A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 105: Magical transformation consumables

When Jessica left with the other twenty magical warriors, the other elite magical warriors from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty went forward in the air towards Trikki and the rest to grab hold of them.

Trikki and the rest of the girls that went to fight with Lydia to slay her couldn't do anything to her since Deborah, Lauren and Lucretia joined in the fight to protect Lydia from their overwhelming attacks.

In an instant, a spell was cast on them and they felt that their body was locked up in space.

When they realized that they couldn't move again, it dawned on them that the magical warriors from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty had come for them.

Then they became gloomy.

They began to imagine their heads been beheaded and their bodies been burned to ashes.

"Helena, please forgive us" Trikki quickly said.

She felt that if Helena would forgive them, the warriors from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty might let them go or reduce the punishment.

However, they knew nothing. Even if Helena forgave them, they would still be beheaded and their bodies burned to ashes and then their ashes fed to the ash-devouring lava worm.

When Helena heard Trikki ask her for forgiveness, she gave a smile and shook her head.

"You really dare to ask me for forgiveness? So bold. Please take them away and kill them off. These wicked souls deserve no forgiveness." She said coldly with a ruthless gaze in her eyes.

When the magical warriors of the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty heard Helena's instruction, they nodded their heads and then carried away Trikki and the rest of the girls to their Punishment Hall were they would give their verdict.

As the girls were being whisked away by some unseen force that emanated from the elite warriors from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty, Trikki who had a sorrowful and regretful look in her eyes began to curse at Helena. Same with the others too as they began to rain curses at her.

"Helena, you won't live long. You will surely be raped by those fiends and then slaughtered by them. You will be destroyed. Your life will know peace, you bastard." Trikki cursed while Helena only shook her head at her.

"Moron" Helena said.

She then turned her head away from them and went to meet Lydia and the rest where they stood at.

"Thank you" She said to Lauren, Deborah and Lucretia for jumping in to protect Lydia from their killing magical strikes.

"Don't mention, senior Helena. What are we friends for?" Deborah asked while Helena nodded her head with a smile in her face.

"Senior Helena, your older sister is mega-powerful. What's her name?" Lauren asked.

"Jessica" Helena responded.

"Okay. Is she your only sister?" Lauren asked again.

"No. I have another one. Her name is Alyssa" Helena replied.

"Okay. I would like to meet them someday." Lauren said with an hopeful gaze in her eyes.

She then spoke further "I recall her saying that we can be great and formidable warriors when we go out there into the world. And that she wanted to hear of our fearsomeness sometime in the nearest future. Haha. She will surely hear of mine very soon"

Helena grinned.

"Sure. Just keep training yourself. And when you become very fearsome, she would hear about you." She said with a smile in her face.

"Haha! I can't wait for that day. Who knows, probably when she hears of my tyrannical battle prowess, she could come to see me to give me her thumbs up" Lauren said with a dreaming gaze in her eyes.

"Yea." Helena said nodding her head.

She then said further "Enough of the chat, Lauren. We all have lot of work to do now because of Anissa and her crackhead daughter. Those evil bastards got away in the end. I seriously wonder what kind of insane escape treasure is that. That woman knows too much about here and has to be killed. Or she would pose a great problem to us in the future. Right now, since she and her daughter are still alive, they are beastly incarnations of calamity and disaster that would direct their massive jaws here if they aren't killed."

Once Helena said this, Lauren nodded her head.

Helena then went to meet Amber and her private instructor, Deylina, to thank them for looking out for her.

"Instructor Amber, instructor Deylina, thank you for keeping your two eyes out for me to protect me from every form of harm. I am very grateful and glad that I was able to dish out heavy strikes at Jennifer to my heart's content." She said appreciatively.

"Don't mention, dear." Amber said and affectionately stroked Helena's hair who was in front of her.

She then said out loud as she asked "So, what are you all still doing outside? The fight has ended. Go back to your rooms and continue with whatever you are doing before the spellcasting battle started."

Everyone nodded their heads and began to leave to their rooms one after the other.

When all the girls had left, with only Helena, Deborah, Lauren and Lucretia remaining around Helena, Helena asked the two instructors before her "Are the Camp Overseer and the Punishment Hall leader okay?"

"Well, a lot of their bones have been fractured and many of their organs torn apart. But thankfully, they are healing from the regeneration magical spell casted on them." Amber replied.

"Alright ma'am" Helena said.

She then left their presence with Lauren, Deborah, and Lucretia who followed her to her room.


- 99th room -

"I guess we can now call ourselves a group. The Heavenly Fiend Termination cult" Lauren said with a broad smile.

"Yea. That's true, Helena. Let's form our group already. Now that Jennifer's faction has been disbanded, ours should come up and grow slowly to a terrifying stage" Lucretia said.

"Sure. I will even ask some instructors to join." Helena said with a smile.

"Oh. That would be awesome. At least, we would have a major power behind us since we are still weak to do anything against powerful warriors." Lucretia said while Helena nodded.

"So senior Helena, which of the instructor are you going to extend membership invitation to?" Lauren asked curiously.

Then before Helena could reply, Lauren suddenly said "Let me guess, instructor Amber and instructor Deylina right?"

Helena's eyes widened with surprise from what Lauren said.

"Those? So you think those would want to join? Haha. In our dreams, Lauren. They won't have time for such. I can only extend membership invitation to two instructors that speak to me like they are my age mates. They don't really show this seniority thing to me as they talk to me like we are on the sawn level. I even struck a deal with one. So, I plan to extend it to the two of them. Only them would gladly join." Helena replied.

"Oh. That's cool. Mind telling us their names? And what deal do you struck with that instructor?" Helena asked.

"Their names are May and Sephia. May is a young instructor and is a very good friend of mine. She is the first friend that I made when I came here. While Sephia, although act strict to me sometimes, is also my good friend too. She is the one that struck a deal with me in which I would help her to go eliminate an entire race because they destroyed her race due to a particular resource that was found in their kingdom." Helena replied.

"Oh. Alright" Lauren said.

Then she spoke further by asking "Will your older sister be able to track down Jennifer and her mom, Anissa? If those guys aren't killed very soon, with everything that they know about this training place, we are living around ticking destruction."

"Well, my sister said she has a friend who has tracking abilities. I only hope that her friend is able to track down Jennifer and her mom and possibly bring them back here to beheaded and burnt to crisps." Helena replied.

"But did you see what she had become? Jennifer's mom, Anissa, had transformed into?" Deborah asked when she recalled Anissa's terrifying form.

"Yea. She looked strange and horrifying in that form. I wonder what she did to herself." Helena replied.

"Do you have any idea what she did to herself? Was that form transformation caused by a spell or she consumed something that she wasn't supposed to consume?" Lauren asked.

"I can't say. But it could probably be a spell. There is this incomplete spell I know for the Mage-level spellcasting stage. It's called the Rainbow Radiance Carnage Goddess transformation spell."

"I would be transformed, but I don't know what powers the spell would bestow me in that form. But, it's just for a matter of time. To keep myself in that form for a couple of minutes or hours, I will have to possess a certain amount of Aetha energy to continuously power the transformation spell. Once I run out of Aetha energy, I will revert to my usual form and become really weak since my Aetha energy has been totally exhausted."

"However, like I said earlier, it's an incomplete spell. So, it actually might not work for me or anybody else. Only until the spell is complete could I transform after casting it." Helena said.

"Okay. From what you have said senior Helena, I was able to pick up some points to refute your previous statement. Since that form that you spoke about needs so much Aetha energy to continue working, then how come Anissa could remain in that terrifying form for long like it was permanent?Would she have a tremendous amount of energy to continuously power that dreadful demonic form that she took?" Lauren asked.

"Hmm. You are actually right, Lauren. Perhaps she consumed something then. Maybe a demonic transformation elixir, wine or fruit." Helena replied.

"Probably. Is there a Saint Lord transformation fruit? I will surely go for that one to become powerful. Haha!" Lauren and everyone else grinned.

"Well, I don't really know about that. But I could ask instructor Amber. She could have an idea about it. Or I could ask the Camp Overseer, Roselyn, when she has fully healed. She is very knowledgeable and would have vast knowledge about such things."

"Then if they actually exist, we would have to put an eye out for them when we go out for adventure in the future." Helena said with a smile.

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