A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 85: Alex's plan

Immediately Jane asked that question, Jennifer's brows furrowed.

"Who told you that?" she asked.

"The principal. He said you resigned because you got a better place in another continent where you would get better cultivation resources. I was so disappointed that you left without telling me but here you are, giving me the shock of my life. Are you and the principal trying to play prank on us?" Jane asked.

"No. I didn't resign. I have never had that thought in my mind. I only went with some people to help secure their goods till they got to another states. But surprisingly, the bastards tried to kill me. I was engaged in a long battle of life and death at different locations before I could come back here. I believe someone set those up. And that person must be Micah. But wait, the principal told you that I actually resigned? Like he made an announcement of it?" Jennifer asked in a puzzled tone.

"Yes. I don't know why he announced that. Perhaps he was being playful or something at that point in time. You said Micah set you against some people that tried to take your life. Why would he ever want to do that?" Jane asked.

"This matter is deeper than you can think. I will gist you later. But now, I have a score to settle." She said.

Then she looked towards the place that could be said to be Micah's office.

"Micah, I believe you can hear me. If you are truly a man, come out this moment" Her voice boomed out once again.

Micah was in the principal's office. His brows were wrinkled and his face looked grave. He was looking intensely at the man in front of him with a heart that was beating wildly.

The man before him also had his brows furrowed. But the expression of shock and bewilderment could be clearly seen in his face. He wondered what to to do next. But he couldn't think up anything as he was confused. To the extreme.

"That damned Lady Poisonheart" He cursed out loud.

Then he looked at Micah.

"Go meet her" he said.

Micah's body shook and his face turned graver.

"What? Go meet her?! I have never seen Jennifer this angry before. She is going to skin me alive. She is now way stronger than me. Please, you should go see her and try to calm her. She would still listen to you even if she's angry. Please!" Micah said hoping his pleas would get to Gerald.

How could he go to meet Jennifer who at the moment was like a volcano ready to erupt. Once he appeared, she might rapidly send out a powerful, instant-obliterating attack without waiting for an explanation. He loved his life and couldn't die now.

Gerald looked at him and nodded his head. He still had a chance at soothing her. She would listen to him as he was the principal.

He flew out of his office to meet Jennifer in the air.

"Jenny. You are back. Welcome" he said with a smile.

Jennifer didn't respond. She only looked at him with angry eyes. It was he that caused the disappearance and possibly demise of Alex. She wasn't going to let him have it easy.

"Yea, I am back but to wreak havoc. I told you the other time that when I come back and don't find Alex, I would wreak havoc in the academy" she said out loud angrily.


The whole school exclaimed loudly in shock.

So all these was about Alex. That bastard. They said in their mind.

They wished someone would care for them like that. So much as face people of stronger abilities for them.

The man didn't know what to say. He was quiet for some time before he finally spoke "Alright. What do you want to do now that you can't find Alex? Demolish the buildings of the school you teach in? Girl, please receive some wisdom. Don't be stupid and foolish. You know how hard I tried to find that boy. What's his name again? Yea, Alex. You know how hard I tried to find Alex. I have long arrived at something. That he is no more. Jenny, I know this may hurt, but you have to take it like that" he said. He seriously hoped Jennifer would do as he said.

Once he mentioned this, Jennifer's gaze became venomous. If looks could kill, Gerald would have been reduced to pieces of mangled flesh.

She nodded her head at him. Then she asked. "Where's Micah? Don't tell me he has gone or I would do as you said. I would bring down the academy's numerous structures and I would like to see what the academy's founder would do to you when he finds out that you couldn't properly handle the safety of your students." She threatened, looking very serious about it.


The man laughed in an unbridled manner.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked with a heavy voice.

"A thousand and hundred percent sure" Jennifer responded disdainfully.

The man's gaze then turned sinister. But just when he was about go at it with Jennifer, a carriage appeared before the school's gate. Then a dashing young boy, who looked celestial as the light from the sun bathed him came down from the carriage.

When he came down, a perplexed look creeped up his face. He became confused at what was going on. He could see many students of different cultivation stages at the gate and wondered what they were all doing there instead of being in classes receiving lectures.

Then he looked up and gaped. He saw Jennifer and began to wonder what what she was doing up there. From his own angle, it seemed Jennifer was about to face the entire school.

Jennifer who was looking intently at Gerald, ready to do anything against what he might do, noticed the change in his countenance and in the atmosphere.

She saw everyone, Gerald inclusive, looking away from her towards something that seemed to be on the ground.

Unbridled shock could be seen in Gerald's face and great amazement in the eyes of the students and instructors.

Then she turned to look at the thing that pulled all attention away from her. The instant she did and she saw Alex, all her emotional pains, frustrations and worries vanished like they were never there in the first place.

She didn't know when she swooped down to the ground from that height in the air and dashed towards Alex to take him into her embrace.

There was unfathomable joy and happiness in her heart at the moment. She hugged Alex tightly who also reciprocated.

He too embraced her tightly and took in all the wonderful, fragrant scent emitting from the perfume she used. His hands were tight around her back

Alex at the moment, surrendered himself to the sensation that continuously erupted from his chest that was being tightly pressed against by the large and firm, round lumps of flesh jutting from Jennifer's chest.

He seriously enjoyed the feeling that made his mind float and his heart swim in bliss.

He was lost in this feeling that he didn't know when he increased his arms' tightness around her. To everyone, it seemed like he wanted to squeeze her into him.

Gasps rang out in the air when people saw this spectacle.

"Damn! Just fucking damn! What a bastard. I wish I was the one hugging that goddess like that. Ahhh, I would be in paradise."

"Oh my goodness. What a tight embrace. Those large, soft melons... Mehn!"

So many naughty and silly thoughts flashed in the minds of all the students. Even some male instructors were jealous. But it didn't show in their faces. They only looked on with a smile.

Gerald at the moment was shocked beyond words.

"This boy dared to return? Haha. Very good." He said and laughed wickedly in his mind.

Of course, Jennifer too noticed the way Alex hugged her. It was so tight. But she ignored it as she was glad he came back in one piece to her. She was glad beyond what any word could describe. She just hugged him, rubbing his back affectionately.

The way they were was like they were two long lost lovers who suddenly found themselves again.

"Alright. Alex, it's enough" Jennifer said softly.

Then Alex's mind came back from paradise. His arms loosed their tight grips around her back as he came out of the long and delightful, sensuous embrace.

A wide smile could be seen in his face. The smile could probably be because he hugged someone he wouldn't dream of hugging.

Jennifer saw his smile and only shook her head. Since she had seen who she was looking for, there was no cause for trouble again. She ignored everyone who were either gawking or had conspicuous envious gazes in their eyes and dragged Alex into the academy's compound by the hands.

She brought him to her residence. Immediately they entered the residence, she patted him heavily on the head. "You damned brat! You know how worried I was when I couldn't find you? Where did you go too?" She asked scoldingly.

"Uh.. I got chased and attacked by some people. Am very lucky to have survived." He replied.

Jennifer heard this and became glad. She was pleased with the heavens that they brought Alex safe to her. She looked at him affectionately and took him into her embrace again.

Then she whispered in his ears. "What I did then was very selfish. I was so self-centered. I was after my own gains, leaving you to protect yourself when you were in danger. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I promise never to do that again. Ever" she said.

"Instructor Jennifer. It's okay. I never even thought of that. Every cultivation expert must do their best to grow stronger or they would be left behind and the gap between them and the others would become larger. You shouldn't always be worried about me. Besides, I can't always rely on everyone for my own safety. I have to grow stronger too to be able to ward off every bad thing that comes my way" Alex replied.

Jennifer smiled. "That's why I have always liked you and overlooked all the things that you have ever done and will ever do. You are not like the others. You are smart and intellectual." she said. And when she pulled out of the embrace, she kissed his forehead. Then she ruffled his long womanly hair and left the general room to her own room.

Alex's soul and mind were spinning from that kiss. "She kissed me?" He became excited.


"Jake. You are done here. You can go back." Gerald said.

Then Jake, whose eyes could seemingly shoot off fire, looked at the principal and left with a loud 'mtcheew'.


He jammed the door heavily and walked away.

The instant Jake left, Micah appeared.

"The boy came back?" he asked with shock in his eyes.

"Yes, he came back. And I don't how Jennifer could come back from Lady Poisonheart's most deadliest technique. I need to speak to that bitch and make her come fix all these. Stupid idiot." he said and cursed.

"But am more shocked that he could actually come back here. If I were the one, I would have long left the state to another when I know that someone sinister and extremely powerful could possibly be hot on my track." Micah said in an astonished tone.

Gerald looked at him with a gaze that gave the feeling that he could possibly heavy slap Micah.

"Oh shut up you fool. Who are you calling sinister? Eh? Well, he has to come back. He may like being around Jennifer and so couldn't leave. I would get him very soon. When I divide him up, I would get that treasure. Then when I master the powers provided by the treasure, I would have my revenge and my orchestrations would come to fruition. Haha" He said and then began to laugh wickedly.

Micah joined him in the laughter.


"Jake, where have you been? Everyone gave me a heartwarming welcome except you. Where were you?" Alex asked teasingly.

"It was all thanks to that bastard principal. When you and instructor Jennifer left the academy, he and Micah made my life a living hell. I couldn't go for classes any more as they made me clean disgusting places, and without remuneration. I have really suffered. But I have been discharged now. Shitty bastards" Jake said with anguish and bitterness in his heart.

"Why would the principal make you do that? He was supposed to even look out for you since Jennifer wasn't around. But instead, he joined hands with that nefarious bastard and made you clean shitholes. Jake, don't worry. The light is on them now. When we grow stronger, we would have our revenge." Alex said with a calming smile.

"Certainly. I must spank the ass of that bastard Micah. And shred the butt cheeks of that crazy principal" Jake said.

Alex looked at him with a disgusted gaze.

"Of all forms of punishment, you wanna shred.. Gosh. Jake, you will never change." He said.

Jake only smiled.

In the evening after meal, Alex was summoned to Jennifer's room.

"Alex. I have something to tell you. I lost the sword you gave me. I am so sorry. I was also involved in a battle to the death. I was hit by a tyrannical energy wave and lost grip of the sword. When next I would see it, I saw it in the hands of my attacker. And she left with it after thinking she had killed me." Jennifer said unhappily.

"No need for apologies. That sword wasn't anything great. The day I was sorting out things I could give you to augment your battle power, I came across astonishing treasure-weapons. I would have given them to you, but I felt they could do more harm than good and instead kept them back and gave you those. Well, since someone wants to feed on your remnants, they should. It's only right someone as beautiful and lovable as you get a better, fatter one." Alex said adorably and gave a smile that seemed suspenseful.

Jennifer just looked at him with a smirk and waited for him to reveal what he wanted to show her.

Then there was a blinding flash of colorful light in the room and the air trembled, folded and twisted from the terrific pressure and unbridled power emitting from whatever just appeared in the air.

She looked at what that was and saw a two inch-thick, double-edged sword. It was also large in size and was broad.

It had violet-gold edges and a flat, ruby surface. The dual-colored edges had a long, crimson wave engraved in them. Then antiquated symbols could be seen inscribed in the flat surface of the sword.

Then right at the centre, from the tip of the sword down to the base of the sword's hilt could be seen a shocking number of sockets. There were eighteen of it. The beautiful, multicolored sword floating in the air actually had eighteen sockets for voidstones. And plugged in those sockets were voidstones that glowed resplendently.

"Al——Alex, you also have this?" Jennifer said in a shocked tone. She continued to look at the sword that emitted hues of light and floated in the air by itself, emitting a sage lord-level constraining power, a visible aura of frightening sharpness and an overpowering, suppressive pressure.

"Yea. And many more." Alex replied with a smile.

That was Alex's plan. He wanted to give her this and other things. Only he knew why he did this. Just to surprise her anyways.

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