A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 143: But I am the Chosen One

"No, no... Sylla, you can't die on me. Please" Helena begged.

She then tried casting a healing spell on Sylla again, but this time using her own magical energy.

She exhausted all her Aetha energy trying to bring Sylla back from the dead but she just couldn't. Her energy was too little in quantity to even do anything.

She then fell to the ground with her knees beside Sylla's dead body and began to cry.

Sensing her unhappiness, Vinna who remained many feet above the ground began to growl unhappily too. She was also affected by Helena's sorrowful emotional state.

While Lydia and the rest of the girls in Helena's cult group who had come down from from the flying ship that also remained hovering in the air some distances away, walked up to her with sadness present in their eyes. They understood what had happened, so they were also morose.

Helena came here all the way from their training camp to come see her friend, but only to have her die before her. Then they began to wonder what would happen if Helena got really mad and unleashed the pent-up anger in her heart upon everything around her because of the death of her longtime dear friend. Once they all thought in this direction, they quickly guarded themselves against the tyrannical waves of instant killing power that might erupt her out of her wrath.

Then when they got to her side, Lydia knelt beside her and softly patted Helena on the back as she sorrowfully sobbed.

She then said "Helena, we are truly sorry about the death of your friend."

Helena only nodded her head.

However, the thin streams of tears flowing down her cheeks from her glistening red eyes didn't stop. And it seemed like something that wasn't going to cease anytime soon.

When the members of the other races that attacked the Fey kingdom saw that this person who had suddenly appeared with a terrifying beast and threw away their battle victory because of it, had now entered into a very weak state of mind, which they easily comprehended that it was because of the loss of somebody that seemed very dear to her, then began to plan amongst themselves using special secret means on how to quickly strike her down and leave the battlefield before the gigantic beast hovering above them would unleash massive, devastating fiery attacks at them.

However, their ominous intents did not escape Helena who stopped crying in the next instant and stood to her feet from her previous kneeling position to look at them with a really cold gaze in her eyes.

Seeing her chilling gaze which had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, the people from the other races other than the Fey race became greatly puzzled. They couldn't really fathom why she stopped crying in the next moment and then stood to look at them. Then they began to feel that she had seen through the plans that they orchestrated within themselves using secret communication techniques.

'But who is this girl and where exactly is she from? Why is she so powerful?'

These questions began to flash in their minds repeatedly. And anytime it did so, it shook their minds to the core.

"You killed my friend and you still have the guts to even think of doing evil to me? Haha! How wondrous!" Helena unexpectedly said with intense anger emanating from her magically amplified booming voice. If the emotions of anger and hatred swelling in her heart could turn to water and surface in the real world, it will certainly flood everywhere and drown everything, including the gods and devils themselves if they really existed. That was how angry she was at the moment. It was like she should destroy everything.

Immediately Helena said this, the members of other races had their eyes shine with great shock.

'So she actually perceived that we wanted to harm her?!'

They asked this question within themselves.

Helena then continued "If my friend doesn't wake after I try again and again to wake her from her eternal sleep, I promise that you all will join her in sleeping for eternity."

Once Helena said this, the eyes of the people that fought the Fey kingdom instantly narrowed. Then expressions of rage appeared in their faces in the next instant. And this was all due to what Helena said which had triggered them off.

'But who the actual fuck is this whining little bitch? Does she think that she can do what she likes to us simply because she has a guardian beast? Fuck it! I am coming for your head.' An elderly member of a particular race said inwardly with great fury blazing in his eyes. He then abruptly dashed towards where Helena stood at a great speed to burst her head open with a punch that carried with it an exceedingly heavy force that could possibly sunder an entire mountain range in hundreds of places and reduce it to small rubbles.

But he couldn't escape the massive eyes of Vinna who focused on him and caused an extremely hot flame to suddenly appear around his body and quickly burn him down to the bones, which then unexpectedly crackled like dry woods in an exceedingly hot fire in the next instant and then scattered apart into dark grey ash that fell to the ground.

Seeing what had happened, the rest quickly gave up the thoughts of rushing towards Helena to do something bad to her.

Helena who still had perceptible feelings of fury and hatred rippling off of her entire body said to Vinna with her loud booming voice "Pick out the race that bastard is from and destroy all of them."

Once she gave this emotionless command, the rest of the people who were from the race that the elderly male who tried to dash towards Helena to either harm or destroy her belonged to, began to plead with Helena with misery and total regret in their eyes.

However, all their pleas fell on deaf ears. Then in the next instant, brightly burning and strongly ravaging flames appeared around each and everyone of them and quickly burned their bodies to the bones, and then rapidly into ashes that scattered apart and drifted away with the gentle currents of air that moved past everyone on the battleground.

After Helena carried out this decisive ruthless action, the rest quickly went on their knees and placed their head on the ground before her, then auras of both reverence and fear began to emanate unceasingly from their bodies.

Now, they were bowing to Helena. However, it was not because of her power or anything like that which Helena hadn't really shown to them yet, but because of her terrifying colossal beast that remained in the air over them and looked down at them with it massive, bright fiery eyes.

Helena only ignored them and turned to look at Sylla's body which was now pale-white and cold. Then she became utterly sad again. She was really lost of what to do.

"I have to bring you back, Sylla" Helena sadly said.

Lydia heard this and said with a morose shake of head "Helena, I doubt you will be able to do that. Don't you see that's she's gone? You would only be wasting your energy!"

"No, Lydia. Until I have exhausted every method available to me will I truly believe that she's gone. I have to try everything to bring her back." Helena said with unbreakable resolve in her eyes.

She then said further with a sad and contemplative gaze in her eyes "Only if I knew high-level Resurrection spells. But unfortunately, I don't know any. This is really bad. How do I awaken Sylla?"

After thinking hard for sometime more, a thought suddenly struck her that she should ask the primal Spirit of Chaos, Might and Reborn dwelling in her body, that perhaps it could provide a method which she could use to resurrect her loving, dear friend.

Then very quickly, she started to constantly call out within her mind for the primordial Spirit of Chaos, Might and Reborn.

After a pretty long time, the resplendent spirit surfaced in her mind and lazily asked, but with slight anger in it tone "Helena, you forced me awake from my deep slumber. What do you want now?"

"I am really sorry for forcing you out of your resting slumber. The thing is I want your help in bringing my friend back to life from the dead. Do you have any means that you can teach me to accomplish that feat? Please!" Helena said with begging eyes.

"Ahhh!... Resurrect a dead friend? I am so sorry, Helena. There is no method like that. Anyone that's dead is dead. You can't bring anyone back to life from the dead. It's impossible." The spirit of Chaos, Might and Reborn said.

"But you are vastly and near-infinitely knowledgeable. You have been around for even before the myriad worlds in the universe started taking forms and shapes. Besides, if you think of it, it shouldn't be really impossible for me. You know, I am the Chosen One. Therefore, it should be possible for me to execute" Helena said, trying to counter what the spirit said.

"Hahaha! Very funny. And so? You being the Chosen One doesn't mean that you will be able to produce any form of power that you can possibly think of. And for your information, in case you haven't really thought of it, the inborn plethoric powers that you possess are to destroy the bad guys and unite the kingdoms in the worlds. So that means you only possess unparalleled devastating powers, not Healing or Resurrection powers or any sort of thing like that. Just forget it, Helena. Your friend is dead." The spirit said uncaringly.

Helena then looked at it with really sad eyes because of what the spirit of Chaos, Might and Reborn nonchalantly said.

But, perceiving the strong and overpowering aura of sadness beginning to pervade Helena's mind, the spirit sighed for sometime and said "Actually, there is a way. But it comes at a really great cost. Do you want to know more about it?"

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