A Gorgeous White

Chapter 110: Can't Help Feeling Loved

It was like how a massive boulder falls on a stagnant lake. Giant ripples creating currents underwater. Or a blazing sea of scorching fire, tongues curling and rising, filling the air with poisonous smoke and suffocating anyone who would come near. Like the turmoil in Moulin's chest. He could not hear.

One step back. 

He felt his chest heave as his eyes widened. The secret he promised to take to the grave was spilled. He could do nothing but look at the man before him.  Hadrian's expression did not change. He allowed Moulin to put distance between them but his hand did not release the youth's arm. His grip was tight and powerful. He had already expected Moulin's reaction. He was not going to let him run from him

"You..." Moulin forced out. Confusion and shock filled his expression. "..."

"You are going to deny it?..." Hadrian lifted his chin. His golden eyes appeared strong. Gleaming in the dim.

Moulin knitted his eyebrows. Silenced enveloped him for seconds. Finally, his head shakes. His voice like a whisper as he spoke a single word. "No..."

The Archnoble loosened. His eyes soften and his rough fingers around the youth's slender arm relaxed. Gently, his fingers fall to reach for the pale hand. He slowly slides his hand and took Moulin's hand up in between their bodies. With narrowed eyes, the lord bent his head and gently pressed his lips on the pale knuckles belonging to his lover. The simple touch was warm and careful.

Moulin stood still. He did not know how to react but his heart was thundering.

"No matter where your soul comes from, as long as it's you. I will never turn you away..." Hadrian whispered as though he had placed a curse on himself. Driven by his love, his affection for the young man before him. He would not care if Moulin's soul had come from another world. To him, it was a blessing. 

As the words sank in his ears, Moulin's pupils shook. And gradually his silver eyes softened as it moistened. Moulin knew the man's words were spoken to comfort him. Once again, Moulin could not help but feel loved. This man... was unpredictable...

Honestly, Moulin could not see through him. He could not read him. There were times where he wondered about the thoughts inside the man's head. If they were about, the guild, his nobility, or about Moulin...

He was a mystery which made Moulin want to uncover. Whether if it was about his unnatural power, his past, everything... Often times Moulin wondered about what would make this man break down and what would make him exceptionally pleased. Right now when Moulin was at his alarmed state, this man never failed to placate him. To ease his nerves and fill it with mirth. 

His gaze lowered as he spoke. Cheeks slightly reddening as he asked, "Since when have you known?... "

Hadrian closed their distance as he pulled the youth in his arms. He breath caressing Moulin's hair. "Since our second meeting..."

"At the midnight gardens in Faerim..." Moulin sighed. "I have fooled every person closest to Moulin Sills Fraunces. Even the ones that ridicule him. How come you weren't fooled as well?..."

"Am I someone who can be deceived so easily?" 

"I had thought so until now..." Moulin smiled faintly. "How did you know?..."

"Do you really think I did not know of the notorious third young master of the Grand Fraunces Family?... We of the Left Imperial Court have keen eyes on the families of the Right Court. On several occasions, the courts would have to attend gatherings. Moulin Sills was especially eye-catching. To dare to cause a ruckus out of no reason... How laughable." Hadrian narrowed his eyes as he stroked the youth's back.

"His uncouth personality could not be remedied. Even by his family... How is it that after a few weeks, he's changed entirely? From the spoiled young master that he was to a barefooted young lad freely living in a desolate cave in the north... "

"You must have thought of your presumptions as absurd. I did not know that even the Lord of the Hercullio would be able to come up with such bizarre beliefs." Moulin jested. His hand held Hadrian's hand tightly.

"Once, I had assumed those beliefs... I was indeed ridiculous to think of such things." Hadrian gave a chuckled as he bent his head to smell the youth's soft hair. He continued, "...That is until you had persisted to seek Estuvian. I began to have suspicions then. Before we came to visit Estan, I had told you to hold my hand. During your Internal soul's inspection with Estan, the connection of our hands made me see what Estan could... You do not have even a hint of the Fraunces mana in your soul. You are different.

Although, by blood, you are related to Moulin Sills Fraunces's family, in soul you do not possess their qualities."

Moulin tightened his hand as his shoulders bunched. 'I wish I had...'

Moulin had read about it...

A child's soul would have a wisp of their Maeruthan parent's mana in their souls. Only a few people could have the power to do detect this. Specifically, orcan seers. Moulin's eyes opened. Possibly, Estuvian had known about this during the soul inspection. And with his hands linked with Hadrian's, the lord would know about it. Moulin released a sigh.

If his parents and his brothers would know about the truth... that their true son had perished and that another soul had taken over his body... To realize that they had cared and loved a stranger thinking it was their own son... It would surely break them...

Moulin shakes his head to dismiss the thoughts. 

He did not know Estuvian was a seer. He should really be careful in letting someone inspect his soul next time...

"You've known about it this long and you only decided to tell me now?..." Moulin leaned back to plant a brief kiss on the Lord's chin. His voice held a bit of playful anger.

"If I had told you, you would've run away before I could even lay you on a bed..." Hadrian grinned. As he dipped his head to kiss Moulin's forehead.

"How sly..." Moulin smiled as he closed his eyes, feeling the affectionate kiss on his forehead. Suddenly, he felt a whoosh as his whole body turned as light as a feather and for a second a flash of light blinded him.

The air around him changed as well as the surroundings around him. Moulin knitted his brows when he pulled away from the lord's chest. His eyes swept across the room and realize that they were currently in the room where they had their first night together. They were standing before the canopy bed, it's red translucent curtains were untied, falling graciously. 

Recalling that passionate moment they had on that bed, Moulin ducked his head to hide the flush stretching across his face. He rasped, "Why did you bring me back here? I did not agree to this!"

Hadrian tilted his head and lifted the youth's chin to observe the adorable redness on the youth's face. The corner of his lips lifted into an amused smile. His eyes slightly narrowing as he replied, "I have chosen this room as my temporary quarters here in Thundralln."

"Your... room?" Moulin blinked, unaware of the deep red of the curves of his ears. "Are you insane?... W-Why would you..."

"Why wouldn't I?..." The man pulled the young man closer to him. Golden eyes brightened and narrowed, swirling with hidden intent. A strong arms wrapping around Moulin's slim waist. His thumb drawing lazy circles on the fabric sending shivers down the young man's spine. Rough fingers slipping between Moulin's hair and nape. The rough pads of his fingers brushing on the youth's sensitive skin. Through the white strands of hair that looked dazzling under the golden light of the room. His deft hand skillfully untied the knot of Moulin's braids as well as the beautifully braided strands at the sides of Moulin's head.

Silver waves fell on the youth's shoulder. Moulin looked absolutely alluring with his hair down. Like a deity of the moon and ice. Fascinating silver eyes, long lashes that cast shadows, lush lips that seemed to captivate anyone. The youth was strikingly beautiful.

Moulin released a sigh as he leaned against the lord's enticing touch. "Twice in one day... Are you a beast?"

"I am only selfish. Devouring you once could not be enough... You will have to entertain me... " A deep chuckle sounded just above Moulin's ear.

The youth's face warmed. Disbelief fluttered in his heart, as he tried not to shudder. His skin tingled under the man's teasing touch. Suddenly, he felt a man's hand behind him, reaching down to grope the plump globes of his behind. Moulin could feel fingertips dipping into the fabric-covered flesh. Hadrian's rough fingers felt like it craved to rip the fabric off and feel the restricted softness beneath.

Moulin gasped at the abrupt action. He circled his lover's neck and whispered with a lowered head. "I feel so weary today..."

Hadrian's eyes narrowed. He concealed a smile as he whispered back. His breath, warm. His voice, husky. 

"Then lie back and let me do the rest..."

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