A Gorgeous White

Chapter 97: This Lord Has Decided

Cold and silent, the air was as the woods fell into a dead slumber under the covered sky of the night. The leaves from the trees rustled as the wind brush passed them. The sound of the evening seemed soothing and wary. Tiny white dots fluttered in the air. If one would look closer, they would recognize snowflakes hovering in the air as if they had possessed a soul.

One tiny snowflake landed on the surface of the whitest silk robes. On the shoulders of a reigning prince of Thundralln who currently had his buttocks planted flat on the cold ground. The bitter pads of his fingers pressing on the hard and stiff earth. He was breathing rapidly. Not out of shock or fear but... relief. No one could understand the comfort he felt at the moment. He internally praised himself as lucky as he stared at the appeased expression of his most admired person. Although the dirt has stained his robes, he didn't pay a bit of attention to it.

After an hour of running, the youth with dazzling silver-white hair whom Nordehl realized was Lord Hercullio's lover finally pacified the rage in the Lord's golden eyes. If it was a second too late, Nordehl knew he would die without an intact corpse. He mentally beat himself up for arriving at the wrong moment! Thinking about it, Nordehl wanted to bury his head underground and plant a tombstone marked with shame!

What the hell was he thinking?!

There was snow gently falling around them and standing an arm's width away was none other than the Hercullian Lord himself and his lover.

Moulin was panting. His chest was heaving as he scowled gravely at Hadrian. He gripped his hold on the man's arm even though he knew it would not result in a slight reaction from Hadrian's face. Hadrian only narrowed his eye at the prince before he shifted his gaze at Moulin.

"Are you a fool or what? You can't just murder a royal prince!" Moulin chided. He wiped the sweat above his brow with the back of his hand without removing his gaze at Hadrian. Moulin was pretty shocked a few minutes ago when Hadrian made a move to strike the prince with a single beam of lightning. Moulin pretty much recognized the attack when he recalled how Hadrian instantly killed the assassin back in the northern mountains. Remembering the pungent smell of charred flesh, Moulin was instantly stricken with realization. If it were to happen to the prince of Thundralln, there was no denying that hell would break loose. Fortunately, Moulin had activated his mana to obtain Hadrian's attention before the man could even think of launching an attack.

"You are siding with him?" Hadrian narrowed his eyes.

Moulin gaped, "Are you even thinking about the result of your actions? " He sighed with furrowed brows. "As much as I want to rip him into two, we must restrain ourselves. The situation is wrong..."

There was a five-second silence before Hadrian lifted a corner of his lip as he dipped his head, briefly planting a kiss on Moulin's lips. His eyes swirled with caution and intrigue. His beloved never failed to keep him at the edge of the cliff, to forbid him from crossing the line. Moulin's concerns were righteous yet he was too unselfish. Surrendering to those glaring eyes, Hadrian smiled. "I will not hurt him."

"A minute ago, you certainly looked like you wouldn't spare him," Moulin spoke with a dull tone. He gave Hadrian one last look before he turned to the prince.

Seeing his royal highness on the ground, robes filthy, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead, Moulin only felt a little sympathy. Of course, he was angry too. These days, Hadrian and he never get to do anything intimate because of the task. Right when they were finally spending some time together, the most absurd thing occurred. Honestly, if Moulin was in his shoes, he would've run and run until he finds himself at the opposite corner of the world. The elf's predicament was somewhat laughable.

"Your highness..." Moulin slightly bowed to the man. Although he sounded calm and gentle, he didn't make a move to help the prince on his feet. It seems there was still a vague presence of anger.

Nordehl wasn't bothered by Moulin's indifference. It was true that he was in the wrong. Slowly lifting himself off the ground, he nodded to the lord's lover. Nordehl recalled he had seen the youth's familiar figure among the sentinels during the welcoming. He could catch the head of white hair but not the whole body for the young man was standing behind from the row of sentinels. The one Valcan kept talking about with his endlessly babbling mouth. The human researcher spoke with obsessed eyes as if he had seen a real-live deity.

When Nordehl first saw the youth intimately held by Lord Hercullio, he was shocked. The hero he knew years ago, who had dipped his hand with the blood of his enemies, who had trodded on their decaying corpses, have worn a passionate look in his eyes as he carefully touched his lover. Nordehl didn't even imagine that the same man could obtain a lover.

"Your highness, you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Moulin asked as he carefully examined the man for any injuries.

"I... am alright," Nordehl replied as he straightened his back. He felt the devil-like gaze of the lord oppressing him as if trying to push him in the dirt. Nordehl felt fearful, yes, but he did not retreat. It was an honor to be in the eyes of Lord Hercullio. Although, he wondered why the lord had concealed his true appearance he only guessed it was because of his lover.

The silence after his words were heavy and awkward. Both the aphrodite and the Hercullian lord were staring at him as if waiting for his excuse. Stuck under the overwhelming gaze of the pair, the prince felt exceedingly pressured. He could only muster his courage and speak softly.

"Can invite you two for some tea?"



Within the warmth enveloping him, Moulin sat on the cushioned seat with ease blissfully. He let out a sigh as he leaned his back, heavy-lidded. He didn't move an inch as Hadrian casually sat beside him. Moulin only glanced at the man beside him with a lazy smile before he was pulled closer by Hadrian. Truly, a royalty's room was exceedingly luxurious and comfortable. Moulin didn't think twice, making himself comfortable as he leaned on Hadrian's body.

Currently, they were sitting within the royal prince's sitting room which was forbidden by anyone other than the royal family members. Anyone who would dare enter would be subjected to the cruelest punishments. Moulin was perfectly aware of it but there was always a thrilling feeling if one would be breaking rules. Something the youth with silver hair finds interesting.

The glowing bud-like chandelier over their heads delivered warm light that made Moulin feel relaxed. The interior was simple, mostly including wooden furniture which Moulin had recognized was made of the finest mana-infused wood in Meian. Gems, pearls, and excellent gem-like flowers decorated each piece of furniture. Truly magnificent and... Glamorous.

"Tea?" Nordehl smiled as he pushed two sets of teacups on the table. His eyes furrowing as he observed the pair of lovers. He was glad they didn't decline his invitation. He would look like a fool himself.

"Oh." Moulin's eyes lifted as he let Nordehl pour him some tea. How he missed the scent of this bitter drink. "I did not know his highness indulges himself with these." Moulin had believed the prince would be more interested in liquor but it seems elves were different.

Nordehl gave a chuckle, "I do appreciate it..."

"You love tea?" Hadrian turned his head towards Moulin with a raised eyebrow. Moulin could catch the curiosity in the man's voice, making him smile.

"I do..." Moulin responded as he sipped his cup. "I like the bitterness."

"Interesting..." Hadrian lifted his gaze, thinking deeply if he would have to collect some of Moulin's favorite tea herbs in the future.

"So your highness..." Moulin set down his cup as he crossed his legs. His voice turning strangely interrogative making Nordehl stiffen. Silver eyes narrowed sharply as he observed the prince, "You have recognized Hadrian at first sight? Your ability is quite peculiar..." Moulin wasn't being interrogative at all, he was merely curious but it seems Nordehl had misread it.

The prince was slightly uneasy and surprised. The young man has even called the lord in an intimate manner. He fixed himself before responding, "Yes... The art of illusion is one of my mastery. Esteemed Lord Hercullio must have used a guising artifact to make him unrecognizable. Although it is effective to others, it is completely useless to a master illusionist."

"Is that what you call yourselves?... Interesting..." Moulin smiled as he tipped his cup to his lips.

Nordehl: ...

Why did this youth seem much more intimidating than the lord sitting beside him? Was it my imagination?

"Your highness..." Moulin began as his silvery eyes sharply observed Nordehl. "About what you saw tonight-"

"I didn't see anything!"

The reply was sudden and... loud. Moulin had paused when his words were rudely interrupted.

This time golden eyes swiftly shifted to stare at Nordehl making the poor embarrassed prince feel the hairs of his skin rise. Hadrian slightly lifted his chin as he glared at the person who dares to shout at his lover.

"F-Forgive me. I was feeling... ashamed. I truly saw nothing. The woods were dark. I could not see clearly."

"So you really did not see anything?"

"Yes, I did not..."

The lie in his voice was too evident. Moulin wanted to laugh as he teased the man even more.

"Then why did you drop something so abruptly looking quite astonished? You were standing awfully close to us."

Nordehl coughed, "I thought I saw something and I came to inspect it. The jar was, it was- it was... It was a gift I had prepared to offer to Lord Hercullio. I did not mean to intrude your coupling"

Moulin almost spat out the tea in his mouth. His ears turning a shameful red out of embarrassment. C-Coupling...

"If I have greatly troubled you. I can escort you to one of our leisure rooms in the castle. It's specially made for passionate couples. Would you like me to?"

Moulin instantly wanted to smack the dumb fool in front of him. Did he look like he was in the mood for that?!

"Really..." It was Hadrian who leaned forward. Intriguby of the sudden shifting of the subject. He was quite interested. "Continue..."

Moulin scowled at Hadrian.

Nordehl was filled with mirth once Hadrian spoke to him. "One of our rooms includes an exotic set of equipment one can use to heighten sensitivity. It was imported from our imperial minister of trades. We especially offer a rare elixir that could one's one's partner pliant and soft. It is quite effective. We too have special beds that-"

"Alright, that's enough!" Moulin could feel fumes wheezing out from his ears as he emptied his cup with one gulp. He wished what he was drinking was booze instead of tea to drown out what he had heard from this dumb fool's mouth.

Why did they even have those kinds of rooms here anyway?! Why was he advertising it as if he was promoting a club?!

And this man! Moulin turned to glower at Hadrian with deadly eyes. Hadrian only gave a sly smile as if he had already decided. Moulin was not foolish to not understand the man's expression. The youth gnashed his teeth.

He was never going to do their first time here! There was no way!

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