A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 169: Killing the witch and returning with the kids

Actually, she wanted to make the witch very unhappy, as she had a tremendous degree of irritation and animosity for her, and for other people who were like her that would abduct children from different kingdoms and bring to their shrines so that they could feed on their skins and internal organs.

She then said further with a smile in her face that couldn't really be described "I will suggest that you surrender yourself to me to prevent further humiliation of you. Then you can submit your useless and miserable life to me."

"But if you don't, I will take the humiliation of you to another level. And believe me, you seriously won't want to know what I will do to you after this speech if you dare refuse to accept my candid advice."

However, the witch who had immediately casted a Body Regeneration spell on herself to heal the many dislocations and fractures of her bones, and the numerous, small and large wounds that she had sustained from her insanely heavy smashes on the solid floor of the forest, said with a smile surfacing in her lips after she stopped laughing like a stone-hearted psychopathic maniac, "Hahahaha!! You can do your worst, you bastard. But just know that in the end, I will be the one to have the last laugh... Hahaha! My people will come for you and kill you. Same with your friends who have beautiful skins and delicious organs."

Once she said this, Helena looked coldly at her and said "Oh really?! Well, since you have made your choice which would bring total damnation upon you, prepare to be totally shamed and badly humiliated by me, before dying a cold, gruesome death"

Helena spoke with intense coldness in her eyes, causing the atmosphere around to radically drop in temperature. While a domineering aura of viciousness and ruthlessness began to exude from her slender body.

But all of a sudden, the witch who had suddenly sprung to her feet from the ground, quickly dashed towards Helena again with her fists beginning to glow brightly in two types of color which were blue and violet. She had actually quickly casted a powerful, contact-based magical spell called Thundering Iron Fist spell on her hand, which would increase the hardness of her fist that it could be likened to that of an actual iron, and would emit rampant thunderous peals like as if a massive thundercloud was actually compressed into it or stored in it.

But before she would get to Helena, Helena who had a serious expression in her face, quickly casted the Nine Invincible Golden Bell protection spell.


The witch who was dashing towards Helena at a furious speed to deliver her thundering, super-hard fist in Helena's face with the aim of violently smashing it apart and destroying her body by crushing it with her diamond-shattering rumbling fist, unknowingly clashed really hard with the first gigantic bell that materialized from the spell that Helena produced within her mind.

But this was because the exceedingly solid and tremendously heavy bells that materialized from the powerful protection spell that Helena abruptly casted, were invisible to her eyes. Then as a matter of fact, to all eyes, and even to that of dreadful Summoners and really high-level magical warriors, making Helena the only one able to clearly notice the shape of the massive bells that enclosed her figure as she was the primary caster of the defensive bells creating spell .

Then immediately the witch collided into that bell, she was knocked staggering backwards with an intense headache suddenly afflicting her head.

Seeing that the witch had been affected by the first, thunderously sonorous bell that she unknowingly heavily clashed into, Helena who didn't wait for the witch to recover from the painful sharp aches that were currently afflicting her head and racking her seemingly frail body, suddenly moved at a high speed towards the witch after casting a Quick Movement spell on herself.

While the witch who couldn't really pay attention to Helena as pain overwhelmed her senses, and the force from the powerful impact with the invisible bell caused her to stagger backwards like she was being pulled from behind by something unseen, she didn't know that Helena was approaching her really fast like as if she were an arrow that was fired from a powerful bow.

And as Helena did so, the bells which were astonishingly huge in size and gave the definite feeling that they couldn't be moved from one place to another, actually became lighter than air as they moved with Helena who was furiously dashing towards the staggering witch that had expressions of both intense pains, suffering and anguish in her face.


Then moving at a tremendous velocity towards the witch with the intention of smashing the bells really hard into her, the first bell which was the largest and thickest of the nine golden bells that protectively enclosed Helena's figure, smashed heavily into the witch and sent her flying like a wrathfully hurled stone towards one of the many large trees in this forest.


Then due to the large amount of force that the moving bell struck her with, the witch who was sent flying towards a particular large tree in the immense forest, smashed really hard into it and shattered it apart in the next instant. But the backward kinetic force that acted on her hadn't stopped yet. So, her body after smashing apart that first tree, moved on to smash apart a second and a third tree that were behind the first one that she brutally impacted.

After smashing into the fourth one and causing both thin and thick cracks to appear all over it surface, she collapsed to the ground a second later with a fully absent gaze in her widely-opened eyes, seeming as if she was dead.

However, it was not that she was dead already, it was just those insanely heavy smashing of her body into those massive trees that knocked the complete consciousness out of her.

Seeing that she had put out the witch, Helena who wanted to quickly end all this and return with the traumatized kids kept in the large shrine that were made with bamboos as the walls and large or long leafs as the roof, prepared to move towards the witch with the intention of slashing off her head from her neck.

But before she could do so, the witch's eyes suddenly snapped open in the distance that she was. Then a wrath to destroy everything in her path surfaced in her reddish eyes.

Then seeing that the witch had suddenly woken from her earlier unconscious state, Helena unexpectedly screamed out in the next instant.

And, as she did so, she instantly casted a type of Sonic Augmentation-type spell on her mouth as she loudly screamed out at the witch.


Screaming out from within the nine bells, the magic-imbued shout that she made was increased to many folds by the bells which had begun to vibrate, which then gave off a focused, devastating soundwave in the next instant that traveled towards the witch at a terrifying speed.


Then the high-pitched sound waves coming from Helena's mouth and was made to converge at a point, which was then amplified to a great degree by the powerfully vibrating bells, struck the witch really hard and tyrannically knocked her once again towards a large tree that was far behind her in the distance.


She smashed hard into that tree and effortlessly shattered it apart with her body because of the powerful force that moved her body. Then since the shoving force that acted on her body hadn't stopped or dissipated away, her body smashed into many other trees in the distance before finally coming to a halt at the fifth tree, which also didn't escape exploding into smithereens.

Then the witch who endured and tried struggling to get back on her feet, instantly fell back to the floor of the forest with an absent gaze in her eyes this time, giving the feeling that she had fallen deeply unconscious. Besides, blood could be seen moving down in thin streams from her both ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

Seeing that no form of body movement was exhibited by the witch again, Helena nodded her head with a relief.

She then canceled the Nine Golden Invincible Bells spell that continuously operated around her.

And, as soon as she did so, she approached the witch in the distance with a large blade in her hand. She had produced this blade from her artifact storage sack.

After walking for sometime and arrived before the witch, she lifted the blade in her hand and used it to behead the witch.


The head of the witch was cleanly cut away.

Then Helena left behind the headless corpse and walked back to where her friends were who then followed her into the shrine to free the little kids in there.

After doing so, in which they freed eighteen kids, they quickly left there to return back to a particular place in the kingdom.

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