A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 102: Overpowering

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Swooshing sounds surfaced when Roselyn and Dawn appeared where they heard an horrified scream.

Then when they looked on to know what caused that sound, they saw the emaciated corpse of one of their instructors.

Then their eyes glowed with anger.

"Anissa!" Roselyn shouted wrathfully to the sky using a spell on her voice to amplify her shout, making it so high-pitched that the sky enclosed within the dome terribly shook and gave the absolute feeling that it was going to collapse in the next moment.

Although she screamed to the sky, all the trainees in the camp suddenly developed extremely painful ear aches. It was like their ear drums were going to rip apart to shreds in the next moment. While some who didn't have endurance directly fainted from the sky-shaking scream, with blood streaming down from their ears.

However, despite the raging magically-powered scream, Dawn who was by Roselyn's side wasn't affected in any way. It was simply like she was in another dimension since the damaging effect of the scream couldn't do anything to her.

"Roselyn, it's okay! We would surely catch her" Dawn said confidently.

She then said further "Give me a minute, Roselyn. I want to cast a Revealment spell. While I would be doing that, I want you to guard me since I would be totally focused. I don't want anything to disturb me"

Roselyn nodded.

Her eyes then turned completely white.

She had activated a bloodline power of the Salemnorael race.

When Dawn saw that Roselyn had entered a form where she could easily hear even the faintest sounds for many miles, see for many miles and perceive all types of smell from many miles, she closed her eyes to cast the Revealment spell.

She began to perform mysterious gestures with her fingers and uttered profound magical chants.

After a few minutes of doing that, a small ancient symbol that glowed in a brilliant yellow-crimson light abruptly surfaced before her. The symbol then shot up to the sky at the speed of light and expanded into a disc that reached the ends of the confinement dome in an instant and even stretched out beyond it into the far distance.

Then a huge focused beam of brilliant resplendent light suddenly shot down from the disc towards a particular location in the training camp.

"She has been exposed. Go for her while I maintain the disc" Dawn said while Roselyn nodded.

Then reverting back to her human form, Roselyn dashed at an unimaginable speed to where the focused beam of light continuously struck down upon.

As soon as she got there and saw Anissa, a chill suddenly surfaced in her heart.

Roselyn at the moment looked exactly like a demon.

With long flaming branched horns that were red in color and could be seen on both sides of her head, a striped skin like that of a tiger and faded in and out of vision, an extensible bony tail with a huge stinger like that of a scorpion, then with three triangle-shaped, golden-violet pupils in her eyes, she looked like a Great Fiend.

"Anissa, what have you done to yourself? This is definitely not a transformation power of the race that you are from" Roselyn asked.


Anissa laughed raucously.

She then said in numerous voices that all sounded out at once "Because I needed great and unmatched power to destroy you and the rest of everyone in here, I consumed a fiendlord devil transformation fruit, the Xavaldronna fruit, which I kept with me since ages ago. I have been hesitant ever since in consuming it. But you people have forced me to eat it. And now, I have done so to fully shed away my humanity and become a demon"

"At the moment, I feel a great and destructive ominous power swelling within me. Haha! So Roselyn, be prepared to die by my hands"

Roselyn shook her head and said "In your dreams, you fiendish bastard"

Then with a thought and with one of her arm fully stretched out by her side, a gigantic, orange-colored fireball suddenly manifested in an instant above that hand.

Then Roselyn hurled the huge orange fireball at Anissa who flew towards it fearlessly and used her extensible bony tail to strike it, instantly shattering it apart into millions of bright orange sparks of fire.

Roselyn wasn't dazzled by this, since she knew how strong Anissa had become upon consuming that fruit.

Instead, she flew towards Anissa who also flew towards her with a strong glow of ominousness erupting from it.

When Anissa got to a close distance of Roselyn, dark scarlet flame that surprisingly had dark blue electricity arcs pulsing about within it began to burn ferociously around her entire arms.

Then when she punched out those hands which she had clenched into a fist at Roselyn, those flames that had electricity arcing violently about within them discharged from her hands in tremendous amounts in an instant and transformed into spears that shot towards Roselyn at inconceivable speeds.

Roselyn didn't back down as she erupted pure white flames in large amounts from her hands which then condensed in the next instant into massive spears too.


Both flaming magical attacks clashed heavily, generating immensely powerful, destructive currents of wind that would level buildings. Also, an alarming, raging flood of pure white fire appeared at the same time that the devastating wind surfaced and then swept out into the far distance to seemingly burn everything to ashes.

It was actually Roselyn's magical attack which was composed of pure white flames that was reduced into that violent flood of pure white fire that swept about in all directions to incinerate everything.

While the attack that Anissa sent out went on like it didn't come across any obstruction or obstacle to strike Roselyn.

However, Roselyn who was wary of Anissa's magical strikes quickly produced a defensive magical artifact to block the attack that was shooting towards her with seemingly endless power.


A terrifying, loud bang sound rang out when the huge spears formed from flame and continuously produced dreadful thunderous peals, smashed hard into the artifact that Roselyn quickly produced to block the attack, but was then knocked backwards at a high speed towards Roselyn which heavily struck her and shoved her hard into the far distance.

Roselyn crashed into the earth fifteen meters away and dragged across it for sometime before the pushing force acting on her body, dragging it on the ground into the distance ceased with the pull of her body coming to a complete halt.

However, she didn't stand back to her feet since she fallen unconscious.

The artifact that was sent smashing hard into her and the high altitude from which she fell from to the earth had caused her to suddenly enter into the unconscious state.

Anissa flew at a high speed towards Roselyn's body to gash it using the huge scorpion-like stingers of her long and extensible bony tail.

But before she could do anything to Roselyn, a large skull of ink-black fire was suddenly launched at her from the far distance. And when the solid skull that had jet-black fire burning ferociously around it struck her, she was sent flying into distance for many meters with the thick black flame that burned fiercely around the massive black skull moving from the skull to her body, totally encompassing it and then tried to turn it to black ice.

But Anissa broke out of the black ice that had completely formed around her body and looked in the direction of where the flaming black skull was launched from.

When she saw who launched that, she laughed sinisterly.

"Dawn, I have always hated you bastard. It's time for you to die." She said wickedly and flew towards Dawn.

Dawn didn't move from where she was, she only pointed her finger at Anissa and a finger as large as a hill abruptly appeared and shot towards Anissa to strike her.

However, Anissa flew straight into the attack, using her now super-strong body to actually pierce through the colossal finger, shattering it into thousands of dense fragments of magical energy.

Then when she got to where Dawn was, she stretched out her fingers to pierce Dawn's left chest to pull out her heart.

However, her hand passed through Dawn's body like it was incorporeal, then before she could think of what had really happened, a second body of Dawn abruptly appeared behind her. And immediately she surfaced behind Anissa, she used a broadsword that had a scintillating scarlet blade to impale Anissa at the chest, exactly where her heart was.


The blade pierced through but stopped only an inch later when it had penetrated into her body.


Anissa laughed raucously.

"Do you think you can take me down just like that? The immense evil power endlessly swelling within me will block every blade from piercing into my body." She said with numerous voices sounding out all at once.

She then turned around to grab Dawn by the neck and crush it so she could eliminate her.

But Dawn who was careful and calculative had disappeared in the next instant from Anissa's back and appeared very far away.

So, Anissa couldn't grab Dawn by the neck to snap her neck just so she could kill her off.


Anissa uttered with intense rage emanating from the many frightening voices that rang out anytime she spoke.

"I will get you soon" Anissa said.

"I would love to see you try." Dawn said back.

She then pointed at the sky within the dome and fired off a beam that shot towards the sky and out if it to the world where the Great Sisterhood Society was.


- Rwedenia Kingdom -

A beautiful masked woman dressed in a complete white outfit and had white boots on furrowed her brows when she saw the distress beam that had shot into the sky from the where the Great Sisterhood society was located.

She then vanished.

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