a certain scientific harry potter

Page 85

Phineas Nigellus Blake, who was born in the Snake House, is indeed the most unpopular headmaster in the history of Hogwarts. He uttered all kinds of ironic words, and finally even buckled Harry. An unnecessary hat.

"Phineas, can you stop talking nonsense?" Principal Dippet frowned and condemned, "Harry is a Parseltongue for a reason, how could he be the heir of Slytherin?!"

"Uh... I want to know, are you usually this lively?"

Looking at the former acting headmasters who were chattering with each other and were about to quarrel, Harry not only lamented the unique painting style of the Hogwarts headmaster's office, it was almost like a vegetable market.

"We sleep most of the time, and only occasionally give Albus some advice." Dippet explained with some embarrassment, "Of course everyone is more interested in you, after all, you repelled The Dark Lord, the Boy Who Lived~"

"I see..." Harry responded lightly, looking quite disapproving of it.

What survived was just relying on the protection of his mother Lily, and Harry never felt that there was anything to brag about.

"By the way, Albus said before leaving, if you really come into the principal's office, go and check the sorting hat carefully." At this time, Dippet remembered Dumbledore's instructions before leaving, Hastily called out to remind Harry.

"Sorting hat... Is there anything special about this broken hat besides being used for unscientific sorting and screening?"

Harry stepped forward curiously, held the Sorting Hat in his hand and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't see why.

"Let go! Let go, put me down quickly, do you hear me?!"

The Sorting Hat was struggling violently in Harry's hands, and he didn't want Harry to touch it for a second.

"I said what are you twisting, can you be more honest... Hey, what is this?"

Harry wanted to use his other free hand to pull the brim of the Sorting Hat, but when the other party avoided him, he accidentally put his hand directly into the hat.

Then, Harry felt as if he was holding something.

Subconsciously pulling it outward, he actually pulled out a beautifully shaped sword from the sorting hat!

This is a slender silver sword. The blades on both sides are shining with sharp light. The hilt and guard are also engraved with complicated patterns. At the bottom of the hilt is inlaid with a bright egg-like egg. Ruby, the overall shape can be said to be exquisite and luxurious to the extreme!

"Sword of Gryffindor?!"*N

When the sword appeared, the former principals who were chattering before all fell into a shocked silence, and even the Sorting Hat, which had been screaming in Harry's hand, forgot to struggle in a daze at the moment.

"The Sword of Gryffindor?" Harry subconsciously glanced at the weapon he just got, and sure enough, he saw a line of small words branded on the sword.

'Godric Gryffindor'

Even the name of one of the four founders is printed on it, it seems that this should indeed be a treasure left by Gryffindor.

"I think this should be the real purpose of Albus asking you to check the sorting hat." Dippet's tone was full of infinite emotion, "Who would have thought that a person who has been confirmed to be in Ravenclaw House My child, it turns out to be a real Gryffindor~"

"Hmph, it's so embarrassing to be recognized by the Sword of Gryffindor!" The annoying old headmaster Phineas scolded angrily, "You can't help but think of my innocent The great-great-grandson I used was obviously from the noble and ancient Black family, but he turned out to join Gryffindor in a deviant way, just like those guys who go with the mudblood..."

"Phineas Nigellus Black, even if you are the former headmaster of Hogwarts, you are absolutely not allowed to say that hateful word in front of me!" While speaking, Harry had already raised his hands the sword and wand, aimed at Phineas' lofty frame!

"Hmph, how dare you threaten me, a mere brat?" Phineas in the portrait showed a dismissive look, "I'm going to tell you in front of your face, what can you do to me?" You know, my great-great-grandson Sirius Black, that incompetent guy is your godfather, don't you dare to touch your ancestors just because of the word 'Mudblood'..."

Stab it!

Before Phineas finished speaking, Harry used the Levitation Curse to control the sword and slashed straight across. He cut Phineas, who can be regarded as his great-great-great-grandfather, from a bust to a photoshoot. !

"If you say no, you can't! Since I can get this sword, it means that there is nothing I dare not do!"

Harry stared at Phineas with sharp eyes, and his cold tone was as unshakable as a rock!

"Don't say you are just a portrait, even if you are still alive, even if you are really my ancestor, your erroneous cognition like Salazar Slytherin must be completely corrected!!"

(The big baby who painted before ps was sick, so I can only make up the pictures~)

Chapter 160 Harry's godfather is in prison

With this sword strike, everyone in the Hogwarts headmaster's office looked dumbfounded.

All the headmasters in the portraits stared blankly at Harry holding the sword, not knowing what words to use to describe the scene in front of them; Peeves who was stirring the cauldron trembled in surprise, almost knocking the hair on his head The hat fell into the cauldron.

"Oh... no! How dare you treat the former principal of this school like this, let alone I am your ancestor?!"

Phineas was startled and angry at the moment, he kept shaking his remaining head, wishing he could rush out of the painting and bite Harry hard.

"My God... I now know why Peeves obeyed him."

The headmistress, Eupracia Moore, was so shocked that her jaw dropped. Not only did the child set the Sorting Hat on fire, but now she even cut a picture of the previous headmaster. Pranks are really pediatrics.

"You should really be surprised, shouldn't Harry just scold Salazar Slytherin in passing?"

Dippet covered his face dumbfounded. He said that last year in the principal's office, he had heard Harry's thousand-gun firecracker more than once. As a result, this child was directly upgraded to a second kicker this year...

Although Dippet doesn't know what the second kick is~

"My attitude has always been very simple. If you make a mistake, you must admit it, no matter what the identity of the person who made the mistake!"

Harry stared at Phineas seriously, but in fact, his words were also meant for the other principals and the Sorting Hat!

"Salazar blindly pursues the supremacy of blood. Not only did Slytherin College become a hotbed for a group of neurotic pure-bloods, but he even left a basilisk in his secret room, trying to eliminate all ordinary-born students! He Why can't this kind of paranoid and wrong thinking be criticized?!"

"Besides, do you think that apart from Salazar, the other three founders have no problems?" After a slight pause, Harry grabbed the Sorting Hat that had been thrown aside before, "The things they left The hat itself is the biggest problem!"

"Godric always admired courage, so Gryffindor finally gathered a group of foolhardy fools;"

"Rowena likes wisdom, so Ravencrow gradually has more guys who like to play tricks and flashy;"

"In the end, those ordinary students who were judged by the Sorting Hat as not very smart and had no outstanding personality were all crammed into Helga's academy..."

Almost every time Harry mentioned a college, the headmaster from that college would bow his head and fall into reflection, because whether they admitted it or not, what Harry said was an indisputable fact.

The sorting hat, which has been infused with the thinking of the Big Four, is sometimes very one-sided in its selection of students. As the sorting progresses year by year, the traditions and characteristics of the four courtyards are gradually solidified, and finally the entire school is full of contradictions. .

"In the final analysis, it is a kind of narrowness to arbitrarily determine the development of a child's future life based on the mental state exhibited at the age of 11!" Harry finally gave the sorting hat a bitter look, "so It can be said that the views of the four founders have certain age limitations, and the hat that interprets their thoughts more one-sidedly deserves to be set on fire eight times!"

In fact, many headmasters are aware of the problems of the Hogwarts branch, but apart from lamenting that Harry was able to analyze it so sharply, they couldn't express anything else.

They couldn't solve these problems before they were alive, and now that they were dead and alive, they couldn't solve them even more.

Of course, Harry didn't actually intend to ask them to solve anything. What happened to the students in the fourth courtyard didn't really have much to do with Harry. Anyway, he only needed to make friends who could be regarded as having the same language as him.

In the end, only the Sorting Hat kept screaming for mercy in the principal's office.

Now that Dumbledore is not here, it can be said that Harry is in charge of the principal's office, and the Sorting Hat is really worried that the latter will set another fire on him.

"Stop howling, I don't have time to talk to you now." Harry casually threw the Sorting Hat back on the shelf, and then suddenly looked at Phineas, who had only one head left, "Principal Phineas, you I just talked about my great-great-grandson, Sirius Black, how is his current situation?"

It wasn't until Phineas mentioned it just now that Harry fully remembered that he had a godfather.

His memory is very good, yes, he can remember things clearly even when he was just born, but it is impossible for him to recall all the experiences in his mind all the time, so some memories still need a little external stimulation to be reflected.

For example, his godfather, whom he has never met, Harry could actually hear his name often when he was a child.

Sirius Black, like Phineas, was born in the pure-blood Black family, but unlike other family members, he was assigned to Gryffindor when he entered Hogwarts, so he was also assigned to the Black family. Treated as a 'stain'.

He was the best friend of his father James when he was in school, and after he was born, he became his godfather.

Harry can even recall that on his first birthday, Sirius, who was unable to come in person, gave a toy broom as a gift, but Harry felt that it was too dangerous for him to ride on it with short hands and short feet. , so I didn't even touch it at all.

Because of this matter, my cheap daddy seems to have been lost for a while.

Later, when his parents were killed by Voldemort, when Hagrid went to Godric's Hollow to rescue himself, the motorcycle he was riding seemed to be borrowed from Sirius.

But Harry hadn't heard from Sirius since then.

After he was sent to the Dursleys' house by Dumbledore, Sirius never came to see him once; including the fact that he caused so many troubles later on, it can even be said that he was well-known in both ordinary people and wizard circles, but he Still did not show up.

According to the description of his father James in his life, Sirius, who is the godfather, should love him very much, so why hasn't he come to him these years?

"Oh, didn't anyone tell you about my useless great-great-grandson before?" Phineas let out a piercing laugh, "But that's right, with your temper, if you know about him, just I'm afraid they will plan to sneak into Azkaban and kill him completely."

"Azkaban...killed? What do you mean?" Harry frowned, and he instinctively felt that what Phineas said next might be very important to him.

"What else could it mean, that this guy is a criminal now." Phineas snorted coldly, "He leaked the location of your family, broke the loyalty spell protecting your family, and killed That dwarf named Peter and a dozen Muggles will of course be imprisoned in Azkaban in the end!"

"What did you say?!"

Chapter 160 Three Days Are Actually Rare

After leaving the headmaster's office, Harry had been thinking about the godfather.

Although Phineas was a bad-mouthed headmaster, he was Harry's elder after all, and he didn't hide anything about Sirius in the end.

The reason why Voldemort was able to find Harry's home was because Sirius, who was the secret keeper of the Fidelity Curse, leaked the secret, which made James and Lily die tragically in Voldemort's hands.

But the next day, Pettigrew Peter, who went to avenge Harry's parents, was killed by Sirius, and at the same time, twelve ordinary people in the whole block were killed together.

It is said that Peter's body was bombed and there were no bones left, and only a finger was left at the scene.

Fortunately, Sirius was quickly caught, and he was imprisoned in Azkaban, and it has been a full 11 years now.

But after going through the cause and effect carefully... Harry felt that something was wrong!

First of all, according to the information he heard from his parents from birth to more than one year old, Sirius is definitely not a person who will succumb to Voldemort.

When Scamander was collecting information on the Death Eaters last year, he clearly pointed out that Voldemort was also an extreme pure-blood, and that Sirius had already broken with his family. It can be said that he has been walking on the road of anti-blood theory. How could he suddenly surrender to Voldemort?

Furthermore, the accident scene that Phineas told him is also very problematic, because considering the extent of the explosion and the hardness of the bones in different parts of the human body, no matter what kind of explosion is 'no bones left', it should be very difficult to do. Only one finger remains.

Either there are no real bones left, and nothing will remain; or, at least some teeth and skull fragments should remain, because these are the real hard parts of the human body.

After thinking about it, Harry felt that he should find a chance to talk to Hagrid again.

When Hagrid took himself away from the ruins that day, he was riding the motorcycle given by Sirius, which meant that he should have seen Sirius that day, so he might know some details that he didn't know.

But that was all for later, and Harry couldn't be distracted by it now.

The two tasks of taking care of mandrakes and brewing veritaserum are now on the right track, but in the next twenty days, Harry must cheer up and fight with the criminals in the school and the truth. The parents of the pure-blood family must continue to deal with it!

By the way, the sword of Gryffindor was confiscated by Harry, and he didn't plan to return it after the incident.

The high-quality sword made by the goblin is not only gorgeous in shape and convenient in length, but also has excellent growability. Such a useful treasure, why should it be left in the principal's office to eat ashes?

Of course, Harry also guessed that the sorting hat should have a very special kind of space magic, it is like a door to another dimension, as long as the real Gryffindor puts his hand into the hat, he can Successfully obtain the Sword of Gryffindor, wherever it was previously placed.

However, Harry really wanted to try, if he put the sword in his interspatial ring, could the rest of the Gryffindors still be able to take his sword.

Hmm... If the experiment is successful, then the Sorting Hat will not need to be destroyed~


The Christmas of the new school year is coming again. This time, the sky is still snowing, but the campus looks much cooler.

Almost all the students chose to take the Hogwarts Express home. The school is so dangerous now that even the teachers have been petrified one after another. They will continue to stay. They are definitely warriors who dare to face the bleak life~

This is also a good thing for Harry. There are few people in the school, so people will not often jump out to disrupt the situation, and the twenty days of brewing Veritaserum Potion can also calm down a lot.

As for the heir of Slytherin taking the opportunity to leave... that's absolutely impossible!

Shu Ling once helped Harry analyze that Salazar left the basilisk perhaps to clean up the students who were born as ordinary people, but the reason why he built the Chamber of Secrets was definitely not just that, so the heirs of Slytherin probably didn't want to implement it all. The legacy of that old lunatic Salazar.

In that secret room, there may be some secrets that the heirs are extremely concerned about.

"I think it's good to have fewer people, at least there aren't so many annoying guys. Here, open your mouth~"

While decorating the Christmas tree together, Hermione sensed Harry's lack of interest and slipped a bar of chocolate into his mouth.

She was very happy to stay at school for Christmas, and because many pure-blood parents had gone back for the holidays, there were fewer people who had been following her and Harry in the dark. got together.


The girl's fingertips lightly stroked Harry's lips, the touch was smoother than chocolate, and it made Harry, who was a little hurt by the scene, suddenly brighten up.

This year, the busy figure of Filch is missing in the auditorium, and Mrs. Norris, who is running around at his feet with Crookshanks, is missing. Professor Sprout can no longer contribute his own plants to decorate. Christmas tree...

Whenever he thought of everyone lying in the hospital like stone, Harry inevitably felt doubled.

In the final analysis, human beings are always a kind of creature that will be affected by the surrounding environment. Regarding what is happening, Harry can't temporarily put it aside and go to some leisurely daily campus life...

"Won't you invite me to go out for a walk, the snow scene on campus is very nice~"

The crisp voice of the schoolmaster girl rang in Harry's ears. At this moment, she had a playful smile on her face, and her eyebrows and eyes were curved like a pair of crescent moons.

"Okay, let's go relax."

Harry chuckled, took the scarf beside Hermione and carefully wrapped it around Hermione's neck, then took her hand and left the castle hall.

After all, it's a rare time for two, he can't spoil the girl's interest~

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