harry had been kicked out of Filch's office, she felt extremely anxious.

"I'm fine, it's just that the school trustees don't allow me to continue sleeping there, you don't have to worry." Harry shook Hermione's hand and comforted him softly.

"That's good~" Hearing Harry say this, Hermione's heart that had been hanging was finally let go.

"By the way, Hermione, at noon today, I need your help to attract the attention of those people."

Harry made an appointment with Cedric and a few others to meet on the eighth floor at noon, but he and Hermione couldn't all go, because the target would be too big and they would definitely be spotted by those watching.

That's why Harry needed Hermione to help him divert his attention, and when these stalking bastards chased after Hermione, he could take the opportunity to rush to the eighth floor.

Lucius and the parents of these pure-blood families are absolutely guarding against death. They are stalking almost every corner of the school. Even when Harry is in class, there will be people outside the classroom constantly watching .

So as long as Harry showed any sign of discussing with Hermione, the group of guys outside would definitely follow after class.

In this situation, Harry had to make all the arrangements as quickly as possible, otherwise, the longer the time dragged on, the more difficult it would be for him to move forward.

The time quietly passed until noon, and just after class, Hermione ran to a certain place in a 'hurry', and the pure-blood parents who were watching in the corridor also hurriedly began to follow in their respective patrolling areas, even It was to intercept Hermione directly.

But they worked for a long time, only to find that Hermione went in a big circle, and finally just went to the cafeteria to eat, went to the toilet and took it back to the Common Room of Eagle Yard.

As for why her traveling route was so strange when asked, Hermione gave a very simple reason.

"I'm happy~"

The school bully girl rolled her eyes at the last guy who was following her, and then walked into the gate of the common room of the Eagle Academy on her own.

When the pure-blooded parents who followed her wanted to enter together, the door to the rest room was already closed, and the bronze door knocker with the eagle head also raised a brand new question.

"Please briefly explain the meaning of Kepler's three laws based on the astronomy knowledge you learned at school."

Pureblood parent: …

A strange question made the annoying stalker almost vomit blood, but at the same time, Cedric had already followed the instructions to the special blank wall on the eighth floor of the castle without hindrance.

"Excuse me, are you two also called by Harry?"

Seeing the first and second graders appearing in front of him, the big boy in Badger Yard couldn't help but hesitate.

To a certain extent, these two people are also celebrities in the school.

The first-year freshman, Luna Lovegood, is known as the second-generation weirdo of Ravenclaw, and it can be said that she is definitely notoriously crazy.

The other, Neville Longbottom, a second-year at the Lions House, was known throughout the school for frequently getting yelled letters at breakfast, and was basically notoriously stupid.

Of course, Cedric was not the kind of guy who followed everyone else's words, but he also vaguely felt that Harry's circle of friends was very interesting.

"I received a letter, so I came over to have a look." Luna spoke first.

The letter she received was written by Harry last night, and Hagrid was entrusted to find a random courier in the owl house this morning and deliver it to Luna without attracting anyone's attention at all.

"I was forced to come here by Peeves." Neville scratched his head foolishly, "He can actually tell me that Harry is looking for me, so I don't have to be so scared."

Neville was threatened by Peeves after class, saying that if he didn't come to the eighth floor, he would definitely look after him, which made him still worried.

"Haha, even the way of delivering messages is so fancy~"

After hearing the experiences of the two, and thinking of his encounter with Harry this morning, Cedric couldn't help but smile knowingly, and felt that Harry was a wonderful person even more.

It's just that what he's curious about now is where the rightful lord who called them here is now.

"He's here, right here with us."

Suddenly, Luna raised her finger to the blank wall beside her. Cedric and Neville looked up suspiciously at the same time, only to find an inconspicuous small door suddenly appeared on the wall!

"Let's go in and have a look." Cedric was the oldest among the three, and he became the leader of course at this moment, leading the other two into the room.

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