A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 117: Training with the girls

Immediately when everyone started their training, Helena closed her eyes to unleash a transformation-purpose spell called the 'Rainbow Radiance Carnage Goddess transformation spell'.

That was the partially complete, being-transmutation spell that she told Lucretia and the others that she wanted to master to enter a state where she would become extremely powerful. 

So, right here at the training field, she wanted to see how long it would take her in deploying the transformation spell which was long in size. 

"The living, unlimited source of arcane magical power in our world, make me as beautiful as the rainbow that appears in the dark rainy sky, and as dazzling and blinding as the brilliant light from the sun that illuminates the world, chasing away the engulfing darkness. But as resplendent and splendorous that I will become, I want to become the herald of sorrow and misery to my enemies. I want to become the harbinger of destruction to all my adversaries. So, I ask that the boundless transformation power of the Magical Universe come upon me and change me into a peerless Goddess of Slaughter that will cause the appearance of streams, rivers and seas of blood of thine enemies. With therefore the great and mysterious divinely power of Carnage or Bloodbath that I will be bestowed with by the world, I will unstoppably slay a thousand myriad creatures that will appear in my paths to cause unbridled destruction to my enemies, as I will bath their corpses in the large pools of their own blood, and then their souls in the pools of the essences that formed their incoporeal souls. Now, transform me into a fierce, bloodlust goddess of all colors of light!" Helena uttered with an unyielding resolve in her voice, as she was ready to sacrifice her entire Aetha energy for that astonishing phenomenal transformation to happen. 

However, nothing happened.

"Come on, you damned transformation spell. I just uttered that for only heavens knows how long and you didn't transform me. Fuck you!" Helena said with bitterness in her tone.

She wanted to use that spell which would power her up to be able to go against the elite magical warrior from the Law Enforcement and Punishment faculty.

She then closed her eyes again to utter the words for the transformation spell to see if it would work.

But nothing happened.

Helena snapped open her eyes with a bittered expression written all over her face.

"How would I be able to go against that challenger of mine now since this long stupid spell has refused to work? My challenger is seriously going to ruin my face." Helena said, imagining vividly how her challenger would repeatedly hit her in the face with her hard fist to make it look like bad tomato.

"I guess I am left with only magical spells to unleash magical attacks then. That is the only way to be able to stand up to my challenger in a spellcasting battle." Helena said further.

She then began to organize the spells that she was going to use in that battle in her head.

After sometime of preparing the list of spells that she was going to use in that battle, she stopped with a glow of determination in her eyes.

"With those offensive-type magical spells that I have organized in my head, I should be able to easily go against that elite magical warrior from the Punishment Hall." Helena said.

She then prepared to start her own training using those spells that she arranged in her head.

Then with a thought, the areas of muscles of her body suddenly began to emit a soft silvery glow, making it seem like her muscles were forged from actual silver since they sheened beautifully from the light of the sun that continuously struck them.

When the entire muscles of her body began to emanate that silvery light, Helena punched at the ground with her fist that also shone with a silvery light.


As soon as her fist impacted the ground, a large amount of dust erupted into the air like an explosion took place, taking the form of a gigantic mushroom cloud.

Also, when her silver-glowing fist struck the earth, a wave of shocking tyrannical power instantly surfaced and swept into the distance in all directions.

Then when the dust settled many minutes later, a gigantic web-like crack could be seen at the place where Helena's fist powerfully struck the ground.

Lydia who was in the far distance and Lauren and Deborah who were at a great altitude in the air, turned their heads to look at where the explosion occurred.

Then they saw Helena who stood tall at the center of where the explosion took place with an attractive silvery glow emanating from her body, giving the feeling that she was a living silver statue, they couldn't help but nod their head impressedly at her.

Lauren who stared at Helena adoringly suddenly came up with an idea.

She then speedily flew to her sister's side and said "Deborah, let's join hands together with Lydia to fight Helena. That way, we would maximize the benefits that would be obtained from our self-training"

"Hmm!" Deborah uttered with a pondering gaze in her eyes.

She then looked at Lauren and said "This is the first time that your fishy brain came up with something intelligent. Well, kudos to you for that"

Deborah then lowered herself to the ground to go meet Lydia and tell about the plan that Lauren orchestrated.

As Deborah flew to the ground to go speak to Lydia, Lauren who still remained in the air said "I will say something funny, you will criticize me. I will say something intelligent, you will still give a caustic remark. Well, that only comes to show that I am better than you, making you really envious of me, just like Helena had previously said. And the day that I grow stronger than you, I will shut you up anytime that you talk."

"Lauren, what are you still doing up in the air? Come down." Deborah said.

"Yea sis." Lauren said from that high altitude that was at and lowered herself to the ground.

Helena whose body still emanated that soft silvery glow, proceeded to ask them a question that surfaced in her mind when she saw them grouping together "Hey guys, what are you doing?"

"We want to attack you, Helena. So get ready for our unceasing attacks" Lydia said with a smile.

Then in the next instant, she threw her blade at Helena.


She disappeared from where she was and appeared where the blade had gotten to before Helena.

Immediately her body materialized just a meter before Helena, she sent out her fist towards Helena's head to strike her.

However, Helena who broke a smile across her face suddenly grabbed Lydia by the hand and flung her away into the distance. But she didn't apply too much strength into her throw, or she might seriously injure her if she threw her away too hard.


Lydia landed with a heavy thud to the ground at a distance of fourteen feet away.

As soon as Helena got rid of Lydia, Lauren and Deborah suddenly flew into the air towards her to dish out their own attacks.

Then immediately they got to a distance of six feet in front of her, they began to flap their wings at her to generate tremendously powerful gust of wind that would blow off her feet and into the far distance.

However, their stormy wind attacks weren't successful as Helena's feet which also emitted a soft silvery glow, actually pushed knee-deep into the ground like she was in a mud swamp.

Seeing that Helena had pushed her legs knee-deep into the ground to gain anchorage, just so she won't be blown away by the powerful wind currents that were sent at her, Deborah decided to increase the power of the wind that she produced using her large metal-like wings.

As soon as she made that decision in her mind, her pair of gigantic wings began to flap faster and faster that it then suddenly generated a magically-imbued, immensely strong wind current that actually stripped off the large layer of earth that Helena's leg were deeply rooted into along with Helena herself and blew both her and the large fragment of earth that was ripped off from the ground away into the far distance.

Helena who shot backwardly through the air at a great velocity was intensely shocked by the shredding power of the wind that struck her, since it tore her off from the ground and the earth itself and launched both of them like stones furiously fired from a catapult into the far distance.


She heavily crashed to the ground of the training field with her back thirty-seven feet away, while her body that was still acted upon by a particular force, caused her body to be dragged across the surface of the earth for many feet more into the distance before finally coming to a full halt. But this was because she sent her fingers deep into the earth to slow her drag across the earth, or she would still be pushed over the earth surface by the force that acted on her from the magically-augmented, fiercely strong wind currents that were unleashed at her by Deborah.

She then stood to her feet many minutes later with bruises all over body and spat out the sand that had entered into her mouth when she was being dragged across the earth into the far distance.

"Wow. What kind of insane wind attack was that?" Helena asked herself where she stood at.

She then casted a healing spell on herself to regenerate the wounds that she sustained from that heavy crash into the earth and the seemingly furious drag across it.

After the numerous bruise wounds all over her body healed, she looked at the skirt that she wore and saw to her amazement that it had almost completely shredded apart, presenting the faultless, fair-skinned thighs of her beautiful and slender legs to anyone that would look at her.

She then looked into the distance at Deborah and saw that the metallic wings at her back had surprisingly grown larger in size and were glowing resplendently at the moment with hundreds of inscriptions of profound anciently signs, symbols and diagrams on their surfaces which emitted strange, perceptible rippling pulses of Wind Manipulation power.

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