A Gorgeous White

Chapter 69: I Will Use You Wisely

A warm breath escaped his lush lips as the youth laying delectably on the soft massive bed flinched when the heated lips of the man keeping his leg captive in a tight yet gentle grip. Moulin felt strange. Emotions mixed terribly. No one had ever done this to him before. It felt humiliating and somewhat strange... His heart was pounding hard. His gaze never leaving the strange scene in front of him.

Hadrian's heated lips slid up to the youth's vulnerable ankle. Teeth grazing the surface of the smooth milky skin. Moulin could no longer take it.

"Let me go..." Moulin rasped. His fingers digging deeper into the blankets.

Hadrian stopped. He raised his gaze slowly. His mouth hovering above the pale unblemished skin of the youth. "You think I'm assaulting you?"

"Are you not?" Moulin snorted.

The Lord shook his head with a deep chuckle. His golden hair looked brilliant against the layered of pale moonlight from the windows. His eyes gleamed slyly. "It's not an assault if you find it pleasing..."


Moulin's next words were drowned out by a loud growl. Both Moulin and Hadrian turned their gazes towards the direction of the beastly sound. They both stopped.

Silver-white fur glistened under the moonlight from the balcony behind it. It's large tails swayed aggressively. The golden marks on its furred tails glowed faintly. Sharp claws scraped on the marble floors. It sounded piercing in one's ears.

The Opallian Fox growled threateningly. Snow's head turned towards the Hercullian Lord. His silver eyes glowered as his large form loomed at the pair.

"Snow... " Moulin sat up on the bed. There was something wrong with how the Mystic Beast looked at the Guild Lord. Snow's sudden transformation startled Moulin awake.

Moulin put on a smile, "Snow... be at ease... "

Snow didn't spare a glance at his master as he slowly moved towards Hadrian. His silver eyes glowing with agitation. This man dared to attack his master. Burning with anger, Snow heavily pressed his claws on the ground. The floor cracked underneath its weight.

"Snow... What're you... "

Hadrian released a scoff. "Puny..."

Moulin gawked at the man's fearlessness. Did he not see the rage in the little brat's eyes? It was obvious he was angered about their current positions. He was also certain the Lord clearly knew the reason for Snow's anger.

"A mere beast dare to challenge me. How laughable..." Hadrian chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?!" Moulin glared at Hadrian. "He can rip your body into shreds if you don't stop taunting him!" And I don't want to be dragged into the manslaughter!

Moulin struggled to break out from the Lord's inescapable hold. He started kicking his legs and crawling backwards. "It would be best if you LOOSEN your hold!"

Hadrian narrowed his eyes. This time, there wasn't a hint of amusement in their golden glory. It was da4k and cold. Moulin stilled subconsciously. He feared that if he were to make another move, Lord Hadrian would lose his patience and snap.

Seeing Moulin had become compliant, Hadrian turned his gaze to the approaching Beast. Snow growled, baring his fangs.

Hadrian raised an eyebrow. How arrogant to think he can face me. A cloud of oppression shrouded the room. It felt heavy and suffocating. His golden eyes glowed, layered with sweet menace and death.

Snow ceased his motions. The energy from his body drained away dangerously the longer Hadrian stared at him. He lowered his head and whimpered.

The sound stabbed into Moulin's heart.

Lifting a corner of his lips, Hadrian looked down on the cowering beast. Eyes drunk with satisfaction, He returned his gaze to the little doll beneath him.

However, the moment he did, he froze.

"Release your hand, Milord." Moulin hissed. The glowing longbow in his hand reflected in his eyes. The arrow within its rest glowed brightly and sharply. It had a deathly glare and the ambiance of suffering. Half lying down with one of his feet raised, Moulin tightly positioned the bow in his hands. The deadly sharp tip of the ice arrow pointed at the unmoving Guild Lord whose expression remained still.

"I said release it... " Moulin threatened with a smile as he prepared to release the bowstring between his fingers.

Hadrian tightened his grip on Moulin's ankle before he finally released it. His brows furrowed, "My apologies..."

Moulin immediately stood on the bed skillfully. His movements became accurate and careful as though he wasn't clumsily clawing on the sheets long ago.

"Snow..." Moulin called as he kept his eyes on Hadrian.

A flash of light and a ball of fur jumped on the bed beside Moulin's feet. Snow bounced on the bed slightly as he lowered his head, afraid of seeing the menacing gaze of the scary man before them. "Ao!"

"We shall be leaving, My Lord." Moulin nodded his head impassively as he jumped off the bed. He looked disheveled as his hair was a wavy mess and his cloak was improperly fastened. His footsteps faded on the carpet floor.

The bow in his hand faded into a flurry of snow. With empty hands, he walked towards the doors without waiting for his lord's response.

"I know you've been seeking information about the Chronicler, Estuvian Gurhdel..."

The hand reaching the door stopped. Silver hair swayed as Moulin slightly moved his head back. For a moment his solemnity wavered. Fingers clenched. Moulin turned his head slightly.

Listening, Snow tilted his head as he looked at his master.

"In my manor. Under my rule. Nothing goes unspoken from me..." Hadrian turned to face the back of the youth standing before the door. Although his cloak had hidden the rest of his body, it could not conceal Hadrian the lithe figure of the young man.

"As... I have already expected..." Moulin turned around to fully confront the lord. "Your domineering acts and objectives don't surprise me anymore... Although it was indeed amusing to play along with your little games..." He sighs. "... It's sometimes frustrating."

"Why do you seek him?" Hadrian asked as he took a step forward.

"You don't have to concern yourself with my business, My Lord..." Moulin shrugged. It's something I shouldn't tell to anyone... or rather can't tell to anyone.

"Do I look that untrustworthy?" Hadrian smirked.

"Well..." Moulin looked at him from head to toe. "You do..."

"The chronicler isn't someone anyone can see just because they wanted to. Not even the Three High Lords of Azuran can confront him. Don't wish too much, little doll" Hadrian leaned on one of the wooden posts of the bed. He folded his arms without a care.

Moulin had no knowledge of that. In truth, all he got from his little investigation was just rumors and gossips as well as a bit of complaint in the Leonile guild. He stared intently at the Leonile Lord as he thought deeply. Perhaps, he really needed the aid of another...

However, just thinking about making a deal with this man made his skin crawl and his toes burn red.

"You are my master-"

Hadrian chuckled deeply, "Since when have you considered me as your master? Your eyes are indeed beautiful but it fails to hide your true emotions."

Moulin frowned. Was it that obvious?

"Ao..." Snow nuzzled his head against Moulin's exposed ankles. Moulin only glanced at Snow briefly before he returned his gaze to Hadrian.

Snow: Pay attention to me!

"Why are you always so interested in what I do and what I have to hide? Nothing is tying us together. If we continue these meetings- both coincidental and not- somehow people are going to notice. I don't wish to be involved in some vulgar scandal. Not again..." Moulin rolled his eyes. "I'm sure it would also affect your status as the guild lord if the results were what I have expected... We both know what should be done."

"Scandal?... Are you also aware that your object of infatuation is residing in the Phioric memorial as we speak" His eyes were growing dark as he spoke. "Ah, what was his name?"

"Quade?!" Moulin shouted. Shock was written all over his face.

"So you still remember him?"

"Of course, his name stains my life. He's like a flea I cannot kill." Moulin rolls his eyes. "Why are we shifting the subject of our conversation?"

"I know you don't care about rumors sullying your name. However, I know that you will not tolerate anyone befouling your family's name. You being here will only spark more rumors. You will need someone to aid you and protect you." Rubbing his chin, the lord lifted his gaze at Moulin. As if he was telling him to decide quickly. "I know you have already thought about it..."

"I am capable of protecting myself. I don't need your protection..." Moulin stopped as he hesitates to say the next words. He exhaled. "...however, I will need a guild lord's power."

Hadrian smiled. It was a genuine smile. His previous glowering golden eyes were softening and gleaming. Moulin was taken aback.

"Wise choice..." Hadrian nodded as soon as the heavenly expression faded.

Moulin didn't know what was real anymore. He was sure the lord would gain a thousand followers if he just flashes his face at the masses.

Snow: Why is master ignoring me?! 

"If I may ask... What will you benefit from this?" Moulin went straight to the point as he narrowed his eyes.

There was silence. Hadrian only stared for a long time before he finally answered.

"I am not sure for the moment... " Hadrian gave a faint smile, "... But I feel I am closer to deciding it. And once I have, you will comply with it without a single word of refusal."

"How bold..." Moulin knitted his eyebrows in confusion. He waves his hand as he turned to open the doors "Whatever you want..."

"You offered yourself to me. So, I will use you wisely. Until we meet again, Do not bother me. We will discuss what I plan for another time..." He pushed the doors open as carefully as he can to avoid making any sound echoing in the hallways.

He heard a deep chuckle before he shut the doors behind him. Snow giddily followed Moulin out, happily circling his master. Finally, they were leaving!

Moulin fastened the cloak properly as he walked in the hallways. His mind was cluttered.

Once he entered his rooms, he slammed himself on the bed face first. He was exhausted of thinking and working up his body...


He just wished that he would find something useful.

When the arrogant face of the Lord came into his mind, Moulin muffled his curses in the pillows.

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