A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 121: Battle II


The frost dragon scattered into smithereens with a wave of intensely cold temperature erupting from the point of impact.

Seeing the wave of chilling temperature that raged towards her, Helena quickly caused flames to envelop her body to protect her from the coldness of the cold-bearing wave of energy.

Although she was knocked backwards by the wave since it carried with it a lot of force, the frigid coldness that it carried with it wasn't enough to turn Helena into ice or affect her in anyway since she was enveloped by strong flames.

Helena who was knocked backwards by many feet saw that her challenger still stood where she was with a smirk expression in her face.

She wasn't even moved by the force from the wave that erupted, despite being at a really close range around it.

"See why you should cower in fear before me?" Her challenger said.

"Why should I cower in fear before you? Don't you know that if I was your at your spellcasting level, you will cower in fear before me?" Helena asked.

Her challenger smiled.

"Very good." She said.

She then said further "I, Teanna, shall come down to your level"

"And let's switch to combat. Let's see who is better." Helena's challenger who was called Teanna said.

She then suddenly rushed towards Helena to throw a punch at her chest.

When Helena saw that her challenger, Teanna, had rushed towards her to engage her in close-quarters combat, she too rushed towards Teanna to attack her.

Immediately both of them arrived before each other, both of them sent out their fist towards the other.


A boom sound rang out with a wave that carried with it a shocking amount of tyrannical force, erupting from the point at which their radiantly glowing fists smashed into each other.

Helena staggered backwards by a few feet because of the impact of the force that collided into her body.

While Teanna remained where she was and looked at Helena with a smile in her face.

"So weak" She said.

Then the radiance emitting from her fist slightly receded.

While Helena stood where she was with narrowed eyes.

'Damn. She's strong. I wonder how I am going to knock out this challenger of mine." She said inwardly.

She then dashed towards Teanna once again to unleash a physical strike at her.

Immediately Helena got to a few feet in front of Teanna, Teanna abruptly brought her knee to her chest and then powerfully kicked it out.

However, Helena who had copied acrobatic moves from some females in the past, quickly jumped into the air and smoothly executed an aerial kick to evade the powerful snap kick that Teanna sent out at her.

However, she couldn't successfully land as Teanna who had withdrawn her kicked leg, suddenly grabbed her in the air and hurled her incredibly to the ground, like as if she wanted to break the entire bones of her body.


Helena landed to the floor of the massive floating platform with a really loud bang.

She could have fainted in the next instant if she hadn't abruptly casted a Shock Resistance-type spell on herself to make her body durable and withstand to a certain degree, the shock that would be passed into her body from the heavy smash of her body to the metallic floor of the platform.

Although she didn't faint, she was still struck with a migraine-like headache from her heavy smash to the metallic floor of the platform.

Then before she could stand back to her feet, she was suddenly grabbed at the leg by Teanna who wanted to actually throw her off the platform.


Teanna launched Helena into the air with the aim of throwing her off the huge floating platform.

However, since there was a dome there to stop anything, such as magical attacks from coming out and hitting any of the people that comprised the crowd watching the ongoing intense battle, Helena's throw off the platform was stopped by the dome. Albeit, her body smashed hard into the energy dome by the powerful throw.

Helena groaned in pain from the impact of her body with the surprisingly solid, thin-layered dome of energy that kept everything produced within from coming out.

"Come on, Chosen One. You can't be this weak. Despite coming to your level, you are still too weak for my liking. And it's way embarrassing. seriously" Teanna said with a solemn expression in her face.

She then said further with a smile in her face that couldn't really be described "I will suggest that you call off the battle yourself to prevent further humiliation of you. And if you don't, I will take the humiliation of you up a notch. You seriously won't want to know what I will do to you after this."

Helena who had casted a healing spell on herself to heal her dislocated bones and the small bruise wounds that she had sustained, said with a smile surfacing in her lips "Nah. You can do your worst. I won't call off anything."

"Oh really? Well, prepare to be shamed and embarrassed by me" Teanna said coldly.

She then dashed towards Helena with her fist beginning to glow brightly again.

But before she would get to Helena, Helena quickly casted the Nine Invincible Golden Bell protection spell.


Teanna who was dashing towards Helena unknowingly clashed with the first gigantic bell that materialized from the spell that Helena produced within her mind. And this was because the bells were invisible to the naked eyes. In fact, to all eyes since only Helena could see it.

And immediately she collided into that bell, she was knocked staggering backwards with an intense headache suddenly afflicting her head.

Seeing that Teanna had been affected by the bell that she unknowingly collided into, Helena unexpectedly moved towards Teanna as she staggered backwards.

And as she did so, the bells which were huge in size, giving the feeling that they can't be moved from one place to another, actually moved with Helena as she dashed towards Teanna.


The first bell which was the largest and thickest of the nine golden bells protectively enclosing Helena's figure, smashed hard into Teanna and sent her flying towards the shielding dome that covered the immense floating platform that they were on.


Due to the large amount of force that the bell struck her with, Teanna who was sent flying towards the dome smashed hard into it and fainted in the next instant.

Helena's eyes widened with happiness.

So, she actually knocked out an elite magical warrior from the Law Enforcement And Punishment faculty.

She became really glad.

But the flame of excitement that had surfaced in her heart was doused in the next instant when Teanna snapped open her eyes from where she was and tried to stand back to her feet.

"What do I do now? She mustn't stand. Or I will definitely lose this battle to her." Helena said frantically.

She then got an idea. And the idea entailed using her huge protective bells to unleash an attack at Teanna and knock her out for good.

With a great resolve appearing in her eyes, she inhaled deeply and then screamed out in the next instant while applying a Sonic Augmentation-spell on her throat as she screamed.


Screaming out from within the bells, the magically-enhanced shout that she made increased tenfold by the bells which had began to vibrate and rampantly produced terrifying peals of sounds.

The high-pitched sound waves coming from Helena's mouth and was enhanced to a great degree by the constantly chiming bells struck Teanna and knocked her hard once again into the astonishingly solid, dome-shaped luminous barrier that enclosed the battle platform that they were on.

Teanna who was struggling earlier to get back on her feet then fell back to the floor of the platform with an absent gaze in her eyes, giving the feeling that she was totally unconscious. Also, blood could be seen thinly streaming down her both ears.

Seeing that no movement was exhibited by Teanna, Helena exhaled.

She then canceled the Nine Golden Invincible Bells spell which was a continuously-operating spell and smiled at Lydia who smiled back at her with a look of intense excitement written all over her face.

The dome-shaped barrier then vanished while Helena jumped down from the floating platform to the ground.

Although she was ecstatic that she defeated Teanna, she actually knew that it wasn't by her power or by her skills, but by Teanna's excessive overconfidence in her abilities, as she thought that despite bringing herself down to Helena's combat and spellcasting level, she would still easily defeat her.

When Helena got to Roselyn's front, she said to Roselyn with a smile in her face and said "I struggled to defeat the powerful elite challenger that you brought for me. So, would I be allowed to go into the world to acquire contribution points to use the library and to exchange them for artifact at the Artifact Hall, please?"

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