A Hollow in DC

Chapter 2

I crashed into one of the surrounding mountains completely beset in complete agony as my body warped and tore itself apart with only my high-speed regeneration keeping me alive as my heart and other organs were pulped by my bones shattering like fragmentary grenades within my body.

In no other of my transformations did the pain come nearly as close as even when my truly inhuman Gillian body was forced into the metaphoric form of a Menos's, the pain was brief as the thick black cloth-like substance bound all but my feet together so I could evolve into my Adjuchas form.

But this evolution of an Adjuchas to a Vasto Lorde was me becoming the pinnacle of the Hollow race as I had gorged myself upon demons of hell and didn't have natural predators, so I most certainly have reached the pinnacle of my racial evolution without spending the normal centuries in carefully hunting my prey and in turn creating the unique abilities most Adjuchas had for themselves similar to how a Soul Reaper would have their unique Zanpakutō.

I merely had the basics and advanced techniques all Hollows learned down to instincts as you only needed to have a claw almost gore you before you learned quickly to keep your Hierro up at all times let alone the other techniques that could keep you from getting hit, to begin with.

The agony of my transformation went on for what felt like weeks as I writhed inside the cave, I smashed into one of the mountains I had been hunting within but finally, the pain began to abate, and I was able to crawl deeper into the cave I made to seek shelter from any demons or monsters of the land that may attempt to take advantage of my weakness.


"Finally! I am almost human again!" I couldn't help but cry as I looked into a ruddy pool of muddy water I took in my new appearance as my Hollow mask had evaporated off my face leaving it bare with the only signs of its previous existence being a crown atop my made-out-of the hardened bones of a hollows mask. "Thank god I don't need to protect my mask so extremely now," I muttered in relief as for the whole time I was feeding upon demons I was terrified my mask would get broken and I would be stuck as one of the Hollow forms.

My facial structure was still the same as in my previous life and if anything, I looked like a well-built teenager or young adult with long silver hair that reached my backside and slitted golden eyes that I was told by the demons could talk unnerved them greatly. That and seeing me rip a demon in half and eat said demon when it wanted to steal the cloak making up my Menos form was probably what was most terrifying.

"Fuck... My ears are pointed and with my hair and eyes any human that sees me is going to call me a damned elf..." I cursed seeing my somewhat elongated and heavily pointed ears in the dim reflection of the muddy pool before I sighed in comfort as I could finally relax having reached the Vasto Lorde level.

I no longer felt the all-consuming hunger that almost pushed me to consume the very dirt beneath me in a futile act. I was finally free in more ways than one...

"Now only one step remains," I said as tears cascaded from my eyes with a loud screech a large Garganta made itself known in front of me.

My salvation literally from hell was a dark tunnel with the entrance being made out of the sharp angles of squares and knowing the bleach lore I knew the more 'straight' the portal was, the less likely I was to be lost between dimensions and torn apart by the chaotic energies between said dimensions and here in DC I imagine such dimensional friction would be far harsher.

So, I needed to be a full Vasto Lorde to make sure my portal back to Earth didn't get blocked, or likewise, I will simply be pushed aside somewhere else.

Knowing how Earth especially in the DC universe certainly must have its protections for literally portals from hell coming to be I dashed forward into my Garganta with the trademarked noise of my Sonido as I bet my unique portal method wouldn't stay unique for long with the bullshit the magic users of DC had.

Finally, I skidded out of my Garganta and even as I smashed through a series of trees and a boulder, I couldn't help but burst into insane laughter as I stared straight at the sun without even blinking as I truly enjoyed the light-burning sensation of the sun's rays burning my eyes. "Finally, I can see the actual sun and blue sky again Haha!" I cried out with my spiritual energy exploding out around me in a corona of purple energy that blew aside the trees I had knocked down in my frantic exit from my Garganta.

Once I calmed myself down I stopped looking at the beautiful blue sky I took in my surroundings and smiled as I saw that I had thankfully landed in some kind of heavily wooded area and most importantly without any humans.

"Honestly with my hunger, it's probably for the best I was dropped into Hell," I muttered as I realized how I only barely kept my hunger directed to the demons that either couldn't or didn't bother to make speech that should I have had my weak ass starving Gillian form thrown directly into Earth when I was Isekaied that I would have certainly with zero doubt lost control and feasted upon human souls until I was pasted by whichever Superhero found me.

The funny thing about superheroes and their logic of about zero tolerance in killing criminals was how those very rules didn't count for the magical factions as Dr. Fate and Zatanna would without a doubt do their best to kill me once they realized banishing me to Hell did nothing once I gained the strength to open a Garganta.

But now that I was a Vasto Lorde. The metaphysical hole in my soul was filled and I no longer desired to eat the souls of others. Ok, maybe a quick nibble at times...

"So now what in world do I do?" I muttered as I sat down on the collapsed wooden tree trunks I knocked down. "Do I want to try to get back to my Earth? No... That's a fool's dream as this DC universe already has infinite Parrell worlds so even if I could break out of the DC section of this Omniverse what if I just land in Marvel?"

It was a valid concern as there were plenty of canon crossovers with Marvel and DC worlds and this world could just as likely be one as I only spoke to one small village that belonged in one tiny corner of Hell so I could just be ignorant to how Mephisto's or whatever demon of the Marvel universe was ruling another chunk of said Hell.

As I relaxed on the tree and stared at the blue sky above me, I heard the crunching of leaves and branches in the distance as finally, faint voices reached me.

"Come on Steve you saw that purple energy coming from the forest. Another alien like Superman and Powergirl must have crashed landed over there! If we are the first to introduce them to Earth hehe. Maybe they can make us rich!" The voice exclaimed and my face couldn't help but twitch at the Southern American accent the voice was speaking in.

"Even in a world of invading aliens and psycho criminals the southern hicks still know everything that happens in their neck of the woods," I said fondly before I shrugged and decided to find out if these humans could even see me as I was still at the end of the day a Hollow and thus a spirit so people with weak souls shouldn't even be able to see me.

My face lost its smile as the duo of southern hicks broke into the clearing, I created when I flexed my spirit energy and their eyes simply passed over me with no sign of noticing the man with silver hair that reached the bottom of his back and a freaking crown of bones atop his head.

"Hey, you inbred hicks!" I yelled out and nothing. They didn't even register my voice and only when I began walking toward them did they notice the grass crumpling along with the sticks I smashed in my slight frustration as I walked over to them.

"Deryl you see those footsteps." The guy I guess was Steve whispered as they looked at the lines of footprints that firmly pressed into the ground up to them.

For a moment I considered doing charades or something to get them to answer some question by writing on the ground or even tracing my finger on his hand or something, but I shook my head with my heart firming as I looked to the sky and the two men cried out in shock as the sound of the sound barrier being shredded as I used Sonido rang out as I launched myself into the sky to see the surroundings.

In the far distance, I could see a telephone tower and knowing that people and other signs of life wouldn't be far I began sprinting through the air through the use of Sonido's that would launch me several hundred meters forward each second.

'With people, I can get a map and with a map, I can find Metropolis where I can find Superman.' I thought as Superman of all people would have a strong enough soul to likely see me and I knew I could play charades with him if necessary to get in contact with some magical people that could perhaps make some kind of magical tool that would allow me to walk amongst humans.

I had zero interest in walking the Earth with few if any people being able to see or hear me. I wanted to have a somewhat normal life after tearing my way through hell and I had no shame in asking the greatest hero on Earth for a helping hand...





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