A Light Within Darkness.

A Light In The Darkness Chapter V

Seeing as I didn't have special regents to make the seals 'ink' like coal made from the burnt remains of powerful creatures or heavenly herbs, I fell back on the most common resource of any amount of mystical power here in the Warhammer universe. Freely given blood.

I had her donate a good bit of her own blood and then added a bit of my own to establish a connection between us, as well as to be able to actually control said seal and be able to properly place it around her soul without there being a rejection.

It was a mentally grueling task as messing up such a seal that would bind both of our souls could be dangerous for us but with how I had the seal setup was to send the radiating energies from her soul to my own to strengthen it passively, so even if she was a master psyker who was able to trace all of her souls emissions she would simply believe the energy going from her soul to mine was simply recompense for me continuing to fuel her seal.

But finally, after a whole hour and leaving me a sweaty mess as my Qi pool was damn near completely dry, I managed to finish the seal around her soul and was even able to add a small weak tracking seal that would act like a beacon to me should she be 'lost'.

Being only at the fourth level of the Elemental Realm I simply wasn't at a level where I could make or use arrays as just the creation and the bare bones activation of the array on Elesmere that drained very little Qi from me to activate and then begin draining the Eldars strength to remain active was entirely too close to comfort in terms of leaving me defenseless.

Maybe when I reach the next realm of The Nascent Realm will I have ample enough levels of Qi in order to create non-energy-intensive arrays and that's when I will be able to actually get into combat-quality sorcery.

"Alright go ahead into the side room and uh... Experience some strong emotions." I said with a wry look to my face as the Eldar woman stood up baring her body to me seemingly without care as she looked at back in the reflection of the polished metal walls to see the seal system that was prominently on her back.

Finally, Elesmere turned back to me after realizing her position and quickly grabbed her ragged clothes before retreating into the side room I had for storage.

Whether she was actually going to diddle herself in my side room wasn't any of my business even if I wanted to naturally peek, but I had the more important task of meditating to recover my Qi in order to go to the spider domain and kill more mutated creatures as my plan to be a dual cultivator is temporarily on hold.

After I fully recovered my Qi and seeing as Elesmere still hadn't left my side room I called out. "I am going out for a bit stay here lest you desire to be killed by the underwellers."

I was greeted with only silence so after a moment of awkwardly standing in front of my vault door I instead pivoted and went towards the side room.

"You alive?" I asked quietly as I saw the blonde Eldar basically curled up in a ball using a wadded-up blanket as a sort of mattress.

She flinched and abruptly looked at me with her previously sky-blue eyes now having a purple tinge to them as she wetly chuckled. "As a Mon-Kh... No, a human you don't understand the lives of an Eldar. We normally feel sensations literally hundreds of times greater than humans naturally do and that's how She Who thirsts is able to sense our souls from the warp and begin pulling it into their domain."

She began shuddering as she madly giggled for a moment before she stilled and began sniffling as she looked so lost at me. "But now I can feel joy, I can feel the loss of my people so clearly, I can now imagine hugging one of my people and not worrying about the Chaos God Slaanesh touching upon my dreams... Yet I feel beyond even that a loss as to have you help my people. I know I can't force you as someone who can turn aside a chaos gods gaze will undoubtedly have his own precautions against a much weaker pyskers abilities."

At that, she turned to me full and prostrated herself literally begging me with her crossed hands as she spoke weakly. "Thus, seeing as I cannot force or ply you to help my people I will serve you in all things without complaint, without disdain, I will give upon you my all, and all my peoples secrets so long as you swear an oath to save my people and in return, we will venerate you above all regardless of your species."

Honestly, I knew for a fact that with how powerful I was going to get even in only the later mortal stages I would be able to decimate miles of terrain with a single swing of a sword, a punch, or a spell. The Chaos Gods wouldn't want such power outside their control as they had done much to mess with all the factions to keep powerful demi-god figures suppressed as much as possible.

I stared at her for a moment and then exhaled as I spoke. "I cannot trust you will hold entirely to your oath without assurance but in the meantime, I will accept you under me, and in return for your service I will teach you my ways so you may serve me greater in time."

Now sharing the secrets of cultivation when I still wasn't all the strong typically would be a bad idea, but the reality was that despite having a buttload of auxiliary cultivation methods, I only had one actual cultivation art and I wasn't going to share that at all. until I reached the divine levels and then I would only let out the mortal portion of my cultivation art to augment their usage of the auxiliary cultivation arts I didn't mind spreading out a bit like alchemy, forging, and sword arts.

Plus spreading out the lesser disciplines will save me time in creating low-level pills later on along with disposable weapons and such that I wouldn't need to make for myself.

She nodded and then curled back into her ball. "Please allow me to collect myself for a while. I need time to think."

I nodded and then once again told her I was going to the spider domain that was on the right side before I paused as I asked a rather pressing question. "What's your opinion of eating mutated insects?"

To say the least, she wasn't at all interested was an understatement, so I decided to start the next step in creating extra energy for my cultivation training.

I took one of my spare water barrels and after exhausting myself again I engraved a glyph inside it that wouldn't make pills or anything. No, instead all it did was compress biological matter within the structure it was attached to and remove all the unneeded materials in biomatter as it forced about a hundred pounds of biomatter into a sugar cube's size of compressed lifeforce.

"Well, time to go get my vitamins. " I groaned as I slammed my vault door shut after telling Elesmere a password of tapping to let me back in.

Once I arrived back at the Spider Domain I saw that it was a total mad house as it seemed like a whole gang or maybe even the Underhive's official security force had come out in force as they were fighting and harvesting the mutated lifeforms down with actual weapons like spears and plenty of firearms.

But either way with the way they were attracting attention I was able to easily snatch some large insects and otherwise oversized rodents with my Kasaya Beads acting like a trap door spider with my tunnel and simply violently jerking the rushing down the cistern walls monsters as they went to join in the carnage happening in the lower floor at the ground level of the Cistern.

But seeing the thousands of insects and other monstrosities I could only swallow at the nightmare fuel sight as they slowly but surely pushed back the humans into a fighting retreat back into the main tunnel with anyone caught by the crowd of monsters facing the quick but brutal death of being violently torn apart by the rampaging mutates.

But all of a sudden as the monsters were pouring a decent way into the tunnel a powerful series of lasers showered out of the tunnel slicing into the mutants or if they hit a piece of exoskeleton their hardened limbs would literally bubble and melt before exploding.

"Well looks like it's actually the Hive Cites Guard using the underhive people as fodder," I muttered as I was remembering the length of my tunnel from this Cistern to the main Cistern with the city built into it, I knew none of the humans survived running through the tunnel unless the laser battery system they had set up was so close to the Spider Domain which wouldn't make any sense if they were overwhelmed.

Shrugging I began throwing the corpses of the mutants I grabbed into my Super Pressure Cooker' "trademark pending" and had the thousands of pounds of biomatter turned into little sugar cube-sized cubes of pink that weighed heavily on me as each cube weighed like five pounds each and I now had a good couple hundred of them weighing down on of my leather pockets.

But then there were the non-biological materials like the nails, teeth, and exoskeleton plates of the mutants I killed that I also quickly used some spare rope to make a little sled with a piece of scrap metal to drag behind me.

I could use those materials to refine low-level artifacts or more likely disposable weapons like exploding throwing knives or something.

After I dragged all my stuff into my vault Elesmere gave me the womanliest look as she saw all the stuff I brought. "And what are you doing with all that rubbish?" She said as her face twitched when I deposited the stuff in the storage room which I think she was thinking she could claim for herself.

"Its called resource gathering little Eldar, I know your kind rely almost entirely on machines to do your resource gathering or basically use your psychic powers to form that crystalline bone stuff for a lot of your tech. But for now, we will use this stuff to become stronger."

Elesmere's face scrunched up before she sighed and nodded. "I did do a stint as a Bone Singer so although I am nowhere near one of the best users of that art with the right surroundings, I could create some wraith bone for you."

I nodded as such a material would likely act like a spirit stone in a natural cultivation universe. "Once I become more powerful in a couple weeks if not a single month, I am confident in taking a bit of territory so we can get you set up."

With all these nutrient cubes I was confident in finishing my body refinement of the Diamond Body technique which was phenomenal as it would allow me to withstand the force of bullets hitting me so long as I wasn't directly shot in the eyes or in the mouth.

And in that time, I will likely reach the peak of the Elementary Realm so I will be able to create arrays or wards that will be able to protect whatever territory we take. But such wards will likely bring the church down on our head.

"So, what are these cubes." She grimaced as she held onto the nutrient cubes, I made out of the biomass of the killed mutated beasts.

"Condensed energy for you to practice one of my magical arts now pay attention." I evaded and then quickly went over the Diamond body technique to her along with gently pressing my fingers into her body to show the certain muscles and paths she needed to undertake in order to uniformly strengthen her body without issues.

A few minutes into her training of the technique she almost keeled over in dire hunger as the drain of her bodies resource finally made her swallow her complaints at my refusal to elaborate as to what the heavy pink cubes were.

Meanwhile, I was working on refining my organs the second to last step in the technique, and would then finish by refining my bones till they were as hard and dense as a diamond hence the techniques name.


A couple weeks later with the presence of Elesmere also practicing body refinement we literally ran out of the nutrient cubes, so I decided her having already having some skill with a whip-like weapon she already had a sense of using the Kasaya Beads. She had already formed a decent foundation in the Diamond Body while I had finished mine altogether.

Me and Elesmere's relationship was at this point more of a master and servant type with how she realized how even my basic arts I was willing to share allowed her to become much stronger and those Buddhist Mantras I gave to calm the mind could themselves be a decent solution to her people's problem with Slaanesh.

But I was honestly kinda stuck on what to do next to augment my growing cultivation as in our little seclusion I reached the seventh stage of the Elementary Realm and thus with the coming Nascent Realm I was torn between focusing on the body refinement path I already started with the Nine Yang Star body technique which over a long period time will allow me harness the power of nine stars within myself and then could be further evolved into the Stellar Divine Body later on when I hit the Divine Realms in my cultivation.

Or I could create a Sword Essence Seed within myself and have basically unparallel offensive powers that can't be blocked unless I am trying to cut through and Astartes armor until I reach the higher realms of the Mortal system.

Or I could walk the spell caster path and practice a library of spells and more potent arrays and techniques to call upon Idols to strengthen myself.

Once I reached the peak of the Nascent realm or even the next one, I believe that I would have the time and resources to possibly branch out a bit, but I believed that for now that I needed to simply focus on one thing at a time.

But for now, I needed to get more resources and more particularly I needed some materials I could only get from the city, and thus Elesmere needed to be left behind.




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