A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 498: Learning about Coral Beard.

Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Dreadflame Dragon Lv. 7] [Hellblade Dragon Lv. 7] [Solar Core Lv. 7] [White Flames Lv. 8] [Corrosive Fire Lv. 8] [True Draconic Barrier Lv. 2] [Delayed Cast Lv. 7] [Continuous Cast Lv. 7] [True Unarmed Technique Lv. 4] [Silence Lv. 2] [Odorless Lv. 2] [Tranquil Mind Lv. 7] gained

Ability gained: [Drill Blaster]

[Battle Frenzy (Minor)] [Sanctified Blaze] [Shield of [The Light]] [Music Resonation (Minor)] [Various Spell Buffs] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

“What are those movements, child! Do you think you can survive with such sloppy flying? Dodge, predict, and stop overly relying on your damn spells, you dragon! The basics of fighting as a dragon is using your body; hone your body until it becomes like a mountain—hardy and strong! Your soul and mana require the utmost investment for the years to come!”

Kraieegh kuraaahck!” (Help me, Mom!)

That woman’s voice was like a storm right before striking a peaceful prairie. The gentle breeze cooling your body on a sunny day was the status quo, it was everywhere for everybody to enjoy, but even if the thunder only struck a single spot over and over again, it would agitate even the earth. Its mere presence was enough to topple everything.

They say, “Small dogs bark to seem intimidating, while big dogs bite.” Well, I knew of a “small dog” who could bark your ears off and rip your limbs off while shredding them, and now that “small dog’s” smaller mother was ripping me to shreds after I innocently accepted a favor from her—training … And that “small dog” wasn’t Vifi, it was Neill.

“Do you best dear,” Mom cheered me on as Tasianna served her some cocktail drinks. Laying on a beach chair, she was sipping on her ice-cold drink while her poor, poor daughter was screaming in panic as explosive streaks of mana covered the sky like the world’s most dangerous spider web.

That daughter was me, and I wasn’t joking around when I was screaming for help. These “mana streaks” were dragon paths, and similar to Neill’s, her mother’s were a horror to deal with. However, unlike her daughter, her paths could be transmitted through the air, water, and any other surfaces without a [Battle Frenzy] boost, showcasing her mastery of the unique racial skill of the kirins of the Gueillxar clan.

The sky above Coral Beard’s beach was filled to the brim with long root-like mana lines that were probably designed to prevent me from flying. Even with my rocket boosters, Neill’s mother was controlling them to net me in like a fish, while my fire spells were being blocked by the dragon paths hardening the air into shields.

Although, the most nerve wracking thing about all of this was that the dragon paths could burst in lightning or concussive mana blasts, both of which Neill’s mother was constantly shooting at me. I was afraid she would even use that [Freikugel] move on me!

… Well, aside from the over-the-top description I just gave, training with Neill’s mom, Empress Yuilengreill, was actually pretty invigorating, as it felt like I was sparring against her daughter. A martial artist-focused dragonkin who weaponized dragon paths to distort the battlefield to take control over it.

Merely touching her mana was hazardous, as the dragon paths could make my mana paths rupture, literally exploding them as if I had [Arcane Fever]. This wasn’t even considering how a single punch or kick from her felt like a blow from a sledgehammer.

The only silver linings were that she was only a kirin, a so-called lesser dragonkin, and didn’t have access to [Battle Frenzy] like her daughter. Her stats were far inferior compared to a true dragonkin like the other empresses … Then again, that mattered little to me since she was still a rank S! She outstatted me in everything but my mana! She had double my dragon form’s agility in her [Elvenize (Minor)] form!

“Come on, Hestia! Three days of training and you’re still not looking too good. You have a whole audience here, but you’re barely giving it your all. Come on, faster, girl, faster!” Yuilengreill cheered me on to my chagrin.

She might call it three days, but to me, it felt more like two weeks with how much she was putting me through the wringer. It took an entire week for Neill to finally find time in her schedule to meet with her mother through the subspace, so I thought about spending the time until Neil arrived leveling up some of my draconic skills through training, but Yuilengreill was merciless.

Well, despite my complaints, I was just happy to have somebody training me aside from Vifi and Mom, and this was a good step-mother-daughter bonding moment, especially with an empress-mother I wanted to get close to. As Neill’s mother, having a good relationship with her was a must!

“Okay, love, good enough for today. Enough dodging; come down and take in the beach’s warmth.” Yuilengreill clapped, commanding the tendrils of dragon paths to stop shooting electricity at me and to retreat back to her. Seeing her walk back to the beach on the water, I couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh.

“Good work, Princess Hestia! That was brilliant, your highness!”

“You did better today! Good job and come on down; we’ve prepared a feast!”

Arrgh, this sorta attention is kinda unnerving …

The audience Yuilengreill mentioned was the horde of fervent dragonewts, curious elves, and merchant-eyed Caedhulens cheering for me from the beach. Since my step-mother always wanted to train me here on the beach, we had a bunch of onlookers that were helping spread the fact I existed. A week of shopping and wandering around the city was nothing compared to a kirin empress putting a dragon through their paces, I guess …

[Humanize (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

After disabling most of my buffs, I collapsed onto my lounging chair like wet paper, feeling over a week’s worth of muscle aches. I looked at my arms, groaning at the lichtenberg figures—lightning scars—covering every inch of my body, from the tip of my tail up to my shoulders. Was I ever glad I wasn’t wearing a swimsuit right now!

… Although wearing some beachwear would be soo nice, since Coral Beard was located right on the equator. It was soo comfortably warm; I wanted to just lay here and soak in the rays with my entire body. The sun was extremely strong, reflecting off the yellow grainy sand.

“Yo, little sis, you look like a broken down marionette, hiehie.”

“Oh shut it!” I turned my body around, frowning as I saw my favorite sister’s face through the [Room] portal. She waved at me with a big fat grin, causing me to sigh. “You could have said something before I accepted.”

“Course!” She showed me a thumbs up. “But it wouldn’t have been as funny. You have to suffer like I did, my little hatchling sister.”

… This skink.

Sadly, I couldn’t feel too bad about it. After all, ever since I woke up, I’ve been waiting so desperately to meet the rest of Aurora and my half-sister, yet as they all were busy with their own adventurers, jobs, and duties, none of them had entered the [Room]. Svena and my maids have been taking care of the subspace regardless, but they’ve also been occupying themselves with our eatery, so it felt a bit sad that my [Room] was so empty aside from Gravy.

Rajah, my sweet kitty. Where are you?

Thankfully, Sis was the first. Unlike the others, Sis hadn’t gone on a journey to a foreign country I’d never seen before, but was staying with her friend Renee in Yeos; she was helping out with the many dungeons suddenly appearing in its capital, Elyonda. She just finished closing a dungeon just three days ago, which was when I reunited the daughter with the mother.

“Neilly!” I remembered Yuilengreill scream as they hugged, and I couldn’t help but tease Sis about it since her mother had started using that nickname ‘cause of me. Maybe this was revenge?

“Come on, love, it wasn’t that bad,” Yuilengreill said as she came over with a dragonewt member of her clan, bringing over the ice fruit drinks Tasianna made. “Drink and eat. You need the nutrients.”

The fifth empress in her kirin form appeared just as Neill described, a horse with the scales of a reptile covering her entire body as long manes decorated her neck and head. Unlike Neill’s more draconic figure, however, Yuilengreill looked exactly like a purple unicorn from a fantasy show, reminding me of a certain “sparkling twilight” pony.

However, the mother-daughter pair’s similarity didn’t just stop at their purple-colored scales, as even their humanoid forms looked practically identical to the point you could confuse them for sisters. The main difference was that Yuilengreill had chosen an elven form instead of human, and had her purple lion-like mane groomed to the point she didn’t look like a sheep to me; she also seemed to prefer outfits similar to a Chinese qipao!

Funnily enough, unlike her daughter’s exposed kimono that showed off her chest, the mother was pretty modest. Her scale dress hid most of her slim figure and legs, but exposed her developed arm muscles, probably thick enough to crush a skull. She exuded “immortal martial artist from a cultivation novel” energy and looked old enough to be the leader of a sect.

Suffice to say, she was pretty awesome.

“Yuilengreil, stop spoiling my daughter and just enjoy yourself. We still have so much time until we have to go, so sit down and drink,” Mom chided, sipping on her drink like a tourist on the Bahamas.

“Can’t you let go of your dragon tendencies for a moment, Melloxtressa? For your daughter’s growth, at least?” Yuilengreill snapped back. “Lazing around after training will only ruin the feeling. You have to stay active and eat well! Up, up, Hestia! Up!”

They got along just fine. Their cat fighting was their way to express their fondness of each other.

Yuilengreill then turned to the [Room], smiling as she addressed her daughter. “Neilly! Anything you miss? I had the chefs make a bunch of your childhood dishes; we have some ‘worm noodle salad.’”

“Mother, I told you to please stop the nickname! I’m not a child any longer!” Neill shouted, eyeing me with daggers.

“You might have become a rank A, but you are still my little girl.”

Ah, yes, it was exactly what Mom said. My second sister was now a rank A, having evolved during the time I languished in that coma, but her humanoid form hadn’t changed much aside from her purple unicorn horn gaining some red and blue streaks that made it look like those multi-colored soft serve spiraling ice cream … Thinking about it made me crave for some soft serve.

Unfortunately, that was all I got to see, as Neill was adamant about not showing her new rank A form until she returned to Miononbolax to make it more of a surprise. Even her mother was pouting a bit at having to wait. Imagine that, a long-living dragonkin like her was annoyed she had to wait, when a year at best would probably feel like nothing to her.

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Well, that was that. Training was over and my beach day continued, so I followed my mothers’ advice and had a meal. Seeing so many people celebrating on the beach as the waves crashed against the sand, it was as if we were on spring break with a bunch of uni kids, and it made me almost want to sing, but I was more interested in watching for now.

As an entertainer, my main priority was to understand the local customs to adapt my music to. Singing was, apparently, not exactly too popular amongst dragonewts, so I wanted to know what exactly was. Though, watching all these dragonkin clapping and celebrating, I realized most of them weren’t belting out songs, but just a bunch of roars and throat singing.

What was worth watching, though, was the way the dragonewts were performing along with the vocal performance.

Oh … wow.

Dancing and the rattling of scales.

It reminded me of the ritual dance Master Kush, Krim-Slak, and Grazlahta had performed during Akasht’s funeral. Although they tried to imitate my dancing, their lack of training in it showed as I was more mesmerized by the music they were creating through their bone accessories. The constantly rattling and the whistling of the wind passing through the holes in the bones was a delight to listen to, fully etched into my memory along with all the grief I felt for the loss of a friend.

Unlike the funeral, though, this was a dance made to fully enrapture people’s attention as they cheered for them in rapture, similar to the bards I’ve met during my journey. In fact, the throat singing I had heard so much about wasn’t even the highlight, the dancers were.

Scantily-dressed—as much as a dragonewt could show “skin”—these dancers were swinging their hips, chest, and tail around as if they were belly dancers, while the more acrobatic ones used the sky as their platform. Each movement was perfectly synched with the rattling of scales striking each other or the loud thuds of tails and wings slamming against the ground or on their dancing performance partner.

If I had the right to compare this to a style or culture on Earth, then maybe I would liken it to a combination between Hawaiian hula accompanied by the throat singing of central Asia and percussion-focused cultures. Even then, my description probably wouldn’t do it justice.

Haa, the deep, husky, soul-piercing throat singing of the dragonewts brought so much texture while the dancers fully wove the story being told through their art. It was like I was witnessing a ritual dedicated to the gods or some important figure. The performance wasn’t just done for entertainment alone. It was to show respect.

Yeah … I can see. This will be hard to replicate … but what if I was part of it?

[“How is it, my lady?”]

Woah!” I jerked back when Beth suddenly pressed her face against mine, startling me a bit before I laughed it off. “The dancing?”

[“The festival, yeah! You should be able to understand the lyrics, no?”]

I shrugged before focusing my hearing on the lyrics.

Kyruuuht yukarrghk bahthaaa uythla eeeyh ♫

Ohsh Kargryxmor hulkket ghuttla kahlui ♫

Mahkash bahthaaak kokor hurak’zuthul ♫

Blackened and conquered by God; preserved and maintained by his children

We celebrate for their health as their fire surges, keeping us warm and safe

At least, I believed those were the lyrics for that portion.

“It’s dedicated to Kramps?”

[“Dedicated to your health!”] Beth clapped. [“And for your entire clan. Doesn’t it feel good to be on the receiving end of a song and dance, instead of being the one to give them all the time, my lady?”]

“Feels awkward, honestly.” I giggled bitterly. “I want to hop right in and try it out with them, but it would be selfish and stupid. Our dancing and singing education is quite different and I would just ruin the show. Can’t have that.”

[“Oh, don’t worry about it! I knew you enjoyed the show when you smiled, but I guessed you were analyzing it, right?”] Beth correctly guessed so I nodded. [“They’re wishing you good health. The festival is there to welcome you to Miononbolax. There aren’t many chances dragonewts get to celebrate with true dragonkin, I hear, so most of them are treating this like those national festivals back on Altrust.”]

I guess she was correct about that, but it still felt a bit weird to accept such a gesture. What exactly was preventing me, though? Was it Hikari, who didn’t feel like she belonged on Miononbolax, or was it the fact I’ve been traveling so much that this still didn’t feel like “home?” As if I was a visitor, a tourist, instead of a native?

Or, maybe it was ‘cause I haven’t fully adapted to the culture, yet? My feeling of joining in was hindering me. Was it jealousy? Like an entertainer feeling left out from a performance. A third wheel.

Or, maybe it’s just hard to be fully treated like a princess with all the benefits and luxuries imperials are given by their subjects. Even Iceskale didn’t give me such a warm welcome.

[“Don’t worry, as Her Majesty said, you can probably learn everything once we get back to Frozen Nest. Just enjoy the sun, hehe.”] Beth smiled before she began sipping on her iced drink as if her life depended on it. This weather probably wasn’t too comfortable for an ice wyvern.

Nevertheless, as the party continued, I suddenly heard the loud sound of a horn, a ship horn to be precise.

“Your guest is here. Come along,” Yuilengreill said, signaling for our group to stop relaxing.

As we left the celebration and took to the sky—with the kirin empress and Vifi using [Air Walk]—we traveled over to the outer port beneath the floating city floating above the lagoon. Once there, we waited as a ship slowly sailed through the channel in between Miononbolax and the island of the Ancient Elven Kingdom, Kel’Thun.

While we were waiting, a couple of dragonewts approached Yuilengreill with documents, prompting her to follow them. Seeing as we had nothing else to do but wait and take in the fishy smell—much to Vifi’s disgust—Mom suggested we follow after her fellow empress, as she wanted me to watch what was happening. It was “educational,” apparently.

Doing as she said, we ended up at the harbormaster’s office responsible for the immigration and trade. With just a quick glance from Mom, the hurried dragonewts immediately became subservient and we were led to the second floor, where Yuilengreill was working through some documents while being watched and assisted by a couple of people.

“That’s my mother’s duties as the fifth empress, and our clan’s responsibility as part of the kinkyuro,” Neill said through the subspace. Everybody knew I was an otherworlder due to the kinkyuro, so it wasn’t necessary to hide it anymore. “The dragonewts of Loatryx handle most of the bureaucracy, but the empresses still need to give their approval for certain stuff. Mother and our clan are responsible for trade and culture.”

“Your future job, I guess?” I teased, causing my older sister to roll her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah … probably have to finally learn it once I get back home, but, yeah. I’ll be helping her out a bit, I guess.” She sighed, eyeing me with envy for some reason. “Anyway, the dragon empresses have the final say on most of our laws and edicts, with the kinkyuro enforcing their will. In this case, it’s because the ship has goods directly from Folschreck. For the first time in a long time, we’re getting something from the Folschreckians, so the harbormaster is probably suspicious.”

“Kargryx, and Loatryx as a result, are isolationists, don’t forget,” Mom added. “We have our trade partners and we only deal with them. All incoming naval vessels go through Caedhul for inspection, especially the goods, and only then are they allowed to enter our territory. They’ve turned away ships because of disease, illegal goods, and any number of other reasons. Anybody or anything without Caedhul’s approval isn’t allowed entry.”

“What about leviathans, sea serpents, and illegal ships?” I asked.

“The first empress deals with that,” Yuilengreill answered, not looking away from the parchments. “Her connection with Caedhul as a leviathan bolsters our navy, so if you break our laws, you will be unwelcomed in Caedhul as well. Otherwise, her duties lie in maintaining the continent’s military defense and public order—order amongst us dragonkin, I mean. Her son is a welcome heir to those duties.”

I nodded. “I guess the dragoon order focuses on keeping things calm in Loatryx?”

She raised her head and went to the window, pointing at the many armored dragonewts currently standing in front of the pier. All of them held their spears tightly like standing guards, while others were flying in the sky. Some of them were even wyverns.

“… I guess that’s not normal,” I said.

“Not at all, love.” Yuilengreill shook her head before returning to the desk.

Vifi then came forward, gave the sight a quick look before shaking her head as well. “That’s the sight of caution. The knights on the harbor with the decorated commander are the vanguards—probably the most skilled. Those in the sky are responsible for flanking and to take out any runaways through sky superiority, but they also attract the most attention. An arrow will be loosened at them first, which they can evade, but acts as a signal for the vanguard to charge in. [Dragoon Jump], you call it, right?”

Hearing this, Yuilengreill raised her head from the desk, turning around with an approving nod. “I heard from Melloxtressa that you were once our dear Hestia’s enemy, but it seemed she didn’t tell me everything. Keen eye of a tactician there. Soldier, at least.”

“The harbor guards in Bole’Taria would do the same, although we secure our flanks with magic and arrows. Rather sink a ship than let enemies land,” Vifi replied.

“The prudent choice. But anybody foolish enough to attack Kargryx must know how to endure the elements first before they can attack, otherwise the sky, land, and oceans will swallow them whole.” Once Yuilengreill was done with the documents, she handed it to the dragonewts and they rushed off. “In this case, Caedhul warned us the Folschreckian brings more than just her furniture, clothes, and servants. Some imported food, silvery, and taxable goods. All handled, of course, but you could have told me that sooner, Melloxtressa, Hestia.”

“I was not told that, I’m sorry,” I chimed in, prompting the empress to shake her hand.

“The responsibility lies with both of you, but your mother is supposed to know and be proactive in this matter to save us on issues like this.” She then turned to Mom, as if she never meant to scold me. “Your daughter is awake now and you’re done with your training. Do not forget you are the sixth empress. Your duties lie with Frozen Nest but help us out, won’t you, love?”

Mom scratched her ear, nodding once. “It is as you said. Apologies, sister, I think I’ve been too careless recently. I shall act better.”

Seeing Mom lower her tail and usual attitude to Yuilengreill told me where their relationship stood without me having to hear them say it outloud. I saw the six empresses in Mom’s memories fight with Eltharion and if all six were happy enough to share him with each other in a harem, then their bond must be tighter than blood.

I mean, Mom would freeze dwarves and humans after the slightest insult, even scolding me how I had to act more like a dragon princess. Yet she showed a deference to somebody who, I believe, was weaker than her. It wasn’t a very draconian behavior, from what I’ve learned up until now.

In any case, with this dealt with, we went down to the harbor as the ship landed. Waves of various people entered and had a quick inspection at the customs with their luggage before they boarded a separate vessel to reach the main city. After a while, a kirin dragonewt led a woman with a band of servants, guards, and a knight towards us, while crates upon crates were driven behind her by strongmen-looking levianewts.

Seeing me, she curtsied while the others bowed. “May shadows keep you safe on this calm DarkDay, your majesty. May the Goddess and Emperor Eltharion always keep the free skies of the dragons in peace and harmony. My name is Annaheil von Zahbak, niece of the former cardinal vicar of the Holy Capital of Aureolis, Sir Marius von Zahbak. I thank you, graciously, for allowing me refuge here and may the Goddess keep you in her loving heart.”

Her accent was quite similar to her uncle. She rolled her Rs a lot.

Yuilengreill stepped forward, instead of Mom. “I am the fifth empress, Yuilengreill Huanlong Gueillxar. You stand now on Kargryx, meaning our laws will now apply to you, Folschreckian.”

“Of course, your majesty. I would not be here without your mercy.”

“Good, then we are made clear then. Clan Kargryxmor will sponsor you on the wish of the third princess, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor, but for the sake of your health, Clan Gueillxar will house you and your entourage. My kinsmen will explain everything once we are at my mansion.” She then turned to Mom. “Have your servants load everything on the boat. This is Empress Melloxtressa and her daughter. Greet them, child.”

She did as she was told, doing the entire spiel once again, only Mom was less patient with the decorum. She introduced herself and then it was my turn.

“I have heard much about you from my uncle, Princess Hestia. Thank you very much for your aid, and … for sacrificing so much in the Goddess’s name. I wish I could give you more than these presents.”—She pointed at the crates filled with gold, fur, and other valuables—“However, I had to travel light. Still, please accept these presents in the name of House Zahbak and my payment for the treatment.”

I sized her up, noticing she didn’t look as ill as Amadeus despite having Raffarson’s Debilitation. When I asked her about it, she mentioned the tonic she had been drinking had strengthened her mana paths to the point she could live normally. Seeing as she looked like she was in her late twenties, she probably had more time to get accustomed to her new health.

“Do you still have any of the tonics?” I asked.

“Of course! My mother told me to pack all of them after we learned the truth of who made them. I still drink them, of course, but I do hope I will be able to acquire a permanent cure before they run out.”

“How long?”

“Eight months, if I ration them. Which means I cannot leave the house nor use my mana. Two months, if I do not. I have eight bottles.”

Oh great, I have a timer …

Well, in the end, it was seven bottles since we had to analyze how the Prince of Sloth concocted the tonic in the first place, which was even worse, but this was what I got myself into. Getting a cure for Raffarson’s Debilitation, one of the most devastating genetic defects for a noble, would be a great enough boon to have a number Folschreck contractors turn on the demonkin, after all. Considering how many people they got in their palms, this was a worthwhile endeavor.

Speaking of the illness, apparently it was only common in humans, as it rarely appeared in elves and had no effect on the dwarves. In fact, according to the dragonewts, dragonkin weren’t known to have it as well, so no progress had been made to cure this issue. Only the tonic made by the Prince of Sloth and the one High Bishop Theodore made with my blood actually weakened the effects, which was why Annaheil was here with us on Kargryx.

Sadly, for now, I couldn’t do anything. Which was why I had asked Mom and Yuilengreil for this favor in the first place, to allow me some time to research things. Those two didn’t care about a non-dragon issue like this, but I was happy to hear they were willing to accommodate my wish in exchange for something only I could do.

What were they trading for? Well …

“Deal with the holy dragon flight, love,” Yuilengreill wanted. “They have been pestering everybody to see you, and I would not like to force you to see them. Speak with them and find a way to settle them down, but I have to warn you that they are quite stubborn seeing as they see you as a real contender for the throne! Be careful.”

What did Mom want?

“As you are now recognized as an adult, I would like to ask you for some help managing Frozen Nest. As I said, dragon culture is quite stifled when it comes to cultural and technological advancements and I wish for your help in some ideas to make our home more lively. Iceskale might look prosperous, but that is due to trade with the rest of Miononbolax. Our home is our pride, after all, and I wish to see it rise, as such.”

If you compared Iceskale harbor with Coral Beard, then, well, Mom was totally right.

Which was why we left Tasianna in Coral Beard as she was our alchemist, while the rest of us returned to Frozen Nest for now. My business on the mainland was over, and it was now time to get ready for my trip to the glacial north and also to fulfill two requests.



A note from AbyssRaven

Back home time!

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