A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 109: Meeting Ivory

- Yithunnia Kingdom -

"Ivory, long time no see. I see you have made yourself really rich from robbing every Summoner or magical warrior that you came across." Jessica said with a smile in her face as she looked around in where Ivory was.

Ivory only smiled.

"Don't mind me, babe. But I just want to be rich. I want to live a life of luxury. Haha!" She said and grinned.

"That's good too. Well, I can see that you are living it now." Jessica said while Ivory nodded her head with a smile in her face.

Jessica then said further with a solemn tone in her voice "But you need to be careful, you might be seriously harmed someday if you try to rob from some really adept Summoners"

"I know. That's why I have a way of contacting you to quickly come help me wherever I am" Ivory said with a grin.

Jessica face-palmed, she then said "And just like that, I am your partner in robbery. You know that I have a good reputation to uphold and maintain?"


Ivory grinned.

"I know that too. However, why will you appear in your usual immaculate white outfit which is your signature costume? Of course you will change it to look like a thief like me. Haha!" She said and laughed.

Jessica shook her head with an unsightly expression in her face.

"Whatever" She said gazing at Ivory with a stare that gave the feeling that she wanted to beat her up.

After the battle at the Fey kingdom, two of them had become good friends. But it was actually Ivory that made sure friendship worked out between the both of them, since she had recognized the vast and immense earth-shaking power that Jessica possessed. However, she couldn't really get along with Alyssa who disliked her to an extent. But she was still working on it and hoping that they became friends.

"So Jessica, what are you here for?" Ivory asked with a curious gaze in her eyes.

"I need your help in tracking down some people." Jessica answered.

"Oh. I guess they have seriously offended you. Haha. They are really in for it. So who are they?" Ivory asked.

"A mother and her daughter. They know too much about something and need to be fully destroyed." Jessica replied without mincing words for Ivory.

"Oh. Alright then." Ivory said with a nod of her head.

She then looked at Jessica and asked with a tease in her tone "So how much are you going to pay me for the tracking service that I will render to you? You know, it's no longer free."

Jessica looked at Ivory who quickly stood to her feet when she saw her gaze.

"I was only kidding, Jessie. Why the hard stare?" Ivory asked with unpleasantness in her tone.


Jessica grinned.

"Babe, I also tried playing a fast one on you. And you moron easily fell for it." She said with a delighted smile in her face.

Ivory looked at Jessica and shook her head.

"Whatever. But if you come to me again next time that I should use my tracking ability to trace or locate someone for you, I swear you will surely pay me. And not just pay, you will remunerate me very handsomely." She said with a solemn expression written across her face.

"Oh. And if I don't, what will you do?" Jessica asked with a smirk on her lips.

"Well, I will deny your request and go to sleep. I can't have myself disturbed by a non-paying customer that want my mentally exhausting and taxing tracking services" Ivory replied with a broad smile on her lips.

"Oh really? Well, that's a good strategy, Ivory. However, because of the shocking thing that I will do to you, even in your dreams, you will help me track down my desired target. Haha!" Jennifer said and grinned.

Ivory gazed at Jessica and then shook her head.

"Come on, Jessie. Let's go to the top of a mountain where I can deploy my vast scanning power to penetrate every nook and cranny of this world." She said while Jessica nodded.

Then they left the large, grandly decorated room that they were in and shot towards the sky to a particular place where a mountain could be found.

After a few minutes of flying at great speeds, they arrived before a mountain and then landed at the peak of that mountain.

"The floor is yours now." Jessica said with a grin while Ivory ignored her and totally focused on transforming so she could deploy her 'Heavenly Scan' power.

As soon as she tried to enter her Hezekira form, her large and bright eyes turned red. Same with her hair which turned dark red.

Then a red octahedral crystal, the shape of a diamond appeared at the centre of her forehead. It then glowed, emitting terrifying pulses of power.

Then in the next moment, a pair of large, red flaming wings sprouted from her back. The wings that had sprouted from her back were actually

condensed from pure flame.

"Alright. I have transformed to use my astronomical scanning vision power." Ivory said proudly. Even though she couldn't be as strong as Jessica, at least, she had an insane ability that Jennifer had to come look for her from anywhere that she was. So, she was proud of her ability.

Jessica saw the prideful expression written all over Ivory's face and gave a smirk.

Of course Ivory saw the smirk and only ignored her.

"I believe that you still remember how to do it, right?" Ivory asked.

"Yea. sure" Jessica answered.

"Good! Carry on then" Ivory said and closed her eyes.

Jessica gave a nod and then came closer to where Ivory stood. Immediately she appeared before Ivory, she placed her index finger on the red, diamond-shaped crystal at the center of Ivory's forehead.

She too then closed her eyes and began to think of both Anissa, and her daughter, Jennifer.

And as she did so, the images that surfaced in her inner vision also appeared in Ivory's mind.

It was simply like they were connected together and that they were able to share mental images and thoughts between themselves.

Ivory whose eyes were closed furrowed her brows when she saw the image of Jennifer's mom, Anissa, in her head.

"So this is the demonic thing that you are after? Damn, you are really strong!" She said with amazement in her tone.

"I know right. Thank you anyways, babe" Jessica said with a smile after opening her eyes and withdrawing her index finger from the red octahedral crystal that seemed embedded into the center of Ivory's forehead.

"I guess that's her daughter, right?" Ivory asked Jessica upon seeing Jennifer's image in her head.

"Yea. That's her daughter. Devilish duo." Jessica answered while Ivory nodded.

"Alright. Watch and be greatly amazed, mistress" Ivory said and cackled while Jessica only rolled her pretty eyes at her.

As soon as Ivory said that, her previously shut eyes then snapped open.

And immediately they did, the world they were in could actually be seen in her eyes.

It was like one could see the entire world that they were in from only her eyes which had turned from red to white.

Then in the next second, a vast and completely imperceptible power spread out from that red-colored, diamond-like crystal at the center of her forehead and swept out like a powerful, strongly undulating flood into the far distance.

That was the scanning power of the Hezekira race which was vast and limitless.

And as the power swept out into the far distance in all directions like it were an unusually fast and incredibly tall tsunami, every objects that got penetrated by this formless and incorporeal power appeared in Ivory's mind.

So, due to the inconceivable speed of the unseen flood that comprised purely of her vast scanning power, thousands of kingdoms had been seen completely through in a couple of seconds, with everything in them entirely appearing in Ivory's inner vision.

Truely, nothing can hide from the scanning power of the Hezekira race that Ivory possessed.

Jessica who stood by a side and had her mind drawn into the vast world of theirs within Ivory's eyes as she gazed at her eyes, couldn't help but be greatly amazed.

'I so feel like plucking this girl's eyes out and attaching it to mine.' Jessica said inwardly.

She then said further within herself with a smile appearing in her face 'I wonder what she will say or do when I say that to her and pretend like I really do mean it. Haha!'


Many hours later, the world in Ivory's eyes vanished while the previous bright redness of her eyes reappeared.

She had ceased the unrestrained flow of her unmatched and unfathomable scanning power from the red octahedral crystal that was at the center of her forehead.

"Jessica, I put in my best to quickly scan the entire world, but unfortunately, I couldn't detect a sign of them. What that means is that they aren't in this world anymore." Ivory said.

She then said further "We will have to go to another world to continue looking for them."

Ivory said that, but a slight amount of displease could be sensed in her tone. This was because she thought of the immense amount of bloodline energy that she was going to waste in doing that.

Jessica perceived the slightly unhappy tone in Ivory's voice when she spoke and then shook her head with a smile surfacing in her face.

She then said "Ivory, help me out. Will you? Alright, I have a costly magical artifact and some terstengean stones to give you if you can help me out. You can auction them for more gold at any magical auction house."

Immediately Jessica said this, the soured expression in her face vanished and then brightened up in that same instant.

"Alright." she quickly agreed.

She then asked "What world are we going to next?"

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