A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 140: Fury

A few hours later, they eventually came before the Fey kingdom. But what was happening there caused them to be exceedingly shocked. Especially Helena, she was terribly shaken by what she saw was happening.

Very quickly, she went through the gate of the Fey kingdom that had been torn away. Same with Lydia and the rest who became more shocked at what was happening.

Then they looked at Helena whose face had turned intensely red because of anger.

Then just before they could ask her anything, Helena shot at a furious speed towards the mansion where Sylla and her mother should be staying.

At the moment, fire was burning on the roof of the mansion, while many of the blackened walls of the mansion had collapsed to the ground.

"Let's go help her" Lydia said to the other girls before her and then threw her blade into the distance. She then teleported away in an instant to where her blade had gotten to. Once she arrived at a new place, she hurled the blade in her hand into the distance again and then abruptly teleported away.

Lauren and Deborah took into the air with their wings as they tried to follow Helena who ignored everything else happening around her and shot at a great speed towards the mansion where she believed Sylla, her mom and a few others that she knew should be dwelling in. 

Lucretia too did not remain behind as she shot into the distance using a powerful Fast Movement spell on herself.

When Helena got to the large mansion, she saw that it was greatly dilapidated. It was now a shadow of it former self. Many of it walls had crumbled to rubbles while hundreds of cracks could be seen on the structure of the mansion itself, giving the feeling that it would collapse to the ground many moments later. 

Seeing how the mansion looked like, boundless fury started to burn in her heart.

She then began to call out for Sylla.

"Sylla!!! Where are you?!! Are you here?!!" She screamed out.

But there was no response from anyone.

She then screamed out again.

"Sylla!!! Where are you?!!!"

Still, there was no response.

Then a dark feeling surfaced in her heart.


Somebody was hit hard by a magical blast and was sent flying towards Helena who abruptly casted a quasi-Telekinetic spell to stop the person shooting towards her a great speed.

Helena then looked at this person and saw that the person was a Fey.

Helena quickly rushed towards this person who was a male Fey and asked "Where is Sylla?"

The male Fey who was groaning in pain from the heavy blast of magical energy that was unleashed at him, had his eyes widen with awe when he saw Helena.

"Helena, is that really you?" He asked with shock and budding happiness in his tone.

"Yea. I am the one. Now, where is Sylla?" Helena gave her response and asked.

The male Fey wanted to speak but he couldn't as he began to cough out blood.

Helena then casted a healing spell on him to help him recover from the serious wounds that he might have sustained from the solid magical blast that was ruthlessly fired at him.

However, the wounds that he was inflicted with was too grievous to be healed by the Earth-level healing spell that Helena casted upon him. So, he could only feel a slight relief from the sharp aches and pain that unbridledly racked his entire body.

Gnashing his teeth in pain, he tried to speak to Helena.

"Helena, our chief, Sylla isn't here. She went out with her mom and the other warriors of our race to fight the races that have allied together to burn down our kingdom and make it theirs. Quickly go now before she and her mom are killed, since they are battling more than ten kingdoms at once."

Helena's eyes glowed.

She then nodded her head with tears glistening in her eyes.

Then to quickly put the male Fey out of his misery, she picked up his sword which was by his side and used it to directly behead him.

She then closed his eyes which were wide open and looked at the person that fired the blast at the male Fey.

This person who was a man looked at Helena with lustful eyes. He had been really patient for Helena to talk to the male Fey that he wickedly blasted away using the green, cold flame produced his Coldfire bloodline power.

"Girl, come to me. Come to papa" The male said with unbridled lust in his tone.

Helena heard what he said and gave a ruthless smile.

Then her hair abruptly turned golden and her eyes intensely purple.

Without pointing at the man or carrying out any sort of gesture, golden-purple flames suddenly materialized around the man and abruptly reduced him to ashes. 

He had rapidly died before he could even know that he had died.

Then when she looked away from the mansion into the distance, she saw how three to four people of other races gathered around each member of the Fey race and impaled them with spears, blades, rapiers and so on.

Then she thought of transforming into that Rainbow Radiance Carnage Goddess, which could only work by casting that incomplete Mage-level spell. She had tried to use the spell in the past to transform herself into a Slaughter Goddess of Infinite Colors and Unparalleled Brilliance, but she couldn't, since the spell was an incomplete one. 

But now in this form, she wanted to try it again. And what made her feel that she would be successful with the transformation was because she had used the power of her bloodline to turn herself into a Marauding Earth Goddess to cause that mountain-shattering explosion.

Thinking in this direction, she then thought of the spell which was really long in size. But all of a sudden, the essence of the magical transformation spell was revealed to her. Then in the next instant, she was able to abruptly comprehend the mechanism behind the working of the transformation spell. Her mind was fully opened to it because she was in her powerful Hrithika form. However, it wasn't her Hrithika form that was enabling her to do all these. She simply possessed a locked, inherent vast and limitless, profundity comprehension power that she could gain full access to whenever she enters her Hrithika form.

Since her powerful mind had rapidly completed the magical transformation spell for her and even fully extracted the essence of the spell for her utilization, Helena went on to use it.

Then all of a sudden, her body brilliantly lit up with all the colors that one could possibly think about, drawing absolutely everyone's attention towards her. But then, they had to close their eyes or it would simply burn, damaging their eyes beyond repair, since the intensity of the colored rays of light that bursted out of her body and spread into the far distance in the whole region, dying everything in their myriad, near-infinite colors was simply insanely bright that it luminance could possibly surpass that of the sun. So, she was like a human-shaped colorful sun in their midst.

Then surprisingly, the millions of colored rays of intensely bright light that continuously emitted from her slender figure, carried with them a great and incomparable sharpness that affected only the people fighting the people of the Fey race.

So, they turned into nothing, like they simply totally vaporized away because of the innumerous, colored rays of blinding light that possessed an attribute of unmatched, tyrannical sharpness.

Then when the light rays ceased coming from her body in the next second, Helena staggered backward with extreme exhaustion written all over her face. 

However, her friends who were already by her side but avoided her because of the great power that she put out, quickly rushed towards her to help her and stop her from falling to the ground.

The remaining Feys who saw that their enemies who outnumbered them by three to five for one saw that their enemies had been quickly vanquished.

'What sort of terrific, devastating power is this? Who is this person that had suddenly come to our aid?' They asked inwardly and rushed to where this person was.

Then when they got in front of her and saw Helena, they became shocked.

'Helena?' They asked inwardly.

Then they quickly bowed with total adoration and full reverence in their eyes.

"Deputy chief, welcome back to our Fey kingdom. However, we are sorry that you didn't meet as you left it long time ago." One came forward and said with an apologetic expression in his face.


Helena who was still conscious but was only extremely fatigued because of the immense power that she put out, exclaimed with shock in her tone.

Seeing the shock in Helena's eyes, the person that came forward to her said "Don't be surprised deputy chief, it was our chief, Sylla, that made you her deputy. And since we have seen your horrifying destructive power firsthand, we all agreed to give you that spot. So, we didn't elect anybody else and let you have that position"

"Oh! I am glad that I was honored with that. Thank you." She manage to say and then broke a smile across her face.

She then asked "Where is Sylla? Can anyone point me in the direction that she went to fight with those wriggling worms from other races that came to invade our kingdom? I have to go help her, her mom and the rest before they are slayed in battle."

The person who was before her said "I can take you there. But it's far. And our flying ships have been burned to the ground. We have no choice than to walk down there which would take us many hours."

"Hours?" Helena asked.

She then said further "No, we can't walk on foot. I will think of something"

Then a second later, she said "Take me to one of your flying ships."

The person before her nodded and led Helena to where a flying ship was. But when they saw it state, they knew that it was in a very bad condition to fly.

However, Helena entered her Hrithika form again and casted a Temporal Reversion spell.

Then all of sudden, a perceivable formless power that inundated everything around her and visibly, strongly affected the forward flow of time around everyone, discharged from her body unceasingly and unquantifiably. 

This tidal power of Temporal Reversion then went on to submerse the badly ruined flying ship lying in waste on the ground before her. 

Then in the next instant, the flying ship began to rapidly, temporally restore to it previous pristine state. And as Helena did this, a brain-splitting headache began to afflict her, while blood streamed down her nose, ears and mouth. She however endured all these and continued to unleash that time reversal power. She would do absolutely everything in her power to restore the ship back to a clean state and then use it to fly straight to where Sylla was, to save her girlfriend and her mom.

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