a certain scientific harry potter

Page 99

"Miss Granger, your gift just now was too insincere~"

At this moment, Harry's face was full of smiles that made Hermione blush.

"You... stop talking nonsense, it's already like that, what kind of sincerity do you want?"

Hermione avoided Harry's sight in a panic, but the distance between the two was so close that she didn't have any room to dodge.

"Of course I want more sincerity~" Harry chuckled and leaned closer to Hermione's face, "And... don't you want to know my answer?"

"Reply..." Hermione was inadvertently stunned. She just thought that she should take the initiative to show...that or something, but she completely forgot that the other party should have a feedback link!

"My answer is this!"

When Hermione closed her eyes shyly, Harry also closed her eyes at the same time, and returned a deep kiss to the other's lips.

Holding hands, embracing, inadvertently expressing feelings... these details have happened between them countless times.

There were even many more embarrassing but memorable experiences for the two of them, such as the potion puzzle test set up by Sijiao last year, and the small disturbance in the women's toilet at King's Cross Station.

So, now that we have decided to establish a relationship, why not just be straightforward~

Suddenly, Hermione felt a plausible soft touch coming from her lips. Compared with her previous coolness, Harry's feedback was warm, and it seemed that it would continue to heat up. !

Gradually, Hermione felt as if a warm current was flowing through her whole body, making her mind go blank, and her body seemed to become as soft as cotton.

And Harry had no intention of stopping at all, he kept plucking on Hermione's lips, until the girl in his arms was almost out of breath, he finally let her go.

Eyes met, Hermione, who was panting, couldn't help but blushed, and lowered her head shyly.

"Hermione... After today, we really won't be siblings anymore~"

Chapter 180 IX The Quality of Love Letters Can Determine the Quality of Sleep

In other words, when the relationship was officially established, Harry thought that Hermione would no longer always emphasize the relationship between siblings as before.

However, it turns out that Harry is completely overthinking~

"Why are we not siblings? Who told you that we are not siblings? It is a fact that we both have the surname Granger, and it is also a fact that I am older than you. Why don't you hurry up and obediently call me sister?!"

The schoolmaster girl is very proud now, because according to the gossip she hears on weekdays, girls have the privilege of acting like a baby in front of their boyfriends, and if she tells Harry to beat the dog, the other party must not go to the chicken and listen to the stinky brother shouting' Sister, isn't that all right?

However, it turns out that Hermione actually thought too much~

From Harry's point of view, the only thing he would do when facing Hermione's small mouth that kept popping all the time was to plug it up immediately.

In short, on this night, Hermione not only failed to establish the authority of her sister that she had always dreamed of, but also paid the price of being heavy, soft and red and swollen~

And Harry hadn't said to let Hermione out of the suitcase until the very end.

For the first half of last year, a group of idiots headed by Snake Yard had spared no effort in arranging the relationship between him and Hermione, saying that the Granger siblings had been rolling in the same bed since they were young.

Now that the prophecy of these guys has come true, if Harry doesn't follow through, wouldn't he be in a panic?

Anyway, there was already a bed in the studio of the suitcase, and it was guaranteed to be big and comfortable with an expansion spell.

So, turning off the lights and going to sleep is so beautiful... It's a pity that I can only sleep now~


"Hiss~" During the day on Valentine's Day, Harry, who was a little sleepy, suddenly heard a soft hiss coming from his ear.

"Hmm... don't make trouble, I want to sleep for a while~"

Harry wiped his face with his eyes closed, he knew it was the little bird and snake in the box playing a prank, but he wanted to sleep a little longer now...

In other words, hold Hermione and sleep for a while longer.

"Hiss~" But the little bird and snake persisted in disturbing Harry's spring... er, clear dream.

It kept sweeping back and forth with its tail on Harry's face, and finally succeeded in disturbing Harry's sleepiness.

"Okay, I'm really scared of you... Luna?"

Carefully withdrawing his arm from under Hermione's neck, Harry, who had no choice but to get up, opened his eyes reluctantly, and his whole body was enlightened instantly.

"Uh, why are you here?" After staring at the blonde girl for a long time, Harry asked awkwardly.

"I'll take care of the Moon Crazy Beasts~" Luna pointed to a group of eagerly awaiting little guys in the distance, her face full of natural meaning, "Didn't you say that I want to help take care of them."

"This... I said it was right~"

Harry scratched his head speechlessly. He had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't realize that Luna's brain circuit was very different from that of ordinary people.

The reason why he asked Luna to take care of the magical animals in the box was mainly because the mandrake needed a lot of mandrake feces as fertilizer. Now that the petrification problem has been completely solved, she naturally doesn't have to come here every day.

But Luna took Harry's words as a long-term invitation, and she had no intention of stopping there like Cedric and Neville.

"Why do you sleep together?"

Before Harry could figure out how to answer, Luna took the initiative to skip the topic just now... But the question she asked next also made it difficult for Harry to ask.

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Just when Harry was in trouble, the voice of the schoolmaster girl suddenly intervened, helping him out of the siege.

However, looking at Hermione's face that looked like a lion's fur, Harry suddenly felt his little heart palpitate.

After all...Scamander has lessons learned from female assistants~

"You're right." Luna tilted her head and thought for a while, and seemed to feel that the matter of the two Grangers really had nothing to do with her, so she turned around and went to play with the magical animals.

"Hmph!" And her posture, which seemed to be the mistress of the suitcase, couldn't help but make Hermione furious.

"Hermione, or I'll tell her..."

"You don't have to tell her anything." Hermione gave Harry a gouged look. "She can come now if she wants to, anyway, it's only a few days away... After Easter, you can quickly send the magical animals in the box Forbidden Forest!"

"Okay..." It would be absolutely unwise to argue with Hermione right now, so Harry decisively chose to be kind.

"Besides... next time if this kind of thing happens again, you will die!" Hermione pinched Harry's waist fiercely. Now she was not only ashamed, but also quite complaining to Harry.

Although it was said that it was forced to stay by Harry yesterday, Hermione finally agreed because of the privacy of the suitcase, but in the end she ignored that there was another Luna who could freely touch the suitcase...

"Okay, okay, I promise...wait a while!" Harry, who was nodding his head like a cat, was suddenly stunned, and his expression was inexplicably more wretched, "You just said... can there be a next time?"

"Go to hell, brother!"

Hermione kicked Harry off the bed in a rage.


When the three of Hahlu, who had a strange atmosphere, left the suitcase together, a cat meow suddenly reached the ears of the three of them.

Harry had now put the suitcase back in the caretaker's cottage, so the meow was undoubtedly...

"Mrs. Norris!" Looking at the beautiful Maine who was pacing back and forth in front of him, Harry hurriedly picked her up happily.

Of course, he was not just happy to see Mrs. Norris alive and kicking again, but if the cat had returned to normal, then Filch must be well too!

"It's really thanks to you kid this time, thank you." A familiar voice floated from the door, grateful but teasing, "But... that's why you didn't let me touch that box? It looks like, Are you busy this Valentine's Day~"


Filch's words directly put Harry and Hermione into embarrassment at the same time, but they had no lethal effect on Luna at all.

"Isn't Mr. Filch the same as each other?" But after seeing the new top hat on the other's head, Harry unceremoniously launched a fight back, "Mrs. Pince's gift should not be so enjoyable~"

"Don't say it, I really made you guess." Hearing what Harry said, Filch immediately put on a bitter face, "I just woke up and ran into her in the hospital, and she died. This pass gave me a hint, almost directly saying that I want to write a love letter. But the question is... how can I write that thing?"

"You can just write something that is sincere and emotional," Harry pointed at Filch amusedly, "but there is one thing...don't use any particularly strange metaphors in your love letter."

Hmm, after looking at each other affectionately, he said that his goddess' eyes look like salamanders... Tina quietly relayed someone's confession of black history, and Harry laughed for a whole holiday at that time.

Throughout the afternoon, Harry basically played in the caretaker's cabin with Mrs. Norris and Crookshanks who was brought over by Hermione. Of course, he also played a cameo for Filch as a cobbler, helping him revise Some fatal rhetorical errors.

For example, "Your cheekbones protrude like a skinny old vulture"... How did you think about writing this~

This love letter is still very important to Filch. After all, the quality of its completion will largely determine whether Filch will sleep with Harry or go out to sleep after tonight's celebration banquet~

And when the night of Valentine's Day actually came, the whole of Hogwarts fell into a belated carnival.

(Ps Speaking of it, on Valentine’s Day in the original Chamber of Secrets, Ginny’s greeting card to Harry wrote ‘Your eyes are as green as freshly pickled toads’… eh, it’s really a childlike metaphor~)

Chapter 190 Black defense courses are taught by students

The Valentine's Day dinner, as a late celebration of the Chamber of Secrets incident, can be said to be extremely lively throughout.

Colin Creevey, a first-year student, took the lead in becoming the protagonist of the banquet, because he was the only student who was petrified this time, and he was the only student.

To express condolences, Professor McGonagall gave Colin a brand new camera on behalf of Hogwarts.

In other words, seeing Colin's kid happily taking back his 'prize', Harry couldn't help but feel sympathetic.

It is said to be condolences and compensation, but anyone with a discerning eye can actually see that this is a disguised seal.

Fortunately, apart from Colin, the rest of the accidents were basically the teachers of Hogwarts, which was relatively easy to deal with.

And this incident made Harry realize once again that the magic world is really a place where class is king.

Those students of ordinary background, as long as they did not die directly, even if something happened, it would not affect the daily operation of the school. This is the case today, and it was also the case 50 years ago.

The reason why the events of that year were calmed down was because Myrtle died tragically in the end. In order to prevent Hogwarts from being closed, Tom Riddle took the initiative to set up a scheme to blame Hagrid.

In fact, it was not only Harry's own efforts that could end the current incident.

If it weren't for the death of the school manager Greenglass and Ginny being 'caught' into the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore might not have been able to return to his post so easily.

Therefore, this is actually the differential treatment due to class division.

As soon as Greengrass died, the pure-blood parents headed by Lucius immediately felt in danger; and after Ginny's accident, Arthur and Molly Weasley even rushed to Hogwarts on the same day!

As a result, the urgency of the whole incident immediately rose to a whole new level.

Just imagine, if nothing happened to the two pure-blooded families, then all forces in the magic world would still be letting the chamber of secrets incident go before they were killed.

Therefore, Harry's feeling about the whole Chamber of Secrets incident is... he must become stronger, and at the same time, he must have the real right to speak in the wizarding world!

Indeed, Harry was able to cope well with many of the ensuing pressures by virtue of who he was...but now he had Hermione by his side.

Hermione was his closest person, and she was born as an ordinary person. One could imagine the risks she would face in the future.

So Harry must let himself have enough power and status, because only in this way can he better protect Hermione and fully support his beloved to do what she likes.

The noisy banquet continued, and the next protagonist was replaced by Hagrid. Dumbledore specially invited him to the center of the auditorium, and read the Ministry of Magic's apology letter to everyone, completely proving Hagrid's innocence.

All of a sudden, the whole auditorium burst into warm applause.

However, after enjoying the cheers, Hagrid didn't return to his seat. Instead, he walked all the way to the long table in the Eagle Court, and finally stopped in front of Harry.

"Harry, I have to say thank you seriously!" Hagrid's tone was choked with excitement, "It was you, of course Hermione, and Luna...you proved my innocence, and it was the two Second-rate!"

"This is what I should do, Hagrid, and Hogwarts needs you..." Harry stood up and hugged Hagrid, "Me too~"

"Harry! Thank you, thank you very much!"

The half-blood giant's shout was full of tears, and the applause in the auditorium became warm again.

Harry was very glad that he was able to help Hagrid in the end. Of course, he was even more gratified that Hagrid finally completely walked out of the shadow of 50 years ago.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked at Snape who was sitting on the podium.

Sijia, when will you be able to come out completely...

"Next, I want to present a special trophy to the wizards who fought bravely in the chamber!"

Dumbledore cast a Loud Curse on himself, focusing the auditorium's attention on him, while a well-dressed Filch brought in a golden trophy at the same time.

"This trophy for the special contribution to the school, I would like to present it to all those who have contributed to the protection of the school represented by Mr. Granger!"

Dumbledore began to read the names one by one, and Harry and others also went to the center of the stage one by one to stand with the trophy.

Taking this opportunity, Harry took a closer look, and found that Dumbledore actually asked someone to engrave his name in the largest and most obvious way, ranking it at the top of the entire trophy.

The bottom row is the names of Hermione and Luna, and the third row is Neville and Cedric who did not enter the Chamber of Secrets, and Hagrid who noted in brackets that he was a student 50 years ago.

And under all the names, a line of small characters was engraved.

’ and all the people who are working hard to protect the school. '

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