A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 112: Jessica's worries

"Oh. I was thinking of borrowing that astronomical gazing ability of yours to look for some people who are very dear to my heart. Well, never mind, I guess I will just have to keep searching for them in every world that I will journey to." Jessica said with a sense of grief and unhappiness radiating off of her speech.

Although she tried to conceal the emotions of her heart from exuding from her speech, she just couldn't as Ivory easily detected them in the instant that she spoke.

"Jessie, what's wrong? You were intensely happy a moment ago, but immediately you started speaking, I could perceive a great sense of forlornness from your speech. Tell me, babe. What's wrong?" Ivory asked with a bewildered expression in her face.

So as fearsomely powerful as the White Warrior was, she also carried intense grief and sadness in her heart.

It was unbelievable to her.

"My entire family, they were abducted by an immense group of bad guys that came to attack us when we weren't expecting it" Jessica answered.

"Oh. I guess your family possibly stepped on the toes of some really powerful people that had armies of powerful warriors to command." Ivory said with a guess.

"No. Not really. It was because of the last born of our family. She was the one prophesied to unite all the worlds. So, those guys appeared to kill her off since they didn't want the wars in the world to end because of their own gain and because they didn't want to be subjugated by anyone. They were deeply envious of the unmatched, myriad calamitous powers that was said she innately possessed and so came to destroy her"

"But my sister, Alyssa, who had an invocation word to summon a Calaendrian spirit with the unrivaled power of phenomenal movement speed to cross large worlds in the blink of an eye, used the ability of that tremendously fast spirit to escape from their extremely tight envelopment. She was so fast that they couldn't catch her, and so, she escaped with the last born of the family who at that time was still a baby."

"They had the intention to kill my family along with the baby. But seeing that their plan had been nullified since my sister, Alyssa, escaped from their envelopment and they weren't able to catch her since she disappeared like she used a vast, interstellar-distance teleportation power, they took my family along with them to some world that I haven't yet figured out. I only wonder what kind of gruesome and heinous things that they are doing to them at the moment." Jessica said sadly.

"Oh. I am really sorry that your many of your family members were abducted. Don't worry, a day will come when you will see them again and embrace them." Ivory said while Jessica nodded.

Although Ivory said this, there was great shock in her heart that surfaced from what Jessica said.

So, it was the family that the White Warrior came from that produced that girl who will become the One chosen by the Magical Universe itself to unite all the kingdoms that have been deeply immersed into a boundless sea of darkness, chaos and misery.

She then recalled Helena, that young girl who intensely battled the Summoners with just low-level magical spells and actually used them to totally prevent the Summoners from killing any more member of the race that she was with.

Then she couldn't help but have her mind reel in awe and veneration.

'No wonder Jessie is so powerful and nigh-invincible. Since her family were chosen by the world to give birth to the Chosen One, that just comes to show how mighty, strong and immensely powerful her family is. But damn! I wish I was from a family like that. Anyways, nothing to be too jealous about. She is now my girlfriend and will do everything in her power to keep me from being destroyed if I am in great danger' Ivory said inwardly.

She then proceeded to ask a question that came to her mind.

"What about you Jessie? Where were you when the battle to kill your little sister and then the eventual abduction of your parent and relatives took place?" She questioned.

"That is the the thing. I wasn't around. I was really far away from home, from our planet. Or I could have broken and smashed apart their envelopment of our home if I were around."

"Although my younger sister, Alyssa, tried to do so to free my parent and the rest of our relatives, they were just too many for her to handle with her slightly inconsequential strength then. So, she had no choice than to run away with the baby using the spiritual ability of tremendous interplanetary speed that was bestowed upon her by the grand Calaendrian spirit of speed that she summoned." Jessica answered.

After Jessica said this, the fathomless dark abyss within Ivory's eyes became entirely filled with sadness.

"I am really sorry for all the terrible and unfortunate things that have happened to you, Jessica. You are really a strong woman. However, I know that one day, you or one of your powerful sisters, will free your entire family members from the torturous captivity of their wicked captors."

Jessica nodded.

She then said "That's why I try my best to get stronger with every passing day. I try to get stronger than I previously were with every minute. And it's just so I can take the fight to the powerful abductors of my family and wickedly slay all of them for all the sorrows that they caused me."

Ivory nodded with a smile in her face.

"Don't worry, Jessie. That burden isn't upon you alone. It's also on me, your sisters and their friends. I believe that the Great Sisterhood society will join you in fighting and killing the abductors of your family"

Jessica nodded her head and gave a smile.

"Thank you, Ivory. Although I think I have the strength to do so by myself, I will still invite you, my sisters and their friends, then the members of the Great Sisterhood society to join me in obliterating those devilish fiends once and for all"

Ivory nodded her head and then brought her head to kiss Jessica on the lips.

After she kissed Jessica and fondled with her breasts for sometime, she detached her lips from Jessica's and stood to her feet.

She then walked away from the place where Jessica laid on the ground of the agricultural field that they were on to a few feet in front of her.

When she got to this new area, she sat on the ground in the cross-legged position to calm her mind and recover her mental energy so she could continue the search for Anissa and her daughter, Jennifer.

While Jessica who was still on the floor stood to her feet sometimes later.

Then with a slight wave of her hand, her immaculate white outfit which was pulled off from her body to the ground to reveal her full nakedness, just so that Ivory could go down on her, magically appeared on her body to cover up her nudeness.

Immediately after she tied the laces of her thick, high-ankle white boots, she walked to where Ivory was and sat beside her on the ground in the cross-legged position too.

She then began to inhale to add to the Aetha energy within her.


- Planet Uygostria -

After some days of staying in a particular room that was given to her by Lyaelith, a high-rank member of the Illinoith race, Jennifer had quickly become friends with Shakeela and her younger sister, Luinaela.

"So, this is one of the runic-weapons of your race?" Jennifer asked Shakeela with a curious gaze in her eyes.

At the moment, she was gazing at a long staff in Shakeela's hand which had at it center a particular pattern that seemed like fire. While that pattern which seemed like fire could be seen glowing and emitting invisible waves of energy that actually caused the room that they were in to feel slightly hot, giving the absolute false feeling that they were out in the desert of a tropical zone and were being continuously struck upon by the heat-bearing rays of light from the scorchingly hot sun hung in the sky.

"Yes, Jennifer. However, this one was gifted to me by my aunt. It's just a copy of the powerful, fire runic-staff stored at the Weapon House. We call that the Flaming Scarlet Vengeance. While this is just a small replica of that weapon."

"So, it is not one of the numerous, highly destructive weapons that my race uses." Shakeela answered. And from the way that she answered, one will know that she was prideful of her race's powerful inventions.

Jennifer could sense too and only shook her head with a smile in it.

"Do you think that your race can give me one if I do well? You know, I don't misbehave and contribute immensely to the growth and development of your amazing and highly inventive race?" Jennifer asked with a light of deep curiosity in her eyes.

"Sure. If you even ask now, they will give it to you. My race is a really generous race. And this is because we fully believe in the karmic law of whatever you do, whether good or bad, will always find its way back to you."

"However, I will suggest that you don't ask for that anytime soon. Blend in with us first, then you can ask for that later. You will surely be given any of our weapon that you desire to have." Shakeela said while Jennifer nodded.

"Well, I am not in a rush to have it. My killer is still out there in the open and I don't have the strength to face off against that person. So, I will leave that for now." Jennifer said.

She then proceeded to ask a question that surfaced in her mind "By the way, why does your race believe in that karmic law of a thing? It doesn't work sometimes. Why are those bad guys who have done so many bad things still alive and not dead yet. Unlike the good ones who have died in large numbers?"

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