A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 165: Going to the second witch's shrine


Once Helena swung the blade in her hand, the witch's head rolled off from the neck.

And since she had beheaded the witch, it was time to destroy the shrine which they would do by breaking everything in here into pieces and setting the shrine on fire.

The defensive spells that both Lydia and Lucretia casted on the cages to block off the attacks of the witch was canceled. Same with Deborah and her sister, Lauren, who retracted their wings that wrapped solidly around the cages to block off or deflect any attack that the witch would vexedly send out at them.

Then they opened the wooden cages' doors to free the kids in them.

Once the children came out, they began to thank Helena and the rest of the girls with expressions of great gratitude in their faces.

Then after bringing the kids out the cave and taking them into the valley, Helena went back her in by herself and unleashed a fire spell to destroy everything in there.

Immediately she casted the fire spell which turned into blazing flames, she left there and returned back to the kids and her friends who waited in the valley.

When she arrived in front of the kids, she asked "Kids, what kingdom are you from?"

One of them who looked older quickly said "We are from the Hotstone kingdom. We were all abducted from our homes by that witch who you just killed."

Helena nodded her head.

She then asked "Do you know how many of you were brought here?"

The boy spoken to nodded his head.

He then said "We were close to thirty that wee abducted from our homes by that evil witch. But now we are only sixteen in number. That witch had happily eaten fourteen of us"

The boy said and then broke down into tears.

"It's okay, kid. You are fine now. You are all fine. You are in good hands who would do absolutely everything in their power to protect you kids from any form of harm." Helena said while the boy nodded his head.

Helena then looked at her friends and said "Let's return these kids to their parents' homes before setting off for the next places in this kingdom where the shrines of the other witches would be found."

Lydia nodded her head and then said to the kids before her "Alright kids. We are leaving here right now to return you guys to your parent's homes. I am sure that they would have missed you handsome and beautiful kids like hell. So, let's not keep your sad, wailing parent waiting anguishedly for your appearances any further."

Then they began to walk from that valley to a place in the kingdom where they would be taken to their parents' homes.

After many hours of walking, eight hours to be precise, in which Helena had to recharge the children's energy by casting energizing spells on them, they eventually arrived in the kingdom.

Once they arrived in the kingdom, Helena said to the kids "Alright kids. I believe you can go on from here. Go meet your parents."

When Helena said that, the kids nodded their heads.

Then after embracing Helena and her friends, they departed from their presence and began to walk to where their various homes would be located.

Helena smiled as she saw them off from where she stood. Then a sad thought suddenly struck her mind. And this was because she recalled how the oldest kid amongst those kids said that the witch ate fourteen of them.

She then exhaled.

After sometime of looking at them, she looked at her friends and said "Let's head to the place where the next witch shrine would be found."

Her friends nodded their heads.

Then they began to search for where they would get a beast-drawn carriage that would take them to their next location.

After getting there and paying for the costs of having them transported to that place, they finally arrived there.

Once they arrived there, the carriage driver who couldn't understand what these girls were here to do, didn't think twice about them before zooming off into the distance in his beast-drawn carriage. He couldn't wait to leave this particular area that rumors of a ruthless evil witch residing here always sprung out from.

At this time, it was already evening as the sun had set.

Lydia then looked at Helena and asked "Don't you think that we should take a rest? It's already evening."

Helena only smiled.

She then said "No, we can't rest. Not when we are already here."

Lydia looked at her with a smirk expression in her face and asked "Why not?"

"Because the more seconds that we waste here debating, the more kids that would be butchered and eaten raw by the witch or witches that would be found in the shrine secretly located in this place. So, we have to set out towards there now, destroy every vile evil creature that would be found in there and set free the children that would be found in there." Helena answered.

"Hmm. You are right." Lydia said.

She then said "Alright. Let's go."

Helena and the rest then nodded their heads.

Then following the directions on the map projected into her mind, Helena began to lead her friends to the place where the witch's shrine would be located.

After many minutes of walking, they finally came across the place where the shrine was located.

This shrine wasn't located in some cave in a mountain in the valley like the others. It was just in the outskirt of the kingdom, on a barren, abandoned land that also appeared to be completely desolated. .

Helena and the others were looking at the shrine which was built with actual concrete block, unlike the first one that they burned to ashes which was made out of wood.

After sometime of looking at the shrine which was actually really large in size, raucous evil laughter began to sound out from seemingly everywhere.

Helena and the rest weren't terrified by her laughter.

They simply waited for her to show herself to them.

When she eventually appeared, which was on the roof of her massive shrine made out concrete blocks, she said to them with booming voice "Have you girls come here to have your fleshes and organs entirely devoured by me? I have been searching for girls your age, but I didn't see. So, I settled for kids far younger than your age. However, their skins also taste nice. Kekeke!"

Helena who had a smile in her face said to them "Old witch, surrender your puny life to me. It's over for you now."


The witch began to laugh.

"Surrender my life to you? Who are you little things?" She asked.

Then all of a sudden, she jumped down from the roof of her ceiling and swooped towards Helena to attack her.

Helena who was wary of the witch quickly casted a fire spell that transformed into a massive blue fireball which then shot towards the witch to strike her down.

Noticing the fireball that had suddenly appeared and then shot towards her at a furious speed, the witch quickly casted a powerful water spell which caused a gigantic silvery waterball to materialize and shoot towards the large fireball raging towards her.

Both attacks collided and totally neutralized each other in the next instant.

However, she wasn't able to get to Helena's side as the fireball disturbed her swooping down towards Helena.

Then when she landed on the ground many feet in front of Helena, she looked at Helena with great shock in her eyes. She then couldn't help but ask "How were you able to do that?!"

Helena only smiled.

She then said "I am here by the order of the society of Great Sisters to take you ugly, flesh-eating bastard down. Now, will you surrender your puny life to me or I should do it myself?"


The witch burst into a loud, raucous laughter.

She then asked "Why haven't I heard of such a society before?"

"Because you are too busy feeding on the blood and flesh of young children. However, you don't need to know about the society again since you are gonna die now." Helena answered.

The witch heard what Helena said and only burst into laughter again.

Then all of a sudden, she casted a spell on them.

However, being exceedingly wary of the witch, Lydia and Lucretia casted a defensive spell upon themselves to shield themselves from the magical attacks that would be unleashed upon them by the evil witch. While Lauren and Deborah quickly protected themselves from the attacks unleashed by the witch by causing their wings to expand out of their backs which then rapidly wrapped around their bodies to protect them from harm.

Only Helena didn't do all these. Instead, she quickly unleashed a spell to battle the witch who had flown to her front to fire a powerful magical attack at her.

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