A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 123: Sharing contribution points to Helena and Lydia

"Wow" Helena and Lydia said with awe in their eyes.

"Senior, you are sooo powerful" Lydia said.

The senior laughed.

"Well, I am always developing myself. So that is why I am strong. I always seize the chance and opportunity to become strong. I don't want to depend on anyone for my own fate. My fate is my own hands and I will make it go in the direction that I want it to go in." She said and smiled.

Helena and Lydia nodded their heads.

"So, how do we get it? I mean, the contribution points that you want to share to us." Helena asked shyly making the senior to grin.

"Well, you will have to go into the Mission House to get the contribution badge. It is a small, badge-like artifact that stores information on the amount of contribution points that one possesses." The senior said.

"Oh. Alright senior. Thanks for telling us that. We would go into the Mission House now to get the contribution badge." Helena said.

"Alright. I will wait here for you guys." The senior said while Helena and Lydia nodded.

Then before Helena would leave the senior's presence, she asked "Senior, what's your name? Hope you don't mind telling me?"

The senior grinned.

"Come on, girl. Stop being too polite. Why would I mind?" The senior asked.

She then said "My name's Sandra Witherstone"

"Oh. That's a fine name you have got there, senior" Helena said with a smile in her face.

The senior who was called Sandra grinned.

"Thank you. And you don't really need to call me senior. Since you know my name now, you can call me by my name, without the senior thing attached to it." Sandra said.

Helena's and Lydia's eyes widened in shock from what Sandra said.

"No senior Sandra. We can't. That's total disrespect." Helena said while Sandra sighed.

"Alright then. So, what about you girls? What are your names? Hope you don't mind telling me?" Sandra said and asked.

Helena and Lydia had wide smiles appear in their faces when Sandra asked that question which felt funny to them. 

"We dare not mind, senior Sandra" Helena said while Lydia nodded.

Then they both took turns to introduce each other. 

Helena went first saying "My name's Helena."

Then Lydia went last introducing herself to Sandra as Lydia.

"Those are beautiful names you beautiful girls have got there." Sandra said and smiled.

But just before she could speak further, something suddenly surfaced in her mind.

She then looked at Helena and asked with her brows furrowed "Your name... It sounds familiar. Are you Helena, the Chosen One?"

Helena's expression spoiled.

She didn't want Sandra to know that she was the Chosen One, as she felt that there could be many other girls also bearing Helena in the training camp. But she was wrong with her line of thought.

"Yes, I am the Chosen One, Senior Sandra." Helena answered.

Sandra saw the look on her face and asked "You don't like being the Chosen One? Or what is with the sudden soured look on your face?"

"It's not that senior. I just don't want people to be looking at me with an eye that I am the Chosen One. I want to look like a normal girl who is a friend to everyone." Helena said.

"Aww. I understand that feeling too. Anyways, you don't have a choice than to be seen as the Chosen One by everyone anytime you introduce yourself to them, Helena." Sandra said while Helena nodded.

Then seeing that Sandra was a really approachable, friendly and accommodating senior, Helena proceeded to ask but with a shy expression in her face.

"Uhm... Senior Sandra, I have a cult group that I established. W-Would you like to join?" She asked.

"Oh. A cult group established by the Chosen One? That's good. I will join." Sandra said.

Helena's and Lydia's eyes widened with surprise.

"Really? You aren't kidding us right?" Helena asked to be sure of what she heard. 

"Why would I?" Sandra asked with a smile in her face.

"Wow. Thank you senior Sandra. I am extremely glad we came across you here" Helena said while Sandra nodded her head.

"Alright. We have spoken enough. You girls should go in there to get contribution badges." Sandra said while both Lydia and Helena nodded their heads.

Then they both walked into the massive Mission House to collect contribution badges.

After asking around for where the Mission Badge Collection room was, they arrived before the place and nervously walked into it.

"Good day, elder" Helena and Lydia greeted with a full bow when they appeared before an elderly woman.

"Yes, what do you really young ones want?" The elderly woman asked with wrinkled brows.

She wasn't expecting to see people as young as Helena and Lydia to appear before her in the Mission Badge Collection room. 

"We are here to collect contribution badges, ma'am" Helena answered.

"Oh. Tell me, what missions did you take?" The elderly woman unexpectedly asked. She actually wanted to know what missions Helena and Lydia took.

"Actually senior, we haven't taken any mission yet. We only want contribution badges. Then we would go later to the Mission Request room to ask for missions." Lydia answered.

"Alright. Alright" The elderly man said.

She then flicked her finger at both Helena and Lydia.

Immediately she did so, two rays of light shot towards them and turned into badges that floated before them in the air.

Helena and Lydia quickly grabbed the floating badges before the elderly woman who stood amazed before them would retrieve it.

Then they expressed their thanks and tried to leave the room.

"Thank you, ma'am" Helena said and bowed. Same with Lydia who did the same thing.

Then they left the room very quickly and dashed to where Sandra waited patiently for them.

"Senior Sandra, we are sorry for keeping you waiting." Helena quickly said when she appeared before Sandra.

"Come on, Helena. Why must you be so humble? You haven't been gone for too long. So, why would I be angry?" Sandra asked while Helena nodded her head with a smile in her faces.

"So, were you girls able to collect the contribution badges?" Sandra asked further.

"Yes, senior Sandra." Helena answered.

"Alright. Clip the badge to your uniform" Sandra said.

Then both Helena and Lydia did as they were told.

Immediately after attaching the badges that they got to their uniforms at the left side of their chest, the badges began to glow.

Then they had a number appear in their heads.

'0 points'

That was the number that appeared in the minds, showing that they had no contribution points since they just freshly collected the badges.

"Alright girls. I will share some contribution points with you now." Sandra said.

Then with a thought from her, her contribution badge began to glow. After the glow dimmed in the next instant, the badges attached to Helena's and Lydia's uniform began to glow too. Then the glow emitting from them also receded some moments later.

Then new numbers appeared in their heads.

'2.5 million points'

'1.2 million points'

Helena's eyes widened with shock. Same with Lydia who looked at Sandra with a gaze that expressed 'What kind of insanely generous person is this?'

Sandra saw their gazes and chuckled.

She then said in the next instant "Please, you girls shouldn't look at me like that. It's making me uncomfortable."

"Oh. We are sorry, senior Sandra" Helena quickly said with a sorry gaze. Same with Lydia who said the same thing with an apologetic look in her eyes.

But Sandra bursted into laughter in the next instant.

"I was only kidding. But you girls should have seen the amusing sorry looks on your faces." Sandra said while Helena and Lydia smiled.

"But you are really kind senior. Thanks for the huge contribution points that you shared to us from yours. We will always remember this act of unmatched generosity that you showed to us." Helena said while Sandra nodded.

"Well, I guess I have to go now. So, if you girls would love to see me to come speak with me, or probably want my good advice on casting some spells or on other things, you can come to me. I stay at one of the Diamond Rooms at Honey Lake Paradise. My room is room number one." Sandra said.

She then said further with a smile in her face "I will be expecting you girls. You are free to come to my place anytime you like. And I promise to entertain you girls. I cross my heart."

Sandra then shot into the air at a great speed to fly to her place.

"Wow. I wonder when I would be able to fly at such an inconceivable speed" Helena said as she looked at Sandra who flew away at a great speed that she seemingly disappeared from their visions. 

Lydia then looked at Helena and said "Senior Sandra is really strong. I am very sure that she would be very powerful now to face some instructors in the training camp by herself"

Helena nodded her head.

"I think so too." She said.

She then said further "Let's go into the Mission House to see what two-star and three-star mission that they have for us."

Lydia nodded.

She then held Helena by her hand as they walked into the Mission House together to take on a mission for their team.

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