A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 54: (2)

The person engaging in conversation with Bisel bore a disheveled appearance. As he noticed Kaiyan beside Bisel, he wore a skeptical expression.

“Hmm? Why did you bring a kid along?” the person asked.

“This kid will be our comrade from now on!” Bisel declared.

“Comrade?” the person questioned.

“Kaiyan, my colleagues! Say hello!” Bisel introduced.

At Bisel’s words, not only Banson, the person asking, but also everyone sitting at the table turned to look at Kaiyan.

It was quite an awkward situation, one he hadn’t experienced before.

“Hello. I’m Kaiyan, a mercenary who will be participating in the Therian Merchant Caravan’s request. I am a fellow mercenary, just like all of you.”

“Oh, interesting. He looks young for a mercenary. But the Therian Merchant Caravan’s request isn’t even for D-rank mercenaries.”

Banson’s words trailed off. He understood. Kaiyan’s youthful appearance may not inspire trust.

“Haha, don’t worry! Kaiyan here is a B-rank mercenary!”

“What? B-rank? Are you joking?”

“Why would I lie about it?”

“How did you bring a B-rank along, Bisel?”

“What a rude thing to say! What’s wrong with B-rank coming with me?”

When Bisel revealed Kaiyan’s mercenary rank, the quiet people started chattering in shock.

“They’re an interesting bunch.”

“Ah, so you’re Kaiyan? Nice to meet you! I’m Banson! You’re a higher-ranked mercenary than me, haha!”

“Nice to meet you too, Banson.”

“I’m Verium!”

“I’m Katina! Just call me Nuna!”

One by one, they revealed their names and extended their hands for a handshake.

Seeing their reactions and the way they interacted with Bisel, it seemed like they were familiar with each other and also with Bisel’s role as their companion.

“Come, have a seat! Kaiyan, care for a drink?”

Banson grabbed Kaiyan’s hand and led him to a chair, placing a wooden barrel filled with beer on the table.

“Drinks… I’ve never tried them before.”

“Then you can’t call yourself a mercenary! Mercenaries are supposed to be good at drinking!”

‘Where have I heard this before?’

As Kaiyan recalled, Jeff had sung songs about wanting to drink even in normal times.

‘I wonder how Jeff is doing.’

As memories surfaced in his mind, a bittersweet feeling washed over him, accompanied by various thoughts.

Did the old knights meet with them? If they did, Kaiyan hoped they received the promised reward. Did the old knight succeed in saving Tarion? Or perhaps he met his end in the dwelling?

Even trivial and unnecessary thoughts came to mind.

“What’s wrong, Kaiyan? Drink up already!”

“Huh? Oh, yes. Um, is this what you mean?”

Banson pointed to the barrel, which Kaiyan had thought was a beer keg, telling him to take a drink.

“Isn’t this… a beer keg?”

“What are you talking about? This is clearly a beer mug!”

As if to prove that his words were true, not only Banson but everyone else held a beer mug in one hand. It seemed like the most natural thing.

“Alright… Let’s drink.”

“Hahaha! The first round is a one-shot!”

“One shot!”


Kaiyan lifted the enormous mug to his lips and took a sip.

It was his first taste of alcohol. What does this drink, which he had only heard about, actually taste like?

Is it sweet and intoxicating, as people often describe it?

Glug, glug—

He couldn’t swallow the beer that entered his mouth and it spilled onto his clothes, but he didn’t pay attention to that and continued drinking until the mug was empty.


“…What does it taste like?”

“What? Kaiyan actually finished it all! Wow, only Banson can do that among us.”

The people who had been drinking and lost in the peculiar taste of the alcohol looked at Kaiyan’s empty mug and then at his face with surprise.


“Hahaha! What’s this? Kaiyan is a real drinker! Let’s have another!”

Banson, who had slightly delayed setting down his own mug, looked delighted and ordered another round of drinks.

Originally, Kaiyan had planned to talk and gather information about mercenaries and the world while conversing with them.

‘I guess I’m in trouble now.’

He learned his lesson about alcohol taste today.

Busy people from early morning. The area in front of the Therian Merchant Caravan’s building was bustling with many people.

Bisel, who had been observing the scene from a short distance, approached Kaiyan with a gleam in his eyes.

“Kuh… Kaiyan, aren’t you tired?”

“Well… I’m not too tired.”

“You’re really a monster… Even after drinking so much yesterday.”

Looking at Bisel, who turned around to see the fellow mercenaries suffering from hangovers, Kaiyan couldn’t help but find it intriguing.

“Fortunately, the Shop sells hangover remedies.”

If it wasn’t for the shop, Kaiyan probably would have been lying there as well.

Thanks to that, he could once again feel that there was nothing the shop didn’t sell. A hangover remedy that instantly dispelled the effects of alcohol. It was truly an unbelievable item.

“We’re about to depart now.”


As Bisel woke up his hungover comrades, they were approached by Jansen, whom Kaiyan had exchanged greetings with yesterday.

“Kaiyan, did you sleep well?”

“Yes, perfectly fine.”

“Haha! It seems like those guys are not doing so well. Ah, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying.”

Jansen smiled with a troubled expression as he pointed at Banson’s group, who were slowly getting up from their seats.

There was something strange about Jansen’s face. He seemed to have no ill intentions, but there was a peculiar sense of disregard.

‘Well, it might be understandable. Considering the state of the contracted mercenaries.’

“Well, please take care of us from now on.”


With those words, Jansen got on a luxurious carriage in the center.

A person who seemed to be a Therian employee overseeing the workers opened their mouth, leading the workers as they started to rise from their positions.

“Now, let’s depart!”

‘Here we go.’

Although Kaiyan was entrusted with the request due to the same direction, he couldn’t help but have expectations as it was his first request.

What experiences and lessons could he gain during the journey to his hometown? How to become stronger? Or perhaps how to live life flexibly? Or maybe how to make money?

‘Whatever it may be, may it be a good experience.’

As the departure approached, the voices of people from all around gradually grew louder.

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