A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 171: Discovering her identity

In a cave...

"James, I am sorry. I can't do what you just asked me to do. If some killers are after you and the people that are like you, what's my business with that? I am sorry, friend. I won't be able to do this to you, as you may also unknowingly lead the killers to me. I am sorry, James" An old man said.

"No, Arsher. You must do this for me." The old man called James said.

He then continued "Alright. I will give you a large amount of my saved golden coins if you can do this for me, please! I really need to find out who these people are and annihilate them so that people like me can continue living without worry. And don't be disturbed about them tracking you down to here, because I am going to destroy everyone of them that are involved in the killing of my colleagues. I will turn them all into dust."

"Arsher, I don't think you can understand the kind of anger boiling within me. Just help me do this. Besides, you will benefit. I beg you."

Then the old man called Arsher exhaled and said "Alright. I will help you. Not because of the sum of golden coins that you promised me, but because of my sympathy for you. You are my good old friend and I wouldn't want you to die."

He then continued with a sly smile appearing in his face "However, before I will start anything, give me the coins that you promised to give me."

James only smiled and then shook his head.

He then produced a small sack containing hundreds of golden coins and handed it over to his friend who only nodded his head with a smile in his face.

As soon as Arsher collected the money pouch from James, he went towards a cauldron in front of him and began to drop items into it. And as he did so, he began to utter incomprehensible words that possibly only him could understand. Anyways, the utterances that he was making were actually spells.

Not long, five minutes later to be precise, the base of the cauldron suddenly caught on fire by itself. While the fire that began to burn at the base of that cauldron was rainbow in color, as it seemed to burn in all the colors one could think of.

Then a minutes later, the stone-like materials that Arsher dropped into the cauldron began to melt due to the excessive, strong heat produced by the magically-invoked, multicolored fire burning fiercely at the base of the cauldron.

Then the molten materials in the cauldron turned into steam in the next instant which then rose out of the cauldron and began to mysteriously fuse together to form different shapes in the air. And as this happened, the air and space around it began to seemingly contort and warp at the same time.

Also, while this was taking place, Arsher didn't for once stopped the utterance of the incantations that he was making. He was so focused that if a locally made bomb exploded near him, he wouldn't know. That was the degree of how intense his concentration was.

Not long, the steam that was entering different shapes finally formed Helena's figure. Then once it formed Helena's figure, the solid image of Helena appeared directly behind it which then shot into the head of old man James as a ray of light, branding itself to the man's memory and constantly feeding him with Helena's immediate location.

Once that image appeared and entered old man James's head, the steam that had risen into the air condensed and reverted back into molten materials which then fell back into the cauldron.

As soon as that happened, the molten materials that had fallen back into the cauldron solidified and abruptly reverted into the numerous stone-like materials that were previously dropped into it.

Then immediately the materials were re-formed, Arsher took the materials out of the cauldron and placed them somewhere in his cave.

"I guess you have the identity and location of your killer by now." Arsher asked with a smile in his face.

"Yes, I do. Thank you, Arsher. I will never be able to repay this favor" Old man James said.

Arsher only nodded his head and said with intense amazement in his tone "So, it was that girl that was killing your colleagues? Damn! She must be powerful. And friend, I will advise that you be really careful around her when you are trying to kill her, or any small mistake like lowering your guards when attempting to destroy her, you might be the one to end up dead instead of her."

Once Arsher said that, old man James nodded his head.

He then said "I know that, Arsher. Since she can destroy some of my colleagues, she would certainly be powerful. Now, I am beginning to wonder what kind of blood she has flowing in her body. Perhaps if I am able to capture her and drink her blood, maybe I could possess that power that she possesses, which allows her to do all these things that both puzzles and marvels us."

Arsher nodded his head.

He then said in the next moment with a serious expression appearing in his face "Well, do what you want to do cleanly. Don't let the girl trace you down to this place, or I will continue to curse your already condemned spirit and damned soul on it way to the deepest part of hell."


Old man James laughed.

He then said "Relax Arsher, I will certainly kill this girl. Now that I have made her my goal, when I eventually kill her, I will bring some of her blood to you so that you can prepare or make more potent magical concoctions with it. Haha!"

"Hmm. That's exceedingly thoughtful of you, friend. Alright then, go and do your thing. I will be waiting for some of her blood that you promised me." Arsher said.

Old man James nodded his head and then left his friend's presence.


In a candle-lit hall...

"Fellow witches and wizards, I was able to get the image of the killer of our colleagues after begging my friend who absolutely despises me." Old man James said with a smile.

"Oh really? That is great news for us." One of the witches gathered around old man James said with excitement in her tone.

"Yes. It's good news for all of us. Now that we have the identity of our killer, all we have to do now is to match down to where she is and viciously destroy her. Once we have done that, then we would all be free from the incessant, headache-inducing worries of killers coming after us again." Old man James said with a sense of great relief in his tone.

When old man James mentioned 'her' in his statement, the witches and wizards around him looked at him with shock and puzzlement in their eyes.

Then one of them who couldn't hold back her curiosity asked "So, our killer is a she? I have always that our killer is a male!"


Old man James burst into a raucous laughter.

"Male? Haha! This person is not a male but a female. And to be precise, a girl that looks less than eighteen." He said and chucked. But as he did so, his colleagues who were seated around him looked at him with intense astonishment in their eyes.

So, it was a girl that seemed less than eighteen that killed three of their colleagues? Then how powerful must she be?

One of them looked at old man James and asked with a bewildered expression in her face "Do you think that she may wield a sort of powerful, specialized, witch-killing treasure?"

Old man James who abruptly ended his laughter, had a contemplative gaze appear in his eagle-like eyes.

Then he said "Hmm. She might probably have one. I think I am certain about that."

He then continued "Since she is too young to be that adept at casting powerful magical spells that would destroy our colleagues, and even have the boldness and courage to come for us with the aim and intention of slaughtering us all, she must definitely be using witch-annihilating artifacts."

"I am completely certain that her total confidence in subduing and eliminating us comes from that powerful, specialized item that she wields, as no normal spellcaster would venture out to do this kind of highly dangerous thing that this girl is doing without fear and terror in her heart." Old man James said with a sense of reasoning in his tone.

"Hmm." The rest uttered and slightly nodded their heads in agreement to what he said.

"Can we see her image? We want to see how she looks like before we set out to kill her and take that wonderful item she possesses which is only meant for our quick destruction." One of the witches said.

"Why not?" Old man James said and gave a slight evil grin.

Then with a little focus from him, the image in his head jumped out of it as a ray of light before turning back into Helena's image in the air for all of them to see.

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