A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 106: Song Family

Severus didn't wanted to talk more about Jane. He glared at Desella when he saw that she still had some unanswered questions.

"She embraced death because life didn't existed for her. There is a reason for everything that is happening in this world. Be it birth or death. It's just that sometimes people are too engrossed in other things that they forget to identify the true goal of their destiny but whatever it was. After a person is dead nothing matters. Just respect the dead and let him rest in peace. Clear?"

Desella keenly noticed the reluctance of Severus regarding this topic. For a fleeting second, she even thought Severus was hiding something from her but the thought passed a soon as it came. It was Severus' life and he has the right to do anything with it. This realization made her sad but before she can drown in despair she saw Severus dragging her to a food stall. Severus never liked eating unhealthy food but he ate it today for the sake of Desella. He was aware that she would feel low when this topic would be touched. It was not like he was hiding things intentionally but rather they were of no use to her. Desella once again forgot about her sadness and totally blended with the jolly vibes of Hui Island. She ate like there was no tomorrow.


Desella was having frequent burps since she had eaten a lot of food. Severus saw that she was feeling uncomfortable thus he brought a bottle of herbal tea. It was actually a cup with a big handle to store tea. Anyone can drink it while walking. Severus thought that it was a rather useful product so he even bought a pair of matching bottles. 

Severus saw how lethargically she was walking. He stifled his laugh as he teased her."Geez, Girl. How can you eat so much when you can't even taste food?" 

Desella gave him a scrunching stare as she replied. "It's true I am not able to savor the taste of food but the happy expressions of others who eat the same food as me makes me feel as if the food is really tasty. As others savor the food I savor happiness. For me, food is not about appetite but about happiness'

Severus heard her explanation and felt sad for her. He patted her on the head softly as he dragged her." Let's rent a room for us and throw our luggage there. It's past afternoon now and after two hours it will be sunset. Why don't we go to the seashore and watch the sunset together?" 

"Yaya" Desella giggle like a child who got her candy. A warm smile radiated on her face.

"Lets' go Severus"

It took them an hour to choose the perfect room for them. The housing locality was not in the vicinity of the seashore making the task of renting a room more hard. Finally, after searching and surveying numerous rooms in a day, Desella finally liked one of them and Severus instantly rented the room. Mentally he made a note to never ask women for choices because they drive Men insane. 

[Feeling tortured?]

Out of nowhere Noowrry came and perched on Severus' shoulder as he teased him. Severus and Desella were on their way to shore. Severus used his psychic communication.


[Now that's a real woman for you] Noworry snickered.


"What do you mean?"

[Nothing! Just Enjoy] With that the little birdie again disappeared in the sky.

Not long after Severus and Desella reached their destination. Severus heaved a sigh when he saw that they weren't late. The sun still up in the sky. The entire place was colored in an orange hue. Everything just looked magical. Severus observed that there weren't many people on the shores. Only some couples and old pairs were walking along the shore. Everyone around them had cheerful expressions and this cheerfulness affected Severus too and thus he felt relaxed and happy too. After a long long time.

"Don't go deep?"

Severus warned Desella when he saw that she was going deep in the water. Desella on the other hand giggled from the water. "I can't die Severus. You need to worry."

Severus went speechless hearing that as he chuckled slowly.

"What a crazy woman! Fate is indeed cruel" A sad smile hung on his face as he realized the true meaning of her words.

"Death is a luxury young man not everyone can have it"

A voice called out from behind.

Severus instantly turned back to check the source of the voice however as he turned back he was shocked...shocked to the core.

"Old man" Severus screamed.

The old man who Severus proclaimed was none other than the old monk. Severus and Noworry had tried everything in their powers to find out about this monk but all they got was just air.


Who would have thought he would stumble upon him in Hui Island..

"Old man you better not run away this time. I have several questions for you and you need to answer them all. You listening to what I am saying? Stop smiling, I am serious. You dropped a bomb on me last time and just poofed away. You know how much trouble I faced. My brain has just turned into a mess dealing with all these conspiracies. Now it's not just mystery but a web of mystery that is jumbled in itself." Severus started rambling as soon as he saw the opportunity. If Melanie or Noworry would have been present here then they would surely have kicked open Severus' brain to see whether it was working fine or not. It was actually strange for Severus too. He actually complained and that too like in paragraphs.

The old man saw Severus turning silent as he finished everything. He smiled towards Severus and wordlessly sat on the nearby bench as he patted on the seat next to him. Severus understood his intentions and just went with the flow and sat beside him. For a long no one said anything. As the sun started setting the old man finally opened his mouth to speak.

"I know boy that you have questions. Several questions but believe me when I say this. I am not the right person to answer any of your questions. I know you would be thing what crap I am saying but I can't help it. I can't tell you anything as I am bound to my loyalty. As for the various mysteries in your life, the only thing I can say is that you are special Severus. There is a reason for your reincarnation. There is a reason for your existence. If heaven gave you a second chance then you must not waste it. Earlier when I got the news that you were the man who was reincarnated, I doubted you. Not going to lie but I didn't have even an ounce of faith in you. However, as time passed and I saw the real you, I became more and more satisfied with you. I felt like you were the best one selected for the upcoming Destiny. My impression of you changed drastically in a positive way. I heard that Jane passed away. I am impressed that you were able to give her the peace and love which she wanted her entire life. It shows how much capable you are."

Severus was lost in his speech. Although he wanted him to answer his questions but whatever the old man spoke Severus felt magical. It was so surreal that Severus wanted him to speak for a long time. Everything was going nice until the old man talked about Jane. It was a topic that he wanted to say goodbye but somehow it was coming back again and again in his life. Confusion occurred inside his mind. He said," What do you mean that II gave her peace and love. She just died away. I didn't kill her".

Severus vehemently defended her. It really wasn't him who killed her. She committed suicide for god's sake.

The old monk said," I know you didn't kill her but that doesn't mean you didn't kill her. She dies after hearing what you said so indirectly you were the reason she committed suicide. You became one of the reasons she is dead today"

The old man saw that Severus' expressions were becoming ugly and ugly with his every passing word. He continued," I am not saying that killing her is bad. It was something that you were destined to do so her death really doesn't matter however the way of killing is indeed impressive. To be honest Jane was a pathetic child and in her end moments, you understood her emotions, her pain, her inner turmoil which no one ever understood. So when she died, she died in peace. No need to feel sad. Her death was blessings from heaven to her. 


Severus now understood what the old monk said. In that, cause it was like the typical case. All's well when the end's well.

The old man continued. " This place isn't it beautiful? Such a pretty sunset and soft glow. This all this, doesn't it ring a bell in your mind?"

Severus was clueless. He just stared at the old man without any reply.

The old man sighed when he saw his blank expressions.

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