A Gorgeous White

Chapter 77: Marhos, The Unfortunate Delivered Child

Droplets dripped from lush green leaves and the pleasant chirps sounded pleasant to one's ears. It was calm and silent as the cool soothing breeze entered in swirls as gently as it can. Like the winds from the beating wings of faeries.

The scent of rain enveloped every open room within the Temple. Droplets fell from the teary corners of the roofs. Like a curtain shielding the life within from the cold outdoors. Although the rain had stopped, it left the earth moist and the stone walls wet even under the brightening sky.

The sound of chimes pleasantly noised and echoed inside a large empty room. It had no windows except for the large archway curtained by dripping water. A lone person stood garb with white robes. His vaguely aged face looked relaxed and bored as the man rubbed the stubble on his chin. Tucked under his armpit was three books and small braids were randomly tied with two or three small beads on his head.

His exposed forearms had little translucent feathers attached to his skin. Gradually fading just above his elbows and above his wrists. His behind his ankles had the same feathers as well as behind his ears and a long feathery tip of hus tail swished out from beneath his robes.

He wore a thin golden band around his head which settled an inch above his brows. His eyebrows twitched as he senses a presence not so far away from his room.

Unconsciously, he clenched his grip on the book he was reading as his eyes never left the doors behind him.

He waited.

In the perpetually noiseless outdoor hallway of the temple, where the cool breeze frequently lingers, a pair of people appeared after a bright flash of light. Both locked in an embrace.

Moulin pushed himself away from the Lord but their hands remained tight and interlaced. He faced the Lord whose smile didn't leave his face as he tightened his grip on the youth's hand.

"You never fail to catch me off guard, Milord. I find that part of you detesting." Moulin snorted as his silver eyes looked around in curiosity. A twinkle appears in his silver pupils as he took in the blue pillars of the hallway and the glass-like floor underneath them. It was like waters reflecting their figures from underneath.

"However, your hand still holds mine no matter how detesting I become, isn't it?" Hadrian pulled Moulin closer. His eyes becoming more profound and magnetic, forcefully pulling Moulin's attention back to him.

"Enough with the lavish talk, My Lord..." Moulin huffed. He could not bear the embarrassment on his face any minute longer. He could only cough to remind himself to be more calm and serious.

"Of course, Moulin..." Hadrian replied with a lifted chin. "I know how anxious you are to meet the Historian himself. I spent a lot of resources to serve you well. Quite expensive and heavy ones..."

Moulin put up his defenses as he raised their interlocked hands, "You already have your payment..."

Hadrian gave a soft laugh.

"I believe I do and it pleases me greatly. Do not worry this is all I ask for" The man's tone slightly brought a sense of comfort to the silver-eyed youth.

Moulin nodded as he let himself be led away by the golden-eyed man. The heat between their fingers was too distracting and spellbinding. Moulin had already forced himself to not pay too much attention to their contact but he was hopeless against the sly fingers of the lord. Hadrian's long fingers gently tighten occasionally and his thumbs draw lazy circles on Moulin's knuckles. As if tracing every joint and feeling the soft skin within his grasp. Moulin was already entranced.

He didn't even realize that they already arrived before a large double door made completely with opaque glass. Moulin blinked at the height of the door in admiration.

It looked terribly delicate that Moulin hesitated to even touch it. On the contrary, the man beside him fearlessly pushed the door handles as though it only looked inexpensive to him. Clearly it was worth a life!

Moulin only shrugged his shoulders. The door made a loud creak as it opened. The sound would certainly catch the attention of whoever was inside. And hiding was already unavoidable.

"Ah... You've arrived"

Moulin heard a voice. The gentleness in it sounded sincere and careful as not to intimidate the person he was speaking to. Moulin lifted his gaze and focused on the person at the center of the cool empty room.

Moulin's eyes widened in awe. His eyes fixed on the beautiful colorful translucent feathers around the man's arms.

The feathers of his body and the orange pupils of the man indicated that he was of beast blood. The long feathery tip tail was gracious and beautiful. What would ultimately complete his look would be the presence of large wings on his back. Moulin knew it would make him striking. Only, he doesn't know what type of beast family this man belongs to.

He looked middle-aged and the calm atmosphere surrounded his body. His smile was noble and wise, directed to Moulin. "I have been waiting..."

No wonder people deemed this man too virtuous and wise. His appearance alone had deeply convinced Moulin.

As the man's words sank into his ears, Moulin blinked in confusion. Was he already expecting them?

"A wonderful day to you, My Lord..." Estuvian bowed respectfully towards the man beside Moulin.

Moulin's expression changed. He glanced at Hadrian who only gave him a smile. Moulin narrowed his eyes as he read the Lord's eyes. "So...you already know each other..."

Hadrian's eyes widened, pretending to be surprised by Moulin's sudden conclusion. "I don't understand what you mean..."

Moulin sighed as he glanced at the historian who gave him a friendly wave. He muttered at Hadrian under his breath as if resisting the urge to smack the lord's head. "And you even told me how difficult it was to give me this chance. You really fooled me, Milord."

"It isn't because you are ignorant, little doll. It is because I am more intelligent than you..." He laughed. His fingers tightening around Moulin. Genuine happiness fluttering in his chest.

His eyes then turned towards the man standing before them. An amused smile stretching across his face. Estuvian was rendered speechless as he stared at the rare happy expression on the lord's face. It was indeed a long time since he had saw the Lord truly happy. His eyes softened on the younger man next to the lord aware of the position the young man carries in Lord Hercullio's heart.

"Come..." Estuvian said to Moulin.

Seeing that Moulin was hesitant and wary, Hadrian pulled the youth with him as they walked towards his old friend. Moulin softly walked beside Hadrian his ears reddening as he glanced at their interlocked hands in front of the Historian. Truly, he was embarrassed.

"So this is your secret lover..." Estuvian assessed Moulin with an admirable gaze. He examined the rare long white hair that fell gently on the youth's shoulders. In his eyes, the youth looked quite the beauty. However, when his eyes met Moulin's daring silver ones, he felt a slight shudder in his heart. Estuvian could easily evaluate a person with their eyes. Seeing Moulin's mysterious silver pupils told him that the youth was dreadful secretive. Secretive yet kind in heart.

When Moulin heard the word lover, he stiffened. He shot a glare at Hadrian who was proudly satisfied with Estuvian's choice of words. Moulin restrained a sinister laugh as he only forced a smile with reddening ears. "I do not know why you have assumed that conclusion, My Lord"

"However, the bond between the two of you is quite strong." Estuvian quipped.

Moulin knitted his eyebrows. "We only met a couple of times."

Hadrian gave Moulin a disbelieving look. He looked wronged and sullen. Moulin raises an eyebrow at him as though telling him what part of his words was wrong. Seeing the Lord only went silent, Moulin sighed.

"Perhaps, numerous times then. My memory isn't quite good." He explained with a twitching smile.

The small interactions between the pair did not escape the Historian's eyes. He didn't believe that he would come to see the day the Lord would interact intimately with someone so openly without shame. Witnessing it was frightfully shocking. He was the lord's guardian ever since the young lord was young and outcasted.

"Lord Hadrian mentions you a lot in our recent conversations. He quite favors you, young master. Although the two of you belong in families from opposing Imperial Courts, you two don't seem to be bothered by it. Although, you two will have to overcome difficulties in the future."

"I'm sure we will, Estan." Hadrian nodded. His hand suddenly tightened around Moulin's hand.

With a smile, Estuvian lifted his head. The little feathers behind his ears were slightly fluttering. "So, How may I be of assistance to the young master."

"I..." Moulin stopped. He was here to ask about the voice and the Goddess's son within the coffin, Marhos. He wanted to know about spirit sounding where spirits talks to people in dreams. He hesitated. He could not help but question Estuvian's trustworthiness. Would the speech barrier activate if he confides in his problems?

"I see..." Estuvian's voice suddenly interrupted Moulin's thoughts. Moulin's confused expression confronted him. "It seems to be that the young master cannot openly speak of his difficulties..."

Moulin lowered his head. He swallowed the doubts in his heart and he spoke. "It is something I cannot say freely. I only know bits of it but I am still far from answers"

"I believe so..." Estuvian glanced at Hadrian before opening a palm to Moulin. "May I?..."

With a slight hesitation, Moulin placed his hands on the man's hand. He felt a surge of energy from their connection. Waves of soothing energy coursed through his arms and his chest. It was surprisingly painless and appeasing. He felt dizzy and sleepy but Moulin tried to keep his eyes open and wide. He already knew Estuvian didn't have any bad intentions towards him.

Moulin was unaware of the fact that Hadrian could also witness and know through the connection with their interlocked hands with Moulin. How the soul examination was completely accessible to the clever Hercullian lord.

The translucent feathers glowed a beautiful hue of green and blue as Estuvian activated his mana.

Estuvian delved into the internal barrier inside Moulin. It was surprisingly difficult to pass through. Moulin felt a twinge of pain. His brows furrowed.

Estuvian's eyes widened in shock. There was a slight paleness in his expression as he let go of Moulin's hand. Impossible!

Moulin was surprised by the man's abrupt actions. It was startling.

"What is it‐"

"Speak!" Hadrian was agitated as he abruptly interrupted Moulin's words.

Estuvian eyes were wide with shock and the Lord's sudden booming voice instantly caused him to obey. This time he beastman took back Moulin's pale hand with both hands. "Young master, have you encountered spirit sounding with a stray soul?"

Moulin's eyes widened, he nodded. He really discovered it...

His silver eyes were filled with hope and desperation.

"A person who has experienced spirit sounding tend to possess the remnants of the soul interacting with them. What I did was not a soul appraisal but a simple body evaluation. Your mana core is impressively protected. It was difficult to pass through the barrier without hurting you." He snapped his fingers and the books started to float in the air as three chairs appeared beside Moulin and Hadrian. He calmly gestured to the chairs, "Please sit..."

Hadrian's hand tightened as he sat down along with Moulin. Moulin could barely notice the slight anomaly as his whole attention was focused on the feathery man in front of them.

"It is quite unusual for a young Maeruthan like you to be able to hear spirit voices. Usually, people who have aged greatly would be able to listen to the voices of spirits, mostly their loved ones. Tell me how long have you been hearing them?" Estuvian questioned.

Moulin went silent. He knew he could not answer the question. If he even tried, the speech barrier would activate. He only lifted a hand and shook his head. "I cannot speak about it.".

Estuvian furrowed his eyebrows as he stroked his chin. He leaned a little closer. "A speech barrier then..." He concluded. He turned to Hadrian who had was silently watching Moulin. Estuvian asked, "Have you known about this?"

Predatory golden eyes seriously glared at Estuvian. "No, I did not..."

"I didn't tell him. I don't think there was anything to tell him about" Moulin lifted his head thoughtfully, earning him a questioning look from Hadrian.

"Is that so..." Estuvian coughed towards the Hercullian Lord's misfortune. Honestly, he could not even earn the trust of his lover... such hardship.

He fixed his expression and faced Moulin who was expectantly waiting for him. Estuvian could not help but smile warmly. A face like that would make the whole country desperate, he sensed the difficulties in the Lord's way.

"You must have inquired with other seers about your mana core..."

"Yes, my family's seer didn't notice anything peculiar about my body."

"Hmm... They must have assumed about your being as a pured Maeruthan then. It was what I thought at first once I noticed the purity of your internal soul."

"Yes..." Moulin replied. He lifted his head. "What do you know about the Child in the coffin from the Rafelon legends." He asked.

Estuvian's eyes widened. It didn't come to him that the youth would inquire about an old legend he had written in his book. "I reckoned that you have read my books... "

"I have..."

"Then..." Estuvian's eyes narrowed. A faint guess emerged in his mind. "Do you think that the voice speaking to you is..."

"Marhos..." Moulin unhesitantly answered. It was a only guess. He didn't have solid evidence to bring out.

As soon as he said the word, a gust of wind blew through the windows. The coldness it brought was shivering. Moulin blinked his eyes. Where did this wind come from?...

Only Hadrian -despite the clear irregularity in the situation- was calm and unfazed. His expression remained unchanged as he gazed at Moulin with complicated eyes.

There was a lot to be questioned and to be brought up.

"Why... do you think it would be him? Son of Ethowna, The tragically delivered son..." The beastman's eyes deeply looked at Moulin. As if to dig into those silver eyes and to unearth the thought within. He was curious, anxious, and interested.

"I..." Moulin opened his mouth. "I... only felt it was him...". This was all he could say as he struggled to not be distracted by the blowing wind. "His name just felt so familiar..."


"You..." Estuvian leaned back on his chair. "...are quite peculiar, young master... I can't believe I have lived this long to meet someone like you..."

The strangeness in his voice was surprising as well as confusing. The choice of words was even more confusing.

Moulin knitted his eyebrows as confusion etched his beautiful face. "I believe I don't understand what you mean by those words... Was it something I said?"

"You said his name... " Estuvian's eyes shined. The bright orange was glowing with calm mirth. "You really said his name..."

"It is because I read it in your book-"

"Exactly!..." Estuvian laughed. His feathers fluttering as the wind around them turned playful and warm "The child's name was written in the language of old. I have never deciphered it to this day! I had only copied the word written in the ancients texts on the spiritual walls of Rafelon." His eyes were glazed with emotion.

Moulin didn't understand the reason for the man's joy. He only suppressed the emotion in his heart. How could that be? He didn't even notice anything odd in the texts as he read the books in the private library of his home.

"Child, only you have read his name..." The historian took Moulin's hand with warmth.

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