A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 167: Returning

After sometime when Helena felt that she had exchange enough attacks with the witch, she approached her with a sword in her hand.

And at this time, the witch had collapsed to the ground with multiple injuries all over her body. Even one of her arms had ripped away with blood spurting without stop from it.

Then with a swing of her blade, the witch's head cut off from the neck and shot into the air before crashing into the earth many feet away.

After Helena slashed off her head, she went into the shrine with her friends to rescue the little kids that were kept captives in there.

When they released the children with Helena's friends leading them out, Helena casted a powerful fire spell on the shrine which actually materialized into an inferno-sized flame in the next instant and then began to burn the shrine.

Then when she came out after casting the fire spell, she followed behind the kids who were being led to the kingdom by her friends.

When they got to the kingdom with Lydia dropping the children off at places where they can go to their various homes by themselves, Helena and the rest returned to the rooms in the inn.


"I am tired! Today has been a really long day for me" Helena slightly yawned and said.


Lydia laughed.

She then said "Shameless girl. See the way that you are yawning like an extremely lazy person? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I am just tired" Helena answered.

She then questioned "By the way, how dare you call me a lazy person? Wasn't I the one doing all the fighting? So, it's right for me to get tired after carrying out so many intense and strenuous activities."

She then continued "If you were to be me, you would have long collapsed at the battle ground"


Lydia laughed.

"I know that. I was only joking. Don't take me too seriously, please" She said in the next moment.

She then sat beside Helena on the bed and began to stroke her long, raven-dark hair that poured like a waterfall behind her back.

Lauren who felt left like contributing after Helena and Lydia had kept quiet, said "So, when are we going for our next witch hunting mission. It is really fun, you know. Especially watching senior Helena beat the hell out of those damned evil witches."

"Yea." Deborah suddenly said.

She then continued "It is fun. Like serious fun. Especially watching senior Helena overpower those vile, flesh-eating creatures, breaking their bones into pieces and then beheading them."

Then with a thinking gaze appearing in her eyes, she said "I wonder when I would be able to slay witches."

Helena heard this and smiled.

She then said "Very soon, dear."

Then she continued "Actually, you can behead the witches in the next two witch-killing missions that we would set out for. I will give you girls the chance to slay the witch. Are you cool with that?"

"Sure!" Lauren said while Deborah nodded her head.

"Alright. Prepare your minds for the daunting tasks ahead of you." Helena said.

Not long after discussing important topics that pertained to them and their missions, they started to speak about random things that suddenly came to their minds, in which Lauren was the one doing most of the questioning.


- Hotstone kingdom -

In a partially dark, candle-lit place, old women and men wearing large hooded black cloaks pulled over their heads could be seen discussing with one another.

"Lynithar has died, same with Salika. We still don't understand what is killing these colleagues of ours." An old man who seemed older than the rest of them gathered in this hall said, while the others simply nodded in agreement to what he said.

"Old man James, you are very correct with what you just said. We need to find the person doing all these and eliminate them. Then if we want, we can eat their fleshes and consume their organs too." A middle-aged woman spoke.

Once the middle-aged woman who was a witch said that, another middle-aged woman who was also a witch said "Zuria, you are very correct with what you just said. We need to capture the person doing this and kill him or her. That person deserves death. We have to find that person and slay them. No one touches our colleagues and would go scot free"

The old man spoken to nodded his head.

He then said "We would surely get this person."

Then they after taking a slight pause, he said "So for now, to keep ourselves safe from harm as we don't know the power level of the person doing this, we shouldn't dwell around the places where our shrines are located. Let's stay far away from there. We can find new places to stay."

"Hmm" The people seated around him uttered with deep gazes of reasoning in their eyes.

Then one asked before anyone could speak further "So, what about those kids in there? Should we just forget about them? Besides, at the new places that we would be staying till we catch the bastard killing us one after the other, what are we going to be eating? I can't eat human food, neither can I eat raw beast meat"

"Well, if you want to go back to your places to take like one or two kids, you can do so. However, do so at your own risk, as our unknown killer or killers are still at large." The old man said while everyone nodded their heads to what he said.

When they finished discussing, they all left where they were.


Three hours later...

When it was late into the night, a knock could be heard on the door.

Helena who was discussing and laughing with her friends looked at the door and said to the others "That should be senior Teanna"

Lydia and the rest nodded their heads in agreement.

Then when Helena stood to her feet to open the door, she saw senior Teanna standing there at the door with both a smile and a smirk in her face.

"Come in" Helena said with a smile.

Teanna then brushed Helena to a side and walked in.

Once she stepped in, the others who were seated on the bed quickly greeted "Welcome back, senior Teanna."

Teanna only nodded her head and said "I have been following you girls from behind on your missions. And I must say that you girls did really well. You strategized before rushing into the place, or those witches that you hunted after would have killed some of those kids, if not all of them. So for that, I give you kudos"

Lydia and the rest smiled while Helena approached Teanna and said "So, senior Teanna, what would you like to eat? Or you are also not eating today?"

"Thanks for the offer. But I think I am fine" Teanna said.

She then sat on one of the many couches behind her.

Once she did that, she asked "So, would you guys be going tomorrow for your missions, or you would relax for tomorrow then go the day after it?"

"Well, our mission is one that shouldn't be delayed for our own pleasure, as there are kids that are there being traumatized as they are seeing one another being eaten by those damned witches. So, because of that, we won't be taking any form of rest until they have all been freed and the witches killed so that the innocent children won't be terrified again and their parents intensely saddened." Helena answered.

"Hmm. That's good. I like your response" Teanna said.

Once she said that, Helena asked with a smile in her face "So, senior Teanna, would you like to join our cult group? You know, become a proud member of our cult group that's waxing strong every day?"


Teanna unexpectedly laughed.

She then asked "And why would I want to become a member of your cult group? Have you quickly forgotten that I am a Magic Enforcer?"

Helena only chuckled.

She said "I know that, senior Teanna. But that doesn't mean a thing, you could still join us you know."

Then she continued "It's just a matter of time before my cult group grows stronger than even the Law Enforcement and Punishment faculty at the Great Sisterhood training camp. So, it's best to join now, as many people would be rushing to join our group in future. Therefore, if you don't join now and plan to in the farthest future, there might be no membership slot again."


Teanna grinned.

She then said "Helena, whatever you would say to convince me will only end up doing the opposite. It will further solidify my resolve not to join. So, it's best that you keep quiet about it and let me choose for myself whether to join or not. If I join, your lucky day. And if I don't, you would have to accept it like that."

Helena smiled and nodded her head.

She then said with that beautiful smile still in her face "I believe that when the times comes for you to make a choice, you will surely make the right one."

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