A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 161: Embarrassed at the gate

When they arrived in front of the gates, the guards there asked them to pay their entry fees which was five hundred golden coins per person.

"Uhm.. Excuse me, I think you are confused. We are not traders. And as you can see, we don't have baskets of farm products or consumables to sell here. We are only here to go round your lively kingdom and return. Young tourists like ourselves shouldn't be treated like this, you know. So, I implore that you allow us entry without collecting any money from us." Lucretia suddenly said before Helena or the others could say anything.

"I am sorry, ma'am. You have to pay before entering. And if you can't, you can turn around and walk away" One the four guards at the gate said.

"Really? Look at the way you even said it. You are so rude. You don't know how to appreciate tourists. I don't blame you. It's because of the people visiting here for only heavens know what that is causing to talk to us anyhow and treat us in this bad manner." Lydia suddenly said with slight anger in her tone.

"Do you know we can permanently ban certain troublesome tourists from entering?" One of the guards asked with a smile in his face.

Once the guard said that, Lydia's and Lucretia's eyes shone with fury. Then just before they could angrily voice out their minds, Helena quickly said out loud "Girls! Do calm down, please!"

Immediately Helena's voice rang out, Lydia's and Lucretia's minds kept calm instantly.

"It's okay. I will handle it." Helena said looking at them.

Then she turned her head to look at the guards and asked "So, for the five of us, how much in total should we pay?"

"I believe you have a head, and a brain in that head. So, do the calculations yourself." The guard replied with an annoyed tone in his voice.

Then looking at his colleagues, he asked with a serious expression appearing in his face "Where did these set of people come from? They are full of trouble and are actually brainless, really"

Helena heard this and intense anger sparked within her heart.

She however didn't let the rage show on her face.

Then with an amiable smile appearing in her face which she tried hard to maintain, she said "Yea, I have done the calculations. And sorry for that earlier."

Once she said that, she produced two thousand and five hundred golden coins which was the amount to be paid for the entry fee of five people and then handed it over to the guards who readily accepted it with smiles in their faces. 

"Alright. You can go in." One of the guards said.

Helena nodded her head.

She then looked at her friends and said "See girls, it has been quickly settled. Let's go in"

Then Lydia and the rest nodded their heads. Then as they passed through the gate to enter the kingdom, they looked at the guards with fearsome looks in their faces. However, the guards only ignored them to attend to the people behind them. 

"I feel like beating up those guards. See how they insulted us before a large crowd of people. They mustn't go free with this. We have to deal with them." Lucretia said with an annoyed tone in her voice.

Helena only giggled.

She then said "A way to deal with those monkeys will surely present itself to us. Let's just focus on our mission in this place."

When Helena said that, her friends nodded their heads.

Then as they walked through a particular, tremendously busy street of the kingdom, they began to look around for an inn where they could stay for the night.

After walking for nearly twenty minutes in the wide and long street of that kingdom which had an enormous stream of people flowing to and fro, they finally came across an inn that seemed to not be too expensive.

"I think we can rent a room in this inn, Helena. It looks cool." Lydia said.

Helena looked at the inn and then nodded her head.

"Alright. Let's go in to see if they would have nice rooms that would suit our tastes." Helena said.

The girls nodded and followed then her into the inn.

When they entered the inn, they met the receptionist at the table which they only spoke with for sometime before she handed the key of a particular room to them. 

Once they got the key to a particular room to stay in for the night, they began to ask for directions from people that they met on the way to the place. 

Not long, they finally arrived before the room.

Then when they inserted the key into the keyhole of the door and turned it to open it and go into the room, they saw that the room was nice.

It was tiled and was spacious just as they had demanded. Also, it had a large bed that should accommodate all five of them, then a few, long leather couch placed at good positions.

"This is great! What a big bed" Lauren said out excitedly.

Then before anyone could say anything, she suddenly dashed towards the bed and made a full-body dive at it.

She landed on the large bed with a small amount of force which caused her entire body to sink a bit lower into the bed before she was sprung back to it surface.

"It's soft and springy too." Lauren said while Helena only shook her head with a smile in her face. Same with the others too who just laughed it off, since they knew how Lauren loved to behave at times. Well, except Deborah who was furiously seething within.

'When will this monkey grow? Aii! If not for senior Helena, you would have heard a lot of things from me. Well, a time for me to reprimand you will come. I will surely have a day to shout the hell at you.' Deborah said within herself and went to join the others to seat on the bed.

When they got on the bed, Lydia asked looking at Helena "Helena, I think we would still want to rent this room for many more days. You know, we definitely can't finish out mission in one day. We would have to go out there to those incredibly far and desolated places to find those witches's shines. So, since we can't destroy them all in a day due to how far they would be from each other, we can at least destroy two or three shrines before returning back here to rest. Then we can go again some other day after we have rested enough to demolish the remaining shrines of the witches."

"Hmm. You are right, Lydia. Yea, that's what we will do." Helena said.

"So, what do we order for? Or aren't we going to eat?" Lauren who was curious of what kind of meal would be served here asked with eagerness in her tone.

"Are you already hungry?" Helena asked with surprise in her tone.

Then before Lauren could give a reply to her question, Helena said with a smile appearing in her face "Well, you have to, Lauren. We have left the Fey kingdom many hours ago, so it's right for you to be hungry. Even I myself is already hungry. Haha! So I will order for some food."

Then looking at the girls lying on the bed, Helena asked "What about you girls? Aren't you hungry? I am about to order for food."

"We are eating too. Just order anything for us. We would consume them like that." Lydia said answering for herself and the rest.

"Alright!" Helena said with a nod of her head.

Then she went towards a wall of the room that they were in.

When she got there, she could see something like a button on that wall. She then pressed it. 

Once she did so, an alarm began to ring in the inn. Then someone quickly hurried out of where she was to where the alarm sound was ringing out from. 

When this person who was a female inn attendant got to Helena's room, she knocked once on the door.


Then the door opened for her with Helena who had a beautiful smile in her face asking her to come in.

When the attendant came in, she handed a menu list to Helena who looked through it and then began to discuss with the attendant. 

Then a few moments later, the attendant left with the list that she gave to Helena to go get the things that she requested for.

Once she left, Helena closed the door and went back to the bed to seat on it.

She then said to the girls who laid on the bed as if they just finished doing the most strenuous jobs in the world.

"Girls, there are couches around. One of you would have to go to either of the couches to lie in it. This bed although large can't really contain all of us."

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