A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 128: Helena's crazy plan

As they walked, Helena who wanted to show off her moniker to her friends asked "So girls, what fearsome names have you generated for yourselves for this mission?"

"Oh. We haven't. Maybe I could create one right here as we are walking?" Lydia said.

"Alright. Well, I have created one for myself." Helena said with a slight giggle.

"Oh. That's cool. Tell us" Lauren said.

"Sure I will. It's the Valiant Blade Empress. How cool and fierce is that?" Helena asked with a smile on her face.

"That's great. I love it" Deborah said while Helena nodded her head.

So, they began to form monikers for themselves as they marched to Roselyn's office.

As soon as they arrived before Roselyn's door, the door swung open for them with Roselyn's voice ringing out.

"Girls, come in" Roselyn said.

Helena and the rest then walked in.

Then seeing how Helena was dressed, Roselyn smiled.

"I can see that you are ready for this mission." Roselyn said.

"Yes ma'am." Helena said with a small nod of her head

"But where did you get the contribution points to buy these things?" Roselyn asked with a furrowed brow.

"From a senior-ranking member of my functioning cult group." Helena responded with a smile.

"Hmm. And may I know what her name is?" Roselyn questioned in a way that she won't sound too intrusive.

"Well, her name is Sandra Witherstone." Helena replied.

"Oh... Sandra. I understand now. But Helena, you are very lucky. So she has also become a high-rank member of your cult group?" Roselyn asked with a smile in her face to confirm what Helena said some moments ago.

"Yes ma'am." Helena answered.

"Alright then. That's your custom-made fortune" Roselyn said.

She then stood to her feet from where she sat and said "Now, you all should come with me."

Helena and the others then followed behind Roselyn who led them to a place that dozens of young women could be seen meditating.

Once they got there, Roselyn coughed and said to the young women sitting cross-legged on the floor and meditating on spells "Alright ladies, time to do your work. The warrior girls are here"

Immediately Roselyn said that, the dozen young women on the floor stood to their feet and bowed to Roselyn and then at Helena.

Then they entered into a specific formation to create a portal that would take Helena and the other girls into the world which was really distant from the planet the training camp was on.

So, as they began to utter incomprehensible words and performed mystifying gestures, space began to distort around them.

Then in the next instant, thousands of brilliant and resplendent rays of light shot out from the center of the magical portal that had suddenly appeared, which then spread into the distance within where they were, illuminating the area with it dazzling light and dying everything in it with the seemingly innumerous colors that it produced.

Helena and the others in this place had to cover their eyes as the exceeding brilliance that was produced by the magical portal upon it appearance could badly hurt or worst, fully damage their eyes. But Roselyn only looked at it like she was looking at a soft glow. She didn't even blink her eyes. However, this was because she had abruptly casted a powerful, Brilliance Diminution-type magical spell on her eyes. Such light-reducing, unique eye-based spells could allow her to continue to look at the sky even if massive clusters of unusually large suns could be seen in there and unbridledly emitted an incomparably great brilliance that strongly illuminated the entire world and the endless pitch-black void. So, it was a powerful spell that would allow one to easily resist eye-burning luminance that suddenly appears during a battle. 

Then when the generation of colored rays of bright light ceased, Roselyn said to Helena and the girls with her "Alright girls, go into the world and bring back the heads of those damned demonic witches."

Helena smiled. Same with the other girls who were with her.

Then after they nodded their heads, they dashed into the large vertical portal that had formed at the center of the dozen young women who formed a circle around it.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

These sounds rang out as the girls entered into the portal which abruptly transported them through space to another world.

When all of them had entered, many minutes later, someone taller and looked more mature appeared before Roselyn.

Once she got in front of Roselyn, she bowed as she said "Good morning, ma'am"

Roselyn only nodded her head at this person's greeting.

She then asked "Hope you have packed your things for this mission?"

"Yes ma'am. I have done that." The person before her replied.

"Good. Now, when you get there, I want you to watch from the shadows. Don't try to interrupt them or interfere with what they are doing. Just try to remain as low-key as possible wherever you will conceal yourself in. Then when you see that they can't really handle the mission themselves, like you see that it's getting out of hand and that they might truly lose their lives, then you can come in to help them ward off the claws of death about to grip them. Am I understood?" Roselyn said and then asked.

"Yes ma'am. I perfectly understand you." This person who was Teanna, the Magical Enforcer from the Law Enforcement and Punishment faculty that previously fought Helena in a spellcasting battle and lost, said with a smile in her face. 

"Good. Now, go into the portal." Roselyn said.

Teanna nodded and rushed into the portal.


She entered it and appeared in another world in the next instant.

When she came out of the portal, the portal instantly dimmed and then faded away in the next moment.

She then looked at the floor to silently trace Helena's footsteps and that of the people in her group to wherever they were going to.


"Now, where do we go from here, leader?" Lauren asked.

"Shut up you moron. It's Valiant Blade Empress, dunce." Deborah hastily said in a harsh tone.

Lauren looked at Deborah who looked back at her with a gaze that expressed "Wanna beat me up and see what will happen?"

Lauren exhaled.

"One day will surely be my turn" She said angrily.

Deborah only laughed off what Lauren said.

Helena looked at Deborah with a stern gaze and said "She can also call me that too, since I am the leader of the cult group. It is not really necessary that she calls me by my moniker. Now, why must you find every available chance to insult your sister?"

"I am sorry, Valiant Blade Empress. It won't happen again. I promise" Deborah said.

Helena nodded indifferently.

She then said further with that stern gaze still in her eyes "Now, apologize to your sister."

"Ugh!" Deborah uttered in a bittered tone.

"Do it now!" Helena commanded in a slightly furious tone.

"Alright." Deborah said with a rolling eyes.

She then turned her head to look at her sister, Lauren "I am sorry, Winged Revenger"

Lauren nodded her head with a smile in her face.

She then went to meet her older sister, Deborah who curled one of her arms around her shoulder.

Once the spark of rage had been killed, Helena said "Now, to the question that Winged Revenger asked me, we are firstly going to that kingdom that I said some members from it who are paid head hunters, died in saving me from the evil bloody claws of a old, cannibalistic witch that captured me and many other young children to feed on our flesh and drink our blood."

"Yea. The Fey race. But how do we get there?" Lucretia asked with an expression of curiosity written all over her face.

"Well, since we are already in the world where the kingdom of the race is situated in, the next thing is to look for a larger kingdom map that will show us the location of the Fey race kingdom. Then we can go to them first before embarking on our own mission." Helena replied.

"But how do we get such a map? And from where exactly? By the way, we don't have any money. We are broke and peasant magical warriors. So, how do we get our hands on such such maps when we are asked to pay?" Lydia asked many questions at once with narrowed, inquisitive eyes. 


Helena grinned. 

"Come on, girls. It's easy." She said with a smile.

Seeing the somewhat strange expression on Helena's face, the rest of her cult members became bewildered.

"Uhm... Valiant Blade Empress, mind telling us the plan that you have in mind?" Lucretia asked with furrowed brows.

"Sure I will, Scarlet Chaos" Helena responded with a broadened smile in her face.

She then continued "Now, we would first ask around for a place where kingdom maps are being produced. Although I have one with me here, the one given to us by the Mission House for the mission that I selected for us. It's however small in size. As in, it doesn't project all the kingdoms there are in this particular world. It only shows the a few kingdoms that we would go from to the Hotstone and Redsand kingdom to carry out our Mission to burn shrines and kill witches. The people from the Mission House who created the useless map are nothing but miserable misers." 

"Anyways, we wouldn't use the useless map that was given to us. So, we would ask around for any place that create maps. And since we don't have money to pay for it, as we are pleb warriors, we would steal it from them and make a run for it. But if we are stopped from escaping and then surrounded, we would battle them. Then when we eventually beat them to their unconsciousness, we would steal their bags or sacks of monies."

"I don't want to be a broke or poor warrior anymore. Haha!" 

Helena said and grinned, causing the girls in her group to look at her with tremendous shock in their eyes. They just couldn't believe what they just heard, and then had an absolutely hard time processing it.

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