A Gorgeous White

Chapter 75: The Calling....

Like a curtain of cold heavy rain falling on a scorched land. Life began to bloom from the soil like how warmth had bloomed inside Moulin's chest. The feeling was very familiar yet it was undeniably unordinary. He knew what this feeling was. It wasn't something he should be unknowledgeable about.

The emotion was searing and addicting. Exactly like how he had been with his lover in his past life. However, if he should think clearly, the golden-eyed man was more unpredictable than his ex. More powerful, more ruthless, more intelligent, more manipulative, more oppressive, and more... desirable. Someone like this man was bound to leave you on the dirt underneath the rain. Moulin was lured into an endless battle of himself because of this man. He didn't know what to decide anymore. He could only let himself drown helplessly.

And one more thing...

Is the Lord even into men?

Moulin could not help but become confused and anxious. Wait, I'm not even a guy. Technically, I'm half a woman but I am still a man too!

Hadrian noticed the cute crease between the youth's slender brows. He could not help but touch it with his fingertips. The contact yanked Moulin back to the present. His eyes confronting the nearing pair of golden ones. Moulin held his breath subconsciously...

"Why do you keep on worrying about things..." Hadrian softly asked with a smile. "Your mother... will be fine... If you want, I can accept a leave from you so that you can go and visit your parents..."

Moulin's eyes widened in surprise, "You will?"

"No..." Hadrian teased. He chuckled when he saw the frown on Moulin's face. Ah, the little doll is back...

"That wasn't something to laugh about, Milord." Moulin glared.

The kneeling lord stood up from the floor and stared down at the unimpressed youth with stunning eyes of silver. He placed the letters on top of the bed table while a handsome smile adorned Hadrian's face attractively. "Do you know why your father did not mention you to return to your family's estate?"

"Because... he didn't want me and my brother to dwell deeply on my mother's sickness..." Moulin replied with a lowered gaze. His fingers slightly digging on the white sheets of the bed.

"Ah, yes... Dontae Fraunces would be conveying that as well. However, it is not the only reason why..." Hadrian reached out his hand as he spoke.

Moulin didn't flinch as the long fingers gently touch the wavy white strands of his head. Moulin let Hadrian caress his hair as he listened to the Lord's words.

"... There are strange irregularities happening all over the country," Hadrian explained, voice growing husky. "Traveling might put you in grave danger. That is why I cannot allow you to travel freely. Once the situation has been cleared, only then can I allow you to travel back home. You can send them letters. Our messengers are quite nimble on their feet. All of this is for your safety..."

"I understand..." Moulin said softly. His voice was like a whisper but clear. Emlen had mentioned these strange abnormalities happening frequently. It should be dangerous to be out traveling. In the meantime, he'll just send letters to his parents.

"I heard you've encountered something in Azuran..." Hadrian asked. His eyes searching the youth's face for any oddity as he lowered his fingers.

Moulin stopped once he heard the words. How did he know? Was it Tessley? Well, it doesn't matter...

He looked at the Lord's eyes in hopes of garnering knowledge from him "Yes, I did... "

"Were you terrified?"

Moulin lowered his brows. A frown adorning his face making the Lord suppress a smile. Moulin spoke, "I wasn't terrified. Yes, it's was appalling but I could tolerate it."

As he remembered the black blood wriggling within the man's veins his frown deepened. The memory was vividly imprinted in his mind. He could not help but look away from the assessing gaze of the man in front of him. "What is it?..."

"The blood-"

"I know it isn't blood. Tell me..." Moulin interrupted.

'Oh...' Hadrian's eyes narrowed as he gazed at the determination in the youth's silver eyes. How can he not surrender under than beautiful gaze, he chuckled internally, "You have keen eyes..." He praised with a hint of amusement in his voice. "It truly isn't blood..."

"Then what is it?"

Hadrian smiled. The smile held no sinister and amusing intents. However, when you gaze up into his eyes, the dexterousness was exposed to anyone who dared to meet the lord's eyes. "I will tell you if... you will dine with me..."

"What?" Moulin glared.

There was fire in those silver eyes as he stared at the man in front of him. It was smoldering and alluring. Under the lord's watchful gaze, it was a delectable sight.

Moulin could not believe the nerve of the man. A corner of his lips turned up. "I will not dine with you..."

"If you will not dine with me then allow me to dine with you. I wonder how those little friends of yours will respond once they know of our strange affairs. It would be quite exciting."

"You've already done enough with Tyve and Troid! They would even corner me just because of this 'strange affair'. Are you out of your mind?" Moulin could not help but raised his voice. Disbelief etched his face.

Snow's ear twitched. He opened an eye to glance at his master before going back to his nap. The skies were darkening as the last light of the sun had set.

"It is simply one dinner. Be at ease, I am not searching for your company tonight. Perhaps in another night... when the moon shines it's brightest..." Hadrian grinned as if he was already victorious. His eyes traced the frowning features of the young man on the bed "Consider it an act of gratitude."


He didn't give Moulin a chance to speak another word as he disappeared in a flash. Moulin was left with silence and disbelief in the quiet room as he stared at the place where the lord had teleported. Bubbling anger busted in an instant as silver eyes lowered at nothingness. The youth's jaw clenched.

"That irksome little..." He cursed under his breath as he stood up abruptly. Snow lifted his head, startled. The little fox's beady eyes stared at his master's blowups innocently. Snow tilted his head. Why was his master dancing?


A splash of water was heard as Moulin settled with a sigh in the wooden tub of hot water in one of the Guild's private bathrooms. It was located near the sentinel's quarters for easy access. Although there were springs and such pleasure for bathing, it was always crowded. Moreover, his status as an aphrodite maeruthan was heavily discussed by the honorary since Moulin was their very first aphrodite sentinel. Thus, the guild could only give him one of the small private bathing rooms in the guild. Even though it was small, Moulin was satisfied. What mattered were the oils Pola had packed for him to use.

His silver hair was scattered floating angelically on the surface of the water. Like a water nymph descended from the heavens to bewitched.

Moulin frowned as he poured water on his hair. He should be getting ready for the dinner he promised Ghana and Jagra...



He could not help but think about the dinner the Lord had demanded from him.

"Is it really worth it?" He asked himself as he leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling.

He shakes his head and decides not to think about it too much otherwise his head would ache intolerably. Moulin groaned as he finished up bathing.

A few days passed since that night and Moulin was nowhere at forgetting the 'dinner' Hadrian had wanted. Although he was always anxious and slightly anticipated when and what night the lord wanted their dinner to be held, he had not seen even a shadow of the lord for the last few days. Did he bail? That would be utterly fortunate then, Moulin thought.

On the dusty earth of the training grounds, boots heavily stomped leaving a faint dusty air. Numerous sweaty bodies in pairs collided together in a fierce match. Neither abilities nor weapons were used as they fought fiercely. Grunts and groans filled the air. The atmosphere was tense and pressing.

"Again!" Fhorg commanded. The air around him growing heavy as disappointment filled his expression. Currently, the progress of the sentinels in training was unsatisfying. Right now, he was evaluating the recruit's progress. Tessley was right beside him assisting. He was growing impatient.

Moulin was panting heavily as he defeated the man in front of him in five moves. However, he wasn't satisfied with almost breaking the man's legs and arms. He had to beat the man to unconsciousness to finish the match.

Sweat glistened on his slightly muscled arms. His chest rising and lowering rapidly as he turned to look at Fhorg's satisfied look. The man nodded to him and brought up a hand to signal another contender to defeat the aphrodite sentinel.

Moulin frowned helplessly as another sentinel walked in front of him with slight hesitation. His braided silver hair fell behind him as he positioned himself in a fighting stance.

"I heard he saved countless noble at the moonflower gathering a few months ago. It was the first time people had known an aphrodite maeruthan with a sacred weapon..."

Jagra's wars picked up a couple of gossiping female sentinels a few meters behind him and Ghana. They were He quietly listened.

"My friend told me he had sabotaged the Accrius-Gorianna engagement ceremony and his father sent him away as punishment. The incident was the talk of the year..."

"How strange. He must've chosen to redeem himself..."

"I know. His features weren't even like how it is presently. He had the color of his mother's hair and his father's eyes. People said it was because of his awakening or because a priest had blessed him."

Jagra knitted his eyebrows. He slowly turned to Ghana with a questionable expression. "There seems to be a lot of rumors surrounding our friend Moulin..."

"And yet it doesn't bother him at all..." Ghana gazed at Moulin's polished fighting form. The youth was quick and agile a he delivered a painful kick to his opponent's stomach. "It doesn't matter what he was before... He's trying his best to change and improve no matter how much he falls." Her eyes slightly narrowed as she remembered the innumerable times Moulin had fallen before her as she bested him at strength. Yet in every failure, he would become stronger and quicker. His perseverance was admirable.


A wheezing man fell on the ground as he hit Moulin's arms that had his head locked in a tight insufferable grip. The man could feel himself choking as he opened his mouth desperately for air. Moulin only tightened his hold even more as his silver merciless eyes glanced at the watchful Fhorg.

"That's enough..." Fhorg finally announced.

Once the words were spoken, Moulin released his hold and set the man free. His opponent cough, kneeling on the ground while holding his neck. He inhaled sharply, welcoming the cool air into his lungs with moistening eyes. He glanced at the young Aphrodite who stood up proudly in front of him. Was this even a test?! He felt like he was spared from an early death!

Moulin held out a hand which the beaten sentinel gladly accepted. The youth hauled his opponent on his feet. He smiled brightly which dismissed any negative thought the sentinel had on him. With a blush spreading his face, the sentinel bashfully walked away.

Fhorg dismissed the thought of calling out another sentinel when he saw the hesitant expressions around him. The rest of the sentinels had already stepped away in uncertainty.

"You've improved tremendously" Fhorg complimented Moulin with a nod.

"Thank you, Sir" Moulin nodded to him with a bright smile. Jagra tossed him a towel which Moulin caught easily. He vigorously wiped the sweat on his face. As he finished, his eyes slightly narrowed as he exhaled, running a hand through his hair over his head. His pale forehead was revealed along with his narrowed eyes as he let out an exhausted breath.

This look was witnessed by the gossiping sentinels and a few women and they could not help but squeal internally. How could he look so beautiful and handsome at the same time! It's blinding!

Ghana and Jagra sighed. There were so many people pining for their Moulin but he wasn't even conscious about it. None had also dared to woo the aphrodite for fear of his older brothers and the power of the Grand Fraunces house. Not only beauty, this silver-eyed youth even had both the ability and strength to become an honorary sentinel. The promotion wasn't too far for the young man, others could already feel it.

"You three..." Tessley called. She pointed at the three and motioned them to come near her.

They followed as ordered and stood with anticipation.

"Two days from now, you will be accompanying Tyve with a task. He will provide the information for you. You are fortunate to be able to go on your first task so early." Tessley looked away, refusing to face the three people's delighted expressions. "That is all..." She dismissed them.

Fhorg nodded at the three of them before he turned to check on the progress of the rest of the sentinels. His expression was grim as he walked.

Moulin, Jagra, and Ghana could not contain the eager expressions on their faces. Their first task!

Ghana's face was full of relief and excitement. Finally!

Suddenly, amidst their bubble of delight, A golden light flashed in the sky briefly. It was impossible for one not to notice it.

The Leonie symbol flashed in the sky like a signal. Although the skies were bright, the signal was visible and bright. It brought colors to one's silhouette.

Fhorg and Tessley stopped in their tracks as well as the rest of the maeruthans outside the manorial. As the Leonile light continues to shine, innumerable footsteps rushed towards the memorial urgently. Every single sentinel outside the walls of the manorial hurriedly went to the Guild assembly hall.

Moulin narrowed his eyes as he hurried with the others. By his side were Jagra and Ghana. Although confused they did not utter a word but followed the rest of the maeruthans.

The light symbol could only be activated by the Leonile Guild lord. It was used to summon all of the Leonile sentinels for an emergency assembly, announcements, and other significant reasons.

Within five minutes, the Guild hall was packed with people. They were silent. Ceasing any utterance to respectfully prepare for the lord's appearance. The banners hanging on every pillar embellished the Leonile emblem proudly.

Moulin waited.

Finally, the black curtains behind the elevated stone platform separated as the man whom Moulin finds so familiar stepped out with long strides. The man who hasn't shown himself in front of him for days. The man who never failed to make him lose his mind. Moulin restrained the urge to scoff and snort.


Why was he so worked up on this?

Moulin composed himself as he watched the Guild Lord walked towards the long alabaster table on the platform. Only his steps were heard, echoing throughout everyone's ears. Varick and Troid stepped a few meters behind him with stern gazes.

Lord Hadrian's momentous forbidding gaze swept across the vast crowd lined in formally arranged rows. He dropped a scroll carelessly on the table. The sound was loud and intimidating making most of the people flinch in fear.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, "Let's begin..."

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