A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 96: Meets his match

Alex who was about twenty feet away from the burly boy looked at him with passion for battle blazing brightly in his eyes.

"Draco, put the weakling in his place!"

Somebody suddenly shouted from afar. This person was in the group of boys the burly boy named Draco came out from.

Draco looked over to the person that shouted his name and nodded at him. Then he looked back at Alex with a confident smile in his face. But disdain couldn't be seen in his eyes as he now respected Alex's strength.

When his fist and Alex's fist met, he felt the crushing power in Alex's punch. If it was another person's arm that got struck like that, it would explode into a mist of blood. Therefore, he didn't look down on Alex again. Instead, he saw him as an equal.

Standing at that distance which was twenty feet away from Draco, Alex leaped high into the air towards him.

Seeing Alex jump towards him. He too took off into the air towards Alex. Then with their elbows bent, they hurled out their fists towards the other.


Immediately their fists clashed, a deafening boom rang out and both of them were shoved backwards for many feet at the speed of a furiously thrown dagger.

Alex being an highly skilled fighter with great aerial maneuverability skills tucked himself as he shot backwards in the air. He folded his knees and brought them to his chest. Then he wrapped his arms tightly around them.

In this position, when the backward propelling force disappeared, he rolled many times to the ground from that height in the air.

But before he would land, he straightened himself and landed with his feet to the ground. Still, the pushing force that surfaced from the collision of their fists still acted on him as his feet that were planted solidly to the earth were dragged further to a distance of five feet.

Draco too had good aerial movement skills. As his body was flung backwards, he did multiple twists and then landed back to the ground. But since the shoving force that erupted from their fists when they clashed still acted on him, immediately he landed with his leg planted firmly to the earth, they were pulled backwards on it for a distance of two feet.

But he covered less distance than Alex. This indicated that he was stronger.

Everyone who had long given them space to fight watch the battle excitedly. Then loud cheering noises rang out from everyone of them.

The large crowd of students began to support either Alex or Draco as they shouted their names loudly with the aim of cheering them up.

But the voices that screamed Alex's name were mostly the females. They were the girls that had this burning desire for him. The ones that were dying to have a taste of him.

'This Alex is pretty strong' Draco thought inwardly when he regained his balance.

'This boy's body is damn tough. The hell. How am I going to beat him' Alex said inwardly.

But with a heart that still blazed for battle, he ran towards Draco. Immediately he took off on foot towards the burly boy in the distance, he clenched his fist. And the way he clenched it was so hard that a boom rang out, causing the air around his fist to tremble.


Everyone became shocked by the phenomenon that Alex produced. They couldn't believe that him just clenching his fist would cause distortions in the air.

With a loud, beast-like roar, he leaped high into the air, about thirty feet above the ground towards Draco.

Draco didn't try to jump towards Alex to intercept him. Instead, he waited for Alex to arrive at his side.

Seeing Alex approach him from the air with a punch that could seemingly shatter mountains, he readied himself.

The instant Alex got to his front from that height in the air, he sent out a fist at Draco's right shoulder. But Draco skilfully evaded it by twisting his body to the left.

When he successfully dodged the fist Alex sent to his shoulder, he grabbed his punching arm with an iron-like grip. Then he turned around several times with Alex's arm tightly clasped in his hands.


He released his metallic grip on Alex's arm and Alex was flung very far into the distance.

Being thrown with a lot of force and no obstacle to hold him back, his body continued to shoot through the air like an arrow to a very far distance.


He landed to the earth many feet away, precisely forty feet. And because of the force he was hurled with, his body dragged along the ground for sometime before it stopped.

When Alex stood up, he spat out the dust that had entered into his mouth. He was looking filthy at the moment. The cloth he wore was soiled.

Alex dusted himself. Then he began to walk back to the field.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the space they had turned into strength contest zone.

Draco smiled at Alex.

"You are strong. I must be sincere with you" He said.

Alex shook his head.

"I am not strong as you." He replied.

Draco scoffed.

"At least, you are better than a lot of body cultivators I have fought in the past. But I want to know, how are you able to achieve such high degree of strength and body toughness?" He asked.

"Well, I don't want to tell you that mister. It's my tiny secret" Alex replied with a smile.

Alex didn't want to cheat. If he used any of his energies containing divineforce energy, he knew the boy wouldn't be a match for him.

He could have used speedforce energy to affect his perception of time, thereby affecting the speed at which Draco moved in his eyes. But he didn't as he was a boy of his word.

"Still interested in exchanging fists with me?" Draco asked.

"Yea." Alex replied.

He was still interested in exchanging fist with Draco and was now adoring body cultivators more and more.

"But I would like to incorporate kicks into my attacks? Cool with it?" Alex asked.

"Sure. That would make it even more entertaining for our watchers" Draco replied.

Alex smiled as he nodded his head.


Alex suddenly dashed towards Draco who quickly got ready to defend himself from Alex's strike.

In a few second, Alex had reached Draco's side from a distance of fifteen feet. The instant he appeared before Draco, he raised his knee to his chest, then he sent it out towards Draco as a kick. This was a kick called snap kick.

Seeing the leg come with a roar that sounded like that of enraged dragons, he sent out his fist at the leg shooting towards his chest.


An intense boom sound rang out. And this high-pitched explosive sound was abruptly accompanied by a large wave of energy and violent, rippling air currents that knocked both of them backwards.

This time around, Draco moved further than Alex.

He became surprised.

'How come this boy's leg is this strong?' he thought inwardly.

The leg Alex used to send out a snap kick was the leg that was cracked by Kenneth back then in the academy during their small fight in the dining hall.

But since Alex's body was special, after receiving that super-charged punch from Kenneth and the bones in the leg struck by the energy-imbued damaging fist cracked in many places, they underwent a process called reactive adaptation.

With this process, all parts of his body would rapidly adapt to any form of force that came upon them and abruptly produce a better response, like a defense mechanism for it next time. Such forces included; pressure, force, heat, light and so on.

Kenneth's punch which carried a force of many tons as it was infused with energy caused Alex's powerful and durable leg bones to crack. But after they underwent the reactive adaptation process, the bones reinforced themselves that they would need much more than that amount of force to crack them again.

This leg was far stronger than his other leg.

"Surprised?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Yes. Your leg is pretty powerful. No wonder you wanted to include kicks. Anyways, my turn!"

Immediately Draco said that, he dashed towards Alex at a high speed.

Once he got to Alex's side, he lowered himself to a crouch. Then with a 360-degree rotation of his body, he turned round quickly and swung out his leg to sweep Alex off his foot.

Noticing the sweeping kick that generated a gust, Alex did a flip over it. And when he landed, he turned his body around while sending out a powerful arcing kick at the same time.

Draco saw the strong kick raging towards him. Then to evade it, he threw himself to the ground where he landed with his back. Then he kicked his leg around and this produced a rotational force that caused his body to spin. As his body spun, he rolled onto his shoulder. Then using his powerful arms to push, he raised himself into a handstand.

Alex seeing this as an opportunity to attack quickly rushed towards Draco.

Draco in the handstand position pushed himself many feet above the ground with his arms. Then entering a horizontal position in the air at a height of four feet, he bent his knees by bringing them his chest. Then he kicked them out with all the might towards Alex who had appeared in front of him.


Alex blocked the double snap kicks that Draco sent at him by bringing up his arms vertically in front of his face.

The instant the kicks connected to his arms that were in the blocking position, he was knocked flying by them with a wave of energy manifesting from the point at which the legs impacted Alex's strong arms.

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