A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 1028: You Want A Spell Battle

Chapter 1028: You Want A Spell Battle

Archer started traveling down the Swarms tunnel and noticed all the blood staining the ground, 'Were they kidnapping people? Maybe hunting animal?' he thought.

The tunnel was dark and damp, giving off an eerie feeling that would make ordinary people tremble, but Archer wasn't bothered by it. He was growing annoyed at all the skulls he kept kicking.

'I'll have to ask if more people than usual are going missing.'

He continued walking until a rumbling was heard as a small army of Tainted Trolls rushed toward him. Archer grinned while taking a deep breath before letting out a violet glow that lit up his surroundings.

The flames burned most of the Trolls and the ones that survived. Archer rushed forward, using his claws to finish off the remaining monsters. Once they were all dead, he continued until coming to a dead end, but the tracks ended at the wall.

'Is there a secret entrance?' he thought while studying the wall but found nothing.

Archer shrugged before punching the stone, which caused booms to ring out as rubble fell. This continued for ten minutes until he spotted the other side of the tunnel, which put a smile on his face.

"Now, let's find the base down here and eat their souls," he muttered while climbing through the hole he made.

Another hour later, Archer noticed that the number of monsters that attacked was growing in number and power. He summoned hundreds of Shadow Creatures that tore through the mutated humanoids.

"They are using the same monsters between worlds.'

Explosions rang out as the two sides traded spells, but thanks to his Anti-Magic, which canceled the enemy's attacks. He dashed into the group of Terravian Mages and started eating their souls.

Archer learned that thousands of bases were all over Earth, which annoyed him. He continued to kill any monsters he came across with the help of the Shadow Creatures, who melted into the darkness and only slowed out when the time was right.

Following this, he arrived at a thin bridge, but what Archer saw below made him gulp, 'So dark! I wonder if monsters are down there.'

While looking over, he couldn't see very far, which annoyed him, but his attention was brought back to the fight as spells vanished a foot away. Archer glanced over and saw more Terravians casting magic at him.

'You want a spell battle? It's my turn.'

He grinned before sending thousands of Plasma Missiles that sliced through the air and slammed into the monsters charging in his direction. In the meantime, he started using Blink to dodge the closest creatures that swiped at him with their deadly claws.

Afterward, the Shadow Creatures clashed with Blightborns, Ratlings, Tainted Trolls, and Terravians-each one torn apart as Archer devoured their souls to extract the locations of their hidden bases.

'Now I can kill most of the ones infesting Earth.'

The newfound knowledge fueled his excitement. Pressing onward through the dark tunnels, his monstrous minions followed closely, tearing apart anything that stood in his way. Soon, he reached the first enemy base and was amazed.

'Where do they get these designs from?' he pondered while staring at the fortress.

A large medieval-looking castle was sitting on a plateau connected to the cave by bridges. Without hesitation, he used Mana Manipulation to remove the stone ceiling, eradicating the stronghold in a devastating cave that decimated it.

Following that, he watched as the castle fell into the darkness below. Archer ordered the Shadow Creatures to follow it to find out where it was going while he waited at the top while pulling out a hotdog.

He savored each bite of the meal, enjoying it so much that he summoned more food. But his moment of satisfaction was interrupted when one of his creatures appeared, reporting that it had reached a deep darkness and discovered a world below.

Intrigued, Archer pushed the thought aside. Summoning his wings, he launched into the air, soaring across the vast chasm. He landed on the other side, but the ground beneath him trembled violently as a thunderous roar echoed.

Spinning around, his eyes locked onto the darkness below, watching as rubble tumbled down the sides of the chasm. Whatever lurked beneath was stirring, and it seemed to be going mad with fury.

Archer ignored it and continued traveling through the underground world, where the tunnels stretched for miles. He found eerie chasms that gave him a creepy feeling whenever he gazed down.

'What horrors are on Earth? It's clear no one has a clue that another world is below their feet.'

Following that, he continued battling for hours until reaching another fortress bigger than the previous one. Archer smiled when he saw this and targeted the defenses as they wiped out the Shadow Creatures.

He stared at the fortress and decided with a greedy smile, 'I'm not telling anyone about it. I'll use it to get even richer and take the rich down here on trips for millions.'

Archer continued walking toward the castle as a group of Terravians charged at him, but he used several spells that brought them to the ground, causing loud crashes before he attacked.

His claws tore the creatures apart, allowing him to eat their souls. Archer continued fighting until he reached the castle. Thanks to his Shadow Creatures, the Swarm was quickly dispatched.

Blood and bones lay all over the place, so Archer destroyed it until it was rubble, and the enemy let him do it. After that, he spent hours creeping through the tunnels until he grew bored.

Archer opened a Gate back to the Davis Mansion and stepped through it. Rain was pouring down and lashing everything around, forcing him to use Cosmic Shield to keep himself from

getting wet.

Following that, he cast Aura Detector and found out no one was in the mansion, causing him to text Alexa. [Where are you Lexi? Still at work?]

Once Archer did that, he walked through the Davis garden before using Mana Manipulation to help it grow. The flowers and grass looked even better, and the trees got a new lease on life.

To the workers' amazement, Archer's mana flowed into every garden corner, revitalizing it with an almost magical energy. Unknown to him, the gardeners who followed were astounded by the transformation, though they were pleased to see their work flourishing.

Soon after, Archer's phone pinged with a message from Alexa, informing him she had a few more hours at work. With a smile, he quickly typed back, [I'll make my way to you. I want to

get on a bus]

She found it funny but gave him the directions that Archer followed until he arrived at a bus stop. It was packed because it was a Friday night, but he didn't let the loud talking or screaming women bother him.

Archer started texting Darla and Elizabeth, who eagerly replied. He found out the blonde woman was writing her new book while Liza was heading to a meeting with the United States

of Europe.

He found their work exciting and started questioning both women. Darla told him that she was writing a romance, and Elizabeth said she was striking a trade deal with them, but the news of him fighting in New York spread worldwide.

It wasn't long before news stations caught wind of the President having a boyfriend, thanks to a leak from someone within the administration. Archer and Liza couldn't help but laugh, knowing that the identity of the mysterious boyfriend remained a secret.

[Maybe I should just come clean about us? The world will change after today]

Archer chuckled at her message and began typing a reply, but his attention was diverted as a bus pulled up. He boarded, paid his fare, and sat near the front. Moments later, the bus began its journey toward Central London, heading straight for Alexa's office.

The engine's hum blended with the passengers' murmur around him, making the bus seem peaceful. Gazing out the window, he felt peace overtake him as the bus traveled through the

streets of London.

Westminster Abbey's classic elegance and the imposing presence of the London Eye created a striking skyline that he had missed. His eyes followed the winding Thames River as it meandered through the city's heart, its surface shimmering under the gray, overcast sky. He admired the intricate architecture of the bridges arching gracefully over the water, the ironwork of Tower Bridge catching his eye. A faint smile crept across his face as he took in the iconic red double-decker buses and the charming, mixed shops lining the streets.

As the bus took a sharp turn, Archer's eyes fell on the illuminated face of Big Ben. The sight stirred a rush of old memories, causing a sharp pang of nostalgia and a headache to intensify. Archer shook his head before closing his eyes for the rest of the journey. After an hour of travel, he arrived at Alexa's workplace and got off the bus. The cold air brushed against his face as he walked toward a nearby park where he was meeting her.

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