A Gorgeous White

Chapter 91: Departing...

The day of their departure was calm. The clouds were like long feathers. Ripples in the sky. It looked beautiful at dawn.

The vast forest surrounding the falls was like a dark sea. Beams of orange light filtered through the carrying shapes of the leaves of the trees. Raining down on the forest ground. It looked ethereal and wondrous.


As swift as the wind, a blurry of white dashed with hurriedness, passing through the rows of trees like a phantom. Large paws created dents on the earth as the animal hastily bolted through the trees. Swishing against the wind, Strands of white hair glowed a golden light as it passed through the beams of light from the crowning trees.

With the scent of rain and the cool wind brushing against his face, Moulin felt the thrill of the unknown filling him inside. Riding on the Opallian beast's back, he urged Snow to run faster with a pat on the head. With a twinkle in his eyes, Snow gladly obeyed his master, feeling the excitement as well.

'I should've done this a long time ago!' Moulin thought as he smiled. The fresh wind caressed his form. He felt the gravity leave him as Snow jumped over a creak, creating a beautiful arc like he had done this a thousand times. Moulin let out a soft giggle at the brat's excitement.

As they moved forwards, Moulin noticed a figure gradually enlarging as they ran closer. As the figure began to grow clear in his eyes, that familiar features absorbed by him, a corner of Moulin's lips lifted. Moulin patted Snow's head twice signaling the beast to stop.

Complying to Moulin's wishes, Snow gradually slowed down until they finally stopped a few meters before the man standing laxly in front of them.

"Milord..." Moulin lifted his chin as he gazed down at the Hercullian Lord casually watching Moulin with a smile. Snow growled menacingly as he eyed the man in front of them.

"How cute..." Hadrian suppressed a mocking laugh as he looked at Snow with a raised eyebrow. Such a weak creature, daring to confront me...

"Don't try to provoke him..." Moulin shook his head as he jumped down from Snow's back. He walked towards the man with unhurried steps. His frame glowing beneath the rain of filtered lights beaming through the trees. The scene was quite stimulating from the Lord's eyes.

The surrounding was gradually lighting up as the sun rises revealing the lush green of the earth and the firm trees concealed within the darkness.

"The look on your face makes me want to run away..." Moulin smirked as he stopped in front of Hadrian. Their figures bathed by the light of the day.

Lord Hadrian chuckled deeply as though what he heard was absurd. His golden eyes narrowed, looking unusually vibrant. He then reached out a hand and curved it around Moulin's nape. It was a vulnerable spot, heightening Moulin's attention unexpectedly.

Feeling sensitive and slightly conscious, Moulin felt his breath growing unsteady. He felt unusually pleasant and submissive. Hadrian gave a frightful squeeze earning him a scowl from Moulin. The Lord felt an itch in his heart as he grinned widely.

"We will leave today..." Hadrian started. He dipped his head to get a clear look into the eyes pure that never failed to hold him captive. "If there is anything you need to resolve, you have more time to do it before we leave..."

"What do I need to resolve? There's nothing..." Moulin eyes flickered slightly.

With an amused smile, Hadrian stared deeply at Moulin. Something about the Lord's eyes instantly made Moulin feel exposed from deep into his bones to the tips of his hair. Sighing, Moulin turned his gaze away, "I'll deliver my brothers a few letters before I leave..."

"And you believe that they will calmly settle with the inked words you will leave them with?" Hadrian lifted his head, staring intriguingly at his lover. Somewhat, amused by Moulin's reluctance to face his brothers.

"Probably not..." Moulin replied. "However, it will give them the courage to finally speak the truth from their hearts."

"Shall I as well?" Hadrian pulled Moulin closer to him. His grip on Moulin's neck was gently yet tight. Their chest pressing on each other. The distance between them was undeniably close.

Moulin gave a laugh as raised his brows. "Why? were you lying to me?" Although his tone was playful, there was a dangerous hint within his words.

"I lied so strongly... Will you become mad?"

"What did you lie about?"

Moulin frightfully witnessed the darkening of the Lord's eyes. The perilous depth within those golden orbs haunted him as well as bringing a kind of delight inside Moulin. He felt the aggressive control holding his neck but Moulin could feel the restraint beneath it. Moulin slightly lowered his lids as Hadrian bent his head. Lips hovering over lips, the Lord spoke softly.

"To be truthful, I am not patient. I am neither tolerant nor tender..." He lifted his thumb to trace Moulin's lips. "I fear I may not hold on for another week..."

Moulin kept his lips pressed together. He stared with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Really... How amusing..." Moulin lifted a pale hand and slowly grasped the wrist of the hand that was holding the back of his neck. "... You want to bed me?"

Hadrian planted a brief kiss on his lips before replying. "Regardless of your answer, I wouldn't do it anyway. My words were a warning... A reminder. Don't casually provoke me with those eyes of yours or you might never feel anything from your waist and below again."

"How frightening..." Moulin pulled away from him abruptly. He snorted, "You will have no say on our first night. Unless I want you to, you will not do anything."

"How frightening..." Hadrian repeated his words. He smirked, "So you will let me wait for you to beg me?"

Moulin paused, his eyes filled with disbelief as his cheeks reddened, "That is not what I mean..."

Hadrian feigned confusion. He knitted his brows, "You are confusing me..."

Moulin gnashed his teeth as he threw names of his 'respectable' master. It was later that Moulin learned that Hadrian would be disguising himself during th mission. He didn't tell Moulin specifically who, giving Moulin endless curiosity. Why the hell would he keep this from him?!

The two continued to bicker within the secluded part of the forest. Hidden from eyes and ears, they kiss and talk until the sun had risen. When the two finally separated, Snow growled annoyingly. He whimpered, signaling Moulin of his hunger. Helplessly, Moulin had to feed the little brat so he and Hadrian parted ways before anyone could catch sight of them.

It was time to say their farewells to everyone they know before their departure. A sentinel leaving for a mission was not a big deal for every sentinel Guild. However, there were times when sentinels failed to return from their tasks. Deaths were already common. Although they went as a group, one or two would lose their lives. Mourning them was heavy. For the Sentinels in the Leonile Guild, they carry a charm of protection from their close ones. It was absurd to think it would truly protect them but it sparked a bit of hope for the ones waiting. It was but a shard of crystal found by the banks of the river with simple threads twisted into beautiful knots adorning it.

The preparation took longer than Moulin thought. Strong horses were already prepared, waiting at the borders of Thaeria where they would meet with the sentinels of Dragor. Moulin didn't have time to savor his breakfast as he hurriedly sent letters to the messenger. He didn't know how his parents and brothers would react but no matter what it wouldn't change his mind.

"We're going!" Jagra suddenly slammed the door of Moulin's room abruptly. The loud sound startled Moulin. The youth didn't get to say a word before he was dragged by Jagra to the teleportation crystal in front of the mansion. The rest of the sentinels were already waiting. Their swords within their sheaths and their white cloaks and black uniforms made them look like imperial knights. Snow was scurrying behind him and Moulin picked him up from the ground, a little concerned for the little brat.

Can this brat really survive the trip?

Moulin greeted his seniors with a smile and they nodded to him in reply. The loud surge of the waterfall completely deafening any unnecessary noise. Moulin stood with Jagra as they waited for Rowan. An hour passed and surprisingly, Rowan was late. Moulin finds this unusual.

Snow was pawing his ears, annoyingly finding the loud noise of rushing water quite bothersome. He only climbed up on top of his master's head. The soft pads of his little paws pressing on Moulin's scalp. Moulin remained expressionless, internally restraining a smile. He hoped to look refined and mature in front of his seniors. Only, he didn't know that the scene of Snow and Moulin together only made them looked adorable. Jagra and the others greatly kept themselves from becoming dazed by the pair's little interactions.

A minute later, Moulin felt a tap on his shoulder. The youth turned his head and saw Jagra bent his head to whisper. "Um, Moulin..." He pointed a finger as he continued, "... It seems there's someone looking for you..."

Moulin knitted his brows as he frowned? Who could it be at this time? Was it really the right time? He was about to ignore his friend when his eyes caught two figures standing, almost concealing themselves on the walkways of the courtyard.

Moulin's eyes widened in surprise. Unblinkingly, he bowed to his seniors before excusing himself. Snow turned curious as he tilted his head. With long strides, he headed towards the two men with a pounding heart.

They were none other than his brothers, Emlen and Maxille. Both looked weary and hopeless but it was as if a bolt of hope had struck them, they could not conceal the joy in their eyes as Moulin walked towards them.

"How did you get here?" Moulin asked as soon as he was close enough for the two men to hear.

Maxille, who stood behind Emlen, explained, "A friend owed me a favor..."

Moulin sighed afterwards. His eyes held a bit of helplessness. He faced them, "So... Are you two here to stop me?"

Emlen's eyes flickered, as he raised the letter Moulin had written for him. He lowered his head as he spoke, "I'm sorry. I acted so intensely and should have respected your choices. I was worried. Although I know how strong you are, Moulin, the possibility of you getting hurt isn't little. I should've trusted you a bit more. I am sorry..."

"You don't have to apologize..." Moulin smiled faintly. "You were only worried about me. Thank you, brother..."

"Moulin..." Maxille called, his eyes softening. "We are here to send you off. Please... Take good care of yourself. Promise us you will return to us safely..."

"I promise..." Moulin nodded. He warmly smiled at them. "Anything else?"

As the words ended, Emlen hastily shoved a void pouch into Moulin's hand. With a flush, he turned away, "I packed a few pastries in there and some books. I know how much you liked to eat those cakes similar to what our family chefs make. And... I bought a messaging relic for you. It's quite expensive. You can only use it thrice a month. Make sure to contact us..."

Moulin furrows his eyebrows. "I won't dare to forget..."

It seems he's still worried to part with me.

Moulin turned to Maxille who was staring intently at him. With a soft voice, Moulin asked. "Do you have anything in your mind, eldest brother?"

Maxille smiled. There was unwillingness in his eyes. "Take care of each other..." He glanced at Snow who happily yipped at Maxille. The young lord chuckled as he returned his gaze to Moulin. A few seconds later, he continued, "... I believe you would look better if you trim your hair. It's getting too long..."

Moulin paused. From Maxille's expression, he looked like he had been meaning to say this to Moulin for a long time but failed to have the time to open about it. Moulin chuckled softly, "Maybe I'll consider..."

Moulin bade farewell to his brothers as soon as he spotted Rowan who had finally emerged from the doors of the manorial.

Watching their little brother departing, watching him step on the crystal platform with a smile, Emlen sighed hopelessly. He felt a hand gently grasp his shoulders.

"He will be fine..." Maxille reassured Emlen. Even though, he was feeling no less the same as what Emlen was currently feeling.

Emlen nodded, half trying to convince himself it was alright. Moulin was strong. He will be fine...

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