A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 133: Leaving for the Fey kingdom

"Oh. Thanks a lot, ma'am." Helena said while Paulina only nodded her head.

Paulina then took took the disk-shaped, map-projecting artifact that Helena gave her to an underground hall.

When Paulina left, Helena looked at Daniella and curiously asked "But do they pay you more in this place than being an instructor at the Great Sisterhood training camp?"

"Yea. They pay me many times the salary that I am paid at the training camp." Daniella replied with a smile.

"Wow. I guess the owner or owners of this map-drawing organization are really wealthy." Helena said with astonishment in her eyes.

"Yea." Daniella said.

She then said further "Actually, this organization is just of one of the numerous organizations that they have."

"Oh!" Helena exclaimed in shock.

She then proceeded to ask a question that came to her mind.

"Since the one here is just one of the numerous organizations that they have, does that mean that the other organizations that they have are situated in other worlds?" Helena asked with shock and perplexity in her tone.

"Yes. They have about twenty organizations at the moment. And these organizations can be found in twenty different planets. Both small and large worlds. Haha!... So, you should be able to imagine their level of wealth with just that. And so they won't be attacked by anyone, they try to keep a really low profile, with the organizations having different names when they all belong to only one person" Daniella replied with a grin.

"Hmm." Helena uttered with an indescribable gaze in her eyes.

She then moved closer to Paulina and said in a lowered voice to her "But ma'am, don't you detect that there is something fishy about this organization? From what you have said so far, it seems they are drawing up detailed maps to greatly help them in taking over seats of authorities of chiefs, kings and monarchs that rule over many kingdoms. It seems to me that they are planning something hugely evil for all the bounded territories in the worlds that they have erected their organizations in, since I can see no reason in drawing up maps that will give the locations of all the kingdoms of a particular world, and every other place, such as forest zones and aquatic zones that they have. Something fishy is truly going on. You need to open the eyes of your heart to see it, ma'am"


Daniella laughed.

'What is this girl saying?' She questioned inwardly.

She then gently said with a smile in her face "Girl, are you an alarmist? Haha!... You should relax your taut nerves. See, I once thought about this too. But then, I thought again that why would they tell me such a thing that might make me to become suspicious of their activities. So, since they could tell me that they have organizations like this in many other worlds and that they have men drawing up all the kingdoms in those worlds, then that means they aren't planing on anything that will bring about disaster and destruction to the kingdoms in those worlds. You should chill. They are not bad guys"

Helena looked at her and said "I don't believe that they are what you say they are. I don't know why, I just have this feeling that they plan to overwhelm kingdoms with probably their armies and then overthrow their rulers. They might have thousands of captured, brainwashed men and women or other racial beings who are under heavy training at magically hidden places to help them in their quest to bring about chaos and devastation in all corners of myriad worlds."


Daniella sighed in a way that felt she regretted telling Helena about the organization's intention to spread to all the worlds in the universe. She just couldn't understand where Helena was coming from with all these conspiracy theories.

Then with a solemn gaze in her eyes and a stern tone in her voice, she said to Helena "It's okay. All these theories that you are busy postulating won't come true, because they are baseless and essentially wrong. I feel like you are living in another dimension that's overlapping with this world because of all the arrant nonsense that you are busy spouting, young lady. There are no plans or machinations by this organization to simultaneously take over kingdoms in the worlds and let all hell loose. They are just organizations under one person that are established out there in different worlds to offer humanitarian services to both humans and every other being from other races. Aren't they helping you now? So, I want you to stop talking and keep quiet if you don't have anything else that is meaningful to say."

Helena exhaled. She then nodded her head.

Still looking at Daniella, Helena quickly spoke again by chipping in "But please ma'am, you have to be very careful around this people. I feel like when they don't want you again, they might kill you and dispose off your corpse"

Once Helena said this, she immediately kept quiet. While Daniella looked at her and shook her head with a smile in her face.

'This girl' She said inwardly.


While Helena was busy talking to Daniella, in a large underground room, several white-haired and white-bearded old men who sat around a massive table and were surrounded by many hefty-looking masked men and towering masked women, furrowed their brows when they heard what Helena said, which was about their map-drawing organization creating an evil scheme to bring about further chaos in the world by overthrowing the ruling powers of every kingdom and then abolishing the laws and rules set in those kingdoms which everyone, whether indigene or foreigner must abide by.

But it's not that they had powerful hearing abilities to listen to her speech from where they were, it was however because they could see her from an immense screen that was projected into the air from a large orb that was at the center of the large table that they sat around at.

"Who is that girl?" Someone who sat on an elevated, large lustrous throne that was before the massive table that the old men sat around at, showing that he was probably the one that gave the orders in there, asked everyone around him with intense curiosity in his tone.

The person seated on a throne and asked that question, was also an old man that seemed much older than the other old men in the massive round hall. Also, he looked so emaciated like he would dry up and die away very soon. However, the waves of power exuding from his really lean body like he was deathly sick, proved totally otherwise.

At the moment, he had his body continually lit up with a brilliant resplendent light that illuminated the room, which also endlessly produced visible ripples of a profound, dreadful power that actually caused the air in the massive circular hall to tremble, and also made the blood flowing in everyone's veins and arteries to actually flow in the reverse directions, causing them great pain in the process. But this was just his powerful presence emanating from him without him doing anything. However, it simply caused the people around him to be greatly distressed, who then tried their best to resist the effect of his overbearing presence to some extent, or entirely avoid his blood-churning presence which filled the hall with circulation of the bizarre, numinous power that he unendingly radiated unrestrainedly from his body.

"I don't know, Sir Nine Lives" One of the masked men who distanced themselves from this tyrannical old man responded with fear and total reverence in his tone.

"Where is she from?" The old man who was called Sir Nine Lives, asked again.

"I recall Daniella saying that she was from the Great Sisterhood training camp" Paulina who had entered the room many minutes ago replied.

"I like people like that young girl who we are watching from the screen right now. She is intelligent and seems very aware of things that she hears or sees. I wonder how she was able to come up with exactly what Master Divine Sea and the Mistress of Azure Calamities want to do in the worlds." Sir Nine Lives said with astonishment in his eyes.

He then said further with a grave, hideous tone in his voice "Well, we have to destroy her. Since she is from the Great Sisterhood training camp, she would definitely be against us in the future. And someone like how seems like someone that will wield some form of great power when she grows older. So, it's better to uproot people like her when they are still young, or they will pose to be a great problem to our master's and mistress's massive ominous plan in future."

"Yes, Sir Nine Lives. I will gather people to follow her to where she is going to so that she will be destroyed." A male wearing a caped armor that casted a seemingly boundless bedeviling darkness in one's mind and radiated a feeling of extreme gloominess, came forward and said sharply and reverently.

"Good!" Sir Nine Lives said and then kept quiet to continue to watch Helena from the massive projection screen with a vicious smile hung on his cracked weary lips.


Sometimes later, Paulina appeared before both Helena and Daniella and said to Helena with a smile.

"Here, I have asked some people in the organization to help you add more places into your mission map. Now, you will be able to go from here to wherever kingdom your longtime friend resides in. I am confident of that" She said with a smile in her face.

Helena smiled.

"Thank you, ma'am. I will never forget your act of kindness." She said with gladness in her tone.

She then spoke further by saying "Ma'am, you have really tried for me. But can I request for one more thing from you?"

"Oh." Paulina exclaimed.

She then asked with a smile surfacing on her lips "What is that? Mention it, I won't bite you."

"Could you please give me money?" Helena asked without stuttering, causing Paulina to be shocked by how thickly shameless Helena was.

Then before she could say anything, Helena hurriedly spoke to explain why she made that request "Ma'am, I don't have any money with me. Not a single dime. Same with my friends. And since my longtime friend might reside in a place that would be really far from here, I definitely don't want to resort to stealing money from other people or robbing them of their possessions. So, could you please give me a small amount of money to utilize as payment for transportation to her place if we went by ship or by some magically-powered transportation carriages. Please, please, please?"

Paulina exhaled.

But before she could say or do anything, Daniella said with a smile.

"Don't worry about her request, Paulina. I will handle it." She spoke with an amiable smile in her face.

She then teleported a small magical pouch to her hand and gave it to Helena who quickly accepted it like if she wasted time in collecting it, Daniella might change her mind.

Daniella only smiled with a slight shake of her head.

Then when Helena looked into the pouch, she saw to her amazement that there were many silver coins in it.

"Wow. Thanks a lot, ma'am. I really appreciate this" Helena said with her heart overflowing with gladness.

"Nah. Don't mention, dear. I have to exercise kindness and generosity to the people of the former organization that I worked for." Daniella said while Helena nodded her head.

"I guess I will be going now." Helena said while both Daniella and Paulina nodded their heads.

Then the rest of the girls walked away with Helena as she headed for the gate to leave the building.

When they came out through the gate, Helena sank her perception into her disk-shaped map-projecting crystal. Then in the next instant, tons of information rushed into her head.

She could see many kingdoms, towns, then valleys, forests, grassland areas, rivers, lakes, lagoons and streams.

"This is cool. I am glad I came here." She said.

She then began to search for where the Fey kingdom is. When she saw it, she smiled happily.

"Sylla, your girl is coming for you very soon. And if you are going through anything perturbing and disheartening there, just please hold on for me to get there. I am coming with with a small army of my own" Helena said inwardly.

She then kept the disk into her artifact storage sack and said to her girls who patiently awaited her instruction "Let's head east. It's in that direction the kingdom lies in"

"Alright" The girls said with a nod of their heads.

Then they began to walk in that direction with Helena.

And as Helena walked, she put her ears out for any form of piercing sound that might be moving towards them in any direction from afar, while also listening at the same time with her heart for concealed pulses or ripples of arcane power that would emanate from the veiled or open casting of magical spells from many distances away.

Helena was only being extremely wary and vigilant of her immediate and distant surrounding, since she felt that something wasn't right in that organization. She could suddenly perceive an hidden ominous intent in that building when she was still there. So, she guided herself against any sort of physical or magical attack that might be sent at her to annihilate her.

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