A Gorgeous White

Chapter 87: The Imperial Courts

There was a never-ending warmth inside Moulin's chest. His eyes were only on his brother whom he had not seen for two months. Moulin suddenly felt teary as the longing for his close ones back in Zenin city emerged. Pressing his lips together, Moulin suppressed the impulse to hug the soul out of his eldest brother.

"What is wrong with him?" Maxille pulled Moulin behind him and took a step back swiftly as he eyed the gasping bastard who had caused great humiliation to his precious little brother many months ago. The reason why his little brother was exiled, leading almost to his death! As much as he wanted to pummel that face to the ground, Moulin's safety was Maxille's top priority. He was well aware of the spread of Kron and he knew it had already breached Azuran where his brothers reside.

"Go summon the sentinels of the elder guild. Let them throw this man in the solitary area. Let them check if this man is ill" The young heir ordered as he turned to his guard. With a quick nod, the guard hurriedly obeyed as he rushed off.

The words of the heir of the grand noble were equal to representing the words of the Grand family. The future representative of the Imperial Right court. The Grand Fraunces emblem on his cloak signified his authority and prominence. None would dare to go against his word.

While the people surrounding Quade retreated in fear and doubt, they paid attention to the two brothers. Moulin clutched Maxille's sleeve, signaling his eldest brother that they should leave.

Maxille turned to Moulin and quickly commanded his guards to make way for them through the crowd. As Maxille closely pulled his little brother to him, they left the dumbfounded scum gaping behind them.

Quade wasn't one to give up. "Wait! I am not sick! What foolish things are you all talking about? I am completely well!" There was a tremble in his voice as he shouted for others to hear. However, the people in Azuran were particularly different than the people outside. They were more cautious and wary. A little misgiving would make them doubt and suspicious.

They didn't want to take the risk of believing and compromising their welfare as their friends were traveling outside the city to risk their lives resolve the difficulties brought by the Kron. They narrowed their eyes while retreating to a safe distance

Moulin released a yawn when they finally left the crowded area. He didn't think twice to forget Quade's existence as he walked with his brother.

"What did he want from you?" Maxille asked. His tone was in another level of deep. His eyes glowered as he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Moulin furrowed his brows, shrugging. "He just came from out from nowhere, suddenly trying to grab people who didn't want anything to do with him. I do not know what he wants and I am the least interested in it."

"Mn..." Maxille secretly hid the violent emotions in his eyes as he glanced at his little brother. "In the future, you must avoid him at all cost. Don't even waste a word on him. He might be trying to drag you into his filthy intents again..." He warned Moulin with a stern expression. 'I'll have to contact the sentinels in the isolation ward prick him with snake-venom', it wasn't long until he really did it.

"Eldest brother, why should I run away again." Moulin chuckled, heartily. His laugh was like the chines of hanging shells. Maxille had greatly missed it. Moulin slightly lowered his lids as he spoke, "If we meet coincidentally, then there's nothing I can do about it. But I will not run away, I'll strike him directly without mercy if he dares to make another move." He rubbed his shoulder, "Fortunately, I stopped him in time before he could land a filthy touch. I almost wanted to hurl. Honestly, his thoughts are that of a child." Moulin rolled his eyes as he walked.

"..." Maxille blinked. His brows slightly furrowed. This young man beside him looked fiercer and more mature than when Maxille had last seen him. The young heir suddenly had the urge to tuck his precious younger brother in his pocket.

"Are you doing well?" Maxille asked his eyes softening as his tone warmed.

Moulin nodded with a faint smile, "I am fine..." His eyes slightly turned sullen as he continued. "I missed you brother. It is good that you came. I hope you had encountered nothing during your travels here."

"I am well. Don't worry too much, nothing happened. Fortunately, I traveled safely." Maxille smiled. His eyes deeply stared at his little brother's beautiful features. "Mother and Father are very worried about you..."

At the mention of his mother, Moulin stopped. His steps ceased and his expression stiffened. He hastily faced Maxille with a desperate look of concern. "How is mother?"

"I would be lying if I said that she's doing well," Maxille replied as he sighed. "I can't keep secrets from you..."

"Is she really so ill?" Moulin pressed his lips together. "When did her illness emerge?"

"I cannot tell exactly when, however, it all happened so abruptly. A few days before her symptoms, she was so happy, lively, and occasionally sad when she thought about you but she was fine. Suddenly she started to turn weary and tired in most hours of the day. There was no fever but she was pale and lethargic. The family doctor tried all he can. He's still trying as of now."

"Do you know of the sickness?" Moulin asked. From Maxille's description, it was not the Kron thankfully. The symptoms of the Kron involved, fevers, and the darkening of the skin and veins. It was impossible. However, Moulin had not heard of the sickness his mother has. It was different.

"Do not worry too much..." Maxille rubbed on Moulin's head. Something that he had been itching to do since he met his little brother. "Mother will be fine. You just need to be safe and healthy. She always becomes better when she knows you're alright."

Moulin nodded as he chuckled under his eldest brother's gaze. Mother will be alright. Hopefully, she will recover and be alright.

As they continued to walk towards the Elder Guild Hall, both brothers began to inquire about each other's welfare. They talked until with a slip of Moulin's tongue, Maxille was reminded of the guild Moulin had joined in. Moulin felt a heavy chill around him when his brother suddenly turned silent. The man's steps were especially loud in Moulin's ears as silence dawned between them.

"The Leonile guild of Lord Hercullio..."

Moulin flinched when Maxille spoke in a grave tone. As though they were stones weighing on Maxille's throat. "Y-yes..."

"Tell me..." For the first time, Maxille looked darkly at Moulin. Concern and disbelief filled his eyes as he spoke. Drowning Moulin with anxiety. Maxille continued with a dark voice, "Why did you choose him?"

Moulin stopped. Confusion etched his face. His brows lowered. Did he mean Hadrian or the Guild? Nevertheless, Moulin had to answer.

"I gave my trust to the lord..." Moulin looked forward, his eyes unfocused. "The Leonile guild might not be as prominent as Dragor, Phiora, or Trylle, but the bond of their guild intrigues me. Lord Hercullio is a mighty leader and a determined master. He has unique and interesting insights and all of them are as great as the other. So I beg for your support of my decision, eldest brother." Moulin slightly bent his head in respect.

Maxille knitted his brows. No matter the words said, he knew the Lion of the Hercullio isn't as merciless as Moulin thought he would be. Maxille witnessed several tragedies brought by that man's hands. He is a menace, a brute, a ruthless killer. However, why does it seem that Moulin looked upon that man as a sane person? It was absurd.

Moulin's eyes were sincere as he spoke, Maxille could tell. But he was still doubtful. The first time when Moulin mentioned the name of the guild that he joined, Maxille paled. All the color on his face drained. He saw how that man with his golden gaze stared at Moulin. How his hand placed itself on the waist of his little brother in the midnight gardens. Maxille grew more and more anxious. His father was in the same predicament.

The Imperial court of the palace was divided into two sides, the Left court and the Right court. Ten grand noble heads to follow two Archnoble heads on each side. What equaled the power of the imperial King's right hand were the renowned Archnobles. Even the heirs of the throne could not defy them. The Grand noble Lords and Ladies only did as commanded under the rule of the King and the Archnoble heads. Although both imperial courts strive to keep the kingdom at its fairest, the two courts weren't quite on good terms. At times there was a competition between the favorable and strongest. The rivalry was at its greatest of the time of King Bercuvia Atlhaliz, The Lavish.

The Left court ministries had always overwhelmed the Right court ministries. The battle for dominance was as grave as the bloodshed on the battlefield. Once Maxille had gained a vague hint of the Hercullian Lord's intentions for his little brother. He knew he had to separate Moulin. However, his brother seemed oblivious of the Archnoble's attempts. Even joining the guild governed by Hercullio!

Persisting to convince his brother, Maxille spoke, "Moulin-"

"Brother..." Moulin interrupted with a smile. There was a dark hint in his silver eyes, as though he had already known of his eldest brother's thoughts. His smile was sweet yet his gaze held a warning.

"... I know what I am doing. I am not oblivious. If you doubt, then I will let you be. In the future, you will understand why I made my choices..."

As he finished his words, Moulin continued to walk. His eldest brother lost for words as he stood and when Moulin's words had sunk into his ears, he was determined to trust his brother's words in the meantime.

'We will see in the future...' Maxille thought as he watched his little brother.






|| King Bercuvia Athaliz || - 37th king of Aurona. The Lavish king. Known for indulging his ministers with favors in exchange for spreading the benevolence of his name. Lecherous, greedy, and glamorous.

Imperial Ranking by Sovereignty


Imperial Courts: Left ministries and Right ministries

• 2 Left Archnoble heads, 2 Right Archnoble Heads

• Left and Right Imperial advisor

• Left Court: Ten Grand nobles, Right Court: Ten Gran nobles.

More description as the novel proceeds...

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