A Gorgeous White

Chapter 89: Regrettable

The sun shined brightly as the skies were cloudless. A youth's steps were soft yet strong. His braided silver hair swayed behind his back and for a moment he wanted to cut it due to annoyance.

Minutes passed and he found himself before the tall arched entrance of the 'City of Gold', the Leonile Headquarters in Azuran. He shook his head as he continued.

He knew it wouldn't go well. That his brothers, as protective as they were, would never allow it. Hadn't he already proved himself so many times? Where did all that realization go? It wouldn't just vanish and be forgotten just like that! Moulin felt a sense of anger. Until now, do they still look at me as if I'm still a child? I kill people before their eyes, was it not enough?


Moulin lifted his gaze and noticed Jagra's figure standing on the stairs before the large entrance doors of the guild. Jagra's eyes brightened at the sight of his friend. He waved as he glanced behind him to call upon Ghana who was yawning, patiently waiting. It was noon and it was time to leave.

Moulin sighed and fixed his expression. With a smile, he climbed up the stairs towards his friends. "Is it time?"

Jagra nodded, "You're just in time. Rowan is about to arrive. I believe you have finished your talk with your brother?"

Moulin suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and curse out loud. He forced a smile as he nodded. "I did."

"Then..." Jagra blinked as he pointed behind Moulin. Confusion etched his face. "What is he doing here?"

Moulin furrowed his eyebrows as he turned his head to look behind him. He instantly frowned.

There, standing before the tall arched entrance of the guild manorial were two tall men. Expressions, visibly grim and apologetic. Emlen stood, lifting his head and fidgeting. He looked particularly disheartened. Maxille stood behind Emlen silently. His expression was quite similar to the brother by his side.

Moulin narrowed his eyes. Seeing their close distance with each other, they seemed to have resolved their conflict. Moulin resisted the urge to shout 'Good! As if I care!' but didn't do it anyway. They looked miserable and Moulin surpassed the urge to pity them.

No! Until they realize I am able to protect myself without the care of anyone, that I am capable of being independent, then I will not meet them. Call it childish but he has decided.

"Rowan's back inside. It's time to go..." Ghana hesitantly called as he glanced at the two people waiting by the gate. So it really didn't go well, She thought with raised eyebrows. The other just be Moulin's eldest brother...

Wait... Eldest brother?! The heir of the Grand noble household? Ghana widened her eyes in surprise. She glanced at the frowning Moulin and a realization came to her.

Tsk, tsk...

Moulin turned his gaze away and walked inside the doors. He was afraid he might surrender to the pitiful looks of his two brothers and walk up to them to console them. Moulin frowned. Was he always this weak towards the two men? He shook his head.

Moments later, Rowan came along with the rest of the sentinels joining the mission to Meian. They exited the guild through the doors and continued to walk forward. Rowan stopped shortly as he gestured for Jagra, Ghana, and Moulin to follow him back to the teleportation crystal. Without further ado, they walked towards the archways of the guild. Most people had recognized the two brothers, especially Emlen who was known to be the trusted member of the elder guild. The group momentarily stopped to greet before they continued.

Ghana and Jagra both caught a glimpse of the hesitation in Moulin's silver eyes as the youth passed his brothers after greeting. Both of Moulin's friends realized that something big must have happened for Moulin to become so indifferent to them. They know how much Moulin really cares for his brothers.

Maxille and Emlen's hearts dropped heavily. Their brother was really angry because of them now. They were at loss as to how they were going to fix the situation. But before they could think of anything and chase after their brother, Moulin and his group left Azuran.

They were regretful.



Moulin's mood lifted slightly as his little fox scurried towards him with his tiny little paws. Moulin crouched and brought Snow into his arms in an embrace. He was only gone for half a day and he could not help but become happy once he had the little brat in his arms.

Moulin had left Snow in Troid's care to examine the little fox if he was healthy enough for traveling beyond the borders of Aurona to Meian. Such a great distance would somehow cause sickness to some beats, fortunately, Snow wasn't one of them.

"He's healthy, is all I can say. He's fit for travel." Troid declared as he leaned on the edge of his desk.

Moulin thanked Troid as he stroked the white fur on Snow's head. Silver-white fur slip through Moulin's pale slender fingers. Moulin's hands looked particularly delicate as it ran through Snow's fur. Snow nuzzled against Moulin's palm. He was happy to finally be with his master again.

Troid watched their interactions carefully. He was still confused and curious about how Moulin managed to tame such a rare creature. Troid had only managed to placate it with his secret weapon: the Palan fruit.

Speaking of which...

"Ah..." Troid turned and began to look for something from under his desk.

Moulin knitted his brows as he curiously stared at Troid's hurried movements.

"Found it..." Troid hastily sat up-


Moulin jumped in surprise. He furrowed his brows as he peeked at Troid who was groaning beneath the table. What was he doing under there?

Troid groaned as a stinging pain spreads outward from the back of his head. Despite that, he managed to slowly crawl out and stand up with the support of the table.

"Are you alright?" Moulin asked. Snow only tilted his head.

"Ah, I'm fine..." Troid tried to smile but failed. He winced as he lifted a brown bag filled with something round. He took out one and presented it to Moulin. "This is a Palan fruit. Something only Mystic beasts favored and are able to stomach. With this, you can placate him even in his Mystic form. This is the sole reason how I still managed to not have my body mauled to death but that dam- by Snow. It is tremendously effective."

Interest filled Moulin's eyes as he accepted the bag. He didn't pay attention to the glare Troid gave to the 'innocent-looking' Snow who stuck out his tongue playfully.

Moulin left Troid's workroom and walked in the hallways with his arms full. His thoughts floated towards his brothers who were probably sulking with regret. Moulin released a snort. He shook his head and decided to visit them the day before he will leave for Meian.

As he arrived in the Sentinel quarters, he warmly greeted his passing seniors and walked to his room unaware of the people's flushed faces and warm compliments. Moulin opened the door to his room with a loud creak.

He froze.


He closed the door and locked it with a click.

He was not alone inside his room. A particular lord made himself comfortable on Moulin's bed. The mattress dipping because of the man's heavy weight. His legs were crossed as he leaned on the headboard laxly. His handsome countenance was adorned by the filtered light beaming through the windows and through the white curtains. His broad shoulders pressed, drooping against the wooden headboard. The firm muscled flesh underneath that thin tunic tightens and loosens as he moved. His golden eyes concentrating on the book he held in his hand. Rough fingers flipping unhurriedly through each page. The rustle of paper was accompanied by silence.

It was as though he came from a painting. Lord Hadrian Hercullio revealed a smile at the sound of Moulin's arrival yet his eyes were still on the book.

"I have been waiting..."

Moulin pulled himself out of his daydream, sighing, "I was busy." He walked towards his working desk, letting Snow hop down on the wooden floor. The little fox growled annoyingly at the intruder on the bed, his tail swaying violently.

Hadrian's smile fell as he detected the weariness and dissatisfaction in his lover's voice. His golden eyes narrowed as he closed the book with a sound. He leaned forward as he eyes Moulin's figure, "You sound distressed... What is it that is bothering you..."

Moulin stopped after he placed the bag of palan fruits on the desk with a thud, "I believe you are already knowledgeable of the events that had transpired today. Why should I still explain myself?..."

Hadrian softened his look as he removed himself from Moulin's bed with a creak. Hadrian calmly walked behind Moulin and gently grasped his arms. "I only know that you met with your brothers. My ears cannot reach much more than that. I am not omnipresent."

Moulin narrowed his eyes, "My brothers cannot accept that I will be joining the mission to Meian. They caused quite a ruckus. I'm afraid you might have to conquer the world before they can accept you too."

Hadrian leaned closer. His nose tickling Moulin's ear. "That would be expected. They care too much about you. Specifically too much. Even if I don't conquer the world, someday, I will make them beg for me to take you."

Moulin scoffed as he narrowed his eyes irritatingly. However, he could not help but feel humorous at the Lord's declaration. A smile tugged his lips as he turned his head. The sudden movements made their nose touched and their cheeks caress each other. It was intimate beyond belief.

A smile stretched across Hadrian's face. "Feeling better?"

Moulin cocked an eyebrow. "A bit..."

"Then I'll have to try harder..."

A deep chuckle seductively caressed Moulin's earlobe. Moulin felt a bit ticklish. The curves of his ears turned red. The Hercullian Lord smiled faintly as he rested his forehead on Moulin's pale forehead. He softly gazed into Moulin's bright eyes. Speaking in a soft voice no one had ever heard him use. "I will make it that you will smile every day. When the sun rises until it sets. Be it sarcastic or mocking. You look quite the temptation..."

At the first words, Moulin smiled. At the last words, an eye twitched.

This man really doesn't know how to make me feel better sometimes. Moulin suppressed a laugh.

"I can see the amusement in your eyes," Hadrian smirked. "I take it that my words are working."

Moulin hastily knocked the man's head with a knuckle.

"You wish!"

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